The Times Advocate, 2005-10-12, Page 5Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Exeter Times -Advocate
Opinion Forum News
October 4, 1995 - Exeter
placed second in the overall
Communities in Bloom competi-
tion for municipalities with a pop-
ulation of less than 5,000. Exeter
placed first in the category of
scope, variety and effort, a credit
to the work of many residents
who contributed in beautifying
the town.
Hayter Turkey Farm continues
to be the biggest supplier of turkey and turkey prod-
ucts in Huron County. Originally founded in 1948 by
Harry Hayter and now run by his son Tom and
daughter Joanne Maguire, the 1,000 acre farm
located in Dashwood is still a family run operatiom.
The Exeter Legion Ladies Auxiliary has presented
jackets to the Exeter peewees, OMHA champions for
1994-95. Jeff Campbell is team captain.
Winning the Moncur Scholarships at South Huron
District High School this year are An Lam and Steve
October 13, 1985 - Moncur scholarship winners
at SHDHS are Greg Hartman, Colleen Glasgow and
Rachel Mellecke.
October 3, 1980 -The cornerstone of the new Zion
Lutheran Church building in Dashwood was insert-
ed at a special service Sunday morning. Doing the
honours were Rev. Stanfel, Rev. Mayo Mellecke and
church officials Howard Datars and Ron Merner.
Lorraine Lewis was named Miss Ilderton Fair
1980 Queen during the Friday evening portion of
this year's event.
Deb Armstrong of Wingham was crowned Huron
County Queen of the Furrow Saturday by last year's
winner Janet Shapton.
The new executive of the Exeter Kinette Club
includes president Helen Klages, vice-president
Mary Loucks, secretary Sally Sneddon, bulletin edi-
tor Anne Armstrong and registrar Wendy King.
October 9, 1965 - Ernie Chipchase and Helen
Burton were the winners in the first annual two -ball
foursome golf tournament for the Jack Smith trophy
held at the Exeter Golf Course recently.
The $150,000 expansion of Darling's IGA was
officially marked Tuesday morning when Amos
Darling, father of the present owner cut the ribbon
at the new entranceway.
The largest family at the Exeter Fall fair was that
of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Skinner of RR1, Centralia. The
family has seven children including twins born in
October 7, 1960 - The Ausable River Conservation
Authority has established its new office in the for-
mer Ray Frayne home at Riverview Park which
ARCA purchased this year in co-operation with the
The 1995 Exeter Fall Fair attracted the largest
crowd ever. An estimated 4,500 people paid the
biggest gate receipts in the history of the 106 year-
old show.
October 11, 1955 - Preston Dearing of R.R. 1,
Exeter delivered the first load of corn to the new
Cann's Mill elevator in Exeter.
October 10, 1950 - Exeter will become incorpo-
rated as a town on New Year's Day.
Exeter Cubs netted over $75 from the sale of
apples on Saturday.
Tickets sold on a Shetland pony donated to the
South Huron Hospital fund by Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Etherington netted $220.
October 12, 1945 - Exeter now has a dream
house just like you see in the newest magazines. It is
the newly built home of Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Sweitzer
and it was open to the public Tuesday afternoon
and evening.
October 9, 1925 - Mr. and Mrs. James Sweet cele-
brated their 65th wedding anniversary on Friday
last. Both are enjoying good health. Mr. Sweet
chopped some wood during the day while Mrs.
Sweet was busy about her household duties.
October 10, 1895 - Albert King of Stephen
Township has an apple tree in full bloom.
Seniors' Perspective
By Jim Bearss
I don't feel old. I don't feel anything until noon. Then
it's time for my nap. -Bob Hope
Elder Berries:
The Red Hat Ladies have been involved with the
Exeter Fair for the past three years by having a float at
the parade and having fun. They have been first place
winners for the three years they have entered.
Congratulations girls and any of you ladies who would
like to laugh and have a good time, please call
Esther at 235-3284 for more information.
Coming Events:
Solo is at the Lions Youth Centre at 125
John Street West, Exeter. Games start at 1:30
p.m. All are welcome.
VON Palliative Care Volunteer
Bereavement Support Group is sponsoring
an eight-week facilitated peer support. Spend
time with others who are grieving the death
of a loved one. Beginning Wed., Oct. 19 at
Bluewater Rest Home, Zurich at 7:00-9:00
p.m. To register or for more information, please con-
tact Kim Winbow 235-2510 or Patty Groot at 236-4373
Hospital Auxiliary Rummage Sale:
Wed., Oct. 19 & Thursday, 20 .Drop off your goods
on Tuesday night Oct. 18 at the South Huron Rec.
Centre, Exeter. Contact Vera Armstrong 235-0780 or
Mary Jane Taylor 235-3293.
Craft & Bake Sale:
Plan to attend a Craft & Bake sale at Caven
Presbyterian Church, 68 Main Street, Exeter on Sat.,
Oct. 15. Time for this event is 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. A
tea and cookie table is provided for your enjoyment.
Halloween Dance
Town & Country Support Services is hosting this
event on Oct. 29 at the Betty Cardno Centre, Clinton.
Ken Scott Orchestra. Tickets 482-9264 or 357-3222
Riverview Estates is having a Euchreama on Oct. 21
from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. Turn right at the "Beer Store"
and go to end of street. Come and enjoy the afternoon,
refreshments and admission is $2. For more informa-
tion contact: Mildred Chalmers at 235-2028.
Harvest Luncheon:
Centralia United Church Women (UCW) is hosting a
Harvest Luncheon on Oct.22 at 12:00 noon at the
church. Enjoy homemade soup, tea biscuits and
dessert for $5. Tickets are available from members or
for more information contact June Essery at 228-6228.
Riverview Estates:
Annual Craft & Bake Sale will be held on Sat., Nov.
5th 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. A few craft tables available
for $5. Admission is free. For more information con-
tact Olga Davis at 235-0499.
Exeter Library News:
All Huron County Branch Libraries will be closed
Sun., Oct. 16 through Thurs., Oct. 20 to install new
equipment and train staff for a new automated system.
Branches will reopen regular hours Fri., Oct. 21.
Please stock up now! The library apologizes for any
Exeter Library has services for those with chal-
lenges. Large print books and books on CD and tape
are available to all patrons. CNIB talking books and
cassette players are available to patrons who have
been identified by a health care professional. Please
check with library staff regarding the use of talking
books. A small selection of videos for the visually
impaired can also be found at the branch.
The library has a computer with a large print key-
board and head phones which is designated for those
who need these advantages. A closed circuit TV is a
special device for those needing enhanced print. Both
the computer and the TV are on movable tables, which
can be adjusted for those in wheel chairs.
A baby change table can be found in one of the
The library is in an accessible building with ramps
at both the front and the rear. Designated parking can
be found at the rear of the building near the ramp for
both those with wheel chairs and young children.
What's Happening In Grand Bend October
Oct. 15 "Lambton Heritage Museum Fall
Colour & Craft Festival" 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. over 100
craftspeople in two location, Lambton Heritage
Museum and The Thedford Bosanquet Community
Centre! Don't miss it!
Oct. 17 "Grand Bend Healthy Lifestyle Fitness
Program" Mondays and Thursdays Grand Bend CHC.
Low impact, gentle exercise program. Everyone wel-
come no fee! 9:00 a.m. Call Cindy at 238-1556 ext. 6
Oct. 18 "Port Franks Garden Club meeting"
Guest speaker "Tom Hayman, London Free Press
Columnist and Birding Expert" 7:30 p.m. Port Franks
Community Centre. Everyone welcome!
Oct. 19 "Information on Elder Abuse" Betty
Cardno Centre, Clinton 1-4 p.m. How to recognize
elder abuse, report it, support the client and take care
of yourself Call 235-2510 to register.
Oct. 20 "You and Your Health" Join our
Health Centre staff for this informative session that
will assist you to stay healthy as you age. Grand Bend
Area CHC from 2:00-4:00 p.m.
Oct. 21 "Learning about Financial Fraud"
Betty Cardno Centre, Clinton 1-4 p.m. Topics:
Defining Financial Fraud, and Protecting
Yourself. Call 1-888-823-1626.
Legion News:
Early bird 2006 membership dues for the
Legion now due $40 from now to Dec. 1, then
$45 thereafter
Legion & Auxiliary Hall Rental & Catering:
Weddings, Anniversaries, Dances or Funeral
Lunches. At present is a list of public events and
arss you Do Not have to be a Legion member to
• Meat Draws every Saturday starting Oct. 1, 4:00-
6:00 p.m. Note: Oct. 22, 3:00- 5:00 p.m. music by Jim
Ashby downstairs.
• Steak Dinner & Dance Oct. 22 $20.00, Dinner only
$12.00, children under 12, $6.00. Dance only $10.00
Music by Jim Ashby.
• Noon Lunches - 11:30 - 1:30 October 14, Nov.18.
As of January 1st 3rd Friday of the month.
• Duplicate Bridge (bring your own partner) every
Wednesday at 7:00 p.m.
• Shuffleboard at the Exeter Legion Hall, shuffling
will be every Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons
beginning at 1:00 p.m. Note: Except first Tuesday of
the month, then Wednesday and Thursday's. Everyone
welcome! Contact Esther Hillman at 235-1167
For more information contact the Legion at 235-
2962 or Harvey or Esther Hillman at 235-1167.
Jim Be
Mabel Stanlake
It is an honour to discuss with you the very interest-
ing lifestory of Mabel Stanlake.
Mabel I. Stanlake, nee Workman was born in
Tuckersmith Township, Huron County and raised in
Hensall, Ontario. Her husband Norman was born and
raised in Hay Township, Huron County.
Mabel wanted to go to university to study medicine,
but there was no money for that luxury. She did, how-
ever, teach at three public schools, one was at Hay
S.S.# 14, Hay S.S.# 10 and at Lumley school in
Usborne Township for nine years.
As well, after her marriage to Norman Stanlake, she
continued to do office work for the family dairy busi-
ness. Norman and Mabel operated the Highland Hill
Dairy in Exeter until 1959 until the business amalga-
mated with the Exeter Dairy. Norman further support-
ed his family by selling real estate for Fred Eyre.
Before operating his dairy business, Norman was over-
seas in the army from 1942 to 1946. Bottled milk sold
for 10 cents a bottle during the war.
Mabel and her husband had three children, Douglas
in London, Eleanor in Toronto and Barbara in Oshawa
Ontario, as well as five grandchildren.
Although Mrs. Stanlake no longer drives, she can
remember riding in a cutter, and by horse and buggy
and her first car was a Model A Ford. She drove for
seventy years, accident -free and now misses her
license to drive.