The Expositor, 1869-01-29, Page 147.
ssoctate s.
its curative properties,
tbrough the B:1001), SWEAT, URliNfk,
tuid other fluids.
no tea spoonful in ordinary casals-Tr
dose ---Two tea spoonsful in chronic "disease
that have afflictedthe patent for years.—
It is a powerful ,Itemedy, but. is innocew.
of harra.---it is unlike all Pr PaP4ions
• Sarsaparilla.
Therefore, always ask for
arsaparillian—take no other
Samparillian is on the
hottle—anda it. R. Resolv
r. Itadway";
wthat thc
label of eael
at. 1,
Tag &mar oFt imirarg.
The Properties 4f .its Ir4r dients.
SARSAPARIL pertietti of thi
nderful ingredient. (which i the, o ly true *ninth:.
pinctpla a SarsaparilLa),0./eanses the blood of Vitiate<
hutL1or,_ and expels from the es-stenx the taiot of corrnp
n—rapidly removes from the lie h VI:PLES, BLOT
DRIES AND INSEOTS, imparting beautlui clearnez,g.t
skil4 and the ra.seate InIc Of health and beautytotht
complexion. A few doses_ NI; ilinutke a remarkable chtipsge
FUCIL—This extraortlinary agent, saw
elated with SARSAPARETA=rAx, cures etlectually,
n----,leraishing gni:Ames% all iiarieries of uncured SI-ph:nob •
Ilieer4 Nodal. Tumors., ...\-0-1.'ings„,-FAver Sores!tfercuriat
Sore-1,Rhertmatian and Wanderiro* paw, and th9n-wor3
torniit Skin Discuses. AAintapeCiaty,it orreme
dinsfor these complaintq anti it sw-lsocLItiOt Witlitherothe.
ingreclient4 in the Resolvent pieces a cure beyond- tht
pqssibility of a doubt.
like anew- sun, shines Avith such citnIgent It,ht upon. tut.
Medical world alto east in the shade all othcr roots. ant
osed to- posses,s propet/oie;z. Extolled by the:moot
:entinent pract:tiontrAof Earopo it4 a -diuretic, diaphoretic
alterative, lithrontriprie„ superior J Bach% Digitalis
-Juniper, trurpeutin.,.., Copt-Oba, ettbebs, -, it cures tht
wor,t forreJ of Elidn?y,. Madder, toi'd 'Urinary Diseases
edezta in Gravel; Scone in t‘loilladder, fiappressim
11.-Ittention trittc,D,uly.A.stt, enroll's; Catarrh, Teneanns
infiamroation of tit; 'plodder, it relieve valmo...t instantly -
and in cozen Whet) eatnotcr3 havo been, toed it
procure &quick discharge C 1 trine. Ita asixsaiation witt
ruct-sarEapaellian, and. (ther ingredients, restores fruic.
tional Irarinerty ta ;.:..creting vessels a thl kidllGyS
'11.17991:=Itrt'S theseerznion •f the proper- constituents ol
from, Via hbod. Per-sont -v.-hose-Amino i t: thick'
cloudy, ntorb*.d.,turlykl. eepositins trick &LA_ albumen-
• 1 other &posits, will after a izsw, doses, witness tht
aappearance of t`lele signi cf tarzor, arld thelr Avatei
changal elpar runt and Iraithy color. pear IF
mind that the Resolvent ithe only ioniedy that contain;
soa,,aparinivt awl tho pure Tarcira Brava.
NEWLY SC RE1 noows.— The
;propertic of erc,..5. roots excite a poiverful azt ion on the
skin suoroeuVt-, of -IAD exeretin orifices ane
_ -04
Ve..iSa.;g t .) expel ,retaincd excrcalen• ious.humourathat
irritming e•-fr,-47; sores, pimples, spots, &a
Theze,cerabinca svr:•th otio: a:se1t.-3, secure a quick es
neklen hp -0°n frorathe E3•-sterc,..
Not one in. a th,usLnd -would
s,t-ttrer from Bilious compIainta.if
it)r. Badway's treatment Is o13-
st"-s.roc4 and all - who may- 11:!ei
selea with Bilious Colic, Ia...
flots Veyer; 'Typhoid I', ever,"
Chills and 17everx l'ever and
Itemittant and Intermit
faot afl animal
,t1 vegetable- fevers are preven-
ted (and cured by BAX)W.A.Ir'S
PIT..;1_4S, :assisted when. re' craired
hy the 1130A.1)1,7
As a prevention, when either of -these
, -maladies prevail, rake onc pill per day, this
ilrec,,,uTate the liver. and supply any defi-
eencv 'of the healtly cOndition of the gastric
juice-, the natural solvent of the.system, and
secure healtly digestion, 'Tea to twenty
Idrops of Ready Relief, in water as a drink,
ithis wilt secure invigoration and strength
v.haere there is weakness, lassitude and lan-
guor, and neutralize the poisonous acids,'
gezierated fro-ra the gases of indigested food,
Irritant and morbid humors, of the stomach,
&c., and if seized with any„ form of fevers,
take the pills in large doses 4 to 6, every six
hours, a. few 4ses will ensure a cure 11
have cared the worst forms of Yellow, Ty -4
plicid, Marsh, Ship, and Isthmus Fevers, in•
the West South America, and my
treatment with the Ready Relief, and Pills,/
haA-c aleg, with the same success in the East .
Indies, ---these fdverslare alt Ofpne family,,
and will more readily yield in their milder
forrai-s as, they exist in temperata• climates;
than in theirmore fatal types of the torrid
Talc -Elm when symptotuS ordininess. fullness, or pabs
ifl !ld. eaiLutsen, st °Mach, ii*igestion, costive-.
etss. ilia a f‘ e r, acel.10-;.ness, bad dreams, &c.;
.0.. at). oar. \vitt ;out; cure this difficulty : nadway's
pie unlike all °slier pills. EaPla pill contains'
:ir1,-:1;ni -a the aP.ive c-urative priacilAcs of extraetg
I to r:,,€re-4 I vet Anti s or t vezat al-ka ingdom,--ot
14-k ct,Wtt.,-..: :lune thetn no -.'r before) used; as meat.,
(111 ti El 1 EEE1 0 foun 1 only in theFe pi I is, In purehas-.
0 t hart Out a 1110 I 3,1Jela 16 marked R. It. 14.1
ant t Elie fae,itnilo Crmat ura of Iladway&Co.
.1 Li: 1Z e. and ihnt it aclw aR
y's egulator!
on the 0: lter Ethel, thero aro each box„ co-
ve it sweet, gam. Jiriea cts., per box. Sold
by Druggists and Country _Merchants.
Thia extraordinary medicine is making astonishing'
cores 91.1I kinds of Skin Diseases, Salt Rheum, Tot-
Oft...Rash. Erysipelas, Kings Evil, and all ERUP-1
T Val DISEASES of tho Nese, Month, Throat, Eye3,1
Ears„ Logs, &e. It has made somo ef tho most a.sto-'
nishing-, cures of uneure I Syphilitie ncl Scrofulous
, Swetlings of`
D;seases..I.: ever -ores„ Ulcers, Tura°
the Glands, and illorcinialSOres.
DI ell eases el. Weakening discharg s in Laffie5,
LetichOrrea, IlOaralbaa, and discha ges from th
Uterus- it is tho most perfect curative known.
In diseases cf the Kidneys, Bladder and Millar,'
assage: in Diabeates, Gravel-, Bright's Disease,..,ini
oppression of Urine, and ilk oases ivhore tho unpoi
deposit& - Brick Dust,' Limo coreretions, whit%
thread, or albumen, liko the white of an egg, or thei
trine is thick, elondv, &c , an,1 whenthe patient bast
44t trouble to hold water with constant desire toi I
discharge, and it comes away in, d ops, and has am t
stre4nnaelt Of araMeniac, and sharp nrting pains art*
expq:nenced along the canal of tho Urethra, and al
that heavy pain in the mail of the back, thighs loins,'
andiever the Lladder and kidrieys. the Sarsaps.rillia,a
Res -Went willseen change- all these 4'1e...ti1des •Lrial,
cure the patAent. This remedy ia beltter than Bnehu, •
Digitalis, Chbebs, Copabia, Turpcntine, Creosote,
and alk other agents used in these Cates. Let tho.s
satrering give- it a trial. lIttndroda of Persous Tihoi:
were compelled to use Catheters to secure a disc hargoi
c,f 'water, have by the use Of six bottiles beencioni:21a
day, enioyed the felicity of vasting [their water man,.
tely cured, an.]. by ono teaspoonfu4 three times lie
rally. In all eases seo that the word " Sarsapatils
limn- is on tho- label of each- bottle, and on the front or
the label: R. lt. It. TIADWAY'S RENOVATING,
ItESOLVT. Price ono deliar per bottle, sU bottle,
for imadonftrs. :
JOffil RAOWAY ff a & CO ,
atat BT. PZLIIEt ST, NEONT11441M4
Freedom Trade.—Liberty in 1?eligion..--Equality in Civil Ri#11,ts."
VOL. 2, NO. '8.
G. t.l.A.:11.E110.,!, AM)
Attorney:at-Law, Goclerioli, Ont. '-
11 - 11
Dec. 14, .138. :
T -fv74.1ZAJOB,. M. D.: C• rifYSII.
Suiro.eon etc Eermordville
Dee: 14, 1868:
tze. Pilice,:i•LOpposite
11,ddeade,--11lain otreet, North)
Set -..„.forth, Dec, 14, 186S. .(- 53-1y
T) TliA,CY, 00RoNEa FOB
ii. the CoUnty 1141'4m. IUMF.111+7, and.
".1..kli.tiFINI,E--One door East of the Methodist
Episcopal Church.
Seafort,h, Pee, 14, 186. p3-ly
.11000Sfl:, A.,TTalt:INJ",1V AT "
. in. Chandery,Cten:rtlyancer, ete.,
:earis, Ont. Money' to loan on farm seen.-
Torni easy. Olhae--ifirs 6 flab, rarisl
rarisl Dec, 14, 1368. - • 5:3-tf
MEYEB„4 13A.P1.11.1:8fEllS
a 's Law,' Solicitors in
anc-T told Inslolvency, Conlicyaneers,
Notltries ,&c.\ Ofhoes, - beatur th and
Wrro3..eter. -A. W.- 6.
8eaS03:411, Dec, JOth 1668. ' • 53-ly.
' 11 h 6 n. m ationhowever of some such
1. her body out ,of the ground. A trusty icon ino'ency we had , put a bottle of
place,of the, girl's.' burial, and on ex- we drew up, had all four of us drunk
Charge of the Dress, Brigade.
Half-ar league, half a league, half a lea
& W. *1\10 '..TELLIPS, PROVI...NCIAL
, Land Sitrveyors„ Civil- Engineers, &.c.,
All 11141111CC Of , eOliVeyalleillg d011e With
heat -MSS zt11.1. dittpItCh. G. AlCi,:lirnip$, Culil-
taissioner .1113. , t. .Qiiice,---Next dour south
of Slv..3.p's I lot ,l, t3caa'orth..
• rt.b., De .. 14, 1-8:33. : 53-1 y
‘70 OD 13A1.1 S
and Attorneys at Law, 66 icitors 111
AYS $,-. ,EL ,
Cliaacery, _Nn.:arlos Public, Conveyancers,
Oaizei—Over Ar,..dribittirs StOre,,
(;ralab's•.01oCk, Ont.. • .?..‘loney
• •P rearward, '• •
TI-..i.gbt through e mire and dirt;
Much to its beauties hut,
Dragged the rich and say -en skirt,
Half, a leaglie rearward.
Half a peck, lialf -a peck, half
• Ifir-sute and woolly, .
iti,ght into the liquid air --J,
• Rose up the pile of ha
From other heads spiderec ,
Nobly p.styaddle on it
to•cle the` braye bennet---:
Rode, .though•it wondered,-
- Curls to ale right -of it,•1' spur otir resolves,
that come what might, we won c ave lo ep. , ,
spy informed 'as, of the time and exact brandy in the coach poCket; and before
presSing te Sir determination pretty deeply of it. At length the
abOut,the .113 atter, he atted me -on the.
back, -saying, " my fine fellow !-7-
yea have spirit enough.--clan(jerous;.".
gue •
° r said
a. peck fully, etc., etc. ;.,AN as it not s y
The baronet further 'told lus, he felt.
himself so curious 'about the matter,
that if -fifty- pounds wouldbe of use to
us in furthering our purpoze, they were
at our service.- needed not this nor
a glance at the eclat with which the sir-
cessful issue of:the affair would.he at-
termed among our. fellow students, t$:
Curls to the left of it,
:Curls Thai *ore plundered.
What' though. mLn shout, `,` 013, fie.!"
Lend. TORBANCE- PAT" T. r.t.wtiOIi.
SCilforthi Due; 14.64 155S.. 133-tf-
, y• LAW, 6elizitor in Chancery, Vonvey-
, aueer, 0.)—Opp6site thestore
Of -
1101)0n -son. to lean at 6, per
Int:zrost, on good Mortgagt.,:secOity
roal estate, -
Seaforth, Dec. 12: 1S63. 5.3-13r
- W.I.-LA.11111S, SURGEON
e „
- Dentist. Don- fereeee:se....reA
lotrt,s ins.:•rtt ti :With ailthe
janproVCIllicItta. The. grtiatut care.tken for
tho prpci,Vat;ion. deeayed and tondor teeth,
Toeta -without 1.100rEIS! Or.tiE
Coll .i i,"."; tore.. • .
Scatorth, Dec.' I-4, li353. -ly
"Fortunes you have sqiaildered .
'T'heir's -nob to make re
Thqir' not to reason y •
Iheirls but to dress or
" Orarge !" to the tlerk, they cry—
Clia;ge by the hundred...
RAVE D 14 !
, .
ing that I have bireia, in my ti,me; ii
113:SIIIIREOTION1ST: La inot this appal-
ling word, this hurnihiaitine• confasSion,
i .
conjure up ,in your ft , a throng. Of
vampire -like *images - a id associations,.
or earn yonr -...f‘,.Physicirils's " dismissal
_from your hearts. and hearths. ,It is
your -own grotaidless -,:fears, My . fair
trembler, your -Oven superstitio-us preju-
dices -L --that ladve.driven me; '.and -will
live many. niore ' of my - , }meth) ern, to
such AreaclAil -doings as those hereafter
„ 1 st:. 'lls 1. (30).;oe;, 'come -I -let iis have
q le on—aa c. !hen oi. my a ,-. ance, with the-siek grab, he succeeded all ------ into the cotich
. • . • , . ;
one Word of.reeLson between ns' on the .
).7.:ou expeet uS, to cure• i•il diseases, 'arid hi bort owing his chief . tools ,; e -with agiune and returning home without ac-
absti•act i sti `1. 1 IA f . t le
yet deny li:i the 8111 y means 'alearain 0:- Whieb, ill a sack, large enough to con-feomplishing. OUT' errand. Too- Many,
le)11-,/ / Yon IvoUld have .1.18 brill 0' 701bt ti.l.ill bM. expected :prize, -lie -repaii ed tii• of the students, • howevor, were appriS
My gentle-reader—s art not at learn -
The notable scheme .• Was
justed at my 'rooms in the Borough.
It-- and Sir — 's dressers,
,and myself, with an experienced 'grab,'
i 1 - ec
tl t i t sa a )rofess ona. resiur
s 0 . 3T) 1
tionist—were te set out from the- Bo-
rougli:about nine o'clock the next even-
ing, which would be the third day 'after
the harial—in a glass coach provided
- 1 " ces and means to
:with- app
boot." • Duringethe day, :however, our
friend;the tg,rab, stiffered So severely
froth. an 0 -Y6 -night's excess, as to dis-
appoint us of his -valuable assistance.
This unexpected contretemps nearly put
u4-1 end to pur project ; for the . few
other- grabs lye. knew, were absent on,
professional tours! Luckily,
coach turned down a by lame to the left,
which led directly t� the churchyard
wall, ; and after movin,,o- a few steps
down it, in order to shelter -oar vehicle
frbm the observation of highway pas-
sengers,. the coach stopped, and the
driver opened the door. ,
"Come, Tip," said 1,, " out with you."
"Get out, clid you say, sir? TO be
oure I will—Och ! to be sure 'I will."
Thiit there was small show of alacrity
I bethought me of a poor Irish porter,a
sort of "JIB neer (lowed hanger on at therm -is cruel thing, I'm. thinkine:, to
the - hospitar—whom I had several wake. the poor cratur from. her last
times hired to go on errands. This sleep," he said so' queriously, that I bee
t -W
n aphittering streak of ligtnini-
ed q-er:us,"followed, in a second o
b loud burst of thunder ! Ti
fell in ag instant to the grnund like-
-cOckcha4 h k
litarna elr-anyiir-ossinag6hnim' fis'eTlif ailand. ni-eulintteTtriiene
ns movements as he descended the -
steps ; or *hile I was speaking _I was
interrUpfed by, the \solemn clamor of the
church dock. announcing the hour of
midnight. The sounds seemed to warn
us against what We were going to do.
""Tis a cowld night, ye r honors,"
aic-1. Tip, in an under tone, as we Suc-
cessively blighted and stood together
Toolang up and down the' dark lane, to
see if anything was .stirring but our-
selves. "'Tis a cowld night—and—
and—and "--be stammered. - .
"Why, you cowardly old scoundrel,"
grumbled M--," are you' frightened
already What's the matter, eh?
Hoist up the bag on your shOulders di-
rectly, and lead the way down the
" but yer honors—och ! by -dile
naother that bore me, but 'tis a mur-
Ittahn.1:14Einbh,lai:st.,.(iaftjgihhe .811. alln:Illt.6'7.nsiecu:ns-rwelleyllirell-vvil4ehlt
.gt1Tedgein*Tin, 41(11: 8"aidcOlylegii still mane 4°tl01ersquattingli.°ekt DbY ei
put hei;i. ybe.lro:n
13,),eoovre cgt.nteir .. .
, with hell.. lii. :urial, Nvlien.
Are- will you
9aSe, it you won't,
f• 1-12.41t. ye now, Tip," sac; i.mssternly
taking Olt one of a, b *
tols I 1i4 1 t ' ra'c'e sprf'inPtY Pi
Pu- into niv re t '
ers. We could
man I sent 'for to my rocms, and, in the
presence of my two cotAdjutors, persued-
gan to entertain serious apprehensions,
'aft& all., of his defection ; so I insisted,
ed, threatened, and bothered into ac- taking little more brtandy,. by
quief,ccnce, omising him half -a -guinea the way of bringing lom„.up to par.
for his evening's work, and as much was of no use however. His reluc-
whiskey as he 'could drink prudently. tan6e inereascd every monient—and it
Ni'. Tip—that -was the name lie even. dispirited us. I verily believe
went. bv had f2onie persomd acquaint- the timing of a straw would have de -
g a coat pocke
and pre*. ntui. st it to his head,"
hilfed t)11. we hal"
„i on t buSiness, for the AVan
of a better, you etched fellow, an
it you ve us any more of your 110
your br-
" Oc
they in.01. `Bad luck to Inc that I eve
cam -wit4 ye. Ocl), and if iver I liv't
dip, weift I see and) ury my oulcl boci.
out 0' te reatli of 11 the docthers i
the world 1 If fclon't, divil burn me
e --al,i,hushed aloud at Tip's trul
IIiberigan expostulation. " Come, s?,
mount4ver with you," said we, helpi
to. puSki him. upwards. "Now, dr
this leal on the other side," we contint
ed, givibihiin the sack that contain d
m rooms, ties.Int nTe o clock wade, the ed of ova e,xpec Aim, for ns o t link of
- 1 • • ' s t 1
Onta, forbid to break the soil or sink coach WP.fii standing at the dcor. Our terminating it so ridiculously. As- it
nee., e.eese_ tile Ore of • skill and exi)erience, yet . .
• , •
shaft Ie.
. , • /..• •
this ree.der Jelin had received el. (putt don, en. hi \\, Lee consent, _vve stood and
V4 •
-4- . in 4-, •
NA, Rat I am now going to describe in addition to . hire f 1 im -if .-1 1 ' ' . -f -
ut poilSed a as‘ moments, about -half way
't.:sr`t1,'s'rti•';'r,n(ixaicIttr,thc:'(.1,„:,11:,111a1:,,,1-,t111 was in y And 1,t„t e xr'i oib in die eoach. As seon t1S V 0 had alb niniste:red do WU tile' lane. M-- whistled with
- -: ._ „
tton. t ) ti-a,Vellers. '....,t ag3s leave (Lily for ' •-t-r-ri - ,
y, o CI s Cr, ,••• J
ing the hospitals," as it,is called, whieh iiiii„ed alione the eat eie was to tale° a iest objeet imaginable ;': paid I talked
la e•iiati,r...ry anti•Insolvelicy, Notaries Public 0c(:t.i.eied the two se.asohs imineaiAttell.r p• ron.iinent part in—and eluil)ped our- al-,Q11t, intsiliess—"Soon be over"--"shal-
II: eu..s.•••••;,;ite, e.-ttornoys-atL-Litt,W, SOli,:i',-(11'S
allti. Collgt:yittLetri:3, ' SolieitorS for the I';‘. C. ,.1,ftert my le.11'in, Gual 14c -I „e A\,0111.;',,, 1>C1VCS 111 (.3111' W01'64; C1.0 tiles, and. White law Y1"1\-0," etc.
Lt .k, -,si.,:ifort.h., Agenls for the Catiatia Life ,1i, (1 -I.-1+14er :- int:res(ting) Ifemale, -w"ars--a-Cr- '• op-eo,ets, -we elite -red the velr:.cle four r" t_,;!'aliforaid 'it ---what if those two
witted a, patienti at the hospital I at- 111 11111111),3r-:--::1•'ove off 1 he weath- brothei:s of beiss should be there'?" said
#Seafortlesec. 14; 18138. I , 53-tf. tended • her - ase baffle
/ d all our skill ' er had been exceedielgly capriciens ail .111-e---- abruptly, making a dead ' stop,
As:ire:nee° CO' N..13.—*39,000 to. lona at "."-- - - '
8 '-..:. Farins, llousos, and:Lots for sale.
2".ii i .\„ pay, of body stelling.. It . was a, rjro_ sumtry dc)ses • of iri:41: cordial to Our' intlnite, Spirit and distinctness ;
rr • 1.
Aini.eyriCe, 'April 23, 11.A8. tesque if not A lildi-Q1‘.011S. .Ficene- and�c friene. the eil'erAs of \yid,. h.
remarked -to, me -that lie "always tho't
lie 1 ecam s qui te 1 dici 1 le " nd -1-• mid ni as the 100111
f Ey H9L114.411-rCE BAR_ dnring peried of my " . 2 -- ') a - g g
I'll send a bullet thr
! Do you, TiP2
aisy wid don't mu
0, 7 er 3,1 11S €i,
tl eVel.."itlg-l--111-00111ight) thamder, (!111(l folding lii.).,arnis on his; breast.
. WATSON' CAN EFli'ECT * +01
. _ 11 cePnec1 taaq31 0-
mut lightning; fitfully alternating; llhe " Powerful fellows, both of them t"
sisNSeeillal enlarg-cuavont
g .
our inetlements. We all three of
then f41owed, and alighted safely
the chochyard. It poured with ra•
to.e.nliance the dreariness and h
r rs of ithe tiMe and place,
1ijhtniig followed in quick successio
eddi4g a traneient awfulglare ov
tlke see4e, revealing the white to
serance 011 Town mid. ivis,ria Pro -061i- • Ow,
• Th -e, PrOvineial Insurance Co' ssification`,.__then only thing wo W01 ali011 WL1T 11111t Loved 33 . Alre resuroed our
r°fs ear now an o
w ii Uo nada, The Liverp.417& London & U-lObe teats:- and.. tler the derkness, to shield -11. frem z1.11. march whon. lip, our ,,clvaisce Linard--a
tIl 11Z1 lir. Co., forLife awl. Fire. The Gere 1.-tst •' 1 •
• 1,1ile ol-rervetian . I nnist oeen filet in titled lie earned by anticipaling1 .0111:
- < . •
, it was p Ain that w knew iiotliene• ' • '
triet- Mutual Fire Ins -kr, -Co. The, Nio,:rara
at all about." -the inattei, no, not even< leeliege that prompted etcps aliout three inelies, suddenly
3.);,s‘ricb .N.1-atual Fire In. 0o.- .611.1 claims t-, ill tuudyi,ing;;, cll. E,'
31.1c; V) tinfdeleeti:ei4m1 go through with etood ktill, let cloven the bag froki his
1, .• e bcrallv dealt with and promptly settled. swil.etliel. : her 7di-iin.`'(1...\vas 01 1110 01,
- s., - ° Ii r , ' 1' . • C' ` -
'11(41'e Jove ce. - if iv e•nturee shouldees; elevated both hands in !a list-
• -, •
at fault. Sli6 received 11 0 1}enelit wish , to benefit the, 'cause cif, 11.31;1t0111i, WM-A I 13y illy soule, what waS that.
et all .-uncler Ilie fluctintting selieme:-; of c.11. science: _A_ inidisight exptilition to, 'We all paused in silence, looking' pele-
ti•eatment lie - • l '1 t 1 ii t1,.., tothlis ! It took our feney 1111.17- Tv at one igioiller-Lbut could heo,r noth.
,. .... . . , ., , <A, . A., ..4 _ < , - . -
_____—'s €. nun illg, inn' except the drOWSy flutter7of a bat
., piu,snet , anc.. a engan, ' ' , • ,• - '
ftll into dying circumF;tences! - As 80011 ingiT; aild 01011 .qr
• -t v. I 4 1 (-Elite as )owerfulhT till- nine' •-iltitti le end ex .1' s 1
Seatorth, Far: 0, 18=38. • . 11-ly. functional; piimzirv or syinT)tainati.7-
or whet ler .the .heart tseet, 01w1-11---oc 1 -- . c aemec , 4
rorAsT, r.espectfully informs the public
6(,afortli- and• surrounding country
1.13 prepar••:..I. to cure Corns-, Ilaniens,
Ipgrowing Nails, ,Large Joints., and
all !diseases of -the hu,man fouv. Guarraute, cs
a succeadul treatment, -without painlorlstU.10-
fleas.. directly
' Dry Co )ds ,Store, Street.
Sezl.guli, Dec. 1.4, 1865. 53 -if
stones,. phe ivy-grenirn venera,ble cher
and or figures, a shivering gror pe-
cOme <, unhalloWed errand
perfectly Well recollect the lively fe
ing of 'appreheneionHe" the compui
tions i'isitings of renieHe e "—which t
circum0ances called forth.- in my , 31
breas4i and which, I had no doubt,
were elard by my companions.
I(Costcluded nest. week.)
The Magnet..
as her . friends were apneised of her hitit „ aoont tae • ceinger"—°d- onr ftWay irom 'us a 15 tti e over-
-1 -1 .
intention to open the body, th°ev bisint_ The garrulous Ti.2 supplied. us with " II 'ivit, wasn't it. somebody' spaki#g
rattle, rattle, incessantly ; but as 500)1 whispered 11.3.p.
as we had arrived. ztt that part, D1 Li "Poli---stufT, you, idiot 1 I e..
road x.,i lien; we were to stop, and cis.ught ed, loeineemv tenreer. d Come
1 and 1,—, it as high tune we had done
w ith all this cowardly. nonsense; and
, if we mean really to do- anything, we
. a lliztAl :5 3.11W AV 10)13 bonran has ea -quilt
sitnati.on, and had am ink•ailla. of oUr
-ed remoying her imin'ediatiselv frOm
the hospital , that 8116 might "‘' die et
home In, .yrtin did Sir , and his
dressers expbstulate veheniently
them, and represent in eaaggerated
terms, the imminent peril attending
stich a step, Her twe brothers avowed
their apprehension of our designs, and
were inflexible in* x e rc" sing their right;
of reinovinse; their sister. used all
tny i'liet0SliC 031 the occasion; but in vain ;
and, at last, said to the . young mene•--
:'Well, if you are only afraid, of our
dissecav her, we -can- get hold of her
if we are so. dispoeed, easily- if she
die with: yox
replied th.
fist Oscillated somewhat_ 'significantly
beforeiniy eyes. The *eel.- girl was re.
moved accordingly to her father's
house, which was at a certain village,
about five miles from London. and sur-
vived her arrival scarcely ten minutes !
We soon. contrived to receive intelli-
gence of tlie event, and.ras. I said Sir'
• 's two dressers had taken a great
interest in the car thipughbuti and
felt.: intense. curiosity about the real
nature of the diseaSe, we'hmet together
and entered into a solimin .coni.pact,
-14-TOTICE. —LITTLE WONDER li,All,?k,-
ii Cutt'ais- awl Shaving Seloon• If you
,c,f,.tb a gol' Shave; or your hair_ cut,
, or sLoaapooncd, as it ought to be, go to
the cs ie Wonder.," South: side of Sharp's
Hotel, i'31 tin Street 11...-isaforth. ' The Bath.
11(2olus in. conneetion will be opened to the
'YU lie. 01 .April lst. Lubdlskes tonic for
in 4, 'lig the h11. L;row -and preventing it froth .
- c< -3.1"-h,g ouP was never knoNin to fai.l. Sold
i b ltoics at r.51 each. Come it.
_,,i.t.foft_h,.:1?„.et: 14, IS -68.. i:3,.tf S.I'Lta3XIsKI.
and Huron Sta., ANI.. LAN CASTEIll • Pro-,
prietor. rra0 inopriletor would intimate ' to
The travelling piibli6 and people, of the STIT-
ratillaing. country t at having fitted. up his
house in a conifortab e manner;le is prepared
to accomodate all -vi,4o shall favor him -v,.-ith a
- call. ,, The table iS ,4,furnishea' with the beat.
the .market aifoills. ' Liquors, &c.., of the very
best branda. There are good. Sta,bles attach-
ed to the hotel. ,
.;Seaforth, Dec; 14, 1868.i 53-1-7
Propr- etor. This Hotel has
been. lately enlarged and fitted up in good
His rooms are large and well furnisb-
cd, which. cannot -but make it a comfortable
home for the travelling public. His table
will be furnished with all the delicacies of
the season. Best brands of Liquors, And
Cigars at the Bar. This Hetelis also the
go/pf.roAl Stage Ofti:;e.
Wro:,-.4er, Illy 1,4, 1863. 21-1y.
'ad with -u"
we'll troy that meaSter,"
, elder, while his Herculian
amusement all the Way cloWai.-----rattle, the _far side of the hedge, dieard
Eight Of church, with heavy
fadisig moon-
lieht as though it was standing senti-
Mageetism is the directive. power of
n orqlor preparation of hail tow:. rd
rolar,kegions, which varies consecuticl,
ye 144 regularly, at , the same plz e;,
1 oth 4-1 clip and -e)olar declination. he
wo ends of needles intreise •
sach t'';•:4;:i•her's distance, and the two•
ends cause - approach, inst a in
'mai* and negative electricity-, he
d1ect4n is 'created double ur-
ent 47:1_ the _ v;rhich connect nd
estoti the positive and negative s des
f aniOlectric, or voltaic excitement; ind
he rection, with reference to the,4
tu.srealt, is that of the tangent oi,a
le Oraid he -wires. The. end` olr a
r<edlA aS 3.• above or below the wit 'es,
N.--,ors-S. It is therefore ved
that/4S iron and steel are lamina Or
cal yln. th eir structure, like the pl ites
(Ind- p4Jells of a ;voltaic arrangemen
the aimbranes ef a torpedo, that the
iron changed tby the lateral fletiO 1 0:
turnmt on the surrounding e Ate'
j 11St in all electricity.
SI'ZIEETAN touniff.—This as t srri-
ble Oast wi,11 clouds of sno‘v aline. t as
fine ?tie flour, -finding its, way t:tri c ugh
extraor;linary fad ity.
It wittires no very small effort, to lore
ncl over the graves Ltround it, one of must make haste. 'Tis past twelve--
which we were going so rudelvlu vio- day breaks about four—and it is com- hiin:In the teeth ; - one is, really cheked
Li e—Tip, e spiritS bc.:eeten to faiter a lit- ineo on -Wet, you.. se"." . ,Seve_ral large witie wmd and snow beim a it is
• • •
tle. . He s•Lid little-as:aid that at inter- drops of rani), patteling heavily amo1i,30._ ..,,.„,
p41.10 to turn the head:for sl.. her.
.z.tis . To Le very candid with the lea- the leaves and. branches, corroborated, ‘-0 $- cd in. the Altai is so expoe1 cl
I to
der 9207Z.6" f iis felt over much. at our
a soinewhat hair-bramed aepect, and to -
be eintoned with, formidable contin-
gencies :which we had not taken sufli-
ciently into calculation. What, for
instftnee, if the two stout fellows, the
brothers, should be out -watching their
sister's grave 1? They were not likely
to stand on much ceremony with us.
And then the Manuel difficulties
W1:3 the only .one of us that badever
assisted at , the exh lunation of a body—
and the rest of us w.ielikely to prove
but bungling. workmen. However we
had gone too far to think :of retreating._
We alone of us spoke our suspicions, but
the .silenee thatreigned within the
coach was tolerably. significant. 111.
iny words,. by annoinicing - comm. g
the •44-1:pets of these terrible etorrels as.
ea,se. Oar expedition besein hower, .wear d the ir was sultry enough
'to warrant the expectation of a. flame
•our greatroath to e -chin, and hurried
on to the churchyord wall; ran
net storm. -We therefore buttoned up
. •o •
eroseild overlo L. ing tee Stirppo to
o - ,
wes4e-.i,vnrd, from -which peint o
eoni*ss these great storms gene
1400. They are zdeo ttS Sudden .,,
across the bottom of t le lane, Th
Zineineeorst. f.ts it stands on very
is rioUii, Which often caliee,s loss of
well we had to climb over , to get, ii)to
the churchyard, waS not a very A ttssneek officer related to the Nv.
-ea aC one of his -men-, having lel
I told him to lay dos -',,,n his bag, mount elietier of the station Lefore the 1,
high one. Here Tip annoyed us again.
the wall, and look over into the yaro vo..
nint4 of a bourns), was afterwards
east 'n bis Sleticre with
' fil o'lala 111)11.) 1. , ,t,
. .. L . r , , .
bads holding the reigns, lise heed
anikllooking straight towards the
of it -41e horse, whipi was aIsa froze
in kii. upright pootion. When dr,
of he now, it AWLS tliffiellit tO lit
thezn dead.—.11,thinso7Z's Oriental
to see whether all was clear before us
and as far as the light -would enable
hi,n: to look about for 11 new made
grave, • Very reluctantly he coraplied,
and contrived to scramble to the tdp, of
the wall. ;Be had hardly time, 'how-
to peer' over into the elini.-eliyard,
the -
s fu -
both both