The Expositor, 1869-01-08, Page 1F
"Freedom in Trade. --Liberty in\Relgion:•=Equality in Civil Eights."
the- Ootutty 9f
site Sliaip'a UOtQ
Seaforth, Dec. 14,
' R. W.'R;p SMITI
o"^star\Tt . • ,..l.1/. .
rocry, Iles tie e1
oz tliD e. 14,
,. Soiiojtor i11Chau
Vis, Ont.: MLo:ue)J
sr Euticliig,
'aril; 1,% c. 14,' 1863:
0401), { Slit.
M , • :FIYSI.
53 .tf.
is►\Eit FOR
-SJ(T t\T, SYTR_.
1)li:a ite, Zeal's.
tilt 3, i:i•v cit, North,
i LAW,, etc.,
1 ti11 on farm; seen!, Paris
.tet a `"'_ -- -.
.X.i Ii1` x'171+; —
and, , t,,r,_ e-, 5 a 4 BA . ltISTJ RS
Ilncer r a lu14...11..?.
U aiV, i is i is l'-1.-:t)r 111
les Pelbii. •c- , r t (, t).'til C;v.t?1Gers,
mreter.-, JA ". i. its*. .,. , ,;st ii. :stn and
$eaforth, Deer. l Oth 1 x. 1 c i.;vz;h
e , - f.y
W. done 3troP1-5.14148 _ T t
Ijrt Laud Surveyors, 'Pre.. z ti C IAL"°
AU manner ncr of (`t ilv Bit rine ers, ` with
r " with
igitiless and clispatc;li*McPhillips,
mi ouer z:Is. 1 : Cl Lola-
, of Stare's. ire ter, Se• teak. - i. ' eolith
.Worth Dec.. 14, 1$ q
i & 1 LW0 BA
a cl e.ttiirne -s 14 G:to s' In
S , Saleitars
C:el S ,, i tc ,_art 'P Cs LQv re"'anter
(}tfiee.1- t)v_cr. Mr rchi1) tid'l 8l s,
;;lath's Bock, (o&ieizel, nt. Alone to
!hit w. Tonal i N o tx. g r ,r. x'. 1 LWOOD.'.
=x ortli, Dec.' 1 18.. 53-tf
J. Ic'(`L.E ' Y U ------ --
IsTTOII ti +'-AT-
L_t.w, Solicitor Convey-
- Gouvey-'
'04 kq4 , &-.'.. ()f i )ositc tl .esfore of.
11lobertson. Monet:, loan Dail. at $per
1 uter:. st ou good -
-;. gag c security on
.„ \ '
h, T)ec. 12. 18'' ;i 53-1y
1Il11;I3,SU1I o
dist, lir. 1011 en-.
t test
eafort 1)ec. .., •. .i Y
€cu5t e Douse =
• se offers tree alnni
n ,tc) .t tebers: Stag's leaveal ly fc;r
'cc ford] pill \VroXetel•, ?et` with,
• to es Go" alkei•tort and >.f:G`. hail
s W . A. liii::1160 roprie
-ge'5 r t 3 l ;S~" 20-1
- leo. April , _. ..
Tui< 8Ql1C
,.dries Pia
the lv
ianiacla L -
'e _ lend at
Sec ,h3 tf.
1v .v oper=
ty:of 1.1
] e fU obe
vr61. w
'Post up the books ! the fallen year,
' Now veils th_e faded and, the se r,
And Wintei(OVer floodji and fiel •-
Does high and stern dominion ield,
}Tie changing round the ceaseless sun,
Tliroughall the hosts of heaven has run;
A vast account is here to note,
Yet all is strictly -posted up.
For time :his balance has been set.
And nature has assumed her debt,
By famine, pestilence and sword,
And.eft has sum /ironed alt a'woid. •',
By varying decay: sickniss and
-What thousands havebeen swept away
But can the in. Use( or dare recount,
What has, or was:not, eachauiount?
Plain truth it is, the coming year
' May find, but will not leave us here
- And after death shall it be said I
That We have .a false reckoning made?
Or shall we.then, as thoulands will,
Find our last hopes, a bogus bill ? _
For late 'twill be to make:exchan e
Nor will a creditor arrange.
A d ye who up this steep ascent,
0f' Life t6 toil and trial :bent,
Ars on ye)push of this made sure,
That your investments are secure
Since earth and earthly things are frail;
Take stock whose bbnds can never fu1,
Nor panic reach, . fire, or deca
Y, t
IVror death the interest fade awa 'Y.
And ye.who past meridian 'rime
Are posting downward life' decline,
Success or failure Y u . though - lot
. g . •
In time it soon will matter ot;
As now you tremble on the br'lxik,
Of the vast future calmly th_rk,
The past review e'en as you Isup,
And duly all accounts post
sembled one evening,
l.le month of June, 1815,
in the remote western SUbut
-don.: 'Theoe0-s-of handsom
dressed' w onieu—a large re
ing men abort town—t
of chandeliers blazing,
overhead—the charm;
dancing _ together : wit
-citeu ent then perva d
e, 'owing to our succ
n' e1 tai campaigns, - whicll-
Englja]rd with a.lniost daily
tions€ of victory --all tLes
stances _ I. sat combined o
-i ] ?.:. S p1 Y cl, rll—zn fit—run
spar G µ ry party. In. .4i ct ng- r i
Good some water GCod !—How had acq
.' ost turned up..ide down € strange !— Tliat :a piereine- shriek 1" culars
1 feting I►1 rs'
rty I have just
ecstacy at the
hole was going
alta house
las of Lgri
and welt
ince of .the
•cast her. mind with gloomy anxieties
and apprehension's. It was, indeed,
owing solely to the affectionate impor-
tunities of her relatives, that see was
prevailed on to be seen in society at
all. Had her ow,n• inclinationseen
consulted, she would have
. , ave sought oli-
tude, where she might, with weeping_
andtrembling, commend her hopes to•
the hands of Him ' who seeth in secret,'
and ' in whose hands ale the issues ' of
battle: As, however, Miss —'s rich
contralto voice, and skilful powers of
accompaniment, were much talked of,
the company would listen to no 'excuses`
%or apologies ; so the poor girl was ab-
solutely boned into sitting clown to the
piano, when she ran over a fey/ melan-
choly chordswith an air of reluctance
and displacency. , Her sympathies were
soon excited by the finetones-the tu-
multuous melody --of Cie keys she
touched:; andshe presently struck into
the soft and soothing sympony of. "The
•Backs of Allan Water.". The breath-
less less silence of the - bystanders—for
early all the company had 'thronged
at length'by .broken her
voice, -stealing ." like faint blue gush-
ing streams " on the delighted ears of
her auditors, as she commenced singing
that equisite little ballad with
molt touching_ h the
pathos. and simplicity.
She,had just commenced the verse,
For his bride, a soldier sought -her,
• And winning tongue had he !
when, to the _surprise cf • everybody
around her, she suddenly ceased play-
and singing, without removinhr
bands from the instrument, and. gazed
steadfastly forward with a vacant air,
while the color faded'froni her cheeks,
and left them pale as the lily. She -
continued thus for some moments, to
the alarm • 1
i1 and astonishment
of the Com-
parny--inotienles;,, and apparently` un-.
conscious of ,ai]y que ;s, presence. Her
elder sister, much agitated, stepped to-
wards* her, placed her hand on :her
Onntu.eia seernecl utterly confounded, and
;. - .afraid
circum- to interferewith her. Whispers were
seri l 'hear "She's 1 for
her. ' By the :use, however, : of strong
stimulants, we succeeded in at lenge.
restoring her to something like consci-
ousness'; but I think it vpuld have illness.
been better for, judging fromthe eventi . "Go
WHOLE NO. _57.
ous and awing
Scotland is call
-something of what i
rd second sight -in tl
hick had occasioned h
o .
, n
. she
b rl iured, .wr
neva• to have awoken again from for closed eyes, while I was ;sitting 'a
getfulness. She opened her eyes undue !
the influence of the searching stimulants
we applied, and stared vacantly for an
instant on those standing round her,
bedside, Her countenance of an'ashy':
hue, was "damp with a clammy prespi
ration, and she lay perfectly motionless,,,
except when, her frame undulated with
long deep -drawn sighs.
" Oh,' wretched, wretched; wretched 1 this—
gazing in silell
in glory. I shall
—I shall 1 Ho
I recollect," she
interval, "it wa
e on her ; '1i gone—a-- -
eethe youlg conquer
he will love inc ! A.
continued after a Ix
The Banks of ,A11.
Watjer' those cruel people made r
sing :and niy h : art breaking the whit
shat was the v ase 1': was sin i] g whi
1 sa,vv "—she shuddered-- h ! it w:
girl ! she murmured at length, Why For his bride, a
have I lived till now ? Why did you And a winni
not suffer` me to expire ? He. called 1 -n the Banks., of
me to 'join—I was going—and —andyou will _ t
g g But the summer
note let me—but I MUST go yes, yes ! And the sold'
" Anne -dearest !—why do you talk ° Oh
so 2 •Charles is not. gone—he will ie- no, no, neve ;arles--my_ pe-
soi murdered Charle- never 1" she 'row.
turn soon -he will indeed, sobbed her;, ed , and spoke,, a o
sister. p more that uigl .
1 She continued u'terly deaf to all th
"Oh, never, never € You could not ? \vas said •
see what I saw, Jane" --she gl]u n the vay of sympathy ;,
-` Oh; it was frightful 1 .,, " `e11102]$tl'auce ; a a d it her lips mom
g How they M all, it was only to utter faintly son
tumbled about , the heaps of the dead ! - '
-how they stri ped--- h ,
v pl hor-
" My de Miss , you are dream -
one so gay as:
•oldier Sought her,
he !
—false t. e had he--
s -
;ri had brought her,
was he— - -
such words as " Oh, let me—let n
leave in peace ',r" During the two ze)
Ways she continu Ld drooping is p idl-
The only elrcums , nce about her d',
]eanor particular) •; noticed, was, thl
er - hands for a rn )
nterpane, as thong
piano --a sudalt
gh She was startle
f some phantom c
1, "There, there .
lapsed into her
redited that, on the
ing--raving—indeed yoti are," said I
Bolding her band in mine. " Come,
come, you must not give way to such
gloomy, such nervous fancies.=you
.must not indeed. You are frightning
your friends to no purpose g
" What do you mean T' she replied,
looking me suddenlyfull.
in the lace.
« I tell you it is true ! Ah me ! Charles
is dead !—I know it-- .1 saw him ! Shot
right tkrougli the Heart ! They were
stripping him, when " , and heav-
three or. four short convulsive sobs,
she again swooned. Mrs. -- , the
lady of the house (the suer -in-law of
Miss I 1
thin .v ill.
Mlle puce moved h
Ment over the cou
he were playing t
flush over-spreed h
Eyes stared, as the
by the appearance
other, and she gasl
--'-after which she 1
mer state of stupor
Now, will it lie
fourth morning of Iiss 's. illness -
a .letter was' receive fro : Paris b
famuily, with a blac : sepal, and fr:ankec, '
by the noble colone,` of he regiment ii
which Charles -- had served, 'corm•
mtlnicatin g the reel: ncholy intelligence
that the young' captain bad fallen wards the close of ] e bat }.; len to.
oo ; for, While m ' ie act of charms ,
at the head` cf ..his?corpse, a Flene l
cavalry officer shot 1 im with h' '
1s pi.str
right through the .he, '21 I , The'whop;
family, with- all t' ieir acquaintance
were unutterably ked at the new.
and almost petrified ith amazement rt
thestrange coir•oboraton of Miss ,
prediction. How to omm.unicate it 1.
the. poor sufferer w. s now a seriol
question ; or whethe to eoninnunica
it at all at present. he fan]ily, at laz .
considering that it wotelt; be unjusti ,
able in thein any lo ger- to withhol
the intelligence, int] uste • the paiufi
deity to me. I tlie]° fike•-a .p_aired 1
her bedside alone, the evening
the clay on which the letter lead be
received ; that eyeni r' tva the1
her- life ! I sat dour • in lily use
, as 1 t ]ienk I have mention-
ect}, could endure the distressing scene
earm;'der, ,endeavored gen sly to rouse i no longer, and was .carried out of the
lei,. • and Saicl / mem . , a.i n tin « a
,. ' .i]ii.ze, Annie ! what,.b r]a, the ari1 ,, of her hti [
is the matter I" 'Miss, made no .1 band. With great difficulty, we su -
answer ; but in a few moments after, ceeded is restoring Miss once c
without moving ._more
mol in
eyes, suciclenly, to consciousness ; but the frequency
burst into a piercing shriek- iek ! 'Conster- and duration of her `lela
cation seized all resent •ously
began segs-
t o, p I to alarm me. The spirit, being
"Sister—sister .--Dear .Anne, are brought so often to the brink mishit
azz zng , you ill ?'" again inquired `her trembling at last suddenly, flit off into b
like three € to eternity
sister, endeavotiiig to rouse her, but in ! wr 11otit any one's being aware of it.
of mt1St [vain. Miss did not seem either' 1,1 ' course, diel fall that
that tone 1 ! a(, my profession
to seeor hear her. Her eyes still gal.zed < all, knowledge and experience suggest -
ng society fixedly forward, till they seemed graiu-4 ed • after g suggest-
Con allyto eY )Rn i and, expressing my- readiness
r cl, as it were, with' an ex-' to remain all night ht
maddened;a preaaion of(glassy'horror.' x.11 rc event of ' ru the house, in the
p SeniG !..any sudden alteration'in Miss"
for the horse, I took my depar-
ture, promising to call very early in
the morning. Before leaving, lfr.=
sainted me with all the Parti
• -above related and; as 1 rode
, the I kc.,, c. At length ' alias s, lips , 1 could not help feeling the live-
een] men- !moved. She began to mutter inaudi- I liest curiosity, mingled with the most
s y last
clat with ' bly ; but by and by those. immediately intense sympathy for the unfortunatest
off, and near her co lld distniguish elle words, sufferer, to see 1 teeth°er the cog, place r
beside lrn and her pulse,le-count
the buoyant ..niuzatzon "'1. here :--them they are—with t;lieii; ioborat- nan' e, beathiilg, cold extrennities, 1
•seexY)ed irnclnel to 'cc]]-: lantern. (.31i ! they ryarre looking lug
event would stamp the present as a getlr r with the taint tI1; .t she
r 3 g out of those extraordinary occurrences no nourishment whale c had take..
tO '
g . -«—r : —, ley cru Over the o ' 'r since she 11a .
the t eninC s { for the cle 1 ' Tl t 1
leap. i llew,--ne ;=that little'. summer
hill of slain -••---see, see !•—they are turn ins ever
casionly. "come o'er us like a
," astonishing and perplex
one. •
yoilr]b 'lady of some
1 L loiicl Mee] Bird . on her bed convinced' n
personal attractions,- most ainie Ile niaan`-
-nei•s, , _ t accon plisl ]rents---
partivu ' s £'1 --had. bee] i repea t
edly so it down to t ie piano,
for the , '-of .favoring 1]c coin
Pauly w ;r. Scottish a
4G. _rz Sj. •.i t. _ 7, ..
ti • r. Fol
Of ,i time, l o
: e steadfastly
e h' their yin] 4
, • s ort -elle plea
4 , uJ spirits: •' '
Sj`, 51 s e iclently-'a
f arp . deer )e
`Bath! y I cot reel
r{o the about heirs v h 1i : - to ba
:'- fort .borated th
la She `cli,
'd I„wit'
ing them over one - lay one—There 1—; The n
and, with a long, - shuddering groan,
r, " The 1 she fell senseIees into the arms of' her
air of .agitation' and affright, on hearieg the
a long horror-struck- "sister. 1 Of . course, all
reeiSted were in confusion and' dismay—not a.
of lew 1 face, present- but was blanched With
ncholy, extraordinary w-ords she uttered. With
e corro- dee. delicacy and propriety- of 'feeling,
-ureed.. all those 'whose -carriages, had happened
..-ir eaaeement to lia,ve already arrived, instantly took
rather e
eti6s of the
young folks arou
yening. embarrassing or interfering with.
t of fact,_ it was well kr_owi by se-
js veral present, that Miss as en -
sed gaged to a young officer who La earn-
/ best' insular campaign, and to wh m she
was to be united on his radial f om the
Continent.: rt need not, there re, be
ors casualties to which soldi r's life
e-9?sed--e. specially a bold and brave
qg soldier, such as her intend d had
probability,' 'that he. might, alas I
..of the fallen, suffic4d to
ned of all, exeept those who were ini-
mediately engaged in rendering *their
services to the young lady ; a serValirt
was instantly despatched with a ho",
for me. On my I found her in
bed (still at the house where the party
was given, which .,.was that of the
young lady's sistqr-m-law).. She had
fallen into a succe0ion of svvoons ever
since sbehad been1 carried up from the
whereshe lay. S46 had n t. spoken a
syllable since uttering t e singular
words just related ; and 'her whole
frame was cold and rigid—in fact,. she
seemed to have recAive4 some stiange
shock, Which had altogether paralysed:
tetwas again athil1,11:11ilseesft----sahnel::::3 thsbteaettlesii3rdasee...
ceding evening—only feebler, and al-
most continually stupified. She seem.: then teld in my ha- ncl.
ed, as it were, stunned with some• se- she observed it ey
vere, but invisible stroke.. She said tied en the envie oroi
scarcely anything, but often utteted a the sight operated som
low, moaning, indistinct sound, and electille shock. ,She seer
whispered at intervals, " Yes---shdrtly, to apeak,
Charles, sbortly—to-morrow." There tb Heaven .1 had never
was no r4ising her by conversation , dertale. the duty which
she noticed no one, and would answeei posethipen me. 'I °per
no questions. I suggested the prOprie-1 and, Woking steadfastly
ty el canine, in additional medical as- as soothing tones as ray
sistance; in the evening, -mei two command—" My dear gi
brother physicians in c:onsultation at be alarmed, or I shall no
her beside4 We carde to the conclusion I -was going to tell you
that she *as sinking rapidly, that, un- bled, aead her sensibilitie
less some miracle intervened to restore denly rettored ; for Per e
hei.; energies, she would continiie witb exPresston of alarmed int
'us -but a, v4ry short time longer. After her mo_ved about li
my brotheir physicians hal left, I re-, persona:whe feels thee'
turned to the sick chamber, and sat by aeitatitai, and endeavors
Miss bedside for xnore than an ti7em. This letter has 1
hour. My. feelinga were rauah agitat- to -day teorn aris, I cant
ed at witnessing. her singular and af- from Colonel —, and
feeling sitUatione There -was such a
sweet and sorrowful expression about --that--41)at—that
ler pallid features,.deepening,. occamion- words. •.
that the poor'giri's suffiainge were so( ;
lengtii of -time, how to break the o
preeitve silence. Obs tying, howeve
ler 114ding oyes _fixed on me, I ,detc
tract ittem to the fatal letter wriiel
suddeely se
thing like a •
ed etrogglii
now wish(
Zid been in
i ,---
tell you wh;
Higenvp, at
e those' of.
brings -wee
elt sudden
ing out ti
ly, into such hopelessness 4 'heart- "Tivit' my Charles is.DTA.D—I kne
broken anguish;as no no one could con- "
template ewitheit deige emotion.
it. Dia not fell you p
.__,.infyerruyrtivk me,
? said
h a clear al.