The Expositor, 1869-01-22, Page 2%
New Advertisemente, flirt, be given in IT 'CERTAIN rurnorsiare current now to
Wednesday noon.
Changes of Advertisements, -which are spe-
ciallyarranged for weekly changes, by
Tuesday noon. •
• Cliseees Advertisement-iewhieh are not
spcciallry arrat,iged for weekly changes,
by Saturday
We cannot .- guarantee insertion unless the
above be complied with.
BusninsS Noripit.—AlVaccounts for ad-
-vertising and jobbing mist positively be set::
tled Quarterly, on the Itith days of March,
..June, September and December,
FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1869. -
THE finances of a .country are. cer-
t linty a very good index of its prosperi-
ty. To find any gOvernment or people
embarrassed with -debt, or obliged to
resort to the most rigid taxation in -or-
der to meet the demands of -their
creditor's, is by no -means encouraging
to those who 'feel _anxidus for the -Wel-
faCe of all classes of society, , .
On the whole, Canada cannot boast
of able financierina Durinc, the last
fifteen yeaes our. - Provincial debt Ilia's
been accumulating, till on the 1st of
July, 1867, it; stood at the nice °round
sum Of $62;500,000. For a young
country like Canada, with a popula-
tion of less than, ',3,000.000, this was
an el-kn.-Mous debt, and altheugh a greet
partfof it was rncLuied1 On account of
improvements, still, the fact that
the interest absorbed a large amount of
our -annual revenue,caused a seilous
drain -upon °iv- resoinees.
Mining to :the Province of Ontario,
the case is somewhat better. Through
:the delay of the Arbitrators appointed
to decide ,how much of the excess .of
the indebtedness of Canada over $62,-
500,000, is to be borne resiieitively by
Ontario and Quebec, preventsus asceie
taiining our tine financial condition, Still
:frein calculations made- by our Provin-
cial Treasurer, it is- quite evident that
we are not by aely means in.fina,neial
extremities. We have already in Do-
minion St8cle $850,000 beside. .a. cash
balance in the Treasury of $128,000.
This, With the surplus likely to • aeceue
before the end of 1869, will 1ea4 e
very nice marginto the credit of On-
But -while Cies financially prosperous,
we should by no means give the rein to
extravagance. Where ,so much capital
is yet required to develop Our resoUrces,
• and open :up back townships for .settle-
e,nt, there is every: reason 'for.practis-
ingieconoMy. To husland our resoirces,
tied enleege 'our connnercial facilities/
should be the aim of every Statesman.
\ It insist certainly -be e SOurceof plea -
to those Who have fought so lona
_ b b
to make the receipts exceed the expen-
diture to find' that now thereis every.
prospecl-, that in .future•Ontario at least
will rot- be burdened by the constant
accumulation of. her ' public indebted-
the effect that -great efforts are being
. . d _ ,
made to appease the disaffected Nova
.Scotians.. : these rumOi'li-are, that: Mr.
Rose was to meet Mr. Howe and Mc-
Lellan at 'Portland to -negotiate terMS
for the settleinent. of this -vexatious
family quarrel. The s4posed terms
are that Mr. Howe - will get a seat in
the Dominion, Cabinet, end his. friend
Mi.. McLellan, a position on the Wei-
colonier Railway Commission. 13d-
sid s it is expected that the purchase
of( he Railway. between Truro and
fax making it part df the Intercolo-
niatRailway—will have "a very conci-
liatory effect on. the tain.ds of this ex-
cited pecple. . So far as Me. Howes
-- - o
precedents are concerned, we have.; no
reason to exPeet that he will,. iL a
paety to any stieh 4heme of barter and
sale. Tho manly, independent stand
which he has maintained ever since the
the Confederation Act was,passed,'and
liis repeated refusal to accept office un-
der. Sir John A. -McDonald, warrants
us in believing that mere love of office
will not lead him to "accept. the situa-
tion." And even if he -lid, ye doubt
very .much if this. would satisfy .the
people of Nova Scotia. . The cause . of
their-complaiut did not -rest entirely
witle Mr. Howe'e disaffection. And his
preniotion, while it might add to his
influence, would, in all probability-,
excite.the People more intensely, and
remove- still further the pacification of
the Nova Scotmns. -
THE License Bill introduced into the
House ,by Mr. - Wood makes 1 some
chenges. in the Old Liquor Law. The
8vernrctent fee for townships - dhd in-
corporated villages, is henceforth to be
137, but municipalities have the power
of restricting or increasing- the '4uni-
ber of licenses according to their own
ideas of the necessit. s of the people.
A strong effort was mule to abolish the
clause in the old- At requiring the
closing,of taverns Within certain hours
. n SatUrdey and _Monday morning, but
it failed. Were it not for the vigorous
efforts of the Opposition, much mis-
chief might have been dene on this im-
portant point.
t‘ .1
THE Intercolonial. Railway Commie -
same has changed the plan laid down, by
• -
,Mr. Fleming for lettilig out contracts
on this great, national highway. Mr.
FlentineeS plan was to epecify- the cost
per mile accordingto 4 schedule to be
attached to the eouttet. In this
soliedule a, price was named for per-
forming everd'tfrerent part of the
niorla thus making it Impossible for a
contractor to say afterwards that he was
deceived in -the nature of the Work he
hed undertake,n. By the plan laid
:down . by the Commission, however,
tenders are to be given -in a lamp sum,
for pa.3h ' mile. Inthis way an oppor-
trinity Will be -given, to contractors to
simeese. -the country, since no 'man can
%ender for a jbb as closely in the lump
as he could for every- item Separately.
We were always dubious about the
On Wednesday; 13thse1 large number
of petitions were received mostly oft a
-private natures a few Bill's, Of minor *ire -
portance Were introduced anddiscussed,
and anatnimated debatelook place on
the Bill for 'amending the ji.irialiction
etc., of the Division Court ; and also
on the: Tavern anti Shop. license Bill.
On Thursday the House. was occupi-
ed in reading and discussing Govern-
ment LenueL-Timher measeres—the
naviga'ion of the Thames --convening
Pa rlias r. ent--the A gricultural Bill—and
the following -Bills passed the third
•Bi.J respecting Division Courts—At-
torney General Macdonald. 1
Bill respecting the Piiblic Works of
Ontario—Hon. Mr. Geri
To amend. the Free Grants and
Homestead - Act! --Hon: Mr. 1-"ichards.
To amend the Act
Huron College—Hon. M
THE following.from the London Tele-
graph is a' pleasa,ni-indication of the
ptospects-in the way. of immigration to
Canada for futere years:
" The indifference of the Canadian
Government and people to their own
fnture has been the marvel of every
traveler' for years past i; but the feet
undoubtedly is that they were:, C118008 'r-
aged ,by :the manifest -pieference shewn
by our laborers and mechanics for the
neighboking Republic. It is now well
'understood -that thP. advantages o! go-
ing, to the iUnite st States- are ,elicit so
great ae they were. The larg4 %owns
are over -peopled; trades are crowded,
house -rent lend, clothing are dear, and
sthe burden.; of taxation is enormous.
'In Canada; icaacelk any of these evils
are yct 'experienced. Magnificent tee
ritories lie I waiting foethe occupation
of man. It wets high, time that the
Government made use of the vas -
riches in their possesSien. -By an -Act
recently passed, settlers in Ontario are
entitled to receive 100sacre lots •of land
free of charge ---subject, it may, be pre-
sumed:, to the usual condition with re-
ference to the pfoper clearing- and cul-
tivation .of the soil. Several of the
charitable societies are endeavoring to -
obtain some of this land forthe benefit
of the 'industrious poor.... .Here, then,
is new libpe for the unerneeloy-ed. Not
eirery Man is a,bie to till the soil; but
where tillers of the .soil go, laborers
end artisans must soon follow. With
tWO immense fields of ,labor open only
ten days distant from, England, it
should notibe difficult to diminish •the
stress upon our market. The Cana-
dianT-Governinent cannot be toe liberal
in the temptations held out to ,English
emigrants, since every , shipload of
working men:makes the country richer.
The United States .Gevernment was
sagacioue enough to see that from the
first, and hence the Wonderful position
which the country has gained within
the present century."
'building of this reed, The large
amount of money at the control of the
Government, the tendency in- some
quarters to lobby fcir favors; and the (la,
etre esseekeseto maintain pow -
sir et any costfurnfsh sery unsatisfac-
tory grounas ror. Supposing that this
work will be Teenaged econ micallye linence, and we hope it may.
r. Carling.
To ineorporate the iletlenuth Ladies'
Cellege—Him. Mr. _Carling. - .
Friday was nearly consumed in die -
cussing the License Bill,. and a few.
government. measures
. On. Saturday the supply Bill was
again before the House anti ordered for
a third reading on'Monday ; and the
following Bilis passed the third reading.
' ,Bill to emend the Act respecting the
Court of Error and Appeal—Attorney
General Macdonald. • - -
Bill reipecting the prectice of Medi-
cine and Surgery—Dr. McGill.
Bill to repeal certain Acts and En-
actments of the Legislature of One"aeio
s --Attorney General 'Macdonald. *
- Bill to.provide ,fOr the selection of
jurors for the County of York for 1869
—Attorney General Macdonald.
On Mondaythe following Bills pass-
ed the' third reading. .
Relative to certain Streets in the
city , of London in thiS Province—
Hon. Mr. Richards. '
To provide for the Registration of
Births, Marriage and Deaths—Mr.
To apaend the Act respecting Line
Fences and Water -courses. --,-Mr. Currie.:
For the Relief of the Toronto Street
Railway Company, I and to provide for
-the. Sale of the Ptetilevey.--Hons Mr.
To Incorporate, the Township of
Monk.—Mi. Cockburn.
To Incorporate the united townships,
of Watt, Humphrey, Christie, Medora
and Wood.—Mr. Cockburn. ' -
A Bill amending the Common School
law -of Upper Canadaa-Government. '
• Mce, McKellar. Spolte ,on the advisa-
bility of convening Parliament about
the lst.,oi Decembere A naotion was
introduced by Mr. McCall for the ste-
pension of, aid to th§ Journal of Educt --
tion bus, was withdreeven .A. lengthen-
ed, discussion took plaee On the Dog
Tax Bill and the assessment Act. The
government expressed the opinion that
the Graram r School Bill would be laid
over till net.session..
On Tile day Mr. Wood'sLicense
Bill . occupied the greater part of the
(14'; he endeavoured to give explana-
tinns, and lakeenodificationS, but when
fall is done t is a -very unsatisfactory
supplyeBill was submitted
1 reading and the following
• the third reading, Relativ'e
Hon. Mie Richards.—Re-
partition of .Real Estate.
—Muskoka Territory4—At-
eral McDoneld. .
esday, Tax -Titles, were dis-
g with other minor matters,
affair. Th
for the thin
BiIls pesset
to :mining.
letive to
Mr. Coyne
torney Ger
, On- -Wed
missed, ale'
e farmer who
.•451111taeleata bgeerfal411t
119a.°d;asrunal° o py l-1- 1SkOt Jew atid be
ess.• ae, paltry
$. For insintitaufge*e,e toinabgiter 1) gsah. ensi
usher 1YOs than the market
which used to et a4v-odisstiely,staoheica_
r -.e fees on 18, oads of grain (a
ieewlibilf°raetaiolilientnsilairo *1,80/ or would
pay hi
number of loads very fewoffes_correzaeil:liateies
ilVirliellge:iii,11:123tehaeliril:C::tai.1(.1"14eN:- 1:3%Ige.C.1:SITI:1:fithedAistellile°inyt
will complain. It hi
all times past, ana I resume ib will be
so in ell time to cora , tlietinfia
flea will object to an a
their old established cnetone As, the
inventor of the .fi t locometive en-
gine - was consider° I, inane, o in.
the present, any deer ation from, or im-
provement on -the ol mei heti of doing
hairless, is looked u 031 *ids suspicion:
by one ideaed men, s me of whom we
have in Seafortla. I s sorry to say. I
consider it a stigma n the enaractier of
a respectable faifn ries with a heavy
iner to eay he would
load, to save, or avoil a small fee of 10
&five eight or ten
cents,—everything else being °Tie'. I
an willing:to give tl farniere in oer
vicinity credit for more -elirewdnets
than to drive that de•tance with a load
of grain, and sell it from 2- to 3 cents
per bushel 1.-Jse than sheyeetal get in:Sea-
forth, solely to e.voi. a paltry ee.
consider that if our storekeepers who
are going aboat the Stmets grumbling
about the trade _gob g` to neightoring
ville`ges on 11.&01111t of the marlset =fees,
were to apply the ca nee to its proper
they would 1;m1 that they are
the causeofthe trad leaving t2eaforth.
If it be leaving, as hey sey, let theen
offer indricenas nts t the farmere, let
the n se.ffl their goofls es cheap or sleeper, -
let them pay -as new or more for grean
and other produeea. thy do- in other
places, and Tievill get ranee that,neither
the raar17,, nor the market fees, will
prevent the trade from coming herf.
This proceeds -ire \vo -,1d 'be mileh more
becoming and nios ueinees like than
to have a petition wked about -town
bY a party priding 1 ISI1 ne being the
great champion of 44 no market," mils-
repreeenting matteis, to isecure signe -
tures. This petitio , I anis tolde was -for
the pnrpose of do ig away with, the
markte and marke fees. Now, , Mr.
Editor, I claim for t e merket "British
Juesice, ' a fair and impartiel trial -be-
fore being contlem led, and if sueh
given, I will vier.. ntees that farmers
and storekeepers,- well PS grain deal-
ers. . will, in less :Ian one year, be
thoroughly eonvinc d. that the market
is eqUally advantag ous to all. So long
asmenin business will cry down the
market, just so tech longer will it
take to -get it into clod. working ordere
In fact the merelse te are themselves to:
blanac.if the trade is going to other-
points. Inetead.of upholding the mar-
ket as they should o, they mierepres
sent its advantages o the farneens-asad.
enlarge so mitich7O'n the injary leafleted
on that class of the community by its
establishment, that they are led to ne-
lrieevyeer steh7a s aprreo vher tse dwhile
e f to be the
tehe, Nee'rarY
in all other market towri-s. Instead of
the farmers having to pay the rent of
sivilhellnreacrekievte inasotr'eleisay they have, they
r their prbduce anel
thereby be. to -a, onsiderable extent
(From our Special Corr pond
Oita usually quiet to
thrown into a state of gre
by the fatal stabbing affr
place on Saturday night 1
cause of the affair is unk
seems that a fend had e
time between ,Mills aed
that the latter made an
former, and Mills in; att
fend hiMSelf inflicted,
jack-knife, a wound in th
Williams. He (William
great agory. until Mon
about 10 o'clodk, when
Mina hed in the mean -
country and is still at 1.
tectives are on his track,
will be -spared itt order
culprit to ,justice, A. po
n AD.'
de -
.10 .11 ,1 ecip, aterpn;inna. ,tirei
rge ; but de-
ttack on the
) ling;ered in
own ; but
illiaMs, and
uid 110
to -1-itiir6;egm the
was held 011 the 19th inst.,
but the jury was unable to agree Oil a
OUR new Mayor, C..Crabb, Esq., has
entered 'Upon. his duties w•th great zeal ;
and I have no doubt but he will suc-
ceed in redUcing the ex ?ftns4s, 0.4d con-
sequently lighten the th -ation-12of this
town, .
Aix partiee.regrA that the 'retiring
.Mayor Hugh. Johnston sq., ,eseclined
serving another year. . 1 )elevel he has
discharged the ditties of i.s tate to the
entire satisfaction of Ian ')aritie4 whom
he has- faithfully o the best ot
his ability.
It Tat 'a e tha-w and th
-the sleighing, have cause
.nation in busineSs. Co
entii*1 loss of
totnl stag-
nmereial men
'complain of "dull times," 'so iiit*you
hear it whei-ever you go.
PROTRACTED services lfwe been 1e1d
in the, Wesleyan Ohurcjh for the ast
three Weeks, Which have ressiated'itt
good.. The revised- bega under that
eminent and devoted seFvant of God,
the Rev. Mr Campbell, Irish Mission -
. Everything seems to promise that
these "claims" which lave been sdlong
before the public will now be speedily
and finally -dispOsecl of The merits of
the questi n do not call .for discussion.
I We have
the whole
being alto,
gion. -of c
mere "lea
a citizen,
now a -da
United St
as little b
the etespu
- " Holz SOuRNAL.".--This very ex-
cellent paper makes its gal -eel -ante in
an enlarged form and a new dress. The
style of our Sts---T-homas confrere we
,have always looked upon ae the "mo-
del." The change will undoubtedly
enhance its present' popularity kuid in-
ary, who labored with so much 1 success
while here.
THE annual meetingof thei Godere
ich branch of the Bible Society was
held in the Wesleyan Chuicla,1 yester-
day evening. •
THE weather has been somild, that
our harbor is almost enterely fice from
ice. •
From our Special Correspowdeitt.
\ Mr.. John Wa1keri t 9th Con.
near Leechville has leas twOf acres of
his land for five years to a Mr. -Wilson,
who intends commencing the manufac-
ture of brick in the spring. • 1. under-
stand he already has orders :for fi% e
hundred thousand which is a very good
one over them already with
requercy. Sufficient that
matter is in. a fair way of
ether renaovod from the re-
ntroversy, and to become a
issue" of the past: "Once
lways a citizen, will not do
& And a, citizen of the
tes, and yet for purposes of
British subject, will, quite
tolerated. Irish 'citizens of
lic must rest satisfied with
being that and nothing else; and Ire-
lanemust, to them, beas foreign coun-
try for making any hostile demonstra-
tion, against which they have to give
account both to their fouler and to their
present rulers. They rand chose their
position and stand by it. The Com-
missioners who have todecide the ven-
ous claim arising out of the Alabama
matters, ill have a somewhat difficult
The new Coimcil has done vrliat the
old one very foolishly, refuseelesto do,
via, granted the sum o one In-inclred
emd fifty dollars to aid i the erection
of a Drill Shed in Lee hvielefor the
use of the Volunteers. This is as rt
should be and will no d ubt gAve gene-
ral satisfaction.
The best and most loqumt lecture
.on'Temperance 1 ever had the, pleasure
of listening to, was deli
(99th)in the- brick Char
Rev. Mr. liu
The learned aentienaan
ChriStia12.9 a seething r
inconsistancy in drinki
door," and taking there
glass before retiring at
and deli
with- the
final refe
at least
stantial j
ate work to dispose of; but
ow, er alwaya of calling in a
eel, they -will, we doubt not,
f not toithe satisfaction of all,
such a way as to give sub-
ered ,last niOt
it of lOshawa.
aye Oro fessing
uke 'tor their
Lg " -hind the
so-called social
ight. He also
gave the -Good Templirs a ioke and
earnestly urged them presk 'forward
in the cause they had- espoliged. The
Leechville Votunteers attenged in a
body .trid looked splen id in their uni-
form It is to be hope they ;will ever
remember the lecture s nd always and
everywhere refrain fros' stronstrongdrink—
So mote it be.
To the Editor of the B
posit -r:
DEAR EDITOR :---S0 e four weeks
ago our new market was opened, the
fees having been sold for a lirge sum,
whicla will tell veryraateriany on our
taxes next year, as well as being a mat
boon to the grhin dealers an farmers.
It is -a fact that cannot be confuted ex-
cept by parties totally ignorant of the
-advantages of a market, that to con-
centrate buyers and Sellers tie any par-
ticular locality, the result will be that
in all eases the seller will get the high-
est market price for what he has to. sell,
which is not the case when the buyers
are scattered all over the village; AS for
instance, it was no unusual thing in
times gone by, for pork to e sold at
Itickson's corner 50 cents per 100 lbs.
less than what was paid it the other
end of the village. The am with
grain of all kinds, it was ,..ast every day
occurrence V) purchase grain kip town
for 3 cents per bushel lesii than what
was being paid at the Station befor we
had the market. Now. that all the
buyers are compelled to be tee .fhe mar- i
ket, farmers are certain at all' tines of 1 The Bank. of
getting the highest inarket4rices Theseidrawsi its apekey
facts cannot be denied, I ',would ask 1 and handed ove
any Mari of dOiirircidit sense it Would 1 Batik a Ontario
- - ,
SeaforthaJan, 1 'th. 1869.
MR. CHMDS, 11 American, gavel .
Longfellow, anothe American, a dinner i
in Rome the other day. This -was all.
very well, for Lon rfellow eleserved the
dinner, and we ho enjoyed it ; Mr -
Childs could affor to.g,ive it. and we
have no doubt else yed paying the bill,.
, f l'iAmelican.
but we do not see exactly hy the af-
fair was consiclere of such import enee
as to necessita,te a Atlantic cable des-
patch. For some time past the cable
has mainly devote itSaQ
puffing . business. Soon if a :Yankee
sneezes at Paris it -will be at once, telet
graphed to New ork.-j-eldvertisere
mg in the Unite States in favour -ot
the inter -marriage of whitesand: bIaekse
Why, does not the ,deii.(:„Ieatiittee:ayn_at4tsetrdei
flighted -white sisters
thonyllusband in the
e‘ • llOt Ilitieee`if6asartiecliocw6ktichr-
One' tbinewhere,
will eetne to the cone
is a hypocrite t1114,4
creature set her
a practical examp
she cannot get an
Republic, she
over the border -1
ed men in Cansi
accept her: (let
should, or people
elusion that s e
isymbug Athafe -sea
than her clapstea
short; she is not t
beast she would
lionnilton T8 -,nes.
Xontrtal has wit;
frorn St. Cal-Ian...4es,
its bultiness pe tat
'lotion of Ji
lets. Tie
,rom for
foe -
ill' XV
. ,
viiM; got hi
ananf fee. Dr..1
srs be eeni
twc f.ngsn
• -
'pf 4" -
Ld foe the
,- all4ij-.body beat
Jaren 1
village; -reg
eree .
Ind sit
.et. Resid
d of
eetses are ete
c of Le.
YouNts neni
i-ained of fj
tbc Sleati
20 was inft
$4 zLeot-
itr- to till 1
. ,
)er oceasions;
Vinir (.17
4 t ar load �f
arid ascom
hat under tl
r ii 1106
1lLs pal't
S nary :
pies of the
ace. Service,
above name
ho list -eat!
eadd7esesceiis if
man), B.
Drs. Stdiut
h the eel
A,. ver
as taken up
ny e4smm
oaa fide nam
ertion, but
tfaith as -Tie ha
olto father ou
o 130t symp
ments ; but fu
by next issue,
etter 2,nd give
'Read .the let
in this issue;
"TeiE Ee0
The initial
_rare specimen
its literary an
ceptionialy SO
r. Shaw
rrise. We fa
fast, and
raels,,and lor
iassenger nor
-al result
caeies of the
(prepared in
Smith office.