The Times Advocate, 2005-03-16, Page 11Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Exeter Times–Advocate
Choir, comniittee lead Sunday cantata service
By Rhoda Rohde
March meeting of the
United Church Women
(UCW) was held the
evening of Tues., March 8
in the
ment with 24 women pre-
The meeting table had
the autographed table-
cloth, a lace cloth over it
with miniature ducks,
eggs, Easter eggs, egg
cups, and a cross. There
was another table with an
Easter tablecloth on it.
There was a line across
the platform with
coloured letters spelling
Judith Parker welcomed
everyone and said the
theme was Easter and
gave the Call to Worship
on Easter. Shirley Cooper,
Marilyn Vandenbussche
and Judith Cooper all read
Scripture readings
spelling out the letters
The women sang
"Hosanna, Loud Hosanna"
accompanied by the
pianist Jean Hodgert.
Shirley Cooper read "The
Living Christ." Cooper put
symbols on the small table
pertaining to Easter: palm
branch, bowl and towel, a
picture of praying hands,
rooster, a wooden cross,
crown of thorns and an
Easter lily.
Everyone joined hands
and were in a circle and
sang, "Were You There."
Vandenbussche and
Parker received the offer-
ing with prayer by Shirley
Parker read a poem,
"Happy Easter." An inter-
esting skit with Shirley
Cooper and
Vandenbussche taking
part. The hymn:
"Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Give Thanks." Prayer by
Most of the
donned their
Easter bonnets and
Vandenbussche and
Parker sang, "The Easter
Parade" which was well
done. The women with
their hats had their pic-
ture taken. Carolyn Johns
spoke a few words. The
UCW Purpose was said.
Diane Jeffery took the
roll call which was `Create
and Model an Easter
Bonnet.' The minutes
were read and adopted
and correspondence was
dealt with.
Joan Skinner gave the
treasurer's report and
leaders of some of the
standing committees gave
The Westminster week-
end will be held June 2, 3,
4 in London. The UCW
annual meeting will be
held at Leamington United
Church April 17, 18.
Johns closed the meet-
ing with an Irish Prayer
and the UCW Prayer. A
delicious lunch prepared
by Hodgert, Janis
Richardson, Alice Cann
and Joan Morgan was
partaken of which
brought an enjoyable
evening to a close.
Church service
Les Hills of Hensall was
the guest Worship Leader
in charge of the fifth
Sunday of Lent church
service on Sunday morn-
ing. Sharon Passmore
introduced Hills and
everyone welcomed him
The Lenten Introit was
sung. Hills gave the wel-
come and announce-
ments. The Minute for
Council was given by
Sharon Lynn.
The Passing of the Peace
took place by people shak-
ing hands. Hills led in the
Call to Worship respon-
sively and everyone read
the Prayer of Approach in
The hymn "I See A New
Heaven" was sung. Prayer
of Confession and Pardon
were read in unison. The
children's hymn, "This
Day God Gives Me" was
sung. Zachary Kadey lit
the Lenten candles. Hills
and Corey Smith each
read about Lent and Hills
told the children about a
lot of different animals he
had seen in Australia. He
said we are all different
but God loves us all.
The choir sang
"Gethsemane" accompa-
nied by the organist
Marilyn Vandenbussche.
Hills sang in the choir.
Psalm 130:1-20 was read
responsively. Hills read
Ezekiel 37:1-14 and John
11:1-45 and the title of his
sermon was "Raising
Lazarus." The hymn
"Breath On Me, Breath of
God" was sung.
Joan Skinner and
Passmore received the
offering. The hymn,
"Great Is Thy
Faithfulness" was sung.
Hills gave the
Commissioning and pro-
nounced the Benediction.
Everyone sang one verse
of "I Danced In The
Morning." Hills said grace
before everyone went
downstairs for the choir's
annual pancake and
sausage brunch. There
were some 60 people in
Thank you to Les Hills
for leading Sunday wor-
ship service.
The wish list for Camp
Menesetung is on the back
bulletin board.
March 20: The worship
service will be a cantata
led by the choir and the
worship committee.
March 25: Good Friday
service at 7:30 p.m. led by
Rev. Alun Thomas.
March 27: Easter break-
fast from 8-8:45 a.m. fol-
lowed by Easter service at
9:30 a.m. (please note:
change of time for this
Sunday only). There is a
sign-up sheet on the back
bulletin board for the
Easter breakfast. If you
wish to place an `In
Memory Easter Lily' in the
sanctuary please contact
Sharon at 235-2708 with
your info by March 24.
April 5: You are invited
to attend an
evening on the present
realities and future possi-
bilities of rural churches
in our area. The meeting
will be held from 7:15 to
9:30 p.m. in the cafeteria
at South Huron District
High School. This evening
is open to anyone but
please send at least two
representatives from your
For further information
or if you have any ques-
tions please call one of the
following: Crediton -
Dianne Finkbeiner 238-
2670, Barb Dundas 234-
6478; Woodham - Dave
Williams 229-8200;
Centralia - Judy Mills 228-
6704; Thames Rd.
Elimville - Barry Miller
235-1282, Helen Kadey
228-6484; Zion West -
Brenda Hern 229-6712;
Kirkton - Bill Denham
April 18: the Out of the
Cold program is looking
for volunteers. Please con-
tact Joan Skinner at 229-
6295 if you are interested.
Many people attended
the open house in honour
of Grace Pym's 75th birth-
day at the Scout Hall in
Exeter on Sunday after-
noon. Happy birthday
New Shriners president
Don Dawe (right) who joined the Masonic Order in 1957, was installed as the
37th president of the Bluewater Shrine Club in January by members Dave
Sloman, potentate Grant Fotheringham, Richard Schmiyt,Allen Smuck, Bill Baxer
and Kiven Wilson.As well as their annual June golf tournament at Ironwood, the
Shriners have been putting on fish frys for over 30 years. (photo/submitted)
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