The Expositor, 1869-02-19, Page 2•
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gfir xpoit
The Official Pa,per of the County.
The Clinton. it6w, Era in notidng
lhe election 111 S�iftli Lanai k says':
" Were -a general election for Conta-
, ria to be held' nextnionth, the nresent
Cabinet. would secure' the suppo1 t of at
leaSt sLtsy-five out of the eig1ity44 o
:constituencies'. Tile Ontario Cabinet -is
an danger .fram GOO- strongbut
it is safe froin the fact that the Oppo-
sition is destitute of _the Material to
Make' a, thinistry With, the solitary
exceptionpf Mr., Blake, there )iot
a man on the, oppo asion :benches who.
-would ,not. disgrac the ,Pro-vince by
being made a Cabh et Minister. This
is a fact which we presume no Re-
former" wffl prete d to deny." •
In entering- -ou dissent -from the
statement above ade, we -do so, not
scrinuch froth an .apprehension that
he opinions ef the 'Yew 47 o, will have
a very &ma' ging e et supon th'eenter-
est of Reform, but fiom a' conviction
'that the statement s -efitirelT wrong iD
point: Of:fkla. AAT admit that John
Sandfield's Ministry has been- able to
eke out an exittende daring the last
eighteen 11101.41S' ;bu -they oll'ave' done
so, not because they represented the
views, of the Iteforin Patty, but because
they acceptea tb c ie o tho opposi-
ti.o4; ratlna• than 1- isle a defeat on their
own policy -if that can be called a
policy hic1i changes to suit circum-
. stances. .Theit great secret of success -
has b -a ,pusilaniniouS ,.acciuiescence
to the demands Of. the Opposition, rather
than a manly'defence of any 1.)6.•licy of .
their own. We have seen, lime' and
again measures brought in& the -House
by.members of th d Cab. ine,t, and before
these measures were accepted,entirely
remade ecl . hate had a Mineral
Policy that, has been undergoing COD-
Stallt changeS: We have had a License
Bill entirely- changed, and a stunning
defeat of Ministei's caused by it. . We
have lad a mild form of Sectarian
grants, met by the Opposition. in a Inca
tion by Ma -Perry, and carried ny a
large majority. • Whete ; then. is. the
justice of saying that Saidlield's
istry enjoys. the confidence of the couu-
try-, much less that of . the Reformers of
Ontario? ..- Who could endorse that un-
just system • 8£ eAravagance by which'
- _
the peeplo s monis '•Vp_ofusely ,spent
Li elideaVoring to b-uild Ulf a pseudo -
aristocracy, by enermous.:expenditure
on a Govet•nor.• ene4a1's residence 7
- Who could tustify that -system of bully-
ing so systematically • indulged by, the
Premier :Where is. the Man of inde-
pendence Who. would not resent such.
lauguage as that used towards Mr. Dar -
tier of Halton, when Sandfield told him,
C J .have giArell you. ,coutracts for Man-
. .
lets: I have given, you Contracts for I
paber. I have placed a large amount
of money in your B adi, and dL---n you,
you would nowotoIgainst me." - Sure-
ly the People of titan° appreciate
good mends and polqical integrity Well
eapugh, not to cring, before a man who
ha no other ob.*. than self aggran-
T -
dim:tient, an 1 is in pelle,d by 110 other
Motive than a, restle-s ambition.
As to the fitness of the Reform Party
to govern the coun r no ,man but one
wilfullrblind to the results of our last
two sessions of legislation, will fail to
give them eredit. for more ability. than
that found on the Ministerial bencnes.
Whence came that infameas thange
the, Titles to Property, by whio]i the
clainas, of real property holders, are put
upon the same basis as that of spequla-
tors 7 e- Whence came that interf4ence
'with vested rights as in the case of Sir
II. Smith's will, by which no nu can..
say that his, .property is secure aft r his
death 7 -a:Whence came that tamp ;ring
with the License Laws of the cou ts.y,
at the nod and beck of L. V. A. of
Toronto -Whence came 'that le isla-
tion!in l8G7, which Sir John -4. me -
Donald declared to be unconstitutional,
and 'which Sandfield was obliged io re-
, .
_pet.' .1N-1.1ence came the oppositi n to
Income-Franchie, '1.)Y which. him A
of intelligent laborers and profess °nal
men were,denied a Voice in the egis-
lature of the .country.7 If to originate
such measures are the qualificationa of
men. who 'Should gOvern the country,
they are:easily fdund. And ifwe did
not believe that there • aremen ujt the
Reform ranks who would do moie for
Ontario, in the way of good, s
practical legislation, we Would n
a moment claim for, them the rig
rule. The power to hold office anc legislate, is. in. the estim
of sonte men, one aad theesame
But- the fact that a man holds an
is not prima -facia evidence of fithets.
And ,we believe that all that is wpted
to show that the present Ministry-. 1dots
not 'Command the confidence of the
country, is that the peopie should be
lowecl 'to pronounce a verdict upbn heir
'act- ons in the shape of a general - lee-
tio • L
t for
dn g:
It isnow about three quarters of a
.century, since the advocates of ,eminci-
pation -first Aeclared war against •th e
iniquitous ,traffic it homan flesh. Bri--
tain, some 40 years age, yielding to -the
voice of humanity and justiee, libe atcd
all the 1a es Within her vast domit ion,
.a.nd placedthem, so far as civil r ghts
were. collected, apon the same' fo ing
with the white. Later, the Ui ited'
States, by the exigencies of a tor ible
rev` ()intim, sounded the death-kn 11 of
slavery, rand -still nobly -strives to el -
sate the degenerated blacks, to cit zene
shtp and power. One of the ost
sweeping declarations ever yet mad by
that Republic onthis much cont sted
question, WELS. lately made in the IL Ss
Senate. Aftea most vehement and
. r.
lasting contest the folio wie resolation
was carried :--
. " Th at no discrimivation sh ail be :Made
M the 'United .States among the citizefls.
of the -United States in the ekerciise of
the elective franchise,- or in the riglit to
bold office in any State, on account of
race, celer, witivity, property, ediae'tion
and creed.'I
This resolution. goes to the Hou e of,
Representatives Nyhere a speedy co cur -
ranee is expected. It will then belaube
witted to the State Legisluture, and as
soon as ratified by three forths of theni
will become part and parcel Of the on-
stitution of the 'United 'States. to, be en-
forced, if neeessary, by the strong arm
of Federal power.
What :wondrous changes are some-
times brought .hbout in a few years.
Who would letve thought ten years ago,
that those four million blacks, Who
toiled„ wept and bled, on -Southern
plantations, would so soon receive fheir
independance, and be elevated to the
dignity of 'citizens of the Amettican
Republic I W no would • have though,
that the power of :that Republi , so
lately wielded to keep those slay .s in
bondege, and to foige the better of heir
captivity, would be so soon 'eve -ted,
and employedto shield, nourish and
educate them Verily We liy in
times of great Aocial and political pro:
• • .
gress. The watchword of the e-
teenth centu4r umnistakebly is "E ual
rights to _all exclusive privileg s to
to none."
BY an-:A_et passed at the last ESesion
of the Legislature of Ontario, the lerk
of each Municipalty is a Divitieri Ae.
gistrar to receive notice of all births,
marriirges or deaths within his munici-
pality. Parents, guardians, clergymen,
and physicians are required to sen4 no-
tice to, the Clerk of ail births, marri-
ages, and deaths, and heavy penalties
are attached to a negloct of this duty.
The ,kw comes into force on the, Lt of
July, 1869.
The contest new going on, in Hants,
Nova. Scotia, is likely to attract great
attention., The Repealers aiat using
clvery effort •tc secure Mr. Howe's" de:
feat, and feel ciuite confident of success.
Mr, Howe is equally confident that
his course will be sustainecEby the elec-
tors., He issued his addrets a few days
ago, in whichhe asserts that he has
fulfiled every pledge :-.
"(1) To defett -the delegatet who fram-
ed the Britisl _American Act ; (2) to
endeavour to get that Act repealed ;
(3) failing a repeal; to endeavour to
have the ict thoditiedan.c1 improved."
The address is remarkably clever and
winds up with the following cleverly
put and artfd 1,y worded,finak :
"This; offic men of Hants, though
the technical ¥ornialities make it mine,
is your gift, nd to be of any value to
me must 'receive it at your hands. I
could have ac epted it With a seat in the
Senate, and 'enjoyed it without your
sanction, but you trusted me and I am
not afraid to ,) r ust you On a Calm re-
view of all th t circumstances, I believe
that you will rattly by your. suffrages
my conduct and policy, ' I cannot con -
&send to defend Myself from the mean
charges and insinuations with which
those who luxe been for more .than a
year fattening on the public' treasure
have already defiled the press ; but I
shall:be prepared to meet any of those
persons before the electors of .1Tants to
defend my own' conduct, and, perhaps,
to do what r have not hitherto done --
make some inquestion into the corect-
ness of their own. Apart altogether
-from the• mere personal question, you
have got aow to de Me- whether Nova
Scotia Shall raise . '40,000 a year by.
dirge. taxation ; or. -hether 'ay this ne-
gotiadon, Ratified by the ' Canadiae
Parliament, our roads and bridges, and
other pnblic services, shall be amply
provided for without any necessity.
You have also to decide wbe ber there
shall li0. a just and fair .achnsnistration
d affairs by your own rept .sentative,
who has seen some service andi gathered
some experience; or whethier Nova
Scotia is tohave no infl`tience, in con-
ducting the Government of the Do-
minion, to the- authority of which by
law her people are bound to submit. I
hope to get into the County soon, and
will then be prepared to answei. any
question you may ask-. or to give any
further information that this paper does
not supply. , In themeanetime, believe
sne, yours truly,
S 1 D ERA.BLE agitation prevails in
certain circles in England 011 the mat-
ter of Eniigration. The poor houses
are being crowded with many Who
could earn a living for themselves in
countries where there was not so inuch
competition in labor. -Thou-sands .are
emigrating to -Brazil,' and it is thought
if some regular system for securing
employment for them -in this counti.y
were devised, and a small amount for-
-wattled to pay then expenses, that a
large influx .would immediately -take
The St. Thomas Horne Journol has
the following in its last issue
The which Mr. Gibbons,
-of Senth Huron, 'was • deprivedof his
seat in the Legislature of -Ontario,, Was
not deprived him of the confidence of
those. who knew hirn.-lie has been,
two or thre.e weeks ao, unanimously
elected Warden of the 'Con nty of Huron:
and d
tt was the other day announce,'
that 'he had been elected a member o
the Costncil of the Agricultural Associ-
• TEN ERS for certain parts of the
Intercilehanial -Railway have 'already
been accepted by the Commission, at
prices ranging from $9000 to $20,000.
Et is expected that the rest of the road
will be contracted for before the, end
of March.
A ministerial correspontlen't in Otta-
wa reports that the Hutson Bay Com-
pany have reduced their deniands, and
tiliat Sir George E. Carter expects to
-be able to -annex the North West Ter-
ritory within three months.
Troop Sergeant Major -Joseph Coul-
ter, of The 13th Hussars, died at the
Crystal Palace barracks, on Monday,
after a short illness, in the 39th year
of his age. He was one of the few
survivors of the gallant Light, Brigade
Who made' the ever memorable charge
at Balaklava--" he noble six hundred.
His death is deeply regretted by every
one in the regiment, from the Colonel
-Mr. McCann, has succeeded in
rasing $10,000 towards a Deaf and
Dumb Institute in montreal.
MADRID, Feb. 1 0,, ---Only one of the
persons implicated nathe .assassi _tion
of the Governer , of Burgos hastfleen
sentenced to death, and his case :will
await the action of the Cortes. tt
The: constituent Cortes -will teet
to -morrow for organization. •
MADRID,' Feb. 1 O. -Admiral *Te-
te, Minister of the Marine, has gioed
general Graters for the remodeliit of
the Spanish navy. .
LONDON, Feb. 1 0. -The ConsOva-
tives are makaing preparatiolik to
carry vigorons-,opposition.
Lord .Cairns will replace the star - of
Malinesbilry - as the Leader in the
house of Lotds. .
Feb: 1 0.--M.-Wa1ewski has
left Athens, 011 his return to this.
He is the barer of a satisfactory t-tsply
from the Greek- Government o* all.
points to the proposals of the -pais
Convension. ,
London, Feb.. '11: evening.--esiny
House of LorM met to -they but Nath -
out doing any, buisness e iniport4ce,
and adjourned until the I6th iu
Madrid, Feb. 11.---eltivero wile' be
chosen' President of the Cortes, whicii
meets to -day.
The Queen*as net pit ;ea, but Her
Majestfaspeech WaN reat to the esteems
bled house by the :Lord ittneelloa
The speeth. is in subSta -cc as foil owe: -
The Queen assures. t e Lords ad
00D1111011.4 that thc. relat ons. of Great
Britain with all foreign I ewers, are- at
present on exesillent footi g.
Whiehthrea ened to break -
out in the East, have be m prevented
by the Conference of the Great. Powers
at Paris.
-The hope is expressed that the negO-
tiationC with the Trnitee titetes 101
place on a firm and (lurid de lateid the
freindship shotid erer exiet 'be
tween England and Amer ea. --
`Disturbasices ill the C"'y of New
Zealand are to be reetto ; but the
Queen is sure thatprudenie ;Alld. Moder-
tiOn on the pert of the Grernment will
prevent a recurrence of eh unhappy.
'The -estimates which laalieid be-
fore -the House of comm ale by I:Ur •
Majetsy's Ministers, are fr uned on the-
batis of economy, eeuplec with eleis
enCy of the ad Mini -ant n of the
The Continued : suspension os the
operation of the writ f i'sCor-
cpusoayarii Ireland is regaid ci mine
The _bcclesiastical arra/
A majority of the Members .fesigiattr. Ireland are to Le'conside
Ferdinand, father of the King of =eft The Legislation
tfigaI, for rider of Spain. If he TOlfu-
ses, the Duke of Montpensier t)-
bably be chosen. The Carlists itt,re
quite active in the Basque prOvincessi
. London, Feb. 11.---A banquet
givento the ministm last eveningat
Fishmongers' Hall. Mr. Gladettne
made.a speech, in the coarse of witich
he reviewed the progress alreadv
in carrying into effect the resolves ' for
the disestablishment of the fitisli
Church, .and declared his inteitti# of
promeding speedily and prade*ily,
encoutag,ed by the character of he
Queen, who aSsordates he.rself with thc
intreSte and affectioas .of the neoge ;
by the character_ and abi1it,y . o issi his
colleagues, by the favointsble judgint
of ,, and by the.. jrisetic - of
the, cause.
M. Bright also addressed the in-
.pany. He concierunecl the profus sex
penditures of past years and urged rethe
necessity on the. part of the House of
Commons of being more positive nd
decided on the question of n-
omy. •
. Madrid, Feb. 11. -Ten 2tholitiji1d.
troops are to sail immediately ;:lor
I -
Madrid, Feb.1 2. ---The constitijnt
Cortes formally opened its sessions Oere
yesterday, with .great -ceremony.. 'fTlie
city was profusely -decorated in holto . of
the event: . Crowds of.people whe$ in
the steets. Flags were flying, anCthe
day was r,egarded as a holiday. ..the
President \pf tile Ministry, Matlbal
Serrano; delivered a -- congratulOory
address on the assembling of the dpi -
ties. Marshal -Serrano said that the
nations of Europe, in attaining a high-
er degree of civilization, threw of, the
traditional bonds which fetterect ."sthe
public mind. Spain delayed fiir a
long time following example of her -
representatives to construct a new
edifice. The revolution has :achieved
a bloodies victory. The strength: = 'of
the nation has not been impared, but
extravagance of former admin istratiOns
has disorganized and embarrassed, its
finance.The.Government relies upon the .cor-
tes to reixedy this by economicai ''' re-
forms, and .charges in the administration
by wise legislation in regard to thdpu-•
blic debt and :the payment of the interest
thereon, and by economising the _ ex-
penses of the army and navy. 'The= funs
&mental principles of radical liberdtism
;which had been adopted in relation. to
•eligion, thepress and education by
Provisional Government, must-nowS be
uonsolidated ;Jjr the action of the Thspu-
ties. Our revolution here is not res-
poneible for the rising in Cuba, that; is
due to the errors of the past Govern-
ments. Expressed the hope that the
insurrection there woUldbe speedily
extinguished, and that tranquility based
on reform would - be durable. 'He
predicted that slavery -Would be al.)611
ished without precipitation and with-
out conapromising the prosperity of the
Antilles: - In conclusion, he congtftu-
lated the country on the good relations
with foreign nations: .
MaisitittFeb.--irhe Constituent Cortes
organized yesterday by electing Re! ero
President The Provincial Governtaerat
continued its effortto baffle the schMes
,of the rea,ctionists. 1 Many arrests have
been made of m , bers ,of the catlist
party in this city, and a number of. Car -
lists have been arrested -while . icroating
014; frontier from - France, with the
alleged object of inciting insurectioi.
..asuno.o.u, tieb, 1 6. --The formal open-
ing of the new parliment, which ' was
postponed last year in consequence of
the resignation. of the Desraeli Jim.
istry, took place this evening.
The meinbers of the House of Qom-
mosn were summond to attend at the
bar of the Chamber of the peers to:tear
the royal speech
ments fer
tl by 1ar1i4
br final ad-
°uses. On
1 that care
the interestt
re of ,
pelieetion 0
,o the <tuts-
ment wiLi
justment will- make hue,
Upon the wisdom of both
this sabject the Qiieen.-
follows "I ain persuade
furl regard will be had to
involved, and to the Wel&
ion and that through the
principleC of equal justice
tions .before them, - rarlt
secure the undivided feelinre of the
e of i.ovaiyf
ay- of pas
s sylapatige
people of Ireland on the Si
and laws efface the mei
contentions, and cherish th
of at. affedtionate people."
. Chicago, Ill.., Feb. 9.- ton M Mct
.Connell, State &mato.' was murdere
in his ollios, in jacksonvill s thra morns
ing. ,Marks of five blo-w-s, . it -ted by a
slung shot, were found up n his- head.,
No cattse for the in urder-sie nettiSped.
Havanna, Feb. 9.-.Arr fitu and sear-
ches by the police contint es. Recrui-
ting for the -volunteer serv ee as going
on briskly. - Five compar les of regal-
lars have left Matanez for laeguay, to
suppress the disturbances there. The
Vuelta and Aboje regi n continues .
quiet. Senator. Henclets n, of Mist-
ouri, 'Governor = Gardner aid General
-Cassidy arrived to -day from New
York, in the steam- er Afar, OW a Catte.
Washington. February 10.-Ati in-
sane woman was fotaid i one of the
corriders of Win -tea -louse o -night with
. . ..
an unloaded old-fashioned d uble-barr ell -
ed pistol. She said the hi A been sent-- _
by God Almighty to ill Andiew
New York, Feb,1 2.-s._ e Tribune's'
special says :---The snbjec Of making a
new Reciprocity Treaty sith- Czurfda
was under conSideration a the meeting`
of the Ways and Mean. Committe,
to -clay. . The stib-Committse, to whom'
was referred ihe sobje t, ireported
favourable on it. -The committee,
however, thought it best to merely re-
port a resolution expresei s' their ap-
troval of opening negetiation, and
autherizing.the President f the Tinted
Stases to take such steps in negotiations
already as will -open. the free- naviga-
tion of the St. .Lawrenee, nd commer-
cial relations between our Government
and Canada, and a prope protection
• offthe fisheries. - The re olution will
be reported to - the Ilot se by Gent
Schenck, with a view of . securing its
passage at the present session) SO. that
.the werk ins..y be COMM 'lack' at an
early day., -It is understojod tnat fh.e.
Canadian -authorities are very anxious
that some kind of a Reciprocity Treats
should be made that will e beneficial
to both Governments. [ .
. The Alabama Claims reaty, .The
protocol which 'relates to t e rights of
naturalized citizens, and ti e treaty in
regard to the boundary ef San Juan. .
were under consideration in the Senate
Committee, on Foreign seiatiens, to-
day. Strong objections were made
-against the Alabama Trea y by almost
the entire Committee; cl _ there ap-
pears to be little chance of its behag
ratified. It may be amen ed so as to
Meet the ' views of th Committees. .
but these amendments, . is probable,
will not be satisfactory • the English.
• Government. The Com ittee after-
wards took up the protoc 1, and, after a
short discussion, authoris d their chair- -
ma,n to report it to the S nate for rat-
131JRIED ALIVE, -A ilespatch from
Montreal mentions the cape of a young
girl, Miss Ryan, wife fell down a Bigot
of stairs, and upon the declaration. of a
doctor was! buried. He ' father, wile
.was absent, returning so 6 days after
had the coffin taken up, when it was •
found that the unfortur1ate girl had.
turned over and evidenely had been
buried alive.
(37,•-oni. our ,Cpeeizi COr
Work hes been: teeuen
Registry Ofsice.
• Busitiess ;but a
ment this ste
(IN the nigofF
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On e$aperinteel.ent,
an inatst.ieati.e-is into Vol
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aplioiat d free; s
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A voLeot Chats. ve
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-report t
as 3153 11
the (ii;ehai
Frtim (-?1) Spe,e/ C orr
1. The roxean. o kg.
-111 i aed .anterlirise are:
a coil modions 1.rick Seh
ie -p Lple, i_of Leech -vino'
etviee, it would
ilst:17 at the Isuilding use
poee at present is a disgi,
fs'oi pertons in Lee
mediate ir4rntv, too
tt o proed to beg, have tit)
iiiesA Of their
butthe the thief could'be
punished With a "full sii
leashes; ss
fl Dong ass is -
si4ingi..! favtory in. Leeej
is still cxeiAlent openings;
for a, g ied woolen, fitctory
and ca)inet fasstorys eiti
windi W01 -11d prove highl
Ile village eau not be
Canada for beauty of st
the tountry round it is
tho quality and quantity
I raiderstanal the pio
ID. LeoehvllIl
Is:vie:Ill no riee any
. the price of llillabCT th,
Qstery.. Is it liceaise
several ilwellings er,acted
looks very inuh like
rumour is unfonntled an
contrary they will put
figure asIthey can possil
thus encounige ithe eisitts
A Test Meeting Arils hell
dist New Connection
trifle, On the &cuing o
15th inst., and I ant, ha
notsvithstanding the etor
part of the .day and tl
state of the roads the chin
•:tsed to excets. Thc. resu
tholigh below- that of fo
still veiv satisfactory, t*
t -amounting to SIP, win
all that could be expect
circumstances. After
•multitude had.partaken
relish of the good things
ti em, -Mr. Tindall, (past
tcok the chair, and after '4
ntroduced the various