The Expositor, 1869-01-29, Page 3from tit Tru mentioued, a t therein matoa certain- ladeat Tet the propee- d Chaelotte - lity-----Tettworiale IfoL the Registrass, .Births,..Marriages and Watts— he Toetnehip of Watt, Card- phrey, Christie, Meclore, and he Diettiet of Muekoka = to a taicipalitv—To amend the Act treat's° eminon IttehooIs in "Upper Otnd—F the, redid ef William °tighten I, and o,t.Ittire, intereted -the Estate of the late Thomas_ Bell:— Ult roorat4 the ;&titncee land Mae- - kola Railway, Compauye--To ;.tatead -and Consolidate the; Acta, releftig to tae psofeselon of ,.Metlieide ead Surgery —To amend cliaeter: :ft:tee-el-ea f the at,aisoliItteel Statues e± Upper C,,e nada, iatituled "n Jt Peepeeting 'Line - and \Veva:" el avee.'--Poe the • of the Toronte Street. Railway- _ Cempany,, arid to. 'lergtitie for the sale foe other par - et imposing a e Protection. of of the w ay, e—Tozunend the 'Efax. en Dogs,. and fey 'Sheep—Reepeeting Tate,ra and Shop Liceases-__Respezaing the,. Partitioa of :Eetate in Gatario—Ta make further •ovisionrelating to the .Teeritoriali)ib• -triet of Muskoka----aehttive to Min - e—Reepeeting Jamie 'old for at'reara ot t e-1\ 41ttliAt C011Solidate Law reeteetitter the steeesement rt -v in the PrdVilit'e of - Ontario — anteqd the Alt 31A ehan- "To iassorteasete the Torentes re and Dm -tee Railw-tv Coiefetav."--- amend the att t net Vieteria chap-, :tttr- 41, intituica " u .At to ineorpot te At- Tarouto end Nipeileg Railway iComtetay."—To co 114 ectitin, powers n Trusteee:arul fleeeutorea--Te zuatend th€eket imitated 4•4A/If ,ket respecting the survey of _thuds in Viper Canada, Province of :thatario)."—For .f.;rtaug to Her 24;eietty cer aiti eents lointo!.4ty r2quit(--d. for defrztying the ex- (IfGovellunent for the year 669 for nutkitig good certain inns expended for the Puidic Service .ti,11568,. antI for other pturposes. j)ME fifty, new names have been voiuntar• addetil le the ExPosrroit. Lrin tlL week, axialEXPoSzTON---We are in . _ far this well. -conducted weekly tthlish4t at Se tforth, _Messrs. ROss atti 7,u*.ton... The latter of these gen-. 'eaten .is well known iia this locality s the otiginal feundet- of the efge, sand s having eneegetieally pushed it 'trough t'ae darkest periods of its. ex- - es, a 1 given it a standing in pullie r Mr JSS IS no leis favourably known, Only for his connection with the , but"for his services its the izatereste Refor Temperance -and. Educatioa. raa'Esto Isitor has already been greativ eyed, since ceming into their halide. as been changed to an eight page per of 46 caimans, and. presents a ey Aeat and creditable appearance. te past exeerieute of the PublisherF, air undoubted energy, and the splen - &id that is open to them, cannot 1 to makeethe enterprise a great eat- is.----Strathroer Age. I ' MINIICIMIEnnienium111111.111•1111111Mmimmag: _ selections of the ExPosuon are made Acw fo good family reading.. L - Phe Gtotie Eay ,i that during the past, St)fl 28,786 irdmigrants have passed !Gogh Toronto.. Ali of these, 5,197 're remained ia CareSda, the rest ,past to the W gem. States. The taost` hose thro egh passengers were C -1 -er- as and lifirwegians, who had detei- ke I 011 Of_ ir course before leaving ie. The • amber remainiag in this stay WaS 4032- more than 1af Vear, 3,002 ovir what remained during ,6. Theteeis no reason why a stilt favourable account should not be -of itt6;9e 11 eoatrast with the do-nothing pel icy- etto- pursued in Canada in the at - f emigration., let tee notice, a ong other things,the follow -Mg -en- taken from one of our eerie- aea the other side :---- The rafted StateLand he printed in fer ages, for distribution on thee out et of hatrope :_ 3,000 copies Neill be aeclin Getman, 1,000 in Fre ela 1.,0(iO in Swedish, ell of which will be completed. The report will be ILIpr1je(l with., a map of the Uni ed and Territories!' g labor er expense is, among our hbours, thought tog great in order tract capital and labor to their un - aid Janda It is Ettore than time ;-ere waking up and profiting some - by their example. Even as it is, _progress has peen very great. t might it have been had a wiser ore statesmanlike coarse boea ed • :rumor, is in cmatIatten in Men - 0 the effect that the 'lee (test bank- . - . stitution of that utyl.zs. lost nom, 090 tols3560, bet.•! IenalingiMeney 4- York spe,eulators, who have De- ; bankiapa 'by the eoria.er Eno THE SEAFORTH MXPOSI,TOR. (117.1I03101e r /". "N. ;N, ;•-• A.C\ DISTRICTMATTERS,, • TrIR Exrosrroit.is for sale at the Telddraph, ,00k Store. • - • "LITTLE WONDEB.:"—The Bathe .at the "Little Wonder" are open every Yriday from 9 a. in. to 9 p. WE undrstztud that a Meeting was heldeleat night to form an. Orange Lodge iii Seeforth. • • ON Monday ..the •thvelling of Mr. Snell, of Clinton, was destroyed by Jive. So Siitrs the :Pio. Era. Go to J. R. Grant's, Ainleyville, for English and American Magazines and Papers, and Chamber's Encyclopedia. He has a full supply. . SPEEDY RECOVERY. --The Clinton Hesv .gra, of this week, -publishes a 'notice to the effeet, that a. commercial- tierveler, from_ Montreal, shot himself at Kincardine, a few days since, and attributes the cause to • "Love," -(disap-.. point& we suppose). We under- stand that he arrived at Sharp's Hotel -yeeterdey. The curious -Should endea-1 -tror to get a look at him. • 7 Kansas -nee -11. Paltridge has laid on, our table a pate of card Vhotographs cd Itin Kennedy. • ThR likeness is eerttin- - 1.1' Oat Copies may be obtained' at MS (reliant. Paasaiesea.----We are pletwed to'knew thet eta- townsman, 'etir. G. W. Harris, obtained his, diphima at the retteat Dental: examination, with high .complii ments.from the examining bozird. FUR -IOUs DarviNo.--A tuan'wasfined by D. L. Bills, Esq.,' yesterday, for fit; riot's driving. bar ved ltuxiright. The. • man who so -fix forgets hirnself as to gratify his"' horse " feelings,. by ender" geriag the liveof people, ought to be • punished cvety time. - • • O&M:1'Y C,iunty Coun- cil met ill .Gederich ou 'Tuesday Ltst, • and e1ebed Robert Gibbens, .Esq.; Werden: Yko business of any impoet- nage, beyond receiving accounts and ap- poiuti ng comet itteee,h as been trail seated: A full report will .tbe giVeii aext week. • Fella TIDE.-- We are iilformdd bythe letiVice Peeeident of -the NeEtil Hu- ron Agriculturt;1 Soeiety, that the leaf two natees as they appezti•ed iu the last issue of the Ex POSITOas Si10111c11 have been, Jas. McMicha.,1 aitcl itoiceil Gib- bons, Mstead of ahatever,f they were. We rcgtet the error. ThoSe erested will please aotice the ,correetiost. • " CANADA: FARMIII.."—T11e1fast num- ber cf the, new. Eirri,(3.; ok thiS old es- teblished end first-claFa Agricultural Joarnal, appeere, mauli improv dr and really wakes e leindeome alp arance. ) It behoves the farmere of (J iji da to support the .oldest paper of this class now in existence. 'A Faiumea.'—il ositively, yourletter • will not be published ardees you fttrnish _ your real name. 'N't e _make no excep- tions to this rule. It is unreasonable for any- Mall ' to expect us to endorse opinions which he himselfwill not own. We, however, wish- you to uuderstand that we do not object to •publishing yam: argument. ADTLEYVILLE A:GRIOMATURAI., &CIE- TY.—The: officers fer the Ainley ville Branch Agricultural Society for the' current year are :—Jno. tr.' McLaugh- lin, President ; Jno. R. Smith, Vice President, D. SteWaat, ,Secreteny ; Jno. Leckie, Treasueer. Directors—Jno, W. Shier, Jab. Broadfoot, Oliver Smith, Andrew Mnir, Donald.. Mc- . liinghlan,, Geo Calder'W. G. Ring- ston, R. Dennison, and W. R. Wilson. , . "He' dearly- lated.:the lasses." ' --Ladies andt;gentleineel.,1 am prowl to see. so . . , , many in One. locality, meeting together to do honor to the Scottish Ploughman Poet—ptoud-te think -that the memory of ' MS genius is still ' alive among us, and that We Will ever respect his sturdy, honest, 'mealy character.- The dine has happily gone by; when. ibis necessary to. say a single word in defence-. of his Character ; of to palliate in the least• . thoee little weaknesses,' which he had in. :.common with all h-umanity. To; wards the, close Of his life; and for some time after his _death, his character was mercilessly assailed by bigots and•zea- lets on evert -7: hand. , - Suchhas been the fate of nearly everSt great : man, in every -age ;- but the.voice of detraction has .long since been silent, and the pen of venem and slander laid: aside.forever,, and Robert Burns stands before ever intelligent mind now, as a Wonderful genius—wonderful :! that such &mid a. ,havetbeea eyolved froni, the dream - stances of his biethand edueation— aadmore'wonderfal still, that his and 'character shotdd . grow "in favor as: the. World inci-eases in. Virtue and in- telligence; and that the humble Scotch Peet, Wrote noteonly for his nation and his estn. day,- but that he Wrote for all meta -for ell time. -I heed net take up your time by ' givingyou seepimene of the sweetness of his soap, or of the breadth of thought, -the. wit and humor of his poems, Jet what we have already heerclAhts evening, and what we have still to hear_ to -night suffiee---ethey have • beenrendered by a "beither Scot," in a manner. •1.1 will not soon forget. •_To: Scotclemen., the niethory of Burns is peetiliarly dear; he ie the gem' of our WUXI tr . --e-the hetes imMortalized our na-. • ( tiveh tether hills, our mountain streams, and v lley rivers; he has stamped his genius iadelibly oil ea'guid auld mi- th e tonguee—niade it an inheiitence •1 to all mankind, while the world lasts; B t meee than all this, his manly hon- est ', his stircly independence, his aspi- retie-as afterfreedom, are the comMon 'property of all mea ; mad as the ages cell one—when intelligence and freedom promote -the great blase of humaaity• ; alten that happy day comes, sung of by bards,.andforetold by prophets—when war and vice would cease;'and men •see :eye to eye, and join silt one grand fraternal -embrace ; . even anent the con- gratulations of that glorious time, our pet will not be forgotten—that he, toe, • was a, humble instrumentality, win be remenibered—that with that prophetic lore, whichoften accompanies • true genius, that he foresaw. and rejoiced. in 'their day—and that in the fullness of his heart he had sung: " The time would.come, as come it will, And come it.shall, for a'. that, That man to man, shall blithers be, The world o'erfer a' that. • Ladies and gentlemen, let us now, stauding -end in sileace, drink to the memory of Robert . Burns, . SCotlamd's Poet.• • i.ig z,', ovitc. - "The guest . of the. even Kennedy).: In respondinee' Mr. Ken- nedy paid a high tribute to the large at tendance, and said—The name of Berns made Scots great. The study ef Burns' productions leads to their _greater ad- miration. Barns, ina measure, ruleti ,Scotch.men. . Scotts were born :, with a - capital, viz:, a, good Mane.- The, twat was further respondeu: to by an origi- ginal poetical. reading, from Mr. . Scott,. of Kinburn, entitled •"Scotland, Burrs and Kennedy.." "The Banking ,Insti- tutions of Canada," was respended to by Mr. Hays, of, the Royal Canadian Bank, who said : •- • . * ' He rdgretted the ,subject which. .had 'fallentto his lot,- should be suchsa dry Tie -on a "wet night" . like' this, when en's milide wore • atemed to harmony, t-Iiey did. not want to be bored with statistilesj; stillmoney. was very nseful; in its plate, and without the banks the co4ntry eietild not adVance iu,prosperi- ty as she has done etild is doing [Hear, hear.] But to-aikht Ile- would rather ratable in spirit - by', ! !fAfton'e Swt e Waters;". or. "Doot bonnie braes," and dwell oa the niettiories those scenes mutt recall. Burns is eisentially the. Poet of nature, and of the people—he bra -thee throughout a wideand genic _sympathy, with all- nature and all mau- kindseshe has en.obled the every -day life of the Scottish peesent, and brave- ly asserted the dignity of labor throtigh- out the *world; • [Hear, Meat] The Vice Chairman had jocularly remarked just Ow, that St. Patrick was a Scotch - Mena -fel- his part- be (Mr. AAA would be willing to concede to Scotland 'Senn share in 'the- nativity.' ,of St. Patrick, Upon. the distinct understanding, 'how, ever,- thatyou. give as an equal share in the origin of -Robert Burns.. [Laugh- ter and cheers]. For, said Mt. Hays, without' -laying claim to nnich Net- balasanctity, he thought Burns a, Saint indeed, who had sanctified and purified and • enobled the liSres of his country- men, by 'throwing . round' them "a glee moar o' sweet Words," that .will, live forever. • [Cheeral We have, too, in all his writings, aboundant evidence of Irish oliain., Burns' train Of thought :was' essentially Irish, and Nebo but one who had some :claim to the •Efuerald -Isle,. could 'haveconceived the best SOIREE AT AVR.07(ETE.111---Ort.Mbnday es eninglasta Seiree was 'held in the .0anada Presbyterian Chui;'oh, which was well attended. The Chair was ably filled by the Rev. - Mr. • Brown; and eweet inxisic -was discoursed by the choir, led by Dr, Worthington, with •MVS. Gee. Gibson at the "organ. Able aad interestingaddresses were deliver- ed' by the Rave. ° Messrs. Jones, and Tyndall, end MeSsrs. Graham, - - tea and. Snyder. The meeting was very pleasant -and enjoyable:. , MAGI$TRATES' Couirree-litigh MC- laixen was charged by Mr. Cardinewith tiring his building, before D. _L. Sills, Esq. 'ilis Worship - deeming the evi- dence eufficient, " committed him for trill ib ttiO.. iteist .aeeizess• The blind ID ap named • (.4- usthiut, charged with e;.cari mit tiag t an eat) ge up�n a man nemod Tttyler, at the G. Te Re Tank HOuse, astiyen in:last issne, was ex- ainiped before' the same ,Jastice, and was. also cemmitted, but geee bail for 11) appearance- -.At • the instigation of Gutitliart, Taylor- was .atrested for as san'b, etc. Evidence wk -d taken fin the metter, but the decision is -reserved till • to -day 'at 11. o'clock. . • gelebratiOn of 13 -terns' • 41m1verattry. J. J. E. LINTON, -Clerk of the- Peace for Perth, died suddenly of appoplexy, at Stratford, en Saturday evening.. The funeral took , place on Monday -The, stares in %own Were.all closed, busi- ness was entirely, suspended, and the flags were at half -Mast. The County Council met and adjourned imaiediatee ly, attending the funeral in a body. An immense concourse of persons was pre- sent from parts of the coUaty; throughout which he was known, and mach esteemed.. ' RAB THE Barssai,--The • admirerof Seotia's immortal Bard in Wingliam. and vicinity celebrated his anniversary • on Monday, in god style.. The na- tional "pibroch." was hemb-there and the table was graced with the Haggis, now known as the "King o' a' the pud- din' race." Toasts were 4.runir and speeches made, and anevening of plea- sure and profit passed, that will- be long • remembered by the admirers of Scot- tish song and Scotland's Bard. • To RETAIE.,In. to -day'ssue will be found L. R. Corhey's adverbiserneiit of a great cleating sale of Bankru t Stock. We understand that Me. Co -- bey intendreturning to Harailton n a short tinieeand -for that reason he is 'cleterminedlo clear out his entire sto k at any sacrifice. Having • bought out the goods formerly kept by • West *- cox, H. W. McCann, Wed Thos. Meare , he is in a poaition to give unprecedi t- ed• bargains, Give • him a call. re adv. compliment ever paid to the fair sex : "Auld nature swears the lovely dears, Her noblest work she classes, oh, : Her prentice hand. she tried qn man, And then She made the, lasses, oh ! [Hear, bear.] So I think, Sir, we lriehraen may fairly claim some share in his origin. Burns had the soul of the true Poet, Creator or Prophet., and We .are now in our work -a -day world,. • beginning to realize, what he in his • prophetic soulhad _conceived. Modern • science, steam and the telegraph were • rapidly realising ihat brotherhood of the people's, which Burns so clearly foresaw., •This gathering to celebrate his memory wee- helping the good work and hastening the time so ably spoken of by the Chairman, when a uniyersal blotherhood should embrace- all man- • kind, The occasion of the anniversary of 13 urns was celebrated • in a. glowing mannerl by the guele folk" of Sea - forth ' and surrounding townehips on Alonday evening), last, at Sharp's Hotel. The first part of the proceedings was, KENNEDY'S CONCERT, Of which jt is saying a great cleat, to declare it -equal to any of the' Scottish vocalist's. ant ertain m et' ts. • The beauti- ful pathos, which his rendering lent the productiods, -cif the Ploughman Bard, were neverenore than on this occasien. The genuine Scottish strain in which the stories of "Auld Lang Syne:' are told, was fully exemplified at this time. Not 1es than five hundred persons sat,: spell bound, as it wereewhile the an rc3yiberated old Scotia's airs, and we feel surethat maay of -the sons of "the Land of the Mountain and the flood," will be, by sweet merue'ric-.,often led to tetrace their steps in the march of time t� this evening: At the close .of the Concert, Htigh Loye, Esq., moved a vote ef thanks to Mr. Kennedy, which as seconded by R. Bell, Esq:, a.nd heartily carried by: the audience. 1 e THE DINNER WhiCh followedwas outdone by nothing, aud -equalled by few things. The spread- was j ust such as might rtaturalle • be expected when "mine host " Sharp • caters. The attendance was much latger than the most sanguine had dar- ed. to ,anticipate—a fact • redounding much to the credit of those who under- took it§ management. Some two hun- dred hungry 'mortals (ladies included), supped at the festive beard. Upon • Tna REMOVAL OF THE CLOTH The Chairman, Hugh Love, Esq., call- ed, the .meeting to erder by proposing 'Her Majesty," with a few terse and ap propria te rem arke, which was respond- ed to by the company . tinging "God Save the • Queen." • "The Governer General,"—company, "For he's -a jolly good fellow. "Army and Navy" -_- "Red, White and Blue," by Mr. Laid, law. Then followed the tbast of the evening, in proposing which the Chaite man said : MESSRS . VICE PRESIDENTS, LADIES" - AND GENTLEMEN ;-L-1 have attended a good many occasiOns. of this kind, and have ha,4 the honor ' of .presiding over several, but iraever before had the plea- eiree of having ladies in_ the corapany. I am -very glad to see them present with Us ; for We ,cannot t be in a very bad' place, or going very., far Wrong, if we - ha:veour wives, sweethearts and daughters` with us. It .is very appro- -priate, 7 ;think, that the gentle sex sho:uld respect the memory of ,Robert. Burns, foes, be wits an enthusiastie ad- mirer of their many- virtues --almost a worshipper of female betauty--a.nd sung -their fascinations and charms in sweet and imperishable verses: To use his own artless, but expressive language, MECHANICS INSTITUTE. We -have for several weeks intended undertalenig the advocacy of a Mechanics' Institutes It now -atforde'sus much pleasare: to: • know that by the commendable efforts of a deputation- of ladies, a respectable amount of money has been subscribed. for the purpose'. We understand it is . their intention, after having given the place a thorough canvass, to 'transfer the business. to the sterner- sex, who • will complete the routine by eonforming with the requirements of the law, and thereby secure the Government Grant ' of one hundred per cent to the amount sabscribed. Already • partial 'arrange- • mentsare made for lectures, etc., and • • . -ate truet that our citizens will give the collectors a tangible- vi el com e. Further particula* next Week. - • • "And ma -n to man the...World o'er Shall brithers be, and. a' that." [Applause]. ."The land we left," -responded to by Mr. Kennedy singing —"Sceotland yet," and Mr. Scott, sem, wile' also, sang a beautiful song of sentiment • "The land we live in,"—sohg by Mr. Logan, "The Maple Leaf," anderemarks fro- Dr. poleman, who said, Canada. was pre-eminently a land of -liberty. Our filet thoughts should be for the land of our adoption, but at the seine time, not to the exclusion of our native' countries. • The 1st Vice Chairnseen (Mr. Ram- say) proposed "Agrictilture—Messrs. Laidlaw and A aderson responded by a few remarks; the latter gentleman saying "stop agriculture and the werld stops, as it is the pendulum. of the commercial world." The 2nd Vice Chairman (Mr. Cash), proposed • "The Ladies," and said he often thought it strange, that, se im• - portant a subject should be left, on oe- casions • of this kind, to a late hour; but on reflection, he came to the conclu- sion that it must be, because we are accustomed to associate the fair sex with all that is pleasant, and in order that we might have sweet and pleasant dreams, we deink- to the ladies late in the night, et/that. their memory may be fresh in our souls—responded to by Ma Hunter in. a; manner truly be- coming a gentleman ; and further 1 y the tune, "Green Grow the Be hes, • 0," by Mr. -Scobie, on the clarionett. "The Press"—responded teo by Mr. Luxton of the EXPOSITOR; Mr. Logan also sung "Auld Grenny's Leather Pouch," in capital style. - The, "Host and Hostess"—Mr. Hays responding. This, together with a number of Vol- unteer toasts, terminated a real old Scottish ,festival, merrily and happily, as the pointer e indicated signs of "The wee sin& hours ayount the twal." The Market Question. VFFICES TO LET. OUlte ;excellent offices to let. in Scott LU Nev4113rick Block. Apply at CATJG 'HEY & HOMO TED'S. Seaforthe4an. 27, 1869. 604 FOR SALE. 0_0:k!plendid Building -Lots' aajoinin the Wesleyan'Methodist Much, in th Village 0.4 Seaforth, will oe sold very cheap , ..Ettauire of PHILIP SPAR:LING, ;••1 • - ` North Main Street Seaforthii !Jan. 21. - - 59-3in. CAUTION. A LL .Varties are hereby cautioned again neOtiating for, or purchasing a pro sory not*Onade by nee, and. endorsed by R Hatinahttn favor of John Moodie, for th amount 'Twenty Dollars with interest payable.ist Jan. 1869, and dated at Me Killp, aSg have p tid said note. JAMES HENDERSON. MAMA, Jan. 14th, 1869. 58 xi NOTICE. rpHE ub1ic are hereby cautioned -agains giv, g credit to my wife, Johanna B ker., latkpf the Toviinship of Gray, Count of Hur-, as she has left my Bed and Boar without .just cause or provoeation ; an I further,7:11 will not become responsible fo any deitAs she may contract, on and. lfte this datiO, • Onyx` Jany. 23th, , - is.6J90MAKER ;HN ' 60-1 litOOTS 81, -SHOES. illiara McNally T ' G latdy purchased -the business cf wipiam Barker, in Wroxeter, willkeep on lia-n0 a lam ;assortment of Boots and Shoes. None 'but first class work niani facturea.;on the premises. fitT Orders will receive particular attentim Rep4ing done on the shortest notice. W. MaNALLY. April 3, 1868. 20-1y. -BEAUTIFUL 114114, NATURE'S Orli. you. Ed -GRAY HAI A meeting was held at Sharp's Ho- tel, on Wedneeday evening last, -to de- Ube-. ate uron the market fee* The Chair was filled by J. Logan, Esq., Mr. McIntosh acting as Secretary. • • The Chairman, -in a few pointed re - Marks explained the object of the meet- ing to be as above stated, remarking teat the present dullness in trade mast arise either from thestate of the mar- ket, the toads, or the low price of grain. • . Several gentlemen'among. whom were. Messrs. Hill, Ryan, Hickson, Paltridge, Cash and Jarvis, expressed their opinions fully and clearly; all be- lieving, positie ely that*market -fees generally, and fee e on eggs, butter end small articles particulamly, tended to .divert the trade of the country from • e tforth) •In view of this circumstance, it was moved by Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. „Ryan, "Whereas, in the opinion of this meeting; the establishment of ea market in this place for the interchange of pro- duce is a benefit to this village, but th It the amount levied for fees operates in- jurioasly to its commercial interests, Resolved, that we petition the Village Council to take the matter into consid- eration and levy a, tax of only five cents on any load of grain, pork, hay, straw, wood or potatoes, brought to this market, and that all 'other produce be free. • Resolved further, that we be- lieve a free Irtafrket -fully meets- the wishes of this' meeting." • A Committee, consisting of Messrs. Hill, LOgan; McMulkin and Ryan, was then appciited to draft a petition, in accordance with resolution, secure sig- natures to the saute; and present it to the Councilat its next sitting.. A vote of thanks was then tendered to the Chairman. and, Secretary. RIFLE ASSOCLATION.:—It will be seen by advertisement that, the first meet- • ing of the Seaforth- Branch of the Huron Rifle Association, takes *place at Sh'arp's Hotel, on the 12th prox. - .1s a ei-r ra in in dirqa tion )ecay a t the _Howe. MIL-S.S.A. ALL_EN, Hair Restorer Restore:F.,gray 'hair to its natural color and bean and prAces. luxuriant growth. It gives the ha' beautifOglosS and deligb.fal fragrance. • Alainit'otory and Sales Oillees, 35 BAitLAY STREET and 40 PARK -PLACE, N. AND 1266 HIGH HOLBORN, London, Eng. 5-$1,1tter 'and. Rolls, Druggists, agen s for Segtirth. For Sale everywhere. • JamAry 28th, 1869. - 60-1y. Y. Grtat Clearin# St . - O F Three Immense Bankrupt tocks t aigind Cost Price, for Thirty Days' until tiNe while is disposed of, now in t e stores 41f West & Cox, e,ad 11 W. McCan Seaforth. • The4tibserib4r being obliged to return Ito 1-lainikim, has instructed •lis .agents to o r tb,e rohaining portion .of tha.._pree Banik rupt S4-tbcks at Original Cost Price, and. ma .y goods ot half price. - SALE OF THE STOCKS S FOLI,,OWS : Meares' and West CL Coxs stocks will N.) found n the *ore .formerly carrie'dsn - b:y West & Cox, and - H. 4c(lann's stock will be so at his old stand. A-. large. I t of n=tiw and costly goods ha e bee* added, having, been pu chased at Bankrujot, irad and iother Sales for cash w 11 also :be sold off at whatev -sac- fice. - Merchants, Pedlars, Far ers and others who contempla e Seaforth to purchas wiltdo Well to call at West NXIS old stand; or at H. Mcqann's, -where they can d pen# Upon.. gettinggoods t really half price, as they in all be sold immediately—t SuhOcriber being obliged to r tun* fiome7-an% rather th n remove , the goods will °o r thea at a great sacrifice. ow is your time to sec e bar,„ains. • If you allow t golden opportunity to ,pass, it willbe your own " loss. stoOks in both stOrcs are :Iv 11 assurted, and very -complet in IVit Goods, Clothing, Bo ts an Shoes, Groceries, Iia s, s, -&c. Having been pur- ch.sec1 at so much in .the ca*be sold at what other mir- cb.nts pay, and gin have a Your,: eze„ TA R CORBE British v Stoieis„..;epresented by - FARM FOR SALE. BE1NG South half Lot No. 9, Co,neasston 10,, Township of Morris, 2 =les froan Blythe containing 100 acres. For ituthea particulars enquire at the. stare of John Braidwood, Seafortb, R. Bin QUIZ January 8-1h, 1839. •g, 4.