The Expositor, 1869-01-15, Page 5• Er! IND A &ORIN. Is- 0011•PANY, faa Home its,laied.ou and Liverpool. Con. ada t, 23 '*ap..-Ital Street, Montreal. '- IX IsIVA.LS I have been obtain. edi. the ParieFadlibition for TFIAS from, India, I not ev prize of a 1mo-deem/am _ tion. ( ide "The (roe, '4th August, )6i, The t omparLy iranort these Teas -direct from t eir Plantatioas in Asearn and the DEER DEMONS, and ea theminPackets - * and 0 'etas throagli their .kgents in. every City on I Town in Canada,. Only taro pal - ties, viz. , 70e. and 011e a011ar per lb., either Black, - Teen, or Mixed. Aslant for Seaforth. MR, JOIN S- c. the Trade Mark. 6th,1868. 9-1 ' - -.1vd, Londou, 1862, Pan% 18 WE sEwitea MACH -1 r Obse Februar Gold THE For *Families aud_ ganefaett -NTO. 3, Rosin Ifouse-Bloela King s IN West, Tor°ritYa and St. Paul's S St. Catharines. Branch Agency for Seat --Wm. N. WATSON. - TIIE HOW: LOOK STITCH. LETTER Ma,china. LETTER B—Farally and Manufact Machine._ LETTER O --Best Leather and Clo Manufacturing- Machina LETTER _E—Or Cylinder Machine, aea Harness naaking Boot and Shoe Fiftines, and Saddlery Work wherefthe form rof work must 14 retthied Stitching, has been the County t%0:ETE:,t's. apposite the I3-tif. a full stock EMICALS, e Stuffs, Ea- lface ineon., sutance Co., and India. which I er- t -4 .1••• , •' .C...., C• i k• .:). P.:,* , :•„f.. ia the most complete and pe4ect in TITESE,WORLO RENOWNEP SEW. LVO MACHINES were awarded the ITigia. est Premium at the World's Fair in Lander, 1862, and Gold Medal at Paris Expositien, 1867. They are celebrated for doing the best work, using a much smaller needle for the, same thread than any other machine, and by the [introduction of the most improved ma- chinery, we are now able, to supply the v;ry best machines in the -world. THE QUALITTEg WHICH RECOif- IirESD THEN ARE: 1. Beauty and Ei- cflei.cy of Stitch, alike dnboth sides a' the fabric sewed. 2. Strength, Firmness and Durability of Seam, that will not Bip or Ravel. 3. Economy of thread. 4, At taehments and -wide range of application to p-arposes and materials. The above canteha,d at the Branch Office in Seafortli, from W. N- WiasON. Who is also exit for the celebrated TVAATZER SEWING MACHINES, which for facility of manveraent, neatness- and durability of stitch, and wide range of seams and 1m/iv-ailed as a Fainily Sewing Machine. '1 Thread,' Silk, Twist, Shuttles, Bobbins, Needles, Spri.01.1, and all-ma.chine ap- pliances fore Branch Office at Sea - forth, where machines may -be neatly re- paired. • W. R. WATSON, Seaforth. A.pril 16th 1868. 19 -1 -vi • GUELPH, MELODEON AND CABINET ORGAN = F.A:CT-ORY. RELL, WOOD & Co. WOULD intimate to the public of the V V Dominion that they manufacture Me- lodeons and Cabinet ()roans superi* to any on the continent, at prices- as low as those of any other good maker. Tiley defy competi- tion and challenge coraparison. All of the firm aro practical Melodeon Makers. Mr. Wood has worked as head, turner for the beat faatories of Canada and. the United. States., His tieing has invariably taken the fist prize wherever exhibited. 'Their Me- lecleens are all Piano styled, being more firm , and durable than the portable style. All instrumenta, are warranted for five years. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. Il- lustrated Catalogues containing testimonials from a great number of celebrated musicians sent free on application. FIRST-CLASS PIANOS TVirt SALE. Factory and Ware-reoms, East Markat Square, Guelph. - Wm. BELL, R W. BEL, 1-1., B. WOOD,' -McLeoa. J. L WILKTR, Agent, Clinton. january- 16, 1868. 6-ly REDUCTION IN FLOUR! SEAFORTH MILLS. - _ HE mbseribers are now prepar d to sup- .... - ply the inhabitants of Seaf h with F4,9FU.)1Z:*FEEDI geoticiED- RATES. • ORDER'S LEFT AT THE ILL OFFICE, s)r. at W. Scott Robertson's It aliau WareliQuse IiII have immediafi attention, and be de- livered at the residence of the party. W A SI rzearson uco. Seafortla Dec. 2nd 18.0S. 0 • . . 1 The Last Dance. During the occupancy theiel of Moscow by,the French. tu:hiy,ia ty of otlicere 4i and soldiers determined o ]ave a- military levee, and for this pose chose the deserted palace-ofa bleinan.' That night the city wa, on fire. As the sun set they. bega -assemble. The womeit who foll the fortunes of the French army iro honest,; ' never take a' man's trick Wot -decorated, for the occasion. - The gest don't belongto yob, nor 'lip?carcls, nor • ipad noblest, of the army were thre, for then you can't look your man and merrimentaeigned over t eaekowd. in the face, and i when that's the case During the dal:teethe:fire ap- there's no_fura in” the game ; it's a regu- ; proathed them ; they saw it d, ming,( lar 'cuttliroat; So now, Bob, farewell. but felt no fear:- At lenathtbo - e R member -what I tell you, and you'll - ing-next to the one they. °couple was be sure to ; if you . don t it. serves on fire. Coming to the windowi" they you. right and you'll get skunked. - gazed on tile -billows offiie whiolt. swept the city, and returned 'to their watts& t their IQ - t� ed THE StAVORTI-1 ExT,voirron: THE ATTENTION\ OF THE SKATES, Segforth Public I deal* or something wrong. kuother thing Bob, (this was spoken in a low tone) don't go too imuch women,en queens are kinder poor cards, the more youhave of 'em the worse for you ; you might have three of 'em and nary a tramp. I dont say discard 'em a1ll ; .ff you get hold of one that is a trump if is all god, and there's sartin to be, one out of four. - And ;abo-re all, Bob, be inent .Again and again they pleasures .to watch, the progress!! flames. At length the 'dance a, and the necessity of leaving th of merriment became api)aen,. They were enveloped in a floocr and gazed on with deepand fi leraniy. At last the fire, communi; •building, canser repare for namec170aniot, waved his jewel - el hail above his hand, and exclaimed : 'One (Linea more and defiance to the ..„ ernes." A.11 an,; -ht the entusia,sm of, moment and "One dance more, deiance tofjlie flames," burst from ithe lips of all. The dance commenced, leader and. fonder. grew the sound of •anusic,i1 and faster and faster fell the attering footsteps of dancing men and Is -meal, when -suddenly . they heard a cry : _ r2he fire has reached the maga- zine'1y--'fly for your life!" Oe moment they stood trsnsfixed with, ter- ror ; they did not know the magazine was there, and ere they recovered from their stupor the _-vault exploded .; the building was shattered to- pieces, and the dancers were hurried into °a fearful -eternity. i HEKRY W.4.RD BEECHFR OK ENGLAND THFENGLISH.--Henry Ward Bee- , cher recently spoke of England and the • English in the following strain : The proudest Sovereign in the world is Queen Victoria. She dignifies woman- hood and raotherhood., ancl she is fit to sit in empire. There is one reason : why the English throne is the strong: - est also, because it is so many legged. It stands on thirty millions ef people. It represents,the interest -of ±,4 masses' of the 'subjectS. Another reason why England is the strongest nation is be- ) cause it is the most Christian nation, becatise it hasthe mtaralpOwer. It has - more than we have., We like to talk about ourselves on the. 4th of July -- we love to fan ourselves with eulogies; but we are not to be compared to -day with ,old England. I know her surly 'faults. I know her stubborn. conceit. but taking her up ,on thet one side and. down on the other, there is•not another nation that represents so much anity as old England. , If you do .not likeeto hear it I like to say it ; and the strohgest power on the globe to-dayis that kingdom, and the: one tha,t is the of the ceased, scene t to all, of fire, wfui so- eating to tlaein to rave young • •-ob EDUCATION IN QUEBEC—M. Buies gives the Lanterne a sad - aceount of „ this Province. He says the e-cclesias- tikal., agriculture collegeal of St. Anne, teaches that fetes, masses, and bene - actions are the necessary requisites for good crops,. although it, admits the plough as necessary in the =process, The rich crops of the priests' farms are in a striking contrast with the crops of the habitans -;but, instead of attribut- ing them to, minure, they are regarded as the rewards of devotion. Mr./Buies also translates from T. Widd hi S ac- count of the teaching of the deaf and 'd umb, as a- fitting accompaniment to the above, • Asto the literary institu- tions, Mr. Buies says-: " The great part of what are called the instructed classes are very stiperficial," and adds, " I will give my own case. On. leaving the Seminary of Quebec (one of the highest educationalinstitutions of Fiench Can- ada), after my, "rhetoric,' I went to Fiance to finish • my studies, had taken some pries I confess-, and I dear1y. expiated them. I believed my - Self . very well up when I could not write two consecutive lines of French. For eighteen months of my Paaisans fir-ofessors corrected for every phrase. was completely -ignorant of ;'history, and of almost sciences. It was there I first heard of the gravitation, &c. :N. *I Newton, Kelper, Lamplace and Cuvier are unknown names in Canada colleges; but as a compensation the student passes ds two thirof his time in prayers, and the one third in learning Greek roots and cursing the philosophers.— Montreal Witness.' In a county Farish- Scotta.n.d, the minister and the reeling elder went over the muir tot -visit an old parishoner on a ."catacheeOng" visit and the walk being a long one, their aplpetites were Fifty keeli. when they arrived. Before comraencing the rerious biasiness they 'suggested. that the "inward. man" was 'clomoronS. Janet. accordingly went to the "press" and placecton the table country refreshments,bread, milk, etc., and seating herself at a little la ths - requested her visitors to fall to. They soon cleared the beard, and the minister remarked : " Now, Janet, -we begin the serious business. Do you remember. the text last Sunday,. J aner "Deed, aye,"replied Janet, I mind it weel • it was the miracle of the loa- least likely to be shaken clown. - • ves and the. fishes" "And have you. land has 'been destroyed every ten or 'fifteen years from the time of the Ar- mada to the present day, in the proph,e, cies- of men.' Every few- years She has been about to be over thrown by sea • she has been about to be ploughed -1;p by, land ; she has been about to -str of her r sources in India and.in 4her parts of the globe. Nations have orm- ed alliaa ces against her ; the armies I -and navies and -fleets of -the civilized world h ve gone abdtaaher ; her lute - IS respectfully directed to the ery Low Prices John DRY • A t which- Vraidwood Is selling COODS, Skates READY MADE CLOTHING,- &c.- At ears' Old Stand. GREAT BARGAINS Are being given Every De.partment 100 Pairs !- - „ Of ,Fitst-Cla,ss Skate S Jest Received, and • At a Great Bargain And crowds of customers go away every day, well .satisfiedwith what they get. Ormoweirereeree. 'IF YOU: "WANT A GOOD OVERCOAT . GO TO BRA IDWOOD'S IF Y01.) WANT A • PAIR OF PANTS GO TO At the Drug and Crockery Store of E. HICKSON &Co 5 6016,6•••••• CHRISTMAS ESENTS And New Year's !4r ..'i YTS. , S ta Maua has made his headquarters fel thipresent sea,* at the store of M:' R COUNTER f ,i 1 ere ke Is exlribiting one of the largest stocks of BRAIDVVOOD'S. li Oryou want—in fact if you want any- thing in DRY GOODS and don't want. to pay a great deal for it, got° • BRAIDWOOD'S Mea's old stand. Seaorth, Dec. 21 1868. 53-3m. ° • ; iary, have been. , . iticaJ and -violently assailed; and • s stood, as she now stands, off his boots ,and wriggleand squirm out mistress of the seas, and t e stlongest pondered the stibject during the weei, janetr'. 'Teed I have, minister ; Jrnthinin' that gin you and the elders had been thre,, they waclna has taen. up sae montiny hasful" The other day, while a woikruan was tightening a bolt on a _railroad bridge that spans Bullock Pen Creek; in ten - ton county, Ky., he got his pantaloons screWed fast with the last bait ata dis- tance of eight feet above the level •of the bridre. At this juncture his wrench fell. No help being near, he had to slip of his pants Succeeding m which, he got power 'Upon earth, beeause she has -re- -down, recovered the Wrench, returned presented the Christian eleent" to ;the top of the ,briclge, and released ot for Joseph,—ii he knows it. R H COLLIER • Has decided not to enter into the wholesale trade at present -owing to increased facili- ties for carrying on hii "heretofore extensive retail business, whieh takes up every inch qf Toon in his establishment. However, a discerning public unanimously declare that AN- RICANSAS FATHER'S ADVICE TO HIS bo . Bob, yOU are about -leaving home for strange parts. Yoli are going to thro V 110 out of thegame and go it alone. ' The odds are agaa • you, o --a- reme4er that -industry and preserve- - ranee LIC the winning cards, and. they th i c.,' bowers." Book eaini,„, 1 all th sort of thing will do to fill up \Vitli,' lee sraall trumps, and you must have t e bowers to back them ca they . - aint -N jorth sln icks. If luck is agai h. you p etty strong don - 't cave and oo., like a sick chicken on -a rainy day, but -hold p• your head and, Make believe Ton "re flush _of trumps ; they don't play so hard again yo. I ve hvect an Cl traveled ro unk some; Bob, and . found put that as soon as folks thought you held a weak hand they'll all buck again you strong. 844o, wheui you'rie sorter weak, keep on a bold frobt ; but , play caution ; be satisfied with a point and doned his pantaloons. A work- man -who had observed him at a distance, thinking- him crazy ancl about to com- mit suicide, procured assitance, but the supposed lunatic was himself again be -- fore the help arrived. HIS GOODS AREAS CHEAP, (and his profits must consequently be as . small) as those of the LARqEST WHOLESALE -HOUSES IN THE CITY,. Before the invention of pins, in 1543, ladies used to fasten their dresses With skewers, made of wood, bone and ivory. At first pins were considered. a great luxury, a,nd not flt for commcin use. The ma1e -ws not allOwed to sell tliera inopen sliop, except on two days in the Tear, at thebeginning of January. At this -time, husbanbs give their wives money to 'buy a few pins. Thus money allowed to a wife for her own private epenses , still called. "pin money.” RURCHDIECTORY. • the hand I've:seen 'ern- ewher -because they played for too - much.. Keep ,your eye well skinned; Bob, dont let !ern mg you recpllect the game • lays as muh with the bead as with the aands, Be temy,erae; never get drunk for they). no Matter how you. play it ,•-th'bowers and the ae wcdt, save you, far there's certain to be a mis- jiist to hand, a nicer. lot ot , FltENCH 1VIEINO S . . All shades and colos, t . - • - - . , Fancy Repps, Empress Cloths, Coburgs, Lastres, Winceys, &a, &c. • W414-1VftniODIST 0.13.ROH.--Resr. WTI'. • liayluirst; Pastor. Services eVery Sabbath at lcqi o'clock, a. na., and 64 o'lock, p. in. Sabbath School at 2 &clock, p. m. Prayer Meeting Thursday .eelainas at 711 o'clock. METHomsr EkscoraL CiagacH.—Preaching eaeli Sabbath at 10.30 a. nr., and 6.30 pan. Sabbath Scheo12 p, m. Lecture and prayer Rev. S. Williamson, Pastor. i I Come Early , but please don't all coine at meettiag, Wedn.esday evenings e • ,30 p.m. Prayer-meating on Tuesday evening, at once, . PRESBYTERIAN alitiRcar—Ser vices -coramence at 11 a.in, and: 6:30 11, Ae. Lectnre ami R. H. COLLIER, 7:30 Thia. , , Seaforth, December 17, 1868. 1 . 53,1y 1 1 ' • , . \ TYLISH A.IILLINERY mantles, and. Clout -kings, BOOTS AND SHOES 7 ° Goloshes and Cloth Overshclee. po.cT_,01.3-13s, From 40 cents, upward. A. splendid lot oi er 19RS all shapes &sizes THE GENTLELEYS p.EPARTAIENTI, Ladies caly and xamine this line of goods. ° will be fonial complete in every lie. A Choice lot of . NEW FR -U -It S & FRESH GIOCERIES ust received, t gether with the latest de, signs China Tea, Set, CROCKERY & GLASSWRA • & art, 6006 Ever Wought into Seaforth. Everything suitaable fo 'Christmas Presents and CHEAPER Tho ae -who lor friends by b ful preSent, sl Rush 01 egr.'api-E M Je Seafarth, D w Year's Gifts, PRICES HAN THE CHEAPEST *sh to gratify their chuii1tiL stowing upon them a beaati-t ould. call early, as A, Or at' oubtedly be made to Santa - lie Headquarters. fileTHE PLACE!, 4. Counter's ellery & Farty -Goods SAII)re. . 9th, v2 -3a 1-1 K STORE TE und. Cull's s to inform th vicinity tha nes s in Mr. tent:on to t merat a sha 0— rsigned. having- purchased IMr. ock ofBooks et Stationery)! inhabitants of Sea.forth and he intends carying on the bu.4,- ull'a premises, and hopes by at- e requirements of the tradie e of their patronage. Te 004 at present comprises, in tioto the authorized a 0 01 Oral° Rob A Feiv Bales of laTge ssortment of Da,yBooks, Let gem, Ne Book, Pass Books, Pencils, &c. ALe a large uantity of Bibles, Testa ent, Piuyer Bo ks, and. KY N BOKS, In, great iety of binding, together th eta, asortmefl1b of books in general lite- atutify suitable for CliriStmas presents. DIARIES AND CA,NADIAN ALIVIANA / FOR 1.869. DAILY GLOBE i& TELEOR FOB, SALE HERE- CIIILDIIEN TOYS, &c. litalliani El Seaforth, Dec. 24th 1868. • -tf. • • . rAVE JUST RECEIVED 20OO KEGS BEST liONTRYL CUT NAIL., LEIH BELLS IN EfDLESSITIETV, IJADIEs & GSNTS Of all cles7ipt10n; CITOPPING A t se Hudson Bay Robes a Just received, and for Sale b E. Hickson & CROCKERY AND N • E•-•' I -15 _ • 100 Crates Of beautiful 'White Granite an Coll:in/0u • Ware, direct; frem. the English. POttwies, for sale Whihesale and. Retail, at th'e New - Crockery aaal Drug Store of ickson c • THE BEST MANES; Weavers' Sup lies 0! ALL BAR, BAN & HOOP IRON; CUTTER & SLEIGH TUFF, COOK BOKA PA4OR TEL, Also a large and cheap asserlent cf HELF HARD 4.7 GLASS, PITS, CAW, fe., Ever offered. in this part of 1116 couutre . Country Merchants in need bf Nails ar other article in. (air line -will ibid. it to t.7 advantage to give -as a call. Virliemember, ihe place, "flip of -fla. ' _ cellar Saw," ;N.Itiin. Stret, c4ortn. Decenbe,r. 2 Alib68, ,53-1-1. , . 71 ° a • •7' ,.; t -t tr.rt•_. ; - - • • 76. I •