The Expositor, 1869-03-26, Page 86 :p?tlitzposr • SS. PROBLEM Na 68. BY 0: E. CARPENTER., MACK 1Thite to pla SOLUTIO TO PROBLEM No. *67. WHITE. 1 QtoK 7 2 P to B 3 3, P to Kt 3 4 K to B 3 5 K to K 2 6 Mates. ELA. K. PtoB 4 PtoB 5 P moies P moves ,(ch). K tks P SOLUTION TO ENIGMA. No: 1. `" BLACK. 1 P tks R (B) K moves 2 B to Kt 7 (eh) K moves 3 P to R'8 (Kt)(ch)K moves 4 P mates, ENIGMA—No. 2. BY E. B. Coma, Chess Nuts. K4 Q2 KKt8 KB 3 K R 4 - K Kt 2 , White to play and mate in two Moves. Tournament Ccene at the Brooklyn, Chess Club. GAME NO. 73. WHITE. C. A. GILBERG. ). tO rtC • 2 Kt to K B 3 3 'B- to Q Kt 5 4 P to B 3 13,toQR.4 • 6 B to QKt 7 PteQ3 - 8 Castles 9 B to.K 3 • 11) Q Kt to Q 11 P, to Q 4, 1.2 -1.11 P tks B 13 P tks P , Q to K 2 .15 P.tks K 5 16 Kt tks P 17 Q to .K B 3 18 K R1to Q B sq. 19 Kt to K 4 ,20 4t tics 13, • 21. fltksKRP 22 )3 tka °X- Kt 5 ••• 23 11 to .K sq4 24 11 to' K 2 25 It to,Q B sq 26 B tks Kt • • 27 11 to, B 6 28-1. tks B 29 R to Q 8 (ch). 30 11 tks .(eh) • 31 Kt tks Q and t BLA.CK. DR. WHITE. PtoK 4 Kt to Q 13 3 PtoQ 3 PtoQR 3 P to Q Kt.4 Kt to K B 3 PtoKR3 B to K 2 to 1(.3 PtoQR 4 B tk$ B P tks Q P . Kt, to Q Kt 5 Q to Q Kt Sq. P tks P -Castles. P R to Q sq RtoQ3 Q to K sq 13 tks Kt -QKttoQ 4 It to Q R 3 B to Q Kt 5 R. to K 3 to Q 3 tks B Q to QR. sq Q tks Q It to K sq Kt tks li he Dr. reeigni., GAME. NO. 74. WHITE. . BLACK. Betivcan a member of the_Coventry City Chess -Club, and J. H. Hoetl M. C. G. 0; . J. H. FI0oh. 1 P to'K 4 -2 P to KB 4 3 K Kt to B 3 - 4 P to Qii.t.4 5 P td QI3 3 6 B toQB 4 7 B 132-: • 8 Q to Q Kt 3 9 1?tksjCP P tks Q P 11 Kt to 'Kt 5 GastleSi;., 13 Kt to a;.13.3 ° 14. P treK 5 td Q4 16 Q to! B 2 17 B tO Q R 3 18 .KtRsq P to' K 4 BtoQB4 PteQ3 B.tks P B to R4 13 to K 3 • P tks B QtoBsq Kt to K 2 B P tks P P to Q 4 PtoK 1t-3 Castles B to Kt 3 • Kt to K Kt 3 Q to K sq It to BA 'QtoKB2 " 19 Q Kt to Q 2 .Kt to Q13 3 20 P to K Kt 3 Q R to QBsq 21. Kt K Kt sq EttksQP 22 QtriQR 4 RtksB.P 23 R tks K R Q tks R 24 .R to B SCI Q tks ICP 25 Q -Le K 8 (ch) K to R 2-* 26 B to K B.8 it to Q 13 2 27 Q to, Q R.4 • Kt ties Q B R to'g 13 8 R tk8 Kt (ch) Kt te B 6 (eh) Q to K7: (eh.) Qtks (ch) Kt ti) K 4.(ch) • 23 R..-tks Kt 29 QttKS 30 tks R 31 Kte Kt 2 :32 K te R 3 ° 33 K tO Kt 4 34 K to B 4 Kt to Kt- 3 (eh.) 35 K to Kt 4 P to R 4,(ch) 36 K to Ki 5. • 4 tks P (ch) 37 K tks P mates. r THE old " Wb v is a bald Maal'S head like paracliee 'I" being rehearsed to SEATTER EXCHANGE BROKE And dealer in Pure DRUGS, CHEMICALS & DYE STUFFS. The Drug Department is under the s care of an experienced Chemist, - R. M. PEARSO January 21st, 1869. cial 59-ly SEAFORTH MILLS Flourand Feed ! ! ----0--o— HAVING received an Agency from W. & J.. Scobie, for the sale of their unriVell- ed Flour, I am now`prepared to furnish purchasers with an article WHICH WILL DEFY COMPETITION! Parties ordering Flour or Feed from me, can have the same delivered in any part of Town on the shortest notice. WM. AULT. Seaforth, Jan. 20th, 1869. 59-72 Note The Fact.! THAT G. X. 1Paltridp NEW GALLERY • - Is hew -Complete with a new. VOIGHTLAN DER' INSTRUMENT. EV Backgreunds, Lc., &e. None but first -crass picburesitakete and., satisfac- tion:guaranteed. GALLERY oyer Dr. Smith's Office, next door tor. Meyees. ..reaforth, Mails. 13, 183s. 36-6m.. 'CA NADA PEMANE NT B UILD- ING I& SAYING SOCIETY S prepared. to advance money on Improved I Real Estate, on the mostfavorable terms to borrowers, and to buy mortgages. • For particulars, apply to their appraiser, W. N. WATSON) Insurance Agent, Seaforth. Seaforth, Feb. 20, 1868. il-ly • WAGGONS, BUG.GIES, N Wall implements for farm use Mann - 1 -1_ factored by • ICHAUGHT & TEEPLE, Good and Cheap. Rem =bier the stand. - • NORTH ROAD SEAFORTH. Seafortb,Feb. 20, 1868._ 11-ly THE $"rafortit O-Nno5itor " , AND HURON ADVERTISER., (ANE of the largest papers published in the Couuty Tz% reisree EVERI FRIDAY MORNING. JOOSS & LUXTON EDIToltS AND PUBLISHERS. ilf„fl S TRAWL', IS'EAFORT111. TEIZ.MS.—' 51.50 per anunm,r in advance. if t not so paid, $2.000,vill invariably be charged. RATES OF AD sTgRTISING. VE.11: UV itEnfESTgi. - 'The folio -wing rates will beeharged to mer- chants and others who, advertise by the year, I nul in no case Will exCeptions be mo,do • 1 • LIB TIPE,.. THE MONTREAL TEA COMPANY, 60 Hospital Street, Montreal. Our Teas, after the most ,severe, testsby the best ,medical airthorities and. judges of Teas, have been pronounced to bequite pure, and free from any- -artificial coloring or pois- onous substances so often used to improve the appearance of Tea. They are unequalled. for . strength and ,ffavor'Ihey have, been chosen for their intrinsic worth, keepiher in mind health, economy, and a 'high degree of .pleasure in drinking them.. We sell for the smallest possible piefits, effecting a saying to thecons-tinier of 15c. to 20cper lb. I Our Teas aro put up in 5;12. 15,: 20 and 25 lb. boxes, and are warranted pure had free from poisonous substances. Orders for four 5 lb. boxes, two 12 lb. boxes, or one 20 or 25,11b. box, sent carriage free to any Railway Sta- tion in Canada. Tea will be forwarded im- mediately on recerpt of the order by mail containing Money, or the money canbe col- lected on delivery by express -man, where there are express offices. In sending orders below the amount of $10, to save expense it will be better to send money with the order. Where a 25 lbbox would be too much, our families 'clubbing together Could send for our t lb. boxes,' tit two 12 lb. boxes. We send 5hem 'to one address'carriage paid e and Mark each bofplainly, sothat each party get their own tea. We warrant all the:tea we sell to give entire satisfaction. If they are !not satisfactory, they can be returned at our expense. BLACK TEA.— English`Breakiast, Broken: Leaf, Strong Tea, 45c., -53.1:,; Fine Flavored New Season do. 55c., 6Oef and 65c.; Very Best Full Flavertd do. 75c.; Sound. Oolong. 45c.; Rich Flavored do. 60c.; Very Fine do. do. 75c.; Japan, Good, 50c., 55c., Fine 60c., Very Fine 65c. Finest 75c. 659 ;FiyEatngEiNif lirlyEsonA850 cT:76nk0c.a,Y 6550cc.7,05c5..,; Very Fine 85c., Superfine and Very Choice $1 ; Fine Gunpowder 85c. ; Extra Superfine do. $1. Teas not mentioned in this 'circular equal- lY sheap. .Tea only sold by tkis Company, Pr An excellent Mixed Tea could be sent for 60c. and 70c..: very good for common purposes 50c. - - Silver taken at par. FOr notes and post - office orders the .Company will add the .pre- mium. in tea to the order. A complimentary box of tea will be given to parties forming Clubs and sending for 251b boxes. Each box will be marke&Plainly, so that each one will get his own tea. 411rBeware of Pedlars • and runners using our name, or offering our Teas in small packages. Nothing less than a caddie. sold. NOTE THE ADDRESS—The'Montreal Tea Company, 6 Floispital Street Montreal Out of over one Thousand testimonin.4. We insert/ the following: A: -YEAR'S TRIAL.- - The Montreal Tea Company : Montreal, 1868. GEwrs—It.is nearly a year since I purchas- ed the firstchest of Tea from your house. I have purchased many since, and 1 am pleased to inform you that the Tea as in every case proved most satisfactory, as well as being exceedingly cheap. Yours very F. DENNIE. • Montreal Tea Company: Gawk:max-a-The TO 1 purchased of you in March has given great satisfaction and flavourof it is very fine. It is very strange, but since I have been drinkin,e, your Tea have been quite free from heart -burn, which would always pain me after bleakfast. I at- tribute this purity of your Tea and shall . „ continue a customer. ours respectfully. . - FRANCIS T. GREEN. 54, St. John Street Montreal. Montreal, April 1868.—To the Montreal Tea Company, 6 Hospital Street, Montreal : —We notice with pleasure the large amount of Tea that We have forewarded to YOU to different parts of the Dominioa, and. we are glad. to find your business so rapidly ncreaa- Mg. We presuine your Teas are giving gene- , ral -satisfaction, as out of the large ailment forwarded we have only had occasion to re- turn one 1)0,x, which, we understand, was sent out through a mistake. ••• '1 G. CHENEY, Manager Canadian Express Co. Jne columsi for twelve months, • - $60. 001 for six MOnth,S, 7 35 001 for three months, 20 001 Eialf-column for twelve months, •-• :35 001- . . for six months, - - • 20 00 • for three month's, - - 12, 00 • I Quarter of a column for tweiVe months, 20 001 . for months, • - - • -• 12 1101 for threennonths, - - 9 00 1, or each line over tee, first insejtion, 0 081' silkiseenent insertion, - - .- 0 021 The number of lines to be reckoned by thel .3pake oecupied, measured by a seale of solilt I;revier. A dvertisemants without 5].) '01111, directions JK publislied till forbid, and charged ic eord . GEO. W. ROSS • ropete, or. Ytt, - Lard Derby, •with its answer, "Because it's a 11 ight zuld shining plitee. where there's, ki;o parting or dyeing," the Earl a Idea : . " A.nd thank goodness, whei e t tere are no more Whigs-!" 2. eeatain -pietina.ster is deseribed as tlruzeeist, deatist, has a groeery, dry ) al-i°1aeets anti shees, is a silveremith, jeLll.i, panvan., ea:ainet ina,kee), - and '0 —ar toe tCJ Jt1 to HICiald11.7 1 •°313IvERY & E STALES. Id . . Tealli'eaT-t 'La\ and (4 ood VOA - all on rOasanal)le terms.1 lar.zryst. and bcot, Lver,„ in a;eafort.h..i Suital 'oerntereiai Travellers. - of '81.aFp's .. • • - -a 14, 1,...,6 j. y ANOTHER WONDERFUL CURE OF • CONSUMPTION IN CANADA. MESSRS YOUNG & CHAMBERLIN, --S rs, I feel it a duty I owe to you, as well as toithe public to inform you of the most wonderful cure of Consumption, accomplished in my person, by the use • of the t•Ireat Shoshonees Remedy and Pills. 1 coughed a great deal day and night, expeetoratincr a great quanti- ty of matter, and had a great pain about.my left lung. I had cold clulis every day, and severe night sweats every night, and between the racking cough and great sweating. I was almost deprived of glecp by these miseries as wellas the loss ef appetite, I was so I e- duced that I could, hal-Illy stand alone: I was under the care of a: physician for a length of time, and finding no relief, I tried different receipes, but all without any good effect. Squire Petatoif of Bath, re- eamunisided,me to riso.the Great SIthshonees Renictly;, I procured three bottles at once, with the Pills, so SON as I corm:domed using it I began to get better, and when I had iin- ished this coMplement, the cough, e-xpectora-. lien of matter, pain about the lung, chills, sweating, &c., left me.; and by continuing its lifie 1. became strong and healthy. It is how over two menths since I quit the reme- dy, and there have been no speptoms of the disease returning., am.' I have been, and am now, healthier and better than I have been for years. I trust you will make this known to the public, that they may lie aware of the peculiar virtnes of this truly wonderful In- dian Remedy. PETER C. V. AIILLER. Ernestown, County of Lennox and A.ddinuton Ontorie • TO all to whom_ it may come.—This is to eertify that have been aeqeainted with the above mentioned gentleman, - Peter C. V. Nfiller, Esq., for many years, and 'have kno wn biut always to be of the very high - At respectability and a very- candid and email:aide person, and I am confident that 3 ean safely vouch forthe truth of the above, any °Um. statemeht made by him. REV. NV. V. N HARPER, 44- ly Reetor of Bath/Ontario. ZINFMERNIAN HOUSE, WROXE- reia JeuN Z131 -31E1131 AN, Proprietor. Dec. 14, 18Q8. 53 -ti arsaparillian and iis Associates, GREAT SENsAT/ON. A 090D SENSATION 'PAIN CIIRED 'IN AN INSTANT.. CIME AND -ITS LESSONS ruesty Tear: Experience and Stitdy bi Prfeeting Good Medicine Secuecsu new wine cf Haplancss to .111;71ionss ! IVONDERVIIL 17/1120VIEDIENT • IN RADWAY'S READY RELIEF' Dr. iRadway's newly. discovered process fo ecuring medicinal extracts (in vacuo), frem regete.ble substances, adds greatly to the inie woven:lent of the Ready IN AN INSTANT it stops and cures.the nost violent PAINS, ACIIES, CHAITIPS,, IPASIIIS, with electrical velocity; t It removes every Ache, Cramp, Spasm, n* Pain that may cxis in the INSZIDE or )1IITSIDE of an, Woman, or Ch:ld. • HOW TO APPLY IT; Rub the pelt of the body where pain exists eely with the Ready Relief; soak a flannel n the Relief, and lay it aeross the parts where there is a pain or Inflammation. It the- iarts are too srnsitive for rubbing, bathe. the )ody with the Relief with a sponge. Pain. the nost excruciating will subside in a FEW CONGESTION OF TH,E LUNGS. Bowel$, 'Kidneys Bler,-.nd in all easel where therb inilitemation, tiladd--u e Relief slauld bo anplied freely, ('it 1C with the bane by 1.-ebbiee, ee a f.-001e.•:e by bathin.-, r 'flannel soaked with Relief, and laid at.ros Cm politic& - Arts. in a, few moment.; all p-01 will cease, and tau; . muse that occasions the pain rentot.ed. TAICEN INTERNALLY. Ten to 80 drops in 'half tumbler of water, will in fl.v0 • nitrates, stop Pain, Crantps., Crd.:::ms. Colic a -ad infialunta, ;Ion of the mucus membrane of the internal Ti 1ccra4, tii lose repeated every 15 minutes, will cure the wetot formii- )f, Canada Cholera, Cholera. Mori:nisi 1)ir.a-rhea, 1:lys-e4te-ry, ftmcl all painful gliscliarp.,:esTirom •the 33owels. A Great Medical Triumph . ‘e. NEW PR•INCIPLEW-'• PURGATION SECURED Di DR, RADWAY'S Perfect Purgative Pills, 1.4 Vegetable Suts,titute for Calomel aml,Nereml. 2 -- Counter -Irritation, made perfect 4: Radway's Pills that withdraws inflamatioi cominunicating its* plfrative Trope/11*el! throng,li the BLOOD, 1SWEAT, UZINI and other fluids. *Ono tea spoonful in ordinary cases is 2 dose—TWo tea Spoonsful in ehroaic disease that have afflicted the patient for years.— It is at powerful, Remedy, 'but is inneeetr of barm.—Tt is unlike allpreparations o Sarsaparilla. , Therefore, always ask for Dr. Radwart Sarsaparilliart—take DO other—see th t th( word Sarsaparillian is on the label o gad bottle—and IL li. it _Resolvent. THE GE.NIX OP ITEALTII ROTTLED- 'UP IN ItilDWAY/ S.A.11,11PARILLIAIT B.ESOLV=T 171e Properties of Rs Ingreeients. t A woSilcitillrful4irigrAednicintL TuwitillklirT). 1-1'.- Pit: orinr1.71eirtviees(!lifurattivil f., P1110 1110 of flarsay:arilir.)„ elans...- the blood vf -itiael hairnet:4c flea caeca; front the systent 1113 taint of corrnp tion--rophily 17;.;311ilTe4 from the 11,.. It PI.1 PLES, BLOT C1I77.:4. 1'ITFT1:11.4. 'YLTTERS, ACNE, )i1 1t WORM,S _AND 1 ',';':.1:CT6, imj arth;;!. ir-atit:P,.l elltniteiJ fi ill-) ritity. and till r.)seate hue of beahlt a nit u - -t. 1, complex ion. .A. low doses willInta&e a remarkabls ellau.,;* JAILMIV„IM FUCI.—This extraonlinary arrent, *se, elated Avitit 6MIS.,k13.1,11.11,311AN, 1';':;.%;71.1: ty, actanishing '1 110 um -art -II Sr:la:lei tleerA, Nodes. Tuator=, Vore.t,jir 6ore4, Uhenututi...to read Wanderii,:c Pa7.11 4, and form ; of Skin Ili,ca,o 1. A 4 P. ri seriidiy, 31i 3 lip xe.nte, (1124 ir I:a:so con pin ".t; t and ii -,,Oelat.1031 AV il 111"3-01.13T inr('(ioenti 111 CIO pia.tes a cure bJyond thi possibility of a doubt. risiaiElnA remikv.A..—Tat5 Tnarretoes a;ont e- Anh 3.11.1111* 1\ it It F13( it egtli.*fent).1..f1it n-dieal world a.; to 1a4 in fit 3 1:4;32.1,3 fu I ot,vr rr.rp po:ted tot i in il prep ,Ittett. 1..,xt'1le:Allyt 10 3_., etninent 1)1af,t ti0111. T:4 .0 Euro:, ;atlair.!ti..,, d 13 altorative, liC1rontriptir, saper;or ) ;Tan logx, Turptnt nCo:mths., (c..11)-2)2, 47,1, 1-111-2.3111 wor..tt, fn 3)4 of Bladder, 11;111 t:-..Istar,r ItJ e kit .011111*1. i *1 i st 3 1;1:alder.L oiits Ii.:•tentltat of l:Kne, 74.-ai.f.pams I ntlaumr,itton th ib r -I ifrA., ; 1313310 *it in.lantly and in (11.,4(14 1 II1)3 c6.31M.:r 11. ea it wil Drilecr.iti_raareia., ttottal itaratany ) L"- 1' I.:I-3 '..tineys airI eechres 'the s:11.1.q lett 4.4 nr:na from 1:1e 1.1 9otl. I3e..1313 j $ cit,udy, fi 22o eat .t, albtaa'en wad ..7.1tr w131 N.1t33es3 raf fili)earati,...'s 1...10.3 aigr.t3 of t,,rror. v. -ata clt11n3rd cLear arab: r flea healthy. color. D -,4.-r tr 1:11.114.1 that t13..,3 Dr:solvent ]3 1 3 only' r.mtedy that contain: sorsaparinian e,ne the pure Pareira Brava. NE-Uri:AT Eat-icoNnanED /200127s,.--Iiht pr,..,,,,erLiC ir,il tItz.e rect.; c rit.. a powerful 4y..1.111r ki nagmenthrs t;.).0 1:111 es:el-et:1y; oritif.e tii.A e.g.k3.9.t, cEpel retained e:cr.rement:tiousIroanoure that 'by iraititing Cie f.:7.1.3, eallf10 r:)ots, t.e Theze, combined wt 1 otter aent7, teeure a ialek.ex nullan all 111:-..n.'r tfrzrn Ito FOR BILIOUS DISEASESI Not one in a, tlaceaasarid wOuld suffer from 13.1.1lous coanpiaints.i Dr. ILIftawa40.4 tr43atment is 01) - served., autl all -who iutuy be seloed. -with X1iious - Colic, lious ]'ever, rrypirioia _ 17'4 evei.,,,/\ Chilli; anti rie-ver, T`crVer anti, - Ague, Ilenxittant axicl. Intermit from Congested Wood Vessels,- Nerves,t-aP-1; l'e"trer• In fact all animal Liver, Stomach, Bowels, Kidneys, and other ' and vegetable fevers are' prevexv- viscera, and purging all excrementitiouk ted and. cured by nekereweeeseas corrupt humors and diseased deposits froritiPilaias, assisted wlipn required * the system ' tl;ese Pills a nourishing and nutrih , 3.—n , tious principle is secured, by which tilt: blood, juices and fluids of the system, be- come invested with the 'vigor of life—they; are tlie only purgative medicine — tha;t' strengthens during•the process of purgationa These Pills act as a solvent and tonic toJ the gastric juice, enabling this solvent cifl the system to properly dissolve the sub4,- 'tames taken into the stomach, and aid d1-1 gestion, and the convertion of said substan- ces into the proper constituents to make; pure, rich and wholesome blood, the deficiend cy of which is the cause of Dyspepsia, in- digestion. Diabeates and many urinary dial cultiese etc. i 4.—They regulate the organs of the sys- tem ; restoring functional harmony and sue; curing the secretion of the proper constP tuents of each organ ; by their action the.; Liver secretes its allotted proportion of bie le—the Lungs, Carbon—the Skin, Sweat -e-; the Kidneys, Urine, eze. t , 5 —The aged, and „persons subject Val Constipation, Costiveness, Paralysis and! Weakness of the Bowels, Kidneys and Medal der, &c., that have; to resort to injections ;H, by taking two or tliree of Radway's Pills, wit I enjoy natural discharges, and by the occ4e1 sional use of them have regular operational In these cases their strengthening and nutrte] tious principles are -exhibited ; - every dostlel will add new strength to the bowels, Liv4 I Kidneys, &c., that may be worn or deplete by disease or age. 6 —Ira these Pills, a want that sci6ice has' ever failed to supply is secured, and that a thorough purgative that can be given i safety in cases of, eruptive fevers, as Smaij • Pox, Erysipelas, Yellow Fever, Scarlet an':. Typhoid Fevers—when the Mucous Ment -1 brane becomes ulcerated—now these Pi1s1 purge thoroughly, and heal ulcerated' anL excoriated parts. 7.—These Pills are made from exteacts— from • new ingredients—entirely vegetable, superior in every respect to the ordjaa7 powders and substances of the common aa- vertisai Pine. Two of Radway's Pins wilti act quicker than half a dozen of the commo0 drastic pills in general u -se. ELEGANTLY COATED -NO TASTE OR SMELL. - SCOURIEIC THE INSIDES. Persons who take Pills ;for the purpo$ of eetti no. "a *rood sco urine- &it"' arel)nr1 0 eg,I not aware that they are N-,,,c,saring- away . the intestines, irritating the Mucous Membrane -4 and laying the foundation for Piles, inwar4 Ulcers, Sores, &c. • iNikri:maj-,E, that - claimed by some to be a substlinte for 'Mee cury, will produce this , effect ;-.it will scoij the 1-xavels like any other drastic, and wear them out (see page 666, Wood Baches, U. S. Pharmacopia). .1'tfandrakr as a constituent of a .purgative pill, for gaf neral or continued use Ls hurtful, .aud its it: troduction into a pill sccuresrio new prin pie. Mandrake is inferior to the ;.-,ar..1-te cras principle, in the oficinal al etio pill cf thrf. dispensatory ; so there is nothing new this azent, althougri its principal aclvoc presc:Its it to the public uncier Dr. Re way's ori3irr1 discovery, of a vegetable su stitute for 2Iereury. by the 11,3CAErir arrLEA,Trimryzir. . As a prevention, when eitiier of these maladies prevail, take one pill per day, this Will regulate the liver, and supply any defi- cency of the healtly condition of the gastric juice, the natural solvent of the system, and secure healtly digestion ; :Fen to twenty cIrcps of Reedy Relief, in water as a drink, this will secure invigoration and strength where there is weakness, lassitude and lan- guor, and neutralize the poisonous acids, tee.nerated from the taases ofindivested food irritant and iriorbid humors, of the stomach, ez.c., and if seized with. any form of fevers, take* the pills in large doses 4 to 6, every six hours, a fcw doses wilt ensure a cure. I have cured the worst forms of Yellow, Ty- phoid, Marsh Ship, and Isthmus .Fevers'on the West Incties, South America, and my - treatment with the -Ready Relief, and Pills, have met with the same success in the East- Indies,—these fevers are all of one family,. forms as they exist in temperate climates ; than in their more fatal types of the torrid zaoudwill.nes.'nor: readily yield in their milder 01\TM PIT_Ji_f - I Taken when symptoms of dirzines.s. fullness. Or nes 111 the head. nausea, at atenuteli, indigestion, e0StiVe- ness, flairial,er eating, sleeplessness, bad dreams, &c.,- • .. appear., mill soon cure this difficulty 11athvaN,4g: lilts are, unlike all other pills. Each pill contain/ 3 grains of the active enrative,prineiples of extimeis of the rarest rerodnets 'of the vegetable Kingdoml—of ingredients some of thein never before rif_C-41 lt3 . eiue, and to be found only in these pills. In purehr-s- in g see the t one c f the labels -is marked 11 P.11. No. 8. and the fae-sim i le signature of liadway Co., printe1 in iled 1 ukand that Ittulway's Liegtdaftill on the Olherlahet, there are Pills in each box,,e0-e, I vete I with sweet gem.. Pried 2,1 per box: Pima' by Druggists and 'C.:et:airy Merchants. Dr.. ,I-Z,..4-3.13W.A.-5.7 SARSAPARILLIAiN. RESCLVEVIT. This extraordinary medicine is making astenishing, cures of all kinds a Hi -in Diseases, t4a1;; Rheum, l'e,ts„ ter, BASIL Erysipelas litings Evil. and all ERIN.- D1SE,A.,SES f Nose, ..ilouth. Throat, .1 L5 Ears, Legs, &e. it has 11111.10 R01110 of the most usto-- nishing eure.i of uneure.1 rypbili:ie and f„,lev4M.0110 DifleafieS. 1, evf...r-rores. Erleers. Tumors, Swellings of the Gleutls, an:I 11.; ereurial,1-30res. • - in all eases of -Weakening discharges in ta,:.lies, e ' neh ontea. ,Elcural bus, awl discherees from di* Uterus. i i ii.10110.9t perfOlf_t Cara tiV3 knOVID. 111 diSeare:..4 cf the Nittneyi.=. Bladder and Urinary passnees in Dinheates, Crave). Bright's Lificese, in a3)eres5io11 of Wine, and in eases where the urines deposits Brick Dust,'" Lime coneretions, ‘713,ite. threat!, or albumen like the white of an eP•g. or th03 urine la thick, delay, .ke when the patient haS great treahle to hold water With eoustatt disehamo, and it comes away in tlArss, and haS strongsraell of ammoniac, and s.tarp &him; OainS arty e2,:perteneed along the canal of the Urethra, end dull heavy pa:n intim lhe nck, thighs awl ower the 1,1atlikr an1 itianeys, the t4.arsaparillian- - Resolvent will soon change all tlr.?so cure this pa.lcnt. This remedy is better than 13.1ehtt, Cuhehs Copabia, Creosotq, n11 etbcr agents; urea in these 0210.3. Let these, suirering g-rva it a trial. . hundreds t-,1 nersons who were compelled to use Calbolers 105aeure diSelgtrgt, 7 = or water, have b.:7 the live a six botdes hum lonotd-= tely cured., and by one teast•:oonfui, titre° that's ner dcv, enioya,l' the felicity ef pessine-.their ivier nala- _ rally. In all eat:es ,s.ce that die word - Sdrsapazil- li an" is fAt the, label cf eaeli bottle. and -on -the frentce theIabd 31. It. RBNOVATING -- 11a5OLVLST. Pride one _dollar per bottle, si4-, bottles for tve.dellars. Aare -4 JOHN Ri/OWAY$ Pl. O. 8 CO., 72O,IszWaattikzEgi- f-Cti13 ALVDETJGGIva -3 MSS & -LUTON, E VOL. 2, NO 1 ' C4,,1ERON:, a • Attorney -at -Law, tatk - Dee. 14, 1-868, L. VERCOE, M. D.. C1AN,- SUrtreon, etc., igmontiville, Dee. 14, 186 rR \V R. S:NIITH, rn (-tracery. 31a:shit:nee, Seaforth, Dee. 14, 1668. -) TRACY, M. C Jae the County of Hum 11,EsIDENCE-- One door East Episedh, eoopratlChilittle'o.hi. sisos. MeCOSH, ...krroILN •Solieitor 211 Chaneery, Paris, -Ont., AImiey to lo icy. Terns easy. Ofiiiee— Star Building. Paris, Dee. 14, 1868. ENSONMEYER, and Attorneys at La Cnaneery- aud Insolveney Notaries Public, &e. Offieti Wroxeter. nr.x.soN, Seaforth, ,D*...c„ 10th. 1868. •& W. MePIIILLIPS k3r. Latta Surve3ors, Ci All manner of Conveya neatness and dispatch. missioner in 'II., lt. &Mice — of Sharp's Hotel, Sea.forth, S'eaforth, Dec. 14,13t$. AYS & ELWOOI), JJ and. Attonleys at L Chancery, Notaries Publi &c. Office., -,--Over Mr. A <;rabb's Bleek„ -Gotierich, Lend. W. Tounam% IIAYS, Seaforth, Dec. 14th 1666. .f. W.:CLEARY-, ,L.w, Solicitor in IJ ancer, &e.,- &c. Briek Bleck; Money to cent. Intere.st, .0311,,rood. real estate. Seaforth_, Dee. 12. 1868. suRi: , Dentist., Artifieial tures inserted with allthe L improvements, The grea+ the preservatiOn of decayed. -Teeth extracted without p Collier's Sterti - Seaferth, Dec, 14, 1868. RMSTRONG'S ' IIOT 'tual.. Stage House, no. This I-Ionse offers the. tion to travellers. Stages Seaforth and Wroxeter, sta,ges to Walkerton and t at Seafortb. W. Ana= Ainleyvllle, April 23,1 .1 I- R. ROSS, Proprietor' f) , Hotel, begs to• inform forth and the ',travelling co ly, that lie keeps irst-elas. in every thing required 1 - good stable -and Wiling 11 hand. Regular Boarders necessary attention. Seaforth, Feb. 8th, 1869. 1CAUGHEY & ROL' unmus, Attorneys -a Chancery and Insolvelic.3 and Conveyancers, Solicit Bank, Seaforth, Agents for Assurance Icf. B. S °/„. • Farees,1 Houses .and Sedorth, Dec. 14, ,i858. LuBtLSKI, s•uR X., BOWS; respectfully,in of Seaforth and surroum he is prepared to 'eure -Corn Mains, IngroWing NaiLs, L all diseases of the hirman f a sucedssfultr'eatment, wit] nesi. Office -directly oppos Dry Goods Store, Main' Str aforth, Dge, 14, 1868. IN letting. la'nd Shaving w-OTICE.—LITTLE want a good Shave, tnetete8-`1,11'4131P° LititaIei:.1146,fol:astrnteleet tr,„'I'8,eaf 117kills111 co1meetrn will ing e.onitiing public .on April in bottles at $.1 each. (Ion Seaforth, Dew 14, 1868_ 53, 11 TIOWNEY HOUSE, CO if and Huron Sts., Wm. prietor,. The proprietor the travelling 'public an.d p rounding country that ha house in a comfortable ream to accomodate all who shall ealL The table is furnfsh the market affOrds, Liqu best brands. There are e4 to the hotel. Seaferth. Doe. 14, 1868. 1( ROXETER HOUS - BEES, !Proprietor. been lately enlarged and style. His ropras are larae which eannot but lniiL home for the travelling in will be furnished with all the season. , Best brands Cigars at the Ban This general Stage Otlite. 1,1717oxster, Ilay 14, 1868.