Zurich Herald, 1950-09-07, Page 5ZURICH - ONTARIO
ZURICH HERALD Put Your Want, For W-6
ed,as second class mail, LOCAL NEW -BREAD
Post Office Department, Ottawa. Lost, Found, Etc. Ads. in this 4 1
Column. Mr, and Mrs. Gid. 'Koehler were
Sundaiy, visitors at Bayfield' on the table 1
Miss Helena Farwell has �returned 9
BUS INES CARDS home after spending -the, summer
FOR SALE months at Grand Bend.
PICKLING ONIONS — Get your Mrs. T. L. Will1ams was- a visitor O-
supply of pickling onions now. Henry
John W. Orchard with friends in Toronto the past
Clausius, Phone 94 r 6. week.
Mr and Mrs. Chris Erb, Mr. W. A.
Siebert !and daughter Gale, spent -the
MaIn Street —Exeter F 0 R SALE week -end with Mr and Mrs. Clarence
Dawsons Golden Chaff seed Wheat Hoffman and Mrs. W. L. Siebert at
rpen Every Week Day
.0 for sale, about 80 bushels-, Apply Galt.
Except Wednesday to Edward Haberer, Zurich, ph. 96' Mr, Mervyn Bodkin -of Clinton, is
phone 3553 assisting in the Deichert butcher
FOR SALE shop, diuring the absence of the pro- the meal is ready!
LICENSED AUCTIONEERS 25 acres of land 1"A miles east of prietor, My., George Deichert.
Zurich, Grassland or workable. Mr. and Mrs, Moses El°b of town No meal is complete without plenty
Price reduced and terms reasonable. have returned home after attending
Apply to 1-1. Eickmeier, Zurich. a convention in the Baden district, of delicious wholesome bread. And
ALV( 0l WALPER over the week -end. TASTY -NU tasts good and is good
AUCTION SALE Miss Patsy Brenneman of Detroit hearty food for you. Every slice a
Mr and Mrs. Green of Parkhill and slice of energy -
Licensed Auctioneer n extra Loaf today—start
in the Mrs. Hannant of Olhandra, Calif., Buy a
Xoa AMBTON Of Household Furnishings were week -end -visitors at the home now to serve more bread at every
HURON AND L Village of Kippen, on meal. Get your TASTY -NU Bread
erryourSale, large Or Small, Cour- of Mrs. D. Oswald. at the Tasty -Nu Bakery or at your
toom and Efficient Service at all WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 6th, at I pm. Mrs. Emma Racey of London is local Grocers.
spending several weeks at the home
Times! -ects in- of her'sister, Mrs. John Brenner. Mr phone 57 r 2. DASHWOOD A full line of Household eff -Nu Bakery
clufflng a Finlay Combination Elec- and Mrs. Walter Berry of ti Tasty
tric Stove, Kitchen chairs, kitchen calling in Zurich. '
ECORBETT table, Raymond sewing machine, Miss Meda Surerus who is a mem- PHONE 100 — Z1JRICP
•F. tiValllut dillingrooln suite, electric -b,r of the Toronto teaching staff,and
- ------------- - - radio, Newcombe upright piano, 6 who spent the vacation at her hoane
LICENSED AUCTIONEER 1piece, antique parlor suite, o4% desk, irk town, has returned to rQsunie. her
, -IIeT I I
ReasOnable, Sat4factlOn bedroom suites, cleaprofession. Polio Protection
rorm Guaranteed 'rug, quantity of dishes, garden tools, Mr. Pat Tyler, operator of "Shanty
EXE v` 9 ft. I and other household effects. in the Pines, Grand Bend, was taken YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY
A C�rtj to Westminster Hospital, London, in FOR
�.: TERMS—CASH Hoffman's Ambulance Where he will Including all unmarried Children
1%one _:Ach 92r7.
Estate of Late T. M. Forsythe, undergo treatment• from three months to eighteen years
R I A.N Mts. Mary B. McAllister, Mr :and Mrs. Will Baechler and Mr of age.
VETERINA W. J. F. Bell, Executors. and Mrs. Albert Erb of the Bronson PAYS up to $5,000.00 for eac", 1%
Ervin Gingerich � Family. Include; F
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, line; Mr and Mrs. member of your Farni
and family olf Blake attended a Con- Transportation, Drugs, Hospitalizat-
N, B -V- Sc- FOR SALE f ention at Chesley Lake of er the boli- ion, medicines, iron lung and Other
,of. W. B. COXO f or day, equipment. Services of Physician
arling Leghorn Hens
VETERINARY SURGEON 200 Ye Miss Ethel Hess left on Sunday
sale. Are out on Range -
Osteopaths or Physiotherapists, N-ir.
e ch, Phone 9.0 r 2, Zurich for. Pontiac, Mich., where she will res.
afte with Residence, Main Street, Neil Gingeri - visit with her uncle and aunt, Mr. Cost — For entire Family:
opposite Drug Store and Mrs. Wm. Hess, they. will. also . $10.00 for 2 years
ZURICH FOR SALE attend the big State Fair at Detroit Individual $5.00 for 2 years
"Me -9 6 McClary Cook .Stove, Extension Table during the week. J. W. HABERER, General Insurance
BUTCHERS and six chairs, Kitchen Cabinet, Has Accepted School
Dresser and Stand, Coleman Gas
Stove and Oven.—Phone 86, Zurich" Miss Anita. Datars of town has ac-
POP111 — repted a position as instructor at the BORN
Zurichs' ar WANTED Sudubiy, School, Kitchener, as prim- To Mr. and Mrs. Asa Steehle, Zur-
iiiink feed prim-
ary teacher. . We wish her every suc- ich, R. R. 2, on July 12th a son,
MEAT MAR-KET Old Horses suitaible for cess, (Philip Allen).
Will pay 2c. a pound. (Phone Collect. n Steckle, Zur-
Let Us supply YOU
9-3,6 r 'j1, or Ashley Six Hamilton girls were rushed to To Mr. and Mrs. Da
With the Jack Gilbert,
Gilbert 936 1- 312, Goderich, Ont. -tf St. Joseph's Hospital, London, by Ich, R.R. 2, on August 9th, a dau-
Hoffman Ambulance Friday evening. ghter (Mary Elaine).
V eft the x' Steekle,
, Wy Choice of Fresh and Cur when their car I road on No. To Mr. and Mrs. Oliver
ad Meats, Bolognas, Sausage -9t FOR SALE 8,3 highway. All were treated for Bayfield, -R. R. 3, on August 18th.
&C., alWays on hand. Kept 3-h.p• 12,5 cycle motor; Half h.p.
trailer axle, rip andIshoelf, cuts and bruises. a son (Merino Solomon)
Refrigeration air compressor,
JaDoh in Electric illert, W cut off saw. —AIyply I. alter J. Waldo 124, of Detroit THE INSIDE STORY OF HOLLY
' Phone 210 Zurich. was rushed to, !St. Joseph's Hospital,
Highest Cash Prices for Phone 19.3 , Exeter, Ont Londonin Hoffman's Ambulance hav-
Wool, Hides and Skins FOR SALE ing been severely wounded with a Behind -the -scenes revelations of
Durham Cow for sale, carrying hiew p '
ce of glass which penetrated his the happiness land heartbreaks of
Ia. Ywngblut & So third calf, due Sept. 3rd.. -ApplytO abdomen in a fracas at Grand Bend, movie stars. Read intiumaTe stories
Sol GingeTich, Phone 84 r 3- Friday night, He was released from of Mary Pickford, Charlie Chaplin,
PRODUCE the hospital, Monday evening. Greta Garbo, Gloria Swanson, and
FOR SALE Mr. and Mrs. Roman Slabough and other screen notables, in "Love, Lau -
New Idea -Corn Pickers, Manure children from Milford, Ind.; Mr. and ghter and Tears," 'by Adela Rogers
Spreaders, Etc. Minneapolis - MO -Mrs. Chris. Miller and -family from St Johns, starting in The American
Silverwood line Tractors and Equipment. Boon,I s Middleburg, Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. Val- Weekly with thils Sunday's (Sept. 10
Wagon Unloaders. — New Idea Dis- entine Gerber of Conneautville, Pen. issue of The Detroit Sunday Times.
T-IEStributoTs, Phone 282O-tenjoyed several days over the holi-1, Goderich, week -end at the home of the lat-0BrrUARY
D ter's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Moses Late Mrs. Gill
E"h market for Cream, Eggs SEWING Gerber, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Claus- Annie Schaefer, beloved -wife of
ius and Mr -and Mrs *Harvey Clausius. the late Edward Gill, passed away in
and Poultry1, on Monday,
on Infants and Childrens a Specialty. On Extended Trip Clinton Public Hospita
Have Your Eggs Graded Phone 47 Zurich. — Mrs. Herb, Mr. and Mrs. George Deichert of September 4th, in her 85th year -
our Mousseau• town-, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. She had been ailing for some time,
R. J. Kalbfle,isch of Detroit left on staying with her -niece, Mrs. Mary
AUTOMATIC BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Sunday for an extendeld mot,r trip Stephan of Zurich for the, past few
EGG GRADER FINANCIAL STATEMENTS to the Western Provinces. They in years' the remains rested at the
Westlake Funeral Home, Zurich, till
tend being away for a:bGut. -three Wednesday, Selpt. 6th where funeral
LARoy O'Brien, Manager INCOME TAX'REPORTS weeks, and will be seeing matey. love- services were -held -at 12,,30 p.m. In -
Phone 101 Zurich AUDITING, ETC., ETC. ly sights. terment was made in the Exeter Un -
NORMAN COWAN Back to School ion Cemetery. Rev, H. E. Roppel of
HAY POST OFFICE Back toschool, is the slogan after Zurich Officiated.
Dashwood 40 r 13. p4t Labor
Day, but not so in Zurich, as Late Robert Edward Robinson
Zurich Creamm La
the hardware firm of Rader and Mit- Thore passed away on Thursday
Home Market for Cream tleholtz are putting in a hot water August 3116-t very suddenlly at hi;
Your Dead Stock heating system in the Zurich school, hom�e, Goshen line, ;Stanley Townshil.
Eggs and Poultry and so there will be no school bell Robert Edward Robinson, Z)elovec
$2.75 Each. Prompt Service for ringing until this 'work is under way husband of Margaret Maud -Cluff, it
Highest Cash Prices paid Plus Lifting.—Jack Williams. Gall Phone sufficiently. However the time lost his 72nd year. The departed who is
thus will be made up oil Saturdays. a -member of one of Stanley's out
,9214 r 4, CTediton Central. -c1-5-'50
It premium for deliveredcream - A slight change has been made in the standing families, had not been On•
teaching staff of the school. Mrs. W. joying his usual robust health for '
We are equipped to give effi- NOTICE A. Siebert is not taking fult time year or so, and he was suddenly be
WHITEWASHING & CLEANING NVOTk, es she will teach the -home ec- ing overtaken when out in the yard
Tient accurate service. Egg Arrangements can be made onomics classes only. Miss Audrey having been during the day, out call
Bill Watson Heimrich of town, who has been tea- ing on several towns on business ii
and poultry department in Dash ckling at the Blake school for a few
.wood — Phone 35r19 the community. *id unfortunatel,
years, has been eiggaged to take the nothing could be done) to save his lif
(charge of Mr. T. Meyers. M.L.A. HAD HOLIDAYS Work Of t1le 1100111 formerly done by Mr. Robinson Nvas ia man of grea
Mrs. •Siebert. Mrs. Lavenkler of Hen- christitan understanding, to convers
Chas. Minshall, Proprietor Ton -1 Pryde, -M�.L.A, and his wife sall continues to be the relief teacher with hint was a great inspiration, a
returned to their home in Exeter, af- while Mrs. Normington of Rensall, he well understood the way to t1l
IN90RANCE J ter a vacation trip throughQuebect who has also been helping out at the world, beyond this life, and was a Ina
the Alaratimos and the New England Zurich School, has taken the Baby- oil o-atstanding morals. A member c
States. While in Quebec, Mr."Pryde loll School, formerly taught by Mr. the Goshen United Churq1h, an adu
had a private interview -with Maurice Quinlan. bible teacher, holding many promil
Western Farmers
Duples%is, premier tof the province- ent offices in the church. We will 2
Mutual ' The Voice of Temperance RAIL STRIKE ENDED miss hint very much. Surviving b
Weather Insurance Co.
Last Tyhursday q-noXililag the good sides his, widow are two children,
In some circles a hastw' firs.t news was learned over the radio that son Douglas of Stanlay, and a daug'
OF WOODSTOCK question, when her guests arrive, is Canada's nirre day old railwajy, strike ter, 114ten, MTS. Earl Divan of H.
It was a was elided and that the employees Township; three brothers, Thomas 1
"Will you have a drink?" go to work as soon as Egmondville; Ri6ard, on tile o
answered, ly", give me are asked - to
LARM,ST RESERVE BAL doctor who an,spowible, and bythe end o1 the week homestead, Goshen line, and Re
AMR OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- a glass of milk'." It was all uA0` 6hings Irave gona back to normal and Wilkam of Manitoba; three sisteb
U,AL COMPANY DOING BUSINEM pected answer but it was the all,"IyOr y about it Mrs. Henry,
Errant of Sltanley, Mi
of good *nse. A glass of Milk Will we are all the, more happ,
OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO - - all. Our paper as well as all second Margaret Erratt Of TOW%tO'i MI
not awaken a thirst for a sedt)",cl Alld as not delivered, but we Edward Loudela of Hamilton; al
"0 ; of Insurance at Risk On third and fourth glass; 0, glass Of class mail w ur grandchildren. The remai
DeeoiA)er 31st, 1946 01' 1 end -tip in druvkell- hope by now you have Teceilvea Your fo ted at the farm home, Stanleyat
n lot loosen .1ley were not res
$73,699,236.00 A. of milk will �11 papera and' know why t. y, Sept. 81'd where a priv"
al, doliy(�VCd J.0 4,�Ioki. only r1l'St C'Jags SUIld'a
and 111111 gn -
Cash in Bank and Bonds. a illqll's t0i'll"UP mak(
T6W Of ft1,1fl, IL"tWIV, were sent through, and servtce was held at the residence, f
$444,115.39 rufous and 11o6:"; a
.1, lowei by a public service (it I P.
Dates, 01 Applifeatim ln;q. A 11-1,01S Of Milk Will not that 1),y lius, moil as hest III0. (1111i't'll. 11
I ., - that thive tillk"'; as wt
ll the Clo."llen Vilitod
111,111'S W--; "'llid maks, him It i,4 reported London Illy fli, dur- w.,�; 1,,Irg(�ly �1.tjvnded, and 0,
Ell F. KLOPP--ZURIC-H of 1�(Iuol, Way. 11111ch niail left 'ese'llt''I'lle 1,0111;1
tho jimes a] tributos were 1),
A G E N T The lloAo>;, W110 I 'I JL) ila �11(' 1111y!111(1 I
Nl,Itll the question, "will %,Oki ha� u a and ,hilllllellt,� of lil' 0,0""0
Lightning Rods drfilk';" 1,; 1,110 Stqjdards of new roeo)'(18, the London offloc, ion (701iletory, with Pe%, Rolla ]1(
Also Dealer in Lig
,Attd all kinds of Fire insurance cllristi,11i Jl(lnl(,,_Advt, Tmiv-Canada Airlilloo ,likiloun(-0 officiating.
Thursday, September 7th, 41950
Como E E 0 S
Only Re -Cleaned Grain Used in Our Feeds
Hensall Dist. Co -Operative
A ca
YOUR CAR represents a major investment.
It deserves the best of care—and that's what we're
ready to give it. Whether it's a complete lubrication
job or just a battery check, we really try to give good,
thorough Imperial service the kind that will keep you
coming back,
We'd appreciate a chwice to show you
what we can do.
Hcctcr Feeder IMPERIAL
COR. No. 84 & 21 HIGHWAYS
Summer FOatwea�T
Women - Canvass platforms, wedge heels in dif-
ferent Colours. Leather Sandals, White
Red, Navy and Black. Also a limited
amount Of white Buck Dress Shoes.
Children.. - Fleet -foot in all lines and sizes. Also
Sandals in red, white and brown. See Our
Scampers for $1.75.
Boys - \, Fleet -foot, including the softball and
basketball shoe. See' our Scampers.
Men,.- Woven vamp Oxfords, Platform straps,
crepe straps. See our Scampers.
Ladies, Please Note: we are now able to obtain
the DESCO shoe which will arrive in August.
We had hoped to get this Shoe last year, but as this is an
American shoe, international regulations prevented this shoe
to arrive in Canada. But it's Coming this time.
Oesch Shoe S #ore
RM ..........
Buy A Batty!
You can't go wrong when you buy a well known
Reliable Beatty Washing Machine
We carry a full line of the Genuine Beatty Washers
at three popular prices:
$119.50 149.50 159.50
Also the New Beatty Electric Ranges.
Come in and see them - they'll speak for themselves
Always a good supply of Shelf and Heavy Hard-
ware on hand.
Scarfe's Endurable Paints, Enamels and Varnishes.
Alma-tex Plastic Paints, Kern-Glo, Etc.
Our Aim—To Serve and Satisfy!
Diatars & O'Brie• ][1
Main St. Hardware Store Phone 213
tv 0
Than To Put Confidence in Man. Psalm 118:8.
_Cursed be fbe man that trusteth in man and maketh flesh_ Jer. 17:5,
heart depailt from the Lorvl
Itis gap, and whose
Tba heart is deceitfui;above al,l thiaigs and desperately -v6cked;
who can know it. — Jer. 17:5.
to Bices, I, the Lord, search the heart. I try the reins even
every mail according to his way,,;, and according to the
' s,
fruit of his doings. — Jer, '17:1.0.
Blessed is the malt that ti.-uste4h in the Lord and whose hdPe
the Lord is. — Jer. 17- 7.
He that being often reproved, hardivolh Iii: nock, slifill suddenly
be destroyed and that WitllOut remedy. — Prov. 29: 1.
ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye
upon t-iin, wl-iile He is near . -4&n. 55:6
CHAS F. FULLER:) DST. Sunday, ABC N.,twork