The Expositor, 1869-02-05, Page 3ved b , on See. by at the r he amended -by redueing the Trea. -rer'e sahtsey the sum of .826 The report Wit8 8118t.dI.-- 11-ed on a division. of Finarce Co imatee was hUy amended and adopted. Faraestr. the enlitect, of -oads, thtmeet, pr -aniaent. 1 Framer sesetred flee eata awn O.,' the A:sit I; thad although they te.lreel complete it. .Mr. ()its away gct s350(l'totsatette improting the ahem.- natkli: bad Credition , road and idle 'wag was' pro11ias1 bri(ilge -roe t'e- on tir tat UY1.1*P11.0 rst depOSit S1.1.(kl„ The erka saltiry was see▪ s raieed by t MaJlough tried it for a lar - a ler the PurAiLeit liestd, rillW 7-finrtve eemseas tee pl s ed the. ;w1 dog tox on: itSt repel, hut agreed ) - t traik,iiirea 'should : be pata tor eaeets illtal by di,aas. -it wite ordered. tliat the reef of the ,Conit nave tat The Cou1t-4 then adrned to the st of )Lat- next.'t. Beath -17th; 0612X01 Village Council met this evenings tt the .i.-teeve and ail thq inates.-of the last nteetieg reetd aria pted.! petititea wfts Al_oran„ and several ass, ofint••, were orderell to Ire t;era Mia-sa ,-tte voted :ifs,' per Vitlek ult.: a Zuvr (.1 releaeetl. A Be -Law *fee 'the- - a TtlE*Tit f -t1 e (4-`1-,1,v s 1rati te as :reuzt these time, trace rille oa the tuAlqi-J4,-, settie Ittaided la their rieste t.„ Trl,asurer was au titrizell. t worth trlf t1i il.te until SAurday, xtext t re: urn bis 111,11 to. the Treasurer. 'lite iftos ;:autheriztel to take the Lesa leetti edvias the ity-Isitsi to regulate ;la Iers, G. IVIA-Datign111„..,,fi-_ a -full -tie Datteen, - Nrk,,Collectfr, LUstry, .4t•fireetil4 Steris. Lc J, • 11 • P. 1 ult,, Bread ft ... •;l'i- ..,.. 17 w. rnf, J .-- 'CV: -1`...c.. , 3f.. a A., Wilsme - (teal. itaeteurae ' . - to rae-et teem) ton t t y estairas , , ,tt leat vexes. e -rase, 'sirs.. Lino eettoinathe iblhaing i!- -Will be seen - t t'tirte Lineoin hrs.; vt-ry ltie:f ideas ate honor fq, -whi4k. i•he in No it f.,..AI as u idow. of a Dec stisst *.t...(;.ift ! . _ 1 "1.1 lieres. fith mosterese ;f t ...,1 1 i V n -rt; - 1 . I, ki ., -.}.1 T to me go-Itoralde . , United:Suttee au applistett! e .1 a- a. Nat- e I i Sauk s am a WitIOW Of ••• 'pl.% •.i,1 ht., of 414 '[..Titittz(1 tettZs -elate( lite ate sta-sri- ieed in hie c try s seta ese. .riliat . , jell t araity haS ere;Lt1y blipi!Ill il luNi twit b -y the at:Lai 0 1, ea- I _ frt. e 1- have curae. over iel t.asristzkIIV 10 ti•V the- utineild irlityr.4,-1-01:.1 (inring wiuter to ga to Itaiy, hut utv faatii- tatstas do not permit me: to. tahe • gt_ a the urgent artait e given not- eau i live! in a seyle 1-e- tatting .. ;plow of the -chi( f .11in:41:.Jrftte- Of a 't. t • 11;ttit;It, althettart 1 liv( es e,;tal _ otaiettily ae I can. -In cone'lier ttion f . the grstit servicts ef (P 'y I. - tented husband- lets -renders-it a) the Tiiited t;tates and of the feer:*tti It 's I ;ate eustained by hie Via ituely death, 'e extetrt-yrdOrn, I ilifIV !:ty , I yt=spect- lattit,- to your Itatere;-10 body as petition, hoping Jleit tat eerly pen -- sal 11(:-.y 1 e gT;Utted itti-V tIo Lhat 1 May tN'e 1.es peetitiier-; care. - -- " I remain, most rape -Ohne- * " Airs, As LLN (.% ; Enirt1102 1 now L J1tal-teal for over one teousand Z11t4i 250 dice trra k. 11,0W 1trIt1ai118. to be auplettsl. , It is now bed ,ved that wiil beabk, during -the next te'r, to piss hy reit It the way , the -Atlantic te the Pit& itie. coast, out further -hindrance', than the red -wety-etation stonge;a--tleA Ettinuous IIte Of rail will be- open New Qihk -to San Fran. iseo, with whielt this great rail - lag la en [melted 1 lirough. parallel, except ill the Bri-- 6 East --Indiks. At the- beg: t ft:big of year I866 only 40 utiles of the 1 had been eonetrueted ; (luring the yeer, :165 utiles were leid utiles mere were etneeleted jag IttC8, nearly 5tai essias Lamp, than a theusand leiles of track laid in the :,slist rt,tee of three road:has hqintet the laat h- lo al latsiness This rdad In to the greatest commercial enter - e in the world,. be, in all pro:baliility, grettt extinguisher of Mormonism, thus *'& 11101 that great moral and s exeresetqae frorn be fate at ... rtiE SEAF RTH EXPOSITOR.. .- _ CORBLC J.3e0NDENE, most favor blecirc les for the *Ir -V ' WROXETER. Caudicn,e in' tile I byte huroh ierity,arisaq:dreria (Front our Sp rrespondertt.) Fe cher • (lin q I ssed a -Argo. 'tore tia the afteritoon of Feb. lst gave. an outline of his life and .eprpeti- eute111greohie termsshowing the ne-' ceesity and (lute of the people.of sla sunpLI LLh hi mieSism. among the Feerrsh Genadhins ia Illinois.. A. col- ItleSitilS Was taken at the close of the eerviee, amottatieg to $5.3 88.* Onb the. eve -nine- of Feb: 3rd, Kr. Kennkly g-tve ono of his -Scottie's En- ,. terte lame:ere Ziminerman's Hall, to lailLo tael elitlittsiaslal audience; over four hundred Is6i11ssili attendance. The entevreineeras vats given under the attei,iees ell the Teitert‘ry Boeiety of -the ( s lil 11 isftee isis ing '$5 0 guaran- teed r .1;.„ (sleepily, • ressised E5 3to eetssed t Ole oif the Li:rear-a Kastitiostv':e power and - volume of voitsefl1 1.:;Teztt, full' his renderiug of S4.e.0vel1 eletreater end - feete 11(44:Ts-greater in attee t t .nraSie:Li aixtteui., Ft..1:). 4th liteilt • • (Figirfi 0:er, Coi.rexpon. lent.): • - • . ib immortal:It eireiits of the: pa t wt :see I ;esti) Kennedy's- er ter- VicturiA 11:111; 1V11i.e1.1 tirbw a, seas hatiee ; tai. a grand_ carnival t.t 0ite13::::.;1111‘6r 11.1.:.C. on Friday evening laet. • • : '4 a great eueccs, - . and those- in costa -ewe repeoeented almost, eveise kied, elLoe„i;tee. A. grand military ball 'tinder tlie trtii of fakitt. 001. 11.0;4;s. Altati 1 Odi-xtr..; of the Huron hattellion et vo4t61 i th Vt.ttglileSday 6- I1111:Ntfi3 a ttFair. The ilroisseel te.-.; cu alt" is a Sqh-. 1-:t IlltIt;11! ivierost to. the inhabita auts iihtec, and is a topie0± mach . • : Shea, the ditietesert- of _Salt here, .the pe: >ale /ea' or- O.Iderieh lets been . 111- . " - etteesee oite :tett; aud lets giyen an 111- ts1_ ,e-1 • Tlte -p 1)1011 operations at Some V: (.i1 iui with otheee likelV- to Tolio-seei ;t v:oriotts lo -'44310 Oar t freM (Itir manufacturers be- tg- tete t ce1111t0 wiCh the wealthy American.. perapenies ; and tile admis- sion of kheir ealt ,free while, the gev- - (aliment a Lilo CT. S. impose a duty of 70 teets on every barrel of 'ou1. salt that eaters that.country.. - The Pay. Pinishon • president of the Wesleyan Confer- ._ ence is expected .to lecture here- next week. To the ',Vito,. of the lex* positor : DEAR see in your last sSue you have pub my nartie amongst those- ., W110111 m tiftv beheye l'ket fees gen- ' eras I y Wtrtl tkc ineartS Cf d tvertin g eth e trdo 0 •the counLry ft -pm ,t.-2-1.caio41i. thotT h I was er.iie to 15utti1ig feeS am tents le ogee, poultry and vegetableS, 1 big new to take- the fees off thoee kb: jeles1 [ am stitistied rthrit, the liaa ket, ftsr geain and.* -pork -will lativeJ :;)artait betiellt 1,0 the fib:MOTS 4(_!:e LW'. all , and iy exuerieutee ia pro- . d llUlg, leacleme t? think thAt a partia,1 (1.1illiteCS 'WAS caese.1 by the ibiSeaSol Able state of the roads, to- gether wit.;1_ the 1rcv taieest for third ekes Ed wheat --au article- for which our buy as haVO 11Q demand, and -for \\111('l h gitar pi ices wore paid ie Ctue rentals); 1 am satisfied that with a fair trial, the market wiaprove a bene- fit to all concerned. Yo rs, E D WAR D CASH Seaforth, Feb. 4th, 1869, To -Ike E.litor of the Expositor.' . SIR notice in your issue of last week, a, report of a meeting _pf 80111Q of the mereliants lield,• it appears for the ' ibuyer. and seller to be sold for cash to the highest bidder instead of .being hawked fremstore to store and trucked for goods. t .Nor is there any. good Tea- ser): Why the regtilar buyers on th enarkete as well as the -working portion of the population, who number at leas nine tenths of the whole, shopld be deprived of the opportunity of making their purchasts direct from the produ eel., instead .of being compelled to 'buy from the merchant at second hand and at advanced :rates, which would un- dokibtedly be the case, should the mer- chants have- their own way in the 'mat- ter.. _• Tire tOnder Sympathy which is being expressed for the f tanners', wives and daughters is entirely misplaced, and wholy tmcalled *fer by the parties mast inteeested, who are Very well aware tlett their aetendance at Market uni- versal wherever mdrkets 'exist, and that it is only at the Public market that they can hopette get be price..for whatever they have to etefle, th'ere is heither r law nor cuetom to prevent any farmer from Sending las wife or daughter with- in. ten Tanis of...the market -Place, if. he desires to save theiten. cent fee. Witl: regard to the general sctile of fees it may be said that none of the stirrotuad- _ istig towns or villages charge less than Sieuferth, while Golderieh for the use of rate,i.nd it stguTtf ct11°).elltelfeorteliebeSeadt°)Ortel; comment ea the intelligence of the peo- ple here should Uttar sanetion (after the very limited exeSerience of one inontle)- tay alteration in the p.-esent scale. of fees which does not press hard on any portion of the eonimunity kind Whiell Ca1.61.110.t9d impreve the finances of our riaing yillagee • • - A RATE-PAYE:1i EDITOR'S NoT :—We have from the that, betel.' under the. impression, that, the fees on Baskets, as they now stand ate, at least.; inconvenient, and thelprin- cipal argtimeat (and al very- great one too:)in. favor of the marl et - for grain; p'ork ete., is the fact, that, all the buy- ers are concentrated ; thishowever, doeS not apply in the matter. of Butter, Eggs. :etc., asithe Byelaw does not proscribe .the selling of ouch, elsewhere, than: on the Martet, consequently all the ,buya ars-do .not assemble there, and thesell- ers are not in .any better position than • before the market existed. If.however, ,the supply fiIld demand for this kind -of produce -be sufficient to. warrant the 8a„tne restrictions being placed ppm1 the. selling of those things. as en previous mentioned prodede, we believe, Lhat ca.se„- that theresult word(' .be mu- tually beneficial between. seller and buyer. To the Editor of the Ea:positor-: DEAR. EbTron.—In your istiue of the' 2,9.t1 1 notidr,d a letter oer -the'. signa- ture of . 'Thomas McMichte1. . In my last letter I full 1 i 1 -1 -v ex ) a 11 w io )airi the $1,905 for whieh our market fe,41 were sold. It is tree Mt. McMichaels- or auy other fariner, beingieg 111. leads Of -a -Tait). pays Itic market fees, but it is also true; thetondirecely the grain deal- eis pay the relit of the market, by pay- ing More for produce, than they former- 1V.Theie has been a great deal. in said by farers inreference to the- rartee *amount that they have to pay for a Market in E.-1,6aforth, you would sup- pose that each of them had irdividualy to -pay the whole amount of the Market whether they came to Seaforth or not It kis a very erroneous idea to say that the farmers leave to pay all this amount for if they receive. more for -their pre - dude,. by the concentration' c -ringer and seller, de not the layers indireCtly silty the mark(it fees ? 1 Fkty most assuredly 4,1110y 40 Mv objectimere pahticuLtrly, in ng iia fro Oiling- you: lyith t .comnitt- nication, is to put th, farming, C011inlik' aity right in refereAce 1,b certain state- - ments made -by MM r. cMichael, when 'lie say' s he brought a samplh of his fall `wheat to Seaford), and Elbowed it to sev- eiiil of the 'v 110 buyers ; —now these. are the facts—Mr....McMichael showed his sample to one or to lauyels ont of a lot of, twenty or-thitty.and.Was offer- ed $1 05, vhei eas if the mark.et had been established then, as it now. is, (foi- 1 want it particularly understood that thiS transaction occurred before we had Based market,- a very strong argument fa-vor of a market place) I have no doubt but that Mr. McMichael would have sold his wheat here, as he has fre- quently done. I think ittunfair of Mr.' McMichael to quote one particular in- stance where- he sold to better advan- tage than in Seaforth, for I am perfect- ly satisfied that Mr: McMichael could quote many instances, where he made money by con -ling to Seaforth, instead . - of going* to Clinton. I am satisfied that Mr. McMichaJ was Just as *ell paked in years gone by, in reference to Clin- ton Market, as he -was la,sttfall, and I have seen hire -very frequently in .Sea - forth,' with g,raiii during the last 4 years, and if at any time during these 4. years he did. better by selling in Seaford), then'he is in 'honor bound to give Sea - forth 'credit for it. If Mr. Mali: chaei's Memory should fail, I can quote parpoese of p:issiug-, certain resolu tithis .relating lo the market. • thesmeetineira question was, not calla! byl pOiidsitdvertiSement but by invitatione t-lOs:eotr,. supposed to be fa-. Vorable to the vieweaf_the originatOre, it is but' fttir tsi infer --tilat fair public Itiiseussiew t% IS not the object in view, 'and it is thinvfore not suisaising that they se apeedily discoaered that the high market -fees and not the bad state of tlie roods and the low pride for grain A -ere the real causes of dullness of trade; The resolutions passed there- fore: may IA taken at what -they are worth, simply as an expression of opine iou from parties who suppose their in- terests to be different from that of the The public generally al.e fully aware ;that the prominent 1110 VerS in the late meeting have all along been opposed to mai kat t fees On Oita thev ai e pleased 1 to call the trifling articles- of butter, egg, etc. Although the aggregate value. of these products brought into this merket annually amounts to many fhous-Ind. &tars, and is rapidly increas-' iig,,and there is no geed reason why they shOtild not be marketed in the*1 hundreds of terdaaa far • Clinton, can for which, h e . and for wh forth Mark per log mo not myself quote. eixtrei because is -very inOt, general the freq_ tire Mar has fou d st vocate, uMr. MeMichael, w.e in self- defence quot the' abeve., - GRA.iii DEALER. Seafo case .. No *later than yes- er, e he ,was Ch. li t 'S T from the other side of e with a load of pork, offered in Clmton $7, received on the Sea- uare $8:95 or •$1:95 t.an in. Clinton- Ido thin- it is quite fair to •e instances of this kind Will very often occur --it end tha et ch a a difference in judg- e,• difference in the rice. But ,as Clinton sterling voluntary as - eb. 5th, '69. .,.. To the Editor The. Expositor. - Sus :--Th busiaess is leaving Sea- ferth, tam i8. r.o use denying it any longer ;it 11 s- left Until -suchstime as it will becone a free market again. When you h ar rny reason fOt. lethng I think,you vill iot braille me. I live thre mi ds frcm Seaforth. A few .date aft r the Market House was opened,we it to Seaforth with a load of Fall het t, I:drovei up to the Mar- ket, pbi 1 my fee, and. all I ceutd get wsts 90c per 1 ush I, ancl I drove away Lo ciarreabro k here I 0t 110e -with- out any:trouble; -which. )nsakes 200 eace ;betty en t e two'. markets: At this rate, on a 1 ad of 59 busltelS would be a et iner of ten dollars, SinCe then I tool-: t o o her,loads and get tit the same rate be ides not having lila-a- ka Fees to. ply. I have noticed iny neighbours g 'ngl to CaAnbroek too. Havettbe Bu ers beeu clubbing tegether and each get load in his turn aka lbw rate ; tor "G-sti. n dealer'? informs us in his letter, the, the -Buyers have been in the 110- of taking advantage ofthe Farmers,' bef re they got a Market. He tells us p1 uniy that it was quite .a common thin to buy- Pork 50c.. less per 100, and ( 'rain two or three. Cents less per busl el at Hicksons -corners than at the Station,then the main -sup- port of "Cs'iain (let lers" arguinent is the great benefit of h_alving Buyees and Sell- ers coiicentratcl in one place. Then, Sir, all the be]lafit it was .to me, when I gave it, a trial, was to pay a teis cent fee, ands take 20c. less per bushes than what. I get for my load keix miles asva,y. Now, I -thin tlie Farmers could do very Well witl out the luxury of paying $1 905 as fees, and of. -Course, the clerk will _expect s teething for his trouble besides, and 411 pis is for the seke of n Meeting the rain buyers away up at bother side fethe village ; fel- I un- dcr'stand tile � ily buyers in the Market are the i Grai Butere. Can. - these things go on, na the villa, e. sros er as , g 1 P it ought to? I hink not; sethe longer they aro witho it a free market in Sea- ford)1 the lo ger they will drive the water from -di r oto mill, i Y. urs respectfully • THOMAS NASH. • Mellillope J n. 26th 1869. ,EDITORS No E.—Had Mr, Nash been inSeaforth dur ng the laA two days, he would perhaps • have concluded that as regarda the business leaving Seaforth, he waS sdriousl astray, for on Tuesday, there Weie eve • one hundred teams on the market .sq are before 10 o'clock a. m. . Mr. Nash first slfis, all the -6, ouble , is the ifees, and then turns around and shows ilt to be the prices He al:so lays a 1iea4 .stress upon the immorality of the buy[eys, in uying at. advantageous prices, iberore he establishment of the market' We c o not endorse the princi- ple,- lett wOulct ask, where is hasinan , *nature 11 ' ot a,lik ? Ls the general sense of -the' terna e are "Fee tradeis„" butes on the Se forth market question, the farmers all chnit, that they sell to advaatage on -count of its establielis *meat, and as the instituting of it coot die village a c rtain amount, we say without the letat fear of successful: con- tradiction e tha those benefited by it, hould Pay for it, and those are the sel- lers. HoWeyer soon as Neaforlh is reimbursed, let,the market be free, y all means. We have had an oppertnitity of Making personal h tigation: .o other markets within this la.st few da s, from -which we con - elude 1 that pri -es, as a general thing,,. are high er in Sea orth than in other places ; and. to far as thc amouut of bUSines goes, that has been done for a few weeks paste we chall nge comparison. We are desirous of eeing as much business as possible den here, but at the same. time we most cordially invite every farmer to go to arronbrook or Clisiton whenever be ca . de better .by so doing, as we are not 'a the least afraid of the • we myud, tha 80 censequences to Seaforth, from such a course of condu .t. • The "oldest inhabitant" never saw such remarkalt e fine weather as -we have -had durin nearly the whole of this month: le river St. Clair is still quite opeb, a d the Sarnia Observer learns that a se ooner made a trip from Port Puron to 11 etroit during the fol.e Look Ott for Adrertisem3izt part of lest w ek, arriving_ there on Monday eftern Oil) a circumstande quite 'unexampled in the histery of river navigation in ti at section. FOR SALE. . THE undersigned now offers'. for sale the House and Blacksmith Shop formerly occupied by Mn. MoNaugh.t. -The situation is good and. the terms easy. Enquire of "HUGH GRIEVES,' McKillop. Seaforth, Jan. 4. • i 61.1' , • FARM. FOR SALE. BEING•composed of the West -half of Lot No 12, in the s4venth concession, Hur- on road survey, of '1' uckcrsmith, contaiu.eg 50 ocres of choice land. 24 acres Cleared, log House, and Barn on tlie premises. For par- ticulars apply to the undersigned pLrsolrally at the premises of Mr. Goor,:.,,,e (lies; ey. ROBERT iqAMPLELL TUckersmith, Feb. 5th. 1819. ; AVOTION SALE! Or nousEnoLo FURNITURE. •riviE subscriber havina received instrne- i tons from Mr. Charles Penton to offer for sale, on Thunday, lltli of February, at the "Expositor" Offee old stand, all his -valuable Furniture and household effects, viz :--=--Sofas, Bureaus, Tables, Chairs, Bed- steads, Trunks, Washstands,- Matrasses, China ancl Delf Ware; Stovcs, &c., a9 per list dn large poster.1 Terms Cash. Safe, to .commence at 10 a. m. Parties ean"purehase by private sale on Tuesday and Wednesday, on the premises. • J. P, BRINE. Auctioneer. Seafoith. Feb. 5." S 117, EVaSSIC MAL THE GREAT 000L BUROE, MT ST sr% AND BRASS On Saturday, Feb. 6, '69. Farewell of Cool Burgess, prior to his de- t parture for Europe next ,April. Admission 25e.; Reserved Seats 35. COOL DURGESS, Manager and P-ioprieter. JOE CHENET, Agent. 61-1 TO CAPITALISTS. FOit SAL The tmeapirel LEASE OF LOT NO. 9, COUINLOCK SURVEY - On the East side of Main Strest, in the Village of Seaforth, MOGETHER with the buildin3's erected thereon, viz •.-The store and dwelling occupied by Mr. William Ault, the building occupied by Dr. Smith as an office, the one occupied by Mr. Paltridee as a Photograph Gallery, tbe one occupied' by Thomas SimonS as an Oyster Saloon, itre. ; also the one "occu- pied by the subscriber as a Moir, Food, Grocery and Provision .8 tore, together with the stock and fixtures containcd therein. Also 1(3 acres of land south of the Railway, which -will be sold invillage or park lots, in sizes to suit purchasers, and on reasonable terms. N. Feed., Groceries and Pro-, visions of all kinds kept constantly on hand by the subscriber. , 6 G. T. JARVIS. Seaforth. February 3rd.; 1869. . -61. tf )219 -SELLING OFF 1.-0 AT J ITYLOGAYS, MAIN . STREET, S AP 0 ± rr I-1 LARGE STOCK OF STAPLE AND FANCY oFFIcEp TO LET. °Uri excellent offices to let in Scott's • Now Brick Block. Apply at , clicCAVGREY. & ROLMSTED'S. Seaforblh Jan. 27, 1869. 60-t FOR SALE. T"- 7*-*. lendid Building Lots ,adjoiiiing the Vesleyan Methodist 'Clritrch, in the Viilag;-df Seaforth, will oe sold very cheap. „Ll'Auire of PHILIP SPARLING, Ninth. Main Street. Seafortlt,". Jan. 21. 59,3ih. CAUTION. ALL :Varties are.hereby cautioned against nptiating foll, or purchasing a promis- sory not -made by Me, and endorsed. by R. Hannah In favor Of John Moodie, for the amount 41 J." Twenty Dollars with interest, payable Isit Jim 1809, and dated at Mc- Killp, as I have p tit: said note. JAMES HENDERSON. McKillop;;' Jan, 14th, 1869. 58 in *-4 NOTICE. _ pAblic are .hei,oby cautioned against givii4 credit to in wife, Johanna Bar- ker, 1atet1f the Townbip of -GraY. County of HuroiL:; as she has ;left my Bed. ancl Board withotit ffust cause, or provocation ; and. further, ',1„1 will not beonie responsible for any (lobti she may iontraefi, on and after this date1", • JOHN BARKER Gray, 28tb,- 1869. 60-3i 14bOTS- & SHOES. r liara. McNally TAVIIIG, lately purchased the business of TI \Vi1iam Barker, in Wroxeter, will keep on hand large Issortment of Boots aua. :"Thoes. 1,G11e but first-class work mann, factured the premises. 14? Ordii*s will receive particular atte Dm. - RepairfM-, done on the shortest not. e. W. MoNALLY. April 2L 1868. 20-1y. BEAUTIFUL 11)1111, -TATITRE'S CROWN. You Ilust Cultivate' i. GRAY •HAIR $a certain indicatiou oi Decay at the Roots. i!HSS. A. ALLEN'S Restorer Restores grii*air to its natural color kancl beauty and produlS ltxxur ant grewth. It giqe. s ;the hair beautiful gt4s 4nd d elfghtfal fragrance. Manufackiy- and SaIes-10111ees1 1 35 BARCLO STRIErand 40 PARK PLACE, N. Y. AND 20 HIGH HOLBORN, London) Eng: .Seatkr and Rolls, Druggists, agents for aSeialfaltia_ oifla.tal:or8.86a9.1e everywhere: n60_1y. ;c1 tr -RING ESALE AT KS EMPORIUM/1,o Until the 1st of March, WE WILL SELL DRESS CODS, CLOMINS FORS, =rip, TWEEDS, D ¶Y GOODS, OVERCOATS, BLANKETS, READY-MADE CLOTIIING; 840 All Wiuter Goods! A_T A GREAT Reduction in Price. Seaforth, Feb. 4th, 1869. , 61-tf, J. CAMPBELL Has just returned film purchasing an - mense stock of SAD 1 )1E11'Y, Next Week. Seaforth, Feb. 4th 1$69. 53-ly AT COST' TO make room for LARGESTRLYG IMPORTATIONS. • .0 •