The Times Advocate, 2006-05-31, Page 66
Exeter Times–Advocate
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Opinion Forum News
Seniors' perspective
Continued from page 5
Ten digits telephone dialing is just around the corner.
Starting June 17 telephone users will be required to dial
a 10 -digit number, which includes area code and the
even -digit number being called. It will be a trial period
leading up to the official launch of the new system on
October 14.
Those dialing the regular seven digits will hear an
explanation of the new dialing system and a request for
them to dial the 10 -digit number. Callers dialing the (7)
seven digit number after October 14 will find their call
will not go through.
The June start will give phone users time to adjust to
the new system. The system is being brought to accom-
modate the increasing sales of wireless phones and spe-
cialty phone service being offered by cable companies.
Dialing of long distance calls will remain the same.
Safe Cycling Is Not Just For Kids!
Cycling is popular with Canadians of all ages. Most
Canadian children 12 and under ride bikes and in addi-
tion many adults ride bicycles to keep fit, for recreation
and for transportation.
Overall bicycling is a safe and enjoyable activity for
riders of all ages who respect the rules of the road and
keep a safety conscience attitude. Bicycle crashes have
gone down in traffic fatalities. Statistically, a cyclist is
safer than a motor vehicle driver or passenger plus
cycling offers health benefits.
In 2001, there were 60 bicycle fatalities. Of these 36
per cent were age 19 and under, and 64 per cent were
over 19. Helmet use is one key factor in the decreased
injuries for young people and the increase among adult
cyclists. Among those 19 and under, all but one of the 21
fatalities was not wearing a helmet. Nonetheless, adult
cyclists must always put safety first and buy and wear a
Garage Sale Advice:
Every year, garage sales are held in towns and cities
across Canada. People often shop for bargains at these
sales; however, these bargains could be dangerous.
Everyone holding a garage sale is legally responsible for
ensuring that products sold, whether new or used, are
safe and meet safety standards. It is important to only
sell items that are in good condition. Damaged articles
should be discarded.
The Hazardous Products Act is administered by
Health Canada. It has safety requirements for certain
consumer products, many of which are intended for use
by children. Under the law you cannot import, sell or
distribute products that do not meet the requirements of
the Hazardous Products Act.
The next time you are planning to hold a garage sale,
think safety.
The following is a partial list of products that must
meet safety requirements under the Hazardous
Products Act:
Baby Gates - Baby gates that have large diamond-
shaped () or large "V" openings at the top are not
allowed to be sold in Canada.
Baby Walkers - Baby walkers are illegal to sell as of
April 2004. Anyone with a baby walker is advised to
destroy it so that it cannot be used and to discard it.
Car Seats - Car seats must meet the Canadian Motor
Vehicle Safety Standard and carry the compliance label
stating the height and weight of the child for which the
seat is designed.
Cribs - To meet the regulations, cribs must be accom-
panied by information that identifies the manufacturer,
model number, and date of manufacture and assembly
instructions. Cribs made before the fall of 1986 do not
meet current safety standards and are prohibited from
sale under the law.
Children's Sleepwear - Loose -fitting sleepwear
(including nightgowns, bathrobes, baby -doll pajamas
and loose pajamas) burn more easily if made of cotton
or cotton blends and should not be offered for sale.
Protective Sports Equipment - Hockey helmets and
face protectors sold in Canada must meet safety stan-
dards set by CSA International. If the CSA sticker is not
present discard the product.
Playpens - Some older playpens may have protruding
bolts that can catch on a child's clothing, or may have
worn or faulty mechanisms on the folding sides of the
Strollers -Carriages and strollers made before 1985
may not meet current safety standards.
Proud of SHDHS band
To the parents of the SHDHS Senior Concert Band — I had the privilege of accompa-
nying the senior concert band on their recent trip to the MusicFest Canada National
Competition in Ottawa. If you are the parent of one of those 62 students you have good
reason to be proud. The students on that trip were unfailingly polite, considerate of
those around them and respectful of their environment including the hotel, perfor-
mance venue and the city itself. They were kind to each other with nobody on the trip
feeling like an outsider yet they kept each other in line when the need arose. The com-
petition performance was wonderful and I felt enormously proud as they went
through their paces under what must have felt like a pressure cooker to some.
Each and every day someone approached either Mr. Robilliard or one of the chaper-
ones to compliment us on the behaviour of our students. As a parent I know we often
wonder if our children hear a word we say! This group has heard every word and you
can be proud of them. They should be proud of themselves.
Anyone who gets a chance should thank Bob Robilliard. He is so clearly the heart
and soul of the music program at SHDHS but his influence extends far beyond the
band room. His students are so very lucky to have him.
If you've never heard the SHDHS bands perform, the last chance this school year
will be June 13 at 7 p.m. It's just a lovely way to spend a couple of hours.
A work of fiction
With 40 million copies of "The Da Vinci Code" sold, there are millions, including
Christians, being sucked -in by curiosity - an eager desire for knowledge or something
novel or unusual; that which excites interest by strangeness or rarity...thus the
`curiosity' factor is too strong for people to ignore this book and this film.
"The Da Vinci Code is fictional -entertainment, not a theology lesson for Christians",
said Ron Howard, the director. "This is supposed to be about entertainment, it's not
theology"...the study of religion.
Anything that harms the body or mind is not acceptable for a Christian.
Discernment and judgement walk hand - in - hand; you can't have one without the
other and that doesn't mean that you are judging some church or some
individual...but you are `judging" for yourself...whether something be "of God" or
something be of Satan...whether "good" or evil.
God never wastes time...He always has a "message" with a "purpose"...with "spiritu-
al facts". (1 Cor. 2:13) "Which things also we speak,not in words which man's wis-
dom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with
Comparing "spiritual things" (facts) with "spiritual"... not with fiction! Discernment
will keep you out of trouble. You know "right" from wrong when you are to judge and
discern what the Lord God has "planned" for you and your family. As Christians, we
should "obey" God's word. We do not need to watch or read...fiction (garbage) to be
able to "talk about Jesus". Bottom line: (Phil. 4:8-9) "Finally, brethren, whatsoever
things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever
things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if
there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think (talk) on these things." "Those
things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and
the God of peace shall be with you." The Da Vinci Code? (2 Cor. 6: 1-18) (17) "...touch
not the unclean thing..."
Constant criticism unwarranted
This letter is in response to the many letters your paper has received from Dean,
Wally and friends. I agree every council needs a watchdog and if you feel this is your
calling in life so be it. However I do object to the constant criticism and negativity com-
ing from your letters. Does nothing good ever happen in South Huron? Why should
our elected officials be subject to your constant abuse? They do make mistakes but
what about yourself? Is it any wonder there are so few people willing to stand for pub-
lic office when they are constantly being put down and criticized in public and in the
press by people like you?
I have lived in South Huron my entire life and am proud of the progress we have
made. Where else did amalgamation go more smoothly than in South Huron? Does
council not deserve some credit for this? Also, the many downloads from the Harris
government made their work very challenging.
I have had occasions over the past several years to work with Warden Morley and
past Warden Urlin and have found them to be most willing to work with us in any way
they could help. Both these men are highly thought of by their peers.
I have known both Coun. Ratz and Coun. Dietrich personally for many years. They
are intelligent men of integrity doing the best they can to serve the ratepayers.
Councillors Oke, Robertson and Armstrong are also good men doing what they can for
the betterment of our community.
I am proud to be a resident of South Huron and am pleased with the performance of
our council. How about a few words of thanks instead of constant criticism.
JACK SCiADE, Dashwood
Happy Mother's Day
Well, Mother's Day is over. Somebody's mum, I do hope you enjoyed your green
gazing ball and stand, or your dressed -up goose. Life must be tough when you have to
steal your gifts!
Furious Senior, LORNA STUART, Riverview Estates, Exeter
Fight provincial downloading
The following resolution was passed at the May 23, 2006 regular council meeting of
the Municipality of Arran-Elderslie, Chesley, Ont."Moved by: P. Eagleson Seconded
by: M. Daviswhereas the Municipality of Arran-Elderslie, in particular, and the rural
region of Grey and Bruce Counties, in general, have largely been unsuccessful with
applications for infrastructure under the Canada -Ontario Municipal Infrastructure
Renewal Program (COMRIF);and whereas it has become apparent that the criteria for
assessing the relative merit of municipal COMRIF applications is weighted in favour of
larger municipalities with larger populations, higher property tax assessment bases
and associated higher taxing, revenue -raising and debt -paying capabilities, as evi-
denced by the successful applicants in the first and second
rounds of COMRIF applications; and whereas the costs to
meet the requirements to submit COMRIF appli-
cations range from $30,000 to $50,000, which
Lettersare particularly onerous and costly to those
tO the
small municipalities which are most in need of
federal and provincial assistance; and whereas
tor the eligibility criteria arbitrarily imposed by the
federal and provincial bureaucracies support
the bias towards larger municipalities at the
expense of small municipalities whose infrastruc-
ture needs are just as valid and important to the
future well being of those municipalities as those of larg-
er, more affluent urban municipalities;and whereas Arran-
Elderslie's unsuccessful `score' in round two of COMRIF was higher than another suc-
cessful applicant for approximately the same level of funding;and whereas Arran-
Elderslie's unsuccessful applications in rounds one and two were for the purpose of
complying with Ministry of the Environment's issues regarding the overflow of sewage
into a river, a system approved by the said Ministry; now therefore, we conclude that
the overflow of raw sewage into a river is acceptable to the federal and provincial gov-
ernments; and we further conclude that the federal and provincial governments are
not committed to treating municipalities with respect for local decisions about local
needs; and further that, if we submit an application for round three of the COMRIF
grant program, no new costs for the application will be incurred; and further that we
trust future assessments of COMRIF applications will result in fairly awarded grants.
Carried Mayor Ron Oswald"
Why was South Huron council in such a hurry to pass a resolution to go ahead with
a Centralia -Crediton sewer collection system without a grant? The chief administra-
tive officer for the Municipality of Arran-Elderslie told me their council is standing
firm that they will not accept any provincial downloading. As a result, they passed this
I would recommend South Huron council rescind the resolution they passed to pro-
ceed with the Crediton -Centralia sewer project without a guaranteed grant. Instead,
they should follow the lead of Arran-Elderslie and pass a resolution which sends a
message to the province, "No Provincial Downloading to Municipalities!"