The Expositor, 1869-01-22, Page 1LO
eitfiVQ prot
f jm Ordinary mem is I
sponiuI in chronic dieease
ed the patient foa_years.---
Remedy, but is nuts:Kerr
niike all preparations 0.
era ask for Dr. Raaway
-e no other—see that the
e on the label of eae
,'oces a
io), from
the 1m-
run exiats
R. If the
Lathe the
Pain. the
where ther•
:Wm.:, or by
t:to painfal
L.nncl tho
uI iii
0. UU1U-
'worst forms
a ail
. the et.irAnd the'-Nole hue(
complevn. i1lnikoaremarkuhle
LIE rtua
tret.—This extraordinary agent, !ism
▪ t(4.1 cuus ureffecrzlly, vie
souisi44.0; alt varieties (t vud
4eoaisd WaIniidneeEuro Mercuro,
ersKdes, and the w0r3
It -rut -sot akin Dilvavs. As a spes•ialty,it is 1.1m; a tome -
dee f Vies:.
complainbi, audits. 3 Q-41Ciati 011 Witht110 QUM'
in;aedients tho Reieaverkt ple.ces a cure bey-outi thc
possibility a a doubt.
rAnt.,4-1{A marveIoni_ ateut
Tile it new un,shinc It such effulgent V.-tItt nnenlin
maliC e w id a% to east in tits Simla ozh. r roe tn.
posed top fa properws. Lod by the
eminent p itiote rA EVIXON 0.10. alareta, ettei
e .
attereest, 'throntriptic, super' or Dtr-1,n, D?
t: cw.alha, Cuba+ z
Juniner, T^ o., it
worst forms of IN. t- r Urinary-
Irseffectsin ravei, Stone in Vio Bladder, happres.
Itetention ot lcrine,Thabetw, Chronia Catarrh, Ten
Inflammation pt the DIadder, ft relieve sanest ins
mut iu eases \van ro catheters have b..%•n. • used it
procure a urdek discharge of 1Trint.. Its o.:*_-telatiort
Fuet-Sarsapataim011ul other ingredients, restores fuc.
tional barniciay. to the mreting 1-essels a tho kidne.
tea seams- the secretionet•tho proper constituents
art%) from the Vinod. -whose nrino b thick
cloudy, morlyld,-. turbid, depositiirr, ',rick dust, aibutne
and other &posits, will after, a few de6-e3, witness the
disappearance et the' igns et terzer, and their \ram
thamrckl to a clear amber and healthy color. Dear tr
anintftrlat. the Besesent b the only remedy that contain!
Sarsapaplian andthe pure` Pereira Brava.
• rtliaVr. DiscoNiklawra Roars._ Tbi
properties of these roots excite a powerful action on tin
augmenting the -ocelot -10f the excreting orifices an
vessels, to ezpel retained excrementitious humours that
by irritating the LiUrt. , cause EGrat, PimPles, ,E1Pots, Sat
combined with otter ogent;,
—cure or Trick es-
-L711. et all brinorsixeintho systtrn,
The ...Properties of its Ingredients,
pAitILLIAX.-The properties ot
jes,edimt. hich is the only true ottrativ,
Sat W411141110 , e1tIa1M-1. the blood of vitiate(
-expels from the system tho taint of corrnp
removes from the PIN PfXS, 13 1,0T
impariimr beautiful elearneza
atid. beauty 1. u..
Not one int Et, 't$0176c$11$1 Nysylati
Or. ativvaTos trealtiaierit is ob.;
served., and all Who- may be
seize4 with Bilious Cone, 33.1..
lid &mu. ugust Pever, Typhoid. Pever,
- • •
erfect Chills and Vever, Elover- and.
ifiarnatiort Remittant and Datermit
Nerves, tuna Feeerer. In ihet ali a-r1rrip.1
ind other and. -v-egetabie revers are preven-
Gits from
and rudri-
vhich the
mtern, be-
ne — that
L tonic to
-ted: and c urea by RA-DWAN"Eil
Pi..1.4148-, assisted when required
the I -IMAM -14:
As a preventRin, when either of these -
maladies prevail, take one pill per day, this
will replete the liver, and supplir any defi-
;olvent of cency of the heahly condition of the gastric
the sub- juice, the natural solvent of the system'and
ad aid di- secure healtly ,digestion .„ Ten to tvtenty
eubstata drops of Ready Relief, in water as a drink;
to make this will .secure invigoration and strength
cleficien- where there is weakness, lassitude and lan-
)epsia, nor,,- and negtrahz. e the poison.ous
ch acidsi
• irritant and morbid humor; ofthe stoma
mary diffi- generated from the gases of inditested f
)f the syst &c., and if seized with any form of fev
ay and se- take the pills in large doses 4 to 6, every ai
et consti- hours, a few doses will,ensure a cure.
ation the haeT cured the worst forin4vof Yellow, T
tka of bi- phoid, Marsh, Ship, and Istfimus Fevers,
Sweat— the West Indies South America, and
treatment withathe Ready Re1ie4 aed
uhiect to have met with the same success in the Eas
lysis and Indies,—these fevers are all done faitra
and Bled- and will More readily yieldin their mikler
:fctions ;— forms as they exist in temperate climates;
Pills, will then in their more fatal types of the ton-kt
the occa- zones.
pc -rations.
and nutri-
VOL 2) NO. 7.
Attorney -at -Law, Cinlieridt, Ont.
Dee. 14, 1868. 534f.
"Freedom in Trade.— e
Lib rty in Civil Rights."
TJ , -- VERCOE, M. D.r. C. M., PHYSI-
- ,. CI-kN, Surgeon, etc., Egmon
lgginontiville, Dee. 14, 1868. ill5e
posi.tethslaCrpo,isinutyoteoLlturon. .OVFIcE.---,,Op-
Seaforth,'Dec. 14, 1868. ,
I/ _GE0Y, Sze. Offiee,---Opposite Vears
grocery. Residence,—Main otreet, North,
Seaforth, Dec. 14, 1868. • - 53-ly
0 . bou.ottor in Chancery, Conveyancer, etc.,
Paris, ' Ont. Money to loan on farm:
# seen-
- 3r. - Terms easy.,.., 9f113e--First fiat, Paris
Star Building.
Paris, 1)ec. 14, nos.
screamed, the bell rang, but still
fair Cora came not.
• [The following verses, from the pen Of
the lamented author ardl., statesman, whose
loss is so .deeply deplored, were recently' dis-
covered in Mrs. .Winifred Witty's albuna, at
Quebf c, an„cl were inscribed. to that lady in
1862, on the occasion of her patron saint's
day—St. Winifred
Along our native glens, ot old,
In. hut Saul hall, for young and. old,
When Night brought round her tales,
No purer Epic was to tell
Than that -which °lithe list'ner fell,
Of Willifrfa of Wales.
• 53-tf
aud Attorneys at Law, Solicitors in
Onancery' and 4nsolvency; Conveyau4ers,
Notaries Public, 3c. OTIcees, --•Sleafor th and
Wroxeter. JAS. iietesue, w. Maio..
6eaforith, Dee, 10th -1868. - 53-1Y.
his ovdrccat tO ascertain if their was a
missing button, or the collar needed a
bit of dusting, and.,
thine was thorou
delicate white hands
inspection a tiny
from the side poc
Picking it up, she
,scription, and, drew'
therefrom she read t
The virgin* martyr fair and true ; •
The tyrant sworn his will to do—
• Whose -Wrath, Wild. as the gales
pat, sweep o'er Snowdon, and -whose sword
Crapiiied that bright lily of our Lord,—
Sweet Winifred of Wales. . •
Where fell her blood, the ,conscions earth
To a charmedspring gave instant birth,
Whose ministry ne'er fails.
To heal the sick, to light the blind,
• G_ &
Y. mermuus, PE,QviNcisL If sought in fervid state of nund,
Amid -Ole hills of: Wales.
.. Latul SurN•eyors, Civil Enginecrs,.4c.
All inanner . of Conveysaining done,
neatnesa and f.116'..patC1i. ti-. slci?hilliPs, Com- -Auspicious name ! so meekly borne,
tnissioner in.13F-It. t ltlice—N ext door - „south ,
1 thee iiivolte this holy Morn,
of Sharp's 1 otul, Seaforth. \. . '. I , , .
Seaforth, Dec. 14, 1838. 53-13,-„ i When all men. s pra,yer prevails,
'--- - -------'-,---- - -----vi-:-- . To bl.ess tills, roof and all who bears
-tTAYS .&1 B L-VVO 0 I), ' BA li 11 ISTE RS Thy name—so honored. thio' all years,—
.11. and Attorneys at Law, ,Solicitors in
Sweet Winifred. of Wales.
Chancery, . Notaries: Pliblie, ConVeyancers, T. D. McGee
&c. Otfice,--LOver Mr. Archibald's Store,
Sunday, April 5th, 1862. .
Crabb's 131001c, GOA:rich, Ont.' ' Money to
• Lend. w. To itatA-NdE HAYs. 3. Y. .E1,75030.Pti
Seaforta, Dec. 14th. 1868..
"rv w, Solicitor in,Chancery, Uobvey-
be ready to start to
arrange your tbusin
m.orning express ;
the% depot, twenty
Y ours affectionatel /
Ah! here was the secret of Mr. Mer-
ton's sadden change of pirri)ose. He
was gding to. accompany the charming
Miss Cora home, and could manufacture
no other excuse than to go after his
stock of fall goods: I . -
• As 'this truth -flashed over the mind
of Blanche, the overcoat dropped froin
her nerveless • fingers, arid the great
tear -drops gathered 'in the. crystal
depths of her dark eyes, then rolled
down her face. Farther than this not
a moSele -moved—not a sign betrayech
the grief-stricken. heart. But the sha-
dow- of a firin resolve seemed to fix it-
self /about the corners of her rosy mouth;
stooping down she picked the e-vercoat,
end replaced the note in the pocket,
She hung it in its a.ccustoxned place.
. When. this waS done she took a small
piece of note paper from her portfolio,
and. carlessly traced a fetv linesenpon
it, she dorined her cloak and hood, and
hastened. jot° the street.
" Blenclike"-, said , Mr. Merton next
enorning, "here is three thousand dol-
lars : wont you please sow it between
the lining and outside of my vcett 1
do not wish to carry it in my poeket,
there is danger of loosing. it on. the
journey.' .
" With the grei4est of pleasure,
J61133. ;" and the lithe,form flitted a,way
in search Of scissors, needle and thread-
-Soon the task was announced, com-
plete, and John Merton, with in
hand, gaily imprinted a good-bye 'kiss
upon the lips of his wife and . little one
which nestled in her arms, and hurried
off to the depot. ;
Arriving there, he glanced at his
watch, and saw it was but half past
five. Ten. minutes yet before- the ap
pointed time tor the arrival of Miss,
()era • so he very impatienelry composed
himself for a smoke. r
twenty minutes passed,
made her appearance.
Mr. Merton paced ba
through the ",Ladies Room" with a
nervous half-friglitn.ecl air. What could
have h.appened 1 He had just come to
the desperate conclusion to start out
and ascertain, when a enusical voise
caused him to bait
"Good- morning Mr. Merton ; I
hope you will pardon me for any anxie-
ty I have caused you, as I was unavoid-
ably delayed in gettingsomeone to bring
the basket over for me." .
"Most as' uredly . you are pardoned,
my cle Miss Clifford; I shall be only
too happy to kujoy yoUr society at any
cost. But here comes the express."
And the long train swept Majestically
up to the stetiOp.
Air. Merton ta-ught the prodigiou$
willow basket, carefully assisted his
fair Companion into the cars. In a few
moments they were flying away over
the iron—John in a perfect deliri-
um of ecstacy, listening to the sparkling
and brilliant conversation of the irre-
sietible 'Iteauty, who still kept her fea-
tures concealed behind the thick folds
of a heavy bliie veil. Wife an.d child
were both banished froni his mind, and
he had quite forgotton there was any
one elsein. the broad Universe but him-
self and the facinating young being by
his side, when he was reealled to his
-senses by the voise of a breaksman, as
he thrust his head into the -doorway
and sang out 1
" Belmont."
"Oh' yes: -please excuse .me a mo-
ment," said Miss Clifford). as the train
slowly .halted. "1 have a ,,trien.d at
this station, .whorci 1 weeniised to see
jnst a second, while "the cars are -wait-
ing." .
"Certainly ;" and Mr. Merton arose
for her to pass from the seat.
Three, five minutes passed. he be-
gan to grow uneasy. The conductor
cried. ".AU aboard I" . -The whistle
e sure that every
h repair. As the
turned it over for
nvelope fluttered
et to , the floor,
anced. at the sub-
°. a perfumed note
e fellowing :
MERTON. --I will
orrow, if possible,
sS so as to take the
Will meet you at
inutes befoie six.
WHOLE NO .1 59.
the 7 up the lining, -when his ears w
', ed by an minus thump on th
Mr. Merton started for ths door, but '1 the " LaniesItoona," followed b
the aisle was filled. with new passengers, of . unearthly scream& In-vo
who were not yet seated, that before he dropping knife, -vest, and coat,
could reach there the train was u der lied' thither, and found that
rapid motiore had tumbled. from her poSitio
What was to be done? Juna seat, and lam_ upon the floc)
dare not Plainly the only altern and hands keeping time to th
left was to compose hirasetf as co music whi,ch preceeded fro
mouth, changing the color of
edly as possible until they shquld. •
at the next station. now ten mile fearful .hue. •
taut, then take the first trai•n ba Bv -the tirae Mr. Merefon. had sue-
endoubtectly, been accidentally d think he had. left his garmen s in not a
until too late to get on board. .=
Crest fallen and dejected he ma
way back to his seat, and 0:ye h
up to moody reverie -un.til arou
the condector: ,
"Your ticket, sit 7" said be, 1
tapping him OD, the shoulder.
. "Ah, yes." ,
-1: But now he remembered that in irlie
excitemen.t of the morning he bad for -
re saint -
floor in.
a series
he bur -
he babe .
en the
its feet
terrible .
its open
ts face to
" Put my linen into my valise to -
&c., &c. ()Ace—Opposite thestore of
W. 8, itobertson.
' Interest on good -Mortgage security on „ ,
tor New Yorir. m the morning.
53-ly "Why,' what's the matter,. John' II
thought you were not going for a month
did not intend t, but I learn, by
the papers, that goods are somewhat
on the rise, and have concluded the.
sooner I'm, off the better." *
" Then you will stay at home this
evening, -wont you 1 I shall be so lone-
ly here alone ; beside, you know it
will be two long weeks before you will
be here again:" And the beaUtiful
1;rown eyes looked pleadingly up into
Seaforth and roxe
staaes to Walkerton and: the G. 'T. Railway his.
to loan at 8 per nialit Blanche ; I think I shall st
et, .
real estate.
Seaforth, Dec. 12. 1868.
U- De Artificial Deu-
turesinserted. with alithe latest
improvements. The greatest care taken for
the preservation of decayed and tencle-r teeth.
Teeth extracted wi:tlioat pain. itooms over
Collier's Store. '-
Seaforth, 1)ec. 1868. -ly
A IMSTRONGV8 110!CEli, A -11.,,,I) GEN-
Jj VAtAt.. Stage House,i Ainleyyjile, Onta-
This House offers' tie best accommoda-
tion to travellers. Stages leave dltily for
eonueCtU1 with
i. search of his lost companion., Wh •ceedeci in quieting it, he h ppened to
ed b
gotten to p...octire one, and di
his hand into his pocket in se
his portmonie, to bis consternat"
disma,y he found it missing I • J
at geaforth. AD4r1toNo, Propriel.or. I I can't, Blanche • I ha,ve business
bd open in time to-morroW, as the ex-
-Ainleyville, April 23, 83S. . 20-ly 1 to tr
RIVERA, A.ttoriqs-at-Law, 8o1ieitors
in 011 aneer y and Insolvency, NotarieS
and. -Conveyancers, Solicitors for the B.. C.
Bank, Seaforth,,Agents!for the Canada Life
Assurance Co :N.B.-430,000 to lend at
%. Farms, Houses and Lots fbr sale.
Seaforth, Dec. 14, 1868. • 634f.
; suranee on T0W11 and. Faria Proper-
ty' witn, The. Provincial Insurance Oo'-y of
Canada, The Liverpool & London & Globe
CO:., for Life arid Fire. The Gore Dis-
trict Mutual Fire Insur. Co. The Niagara
District Mutual Fire In. Co. All claims will
be liberally dealt with and promptly settled.
Seaforth, Feb. 20, 1868. 11-1y.
PODIST, respectfully informs the public
of Seaforth and suirounding, country that
he is preparQd. to cure Corns, 13anions; Chil-
blains, Ingrowing Nails, Large Joints, and.
all diseases of the:1111ra= foot. Guarantees
successful treatment, without pain or sore-
ness. Wilde directly opposite Griffith Davis's
Dry Go is Store, Main Street.
SedJ1-th, Dec. 14, 1868. 53-tf
ansact th.e bank, and not
-•.,-ery. dose Taken when syraptotusurdinizest,'
bead, nausea at stomach Indians
AS, i_Sver,. n , pain atm- eating, sleePle*ear'
r depleted &c.f., appear, will sooa thi
aienee has
ad that is
as Small
parict and
Pus Mem.-
hese Pills'
rated and
mmon ad-
; Pills will
e comnaon.
e purpose
re perhaps'
tway their
es; inwaxd
E that is
e 'for Mer-
. will scour
c, and will
Wood &
for go;
and its in-
me drastic
pill of the
Lg new in
Dr. Rad -
hie sub -
Pills arc unlike all -other pill% 44 iili ,,,,,,,Y'l
3 grains- Gr the active eurativkriultresor-ex'tralZ
of the rarest prWucts of the
ingredients so -4o of thein never Wow tine Tfut_-":9_, .41,
eiho. Pad te be found only in th"ffir,ae_al
in: Pith.. sere that one- of the 1 abelsotaekeerit iril
On the other label, there are .7,9 igt:Itgaeh
*ered with SWO 0 t WI Ela. ]rico 4taNNrbar. 00
by Druggists and Country 2dorcluti
3.3r.. IZA.3DWVeg
No. and the fac-simila alladway& Co.,
printed in Rod ink, and that lie -swag atm,
This extraordinary medicine Is
cares of all kinds ot Skin Di. -...ease,
tors. Rash. Erysipelas. Kings L '
TUVE DISEASEz3 0t1111) Nose, II
P.ars, Legs, &e. It has sem
nishing cures of uncured Iiyphili
Diseases. Ferar4rores, Ulcers. '
the (Minds. awl iklereuria Sores.
In ait cases cf weakening diseh
Lenchorrea, Flouralbus, and dis
Uterus, it is the most perfect cure
Itt diseases et` the Kidneys, DI
passages- in Diabeates, Gravel, 13
liappression of Utine, and incase
deposits - Brick Dust," Limo
thread, or albumen, like the whit
urine is thick, cloudy, ti..c., and wit
great trouble, to hold water with
discharge-, and it comes away in
strongsmeli of ammoniac, and shar
experienced along the canal ef th
dull heavy pain, in Elie small of the '
and over the bladder and kidneys.
ReAdvent will soon ehango all flies
cure the pa&teat. 'Ais remedy is be
Digitalis, Cuhebs, Copabia, slur
fInd all other agents -used in thes
su tiering give lt a trial. Hundreds -
were emu ;died to use Catheters to ser
of water, avo by the use of six bot
tcly cure- , and by Ono teaspoonfai,
daY, entoyed the felicity of passing
rally. In au caset ::'ie that the wo
lian" is on the label of each bottle, an
thelabel. R. IL II. RA.DIVAY'S- R
1.±MOLVENT. Price one dollar per
for Eve dollar& .
Address '
6%) 61% raurA. ET, MO
-SOLD BY 414-1,443,jc.
t Astoli
rch -of
stt n
iercing wail saluted his e, is. teed
verisafe place, ,and he puck
for them; but would the s
rible adventures of the day
They had beer. stolen. -dor
sence, and no 'trace cif the
be found.
turning to ascertain. from -wh
proceeded, be saw all the eyes
'passengers fixed upon him in a
ous stare. Louder and shrill
the screams ; wilder and more I
grew the gaze of the passenger
last Mr. Morton turned pr
eyes upon. the willow basket
set upon the seat facing hira.
"Great God! what is the Me
• this" ejaculated he, as witl
strieleen countenance he saw t
ing rebounding to 'vehement ki
beneath, then slowly glided. to
diselesing the spasmodic face o
etbe, whose open mouth emit
of the dearest- melody.
For some moments he seem
etrified -with astdnishment a
s is due here at six. But be a gOod
dear and I will be beak at nine &Clock:"
And the young merchant lit his cigar
with a non-chalant an sailed out lute
the street. -
Blanche Merton was one Of the
sweetest little wives, that ever diffused
happiness, and Sunshine through the
merry hang of home. Her inisband
was not fully unconcioes of this, for
with all hisfaults hepossessed a kind and
eenerous nature. -
No -Wonder, then, that he ,sliould
feel the twilitges of conscience in the dike
honorable part he was playing, and the
sed sweet face of bis; wronged wife
should .risettip accusingly before him.
For, to be candid, Mr. Merton's suscep-
tible heart had been straying away
after an artful beauty and Coquette, who
was spending the summer with a friend
in town, and quickly resolved to try
her Jfaseineting powers upon. the ban. -
some 'young merchant.
And well she- had succeded. For
before he was aware, poor John found
himself fairly entangled, and when he
endeavoured to break the chain whi:th
she had woven round him, her brilliant
smiles and winnine tones held him an.
nee it
of the
✓ grew
tru chug
hich he
What could be crone now
the only alternative left Jo
was to take the first train h
thetwhole of his treachery
little -wife, and the cireumst
had , deprived. them of
. Half frenzied he told his
to the ticket -agent, who
him .a pass home,, and
young mim in his shirt-sle
kicking, squalling babe
stepped on board the cars.
too much absorbed -with h
notice or . care for the
smothering laughter of h
yellers ;' and as the train fl
ly an towards his native
parin.gly prayed thtit it m
the track, be plunged into
anywhere, rather than be
presence of his 'wronged
wifBe.ut the - prayer was
John Merton was soon
ning of
e cover-
ks from
he Aocee
d strains
d utterly
d horror.
Then slowly siukingiback teat,
shaking with rage and. shame .inut-
"Merciful Heaven! is 'it 4aossible
be that
stor and
she shall
IN Cutting and. Shaving Saloom If
want a good, Shave, or your hair cut,
or SI, pmpooned, a3 it ought to be, go to
tbe "Little Wonder," '§outh, side ef Sharp's
Ma' Street', ''Seaforth. - The Bath
Rooms in connection will be opened to the
publib, on April 1st. Lubelskils tonic for
making the hair grow and. prevent,ing it from
sboales at $1 each: Come and buy
Wit, was never knowp, to fail. Sold
Seaforth, De/ 14, -1868. 53tf S. LIIBELgia.
and. Huron -Sts., W31..LA0cAsTER, ro-
prietor. The proprietor -would. intimate to
the traVelling public and people of the sur-
rounding country that having fitted up his
house in a .comfortable ina,nner, he is prepared
to accomodate all who shall favor him with a
call. The table is furnished with the best
the Market affords.- Liquors, &c., of the very
best brands. There are good stables attach-
ed to the hotel.
Seaforth, Dec. 14 1868
• -53-ly
en, fifteen,
till no Cora
and forth
have been so duped? Call,. 3
Cora Clifford is a -vile imp
thief? By the St. Stephens
rue this, if this infernal train e -ver stops
again, and heve sense eno
put the authorities on her tr
sBut here his soliloquy -was
ed by another series of mu
from the distenaed throat of
charge in the basket, remind
had other wurk to do.
lifting the perplexing littl
humanity 'float its cosy bed
called. all hie po-weis of in
action in the attempt toesoo
• quiet. •As a last resort he
his-watel; perhaps it might
And putting his band to hi
et, horror on horror, that
(Tone ! Mr. •Merton nev-
with a groafl. Of dispair, D1
whole race of little ones
But his conscience only
these ahathemas, with—
• "Served you right, John
served you right 1"
After what eeemal an.
halted at the coveted stati
with the babe in his arn
way into the depot. He
unresisting captive by her side. Thiis
evening after evening was spent in her
society, while -patient little Blanche sat
alone in her room, wearily counting,the
hours until his return. For, ignorant
as he supposed her to be in regard to
his whereabouts. she. was nsot unaware
of them; and as ;la 3 thought of his claanta
ed manner and neglect, many were the
crystal teeks that would gather in. the
depths of her beautiful eyes, and roll
silently down her rOsy cheeks. But
they were quickly brushed away at the
sound of his footstep, and not a naurmer
escaped I er chery lips as she smiling-
ly welcomed him home.
Therefore, it was not :without a
shadow of suspicion that she packed
away the snowy the valise, not
forgetting his smoking cap and various
other little articles of comfort, s-uggest-
ele left to
ck r
ical notes
his little
mg him he
bundle of
he. Vainly
nuity into
he it into
thought of
notike that.
stink back
litany ours -
int.,. himself, Cora Chffoidi and the
in general.
ntavered to
y staated
ange, tere
ever end 1
his ab-
hief could_ .!
ii. Merton.
me, confess
his loving
nces which
half their
pitiful case
dly gave
ves, with a
his arms,
But he was
s misery to
hispers and
fellow tra-
w merciless-
illage he dis-
ght run off
the rivee, or
r him to the
nd innocent
heeded, and
' ancled on -the
platform from- which he, had so gaily
set out An the mornm
greatdrops of prespiratio
upon ' his forhead, he sta
home, and reeled up the
Blanche sat cozily rea
cheerful fire, looking mo
lovelier than ever.
preliminaries, he threw
feet, and confessed all,
. With , the
standing out
trend. towards
steps into the
before the
e irmocent and
aiting for no
himself at her
unibly begging
her forgiveness, promising ever in future
to be faithfol to his Lear
Bnt to his surprise,
calmly listened. to his r
tended her hand witl
saying.— "pet-trp, J
babe in the cradle ;
don't recognize your
VY 1ig•s, Proprietor. This Hotel has
been lately enlarged and Otted up in good.
style. • His rooms are large and. -well. furnish-
ed, which cannot but make it a comfortable
home for the travelling public. His table
will be,fanfislied with all the delicacies of
the season. Best brands of Liquors and
Cigars at the Bar.- This 'Hotel is also the
general Stage 0Office.
7 •• 21-1y.
Wroxeter- -1,lay 14 1.868
Merton I
rage vows.
when she had
citical, she ex -
_a quiet ,mile,
hie and lay the
ts strange you
cbild 1 And
as to forgivenss, you ce tainly need not
ask for paedon for a pi
your own wife
"My wife? Blanch
mean. .
" I mean, as I say,
Miss -Clifford, as you su
travelling companion.
here is your watch
which amused myself by rurloining."
John WEIS more comp -debt bewildered
than ever, and could ot utter a word;
Blanche, who conside ed him sufficient-
ly punished, related t him the -manner
in which. site had lear ed hie intention ;
how she had writte note to Cora.
'Caro el in lie nam,telling her to
take the nine o'clock train, and. -teeet
him at a station some forty miles below,
_so as to better aerc'd euspicion ; she
gave the baby a large dose of paragorie,
that it might sleep. long as she -wish-
ed, and with it sects lv hid in a btsket,
had succeeded to a )171arin in playing
Cora Clifford- leavin his side -with him;
she had taken tee t train back, and
concluded by infor mg him that the
lost three thousand dollars waks safely
laid away in the ureau diawer as a
pledge of bis future good conduct, for
she bad sewed it in his vest, as he sup-
posed, in the morni g.
We have only o add that John
soon receiveel hie money from the will-
ing hands �f his la py wife, for he was
completray cured of flirting.
ge, the -train
n, anti John,
s, made his
ad just got it
snug y ensconsed in his cic ercoat on one
of the seats, and was abo
in taking the nec0ssary
detection of his mornin
when the down train ca
by, and through one of tl
dows discried the smil
beautiful Cora Clifford.
The telegraph cliti not Iworki and the
ed. by a -kind en(r loving' heart. Then
flitting out into the hall, rare took down
• .
asure trip with
what do you
posed,. was yo'
If you doubt it
nd. pocketebook
, IS
t to proceed
teps .for the
e thlindering
e open
g face of the
game -was ovei ; she had Outwitted him
and aothing remained
to accept his fate makin
he could. But he cduld ,
his journey with thechil,
distracted brains evre
time to know how to ri
He coul4 think of no et
leave some one to it un-
til his return from the city, when he
hoped that kind Provideice would come
to his assista,rice, and ft rnish some un -
be done but
the best of it
ot paoceete on
'and his poor
, uzzled a long
himself of it.
er way than to
foreseen way for its disposal. • 1
t, he was minus
nently had no
e had given to
st So he step-
ested:_himself of
d jaak-kniie in
in ripping up
This reminded him t
his pocket -book,
money but that which
Blanche to sew in his v
ed out of the rooro.,-di
the said article, 'and stc
hand, aeout to proc,e
Never get so in ed and empty as to
auppose the -world allot get along with-
out you. Also ne r thirk yourself in-
significant. It is p ietty certain that you
are to act on , principle that the
,world cannot excu e you from perform-
ing your duties, an I to the full extent,.
Unless- you are a lo fer and a goose, You
Will "come up to time and work. F. e
er overestimate no underrate yourself.
Do all and tb.e bes can.