Zurich Herald, 1950-04-27, Page 4E
Thursday, April 27, -1960.
ilumber of reports wero Javen to IS AGAIN PRESIDENT borough, Ripley; 66 to 10.0, Alex, agreed to pNy) the plaintiffs, AmeM,�
tral Alubyterian Church, Brantforkl,,i Church
McDonalul, Lueknow, Win. Hyde, E. Lindsay and Herbert G', LindsaN-
ZURICH HERALD the meeting of various orgaililzations The Evangelical Lutheran Chia Manny
Estabw&hea 1900 ApTill 18, 19 and 20th. soil aild 'I Synod, one -day district con- Hensall; 16 to 125, Man - McKellar, West Nissourl the suin of $+4,85(1+ -M L
Mr and Mrs. Casey Hud in eluding Orvil Taylor the chairman Canada Wellesley with Cromarty, Harold Dilling, 1-1,011sall; L)lu.,i coots for a fatal motor aecide
I$SUED EVERY WEDNESDAN family of Goderich spent SundaYlof the Rog 'Producers' commiittee for ference was held at W 15 and under, Gerald Bell, ffeilsall; oil highway' No. 4, on July 16th last
the County, stating that uAipy are 24 pastors and laymen -present Com -
with Mrs. George Hudson. 0 -of the Ladies' Noreen McNau&ton' ;si,l, in Which thv plaintiffs Ron H. M. Lin -
AFTERNOON FROM THE Mr and Mrs. L. McCloy of Tor- still asking that the price for No. I union .service was in charge Gladys Collins, Seaforth. PvN.(., say was fatally hijured,
d NA.01 C, 6.00 Rev. Herbert Binhamr, Wellesley, toll,
Herald Printing Office Onto, visited over the week -en wiltshire sides be changed to $3 delivered by the were aip,o given for best dancing.
the latter's parents, Mr and Mrs. per cwt at sea -board., and the seirmon was AIJILL SUFFERS DAMAGE
XMember of Canadian Weekly Newe George Hess. Plans for the, 1.9'50 Federation Rev. Wnerscher, Phillipsburg. Alc PLAN DISTRICT ANNUAL Several men escaped injurip. whell,
as re -el -
Miss Phyliss Case spent the week- Field Day to be held in Goderich oil Rev. E. Helinrich, Zurich - w, a chopping mill blew up at. Cann
paper Association.) progressing favour- eicted president and Rev. Carl Knauff E 41 --lit Womens' Institutes were Pr
end with her sister, and brotherin-law June 14th, are pr j Thursday
SUBSCRIPTION RATES_$1.75 a Aft and Mrs W. Wilson and fandly ably. There will be a meeting of -the Stratford as secy-treas. Rev. IVIOSig sent at all executive meeting held at �rljll at Whalen Corners on TI
year, strictly in advance. $2.00 ma} -at St. C,tha,hies. sports coillinittee In the Agric. Offic- of New Hamburg spoke oil "A'Y the home of Mrs, Alvin Moir of Hur- last There 'was damage to, the floor.
-L�, Highlights Ili the Minisry in 45 years, ondale, secy-treas for the distriCt• and the grain chutes as pieces of the,
discontinue and Mrs es, Clinton, April 25th it 8 11.11 In all directions.
beoh-arged. No paper disc Georg-� Smith, son of M.r present from Scaforth'machinery flew
pain up unles. Alfred Smith, successfully underwent Unt,)rtunatelY it appears the �Iuor and the Rev. Paul Lidt, EIM; 'IN'T, Members were ces struck the
until all arrears are completed in the new director of Lutheran World Action, Kipper, Grand Bend, Crediton, E lin-, I Luckil)r none of the, pie
an appendix operation at Clinton will not be Hensall and Huroll.dale. men e' ill at the time.,
n of publisher. The date 01 Goderich Arena before June !14th, discussed the campaign to be started ville, Zurich, If. employed at the in
%it option Hospital Saturday night. not be avaIlable for Field Pay in June with :objective 01 $100,000� Mrs. Robt. Elgie' of Kippen, presid-,The mill has been in operation for a
which' every Subscription is paid i� A minstrel show will be held Ili will ent, presided. )Plans were made for number of years and while travell-
-donated on the Label. the town hall, Friday May fth� pre- activities. NEARING BUTTER MARK the district -annual for S. Huron to Ing at a high speed, we"t U pieces,
rented by Wingham. Kinsmen, and At the Directors- Meeting of tbe
ADVERTISING RATESsponsoreOnt. of Agriculture hold Ottawa — LNfargarine production b held at Grand Bend on June 9th. I TONS OF MEAT
'I" v
is gaining oil butter output ill Call-�A special meeting will be held
by Amber Rebekah Lo Toronto
In Memoriam, one Johnny Brent of CKINX takes an Oil I
verse 50c, 25c a ito Api. 3 all investigation
was started to find the cause of the. da. The Bureau of Statistics reports London M%,. 11,0th. Speaker will be Kitchener — Donations cif meat—
for each additional verse. Card o' ive part Ili this show. grain that 80,806,000 pounds of creamery jily.,s, Sayre, president of Asiwciatod'totalling &2,11
rapid growth in. price of course ced during, the 55 pounds and value(t
Thanks 50c. With feed grain at q,65.0,0 a ton and butter have been produ I W. I's. Need for help from institutes $11,500.—'have been collected at
,- t first quarter 11950. This was an Ill- in clothing or money for children up the Canadian 4!leniionite Central
Miscellaneous articles of not mork hogs selling ut $26.50 per wxt , crease Over 30,401,000 pounds ill the
than four lines. For Sale, To Rent makes t�ie Govt. support . price on period 1949. Margarine out- to 16 year;; and layettes for Chil.dr- Committee's relief warehouse here
BLAKE -olc r.ior.� than out of line• same per en's Shelters, Goderich, was stressed for shipment to Europe in a drive:
Wanted, Lost, Found, Etc., one in hogs 1,, - the Huron County put showed a shory increase Ili the There were 95 children in the home just completed. Greater part Of do-' On 'Alarch 13, same period up to 27,661,000 for last fall. Delegates were chosen to
aertion, 35 Cents, 2 insertions 50c- Mr and Mrs. L. Poster of Goder- Federation of Agr. held a Posul , three months compared nations came from Mennon1tes int
Auction Sales—$2.00 for one In ich visited friends in this vicinity on Producers' meeting in the Agr c. the first attend the conference at Guelph, on Waterloo County and Immediate area
it Sunday. Board 'roon), Cli-ntoll to discuss , e orikp 11,733,000 pounds in t;,c same. May 3rd to 5th,, representing 1.1.511'111- This is the fourth year of the pro-
gertion if not over four inches all smiles, a baby formation of a Poultry Produce -s' months a year ago. radian industries, and j o -m
Mr. Albert Erb is culture and Ca ject, Some of the meat is already
length. boy arrived in Clinton Hospital oil organization -o-n a C�unty and Prov- ACCIDENT AT EXETER citizenship and education. The slate the high Boas and other shipmentswill
Contract advertising made knovvp April 23 -rd. Congratulation,,. incial scale. The Federation has had Tragedy struck Exeter oil Monday of officers will be Presented at the follow, The Mennonites have alsot
A number took in the Farm For- a -three inian Poultry Comyllittee for last, when Walter Ross Penrose met district. annual. collected 8,000 gugar bags to be con -
on application. um Plays III the new Co"111111"'t)' sdveral years and to this oommittet� his death following an accident Ili MARGARINE CONSUMPTION verted into clothing for Mennoilites.
Address all Communications to: Centre, Zurich on Monday nilg'lt. two more members were added. The which he ran into the side of a truck in Paraguaip,
HERALD OFFICE — ZURICH Some farmers have started on the committee now consists If 'Mr. -Iill' -,vilile -riding away from the curb oil Ottawa—Canadians ate 71,992,000
land this week. Scott, Seaforth, chairman; Mr. a bicycle. He had been in one of the pounds of margarine in 1949, and at
The local teacher, Miss Heirnrich McKinley, Zurich; Mr. Harold Johns 'stores with his, bi;.yele at the curb least 75 per cent of the fats and oils Farm For Sale or Rent
TO OUR ADVERTISERS and the scholars are goin.0- to Wing- Woodham; Mr. Harold Campbell, l')Pl between two cars, mounting the u.-jed in its manufacture were impor
ham Saturdoy morning, April 29th d. A Gov- 150 Acres of grass land. North
1, grave; and Russell Knight, Bras --els- wheel lie crashed into the side of a ted, the Commons was toll
In order to have our paper go to to hold a radio broadcast at 11.10 as• Three delegates froni Huron attend- large Carnation Milk truck, and was ornment reply disclosed that a total half of Lot 27, and' Lot 28, 'Con. 8,
mairi at the usual time, Thursday ul., over Winghain Station. ed a Poultry Producers' meetinglield thrown beneath the dual wheels of of 60,073,339 pounds of oils an:-, fats Hay Township. Apply to Frei.
morning, We must ask our advertisers in, Toronto on March 15th, called to the truck while the biqyr-le went the were used in the production of mar- Walden, Forest. Phone ThedfGrd
t" this some ibs, 1.44F.
to bring in their change of ads. no discuss the formation of a Provincial opposite direction. The accident hap-Igarine. Of t - e 45,000,000 1
later than Tuesday forenoon. Please Poultry Producers' Organization, pened just at noon when many were or about 75 per cent, consisted of
00 -operate with us.—Thanks! St. Joseph and Beaver -roWn within the Ont. federation oK Agric. on their way -home to dinner and cottonseed, ..peanut, cocoanut FOR SALE
Telegrams of Protest were sent by :noon a large -crowd -assembled. He palm kernal oils. These would be im-,
the Huron C. Cream Producers' Com.- was rushed to London hospital, where ported either as raw products, crude'
Mr and Mrs Jacob Oberer of Df,-. mittee regarding the proposed drop he passed away- or refined oils. .1 A quantity of Irish Cobbler potat-
13ASHWOOD troit and Mr. John Marenie IS Will- oes.. hCall Clifford Pepper, 1100 r 15;�.
into dsor spent the week -end With in the support price of blAtek, to MARRIED AT CREDITON SELLS CREAMERY Zurich.
Daylight Saving Time goes 'N'11% Prime Minister St. Laurent, Agric. The Evangelical church at Cred-
at midnight. and Mrs. Leonard Sararas of the B. 'Nin. Gardner and local members of iton was the scene of a lovery spring Mr. W. G. Medd of Exeter, who for
.e-�'fect cu Saturday nmence on Water south. the Federal Govt. We have Ili our wedding When Elsie May, daughte many years has operated the Exeter
-Church services, will col: Mr and Mrs. Leonard Jeffrey and Province around 7,000 Cream Pro- r and Winchelsea Creameries, has so](11 FOR SALE
daylight saving time oil Sunday. family of Goderich and Mr and Mrs of Mr. Albert A. Galser, was united out to Canada Packers Ltd. Mr Medd
On Monday afternoon while work- kis
ducers who lost $7,500,000-00 in marriage to Rdbert Ross Tuekey, was taken ill a few weeks ago and is Apure bred Tamworth boar, a-
-Ing on his farm Arnold Kuntz found Henry Fobeaux of Luc - Were 1949 due to the introduction of mar soil of Mr and Mrs Benson Tuckey, at present confined to his hoine but bout 1250 lbs. Papers available,.
-a radiosonde weather instrument. Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs garine. This has cut the rural purch- Exeter. Rev. J. V. Dahms performed slowly improving. It Was in 1904 priced to sell.—Doug. Robinson,
The weatherproof cardboard box con Josephine Ducliarnie. a.ling power by approxiniatelY $107- the double ring ceremony, officiated
rained the. instruments and was at- At time of writing weather is not per farm on -the average. by Rev. H. Mahoney Ili a setting of that he came to Exeter and took over Phone Hensall 97-2.
It too favourable for the farmers. The the Winchelsea creamery which was'
tached to a red silk parachute. yellow and White spring flowers,PIGS FOR S.-'XLE
had been released from Toledo, Ohio seeding will not be under way much ferns, and candelabra. Miss lorni, then being operated co-operatively.
I GEN ERR NFIVITS ' In 1919 he purchased the Exeter Cie-'
Airport -on March 27tli, It is be However, With warm Fahrn amerly and -operated it in conjunction, ce mixed Hay,.
being before May. er sang, and the wedding mus- A quantity of chol
turned Ili to the R.C.A.F. at Cen- weather to follow, there will be no is Was Played by the bride's aunt, For many baled. Apply to Earl Gingerich, Ph.
use to despair as the chances are with the Winchelsea, one.
tralia. _�AY TOWNSHIP Mrs. Freeman Morlock. The matron 90 r 7.
fain still good for a satisfactory actory crop. . years Messrs. Louis Weber and Harry
Mr and Mrs Leonard Birk and oh honor, Mrs. Robt. C. Dinne)y, sis- ' gathering ily, of Guelph and Miss Verna 13irk, Mrs. Mary Anne Charrette who SCHOOL AREA CONCERT at ter of the -bride, and the two brides Gallman of Zurich drove ga,
spent the week -end with Mr -and Mrs has visited her daughter, Sr. Monica, Oil Friday evening, May 12th. maids were Mrs. Arthur W. Gaiser trucks for this enterprise, through- FOR QUICK SALE
Verne Schatz -and 'Mrs. Bender. in -Chicago, has returned to her horno 8j5 p.m., the pupils of the ten S�ho- and Miss Ruth Ratz. All. looked out this) district. A quantity of hay, baled or loom
Mr and Mrs Milton Witzel of The odd summer res-orter can be ols in the Hay Township -School Area very lovely. In County Court for sale—Edmund Beaker, Dashwoodt
San Francisco, Calif. visited With seen tiravelling towards their summer will present a -variety concert inthe
Ids grandmother, Mrs. Witzel last cottages over week -ends. Bu-- since Haip Township Community Centre. CONTEST AT HENSALL
it has been rather breew all spring, The program, directed by the teach-
The second annual Old Time rid- Justice Schroeder in Supreme SEED FOR SALE
Tuesday. dilers Contest, sponsored the the Hen- Court, Goderich, awarded total dam -
Mrs. W. Mathews of London and they make 'their stays short. Better ers and by the music supervisors, Mr tall Chamber of Commerce, Was held ages of $10,777.25 to Lawrence W. A quantity of Mo-ritcalm, Rarleg.
'Mrs. F. Watson and soin of Detroit wait brother, till daylight saving Lawrence Wein, and Mr. Douglas to a packed house Wednesday last, Jacklin, 34, Grey Twp farmer plain- for seed. Suitable for malting. Aloe?
firs time gets going in full swing, then Gill, will feature drills, pantomimes,
spent the -week-end with Mr and rs in the town hall, over 500, -paid ad- tiff against the defendants, Twps. some spring wheat.
Chas. Snell. perhaps some one with a strong arm plays, dances, choral ,read Ings, and, mission. Over $100 in Cups, cash, of Morris and Hullett and Geo. Rad- Hilton Truemineir, Phone 96 r It
Mrs. Getz of Killahloe is 'siting might be able to shift the sun ahead massed choirs. The numbers direct- and merchandise was given away. W ford Blyth contractor. The case de-
with her son Rev. and Mrs. H. Getz an hour, and that change may bring .1 by the Music supervisors will take F. Riley, vice-pres., was chairman veloped out of a road accident in FOR SALE
and family. about better camping weather. he place of an annual school . music for the choir. The results were: 26 which the plaintiff lost an infant son,
Mrs. Donald Restemeyer anti dao- Mrs. Edward Corriveau. spent a festival. The proceeds of this z con- ' carrying 3rd ,calf,.
to 50 years, Ward Allan, London; his wife, and other damages as well Durham Cow, carryl
ghter of Loud -on, are spending this few days with her parents in Drys- cert, the first of its kind '=o be stag- Nelson Howe, Cromarby; 5,1 to 65, as 'bodily diniury.. In -another case due April 15th. Also some 8mat
week with Mr. 0. Restemeyer. dale, caring for them during their ed by the Township schools ' Will be Clyde Munroe, Kincardine, J. Peter - Allan G. Harris, RCAF. Centralia, pigs. Sol Gingerich.
Rev. Getz, Bert Carr and Addison illness. applied to the Community. -Centre
'Tiernan , are attending Conference in Mr. Norman Sararas of Kite-hener -building fund.
New Hamburg this week. Called on friends in this vicinity on
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Tieman have Sundaiv. last. REV! CARL ZIEGLER DIES IN
returned from their honeymoon trip GODERICH
and are now busy getting settled.
.Mr and Mrs H. Dark and two dao The, Rev. Carl Zeigler, 76, retire
ainister of the •Luther -an Evangelic-
-ghters of Windsor, spent the
end with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Federation News d Church, died on April 21st at hib
(By Gordon M. Greig)
Chas. Steinhagen. -olne in God-erich. He was born' in
The April meeting of the Execu- r'erinanip and came to the U.S.A. 37
Miss Lavada Hartleill is confines live Lind Directors of Huron County ears 'ago. Before Tetiring to Goder-.
........... ..
Federation was held in Clinton on h 19 years ago he held charges ,at ,to her bed suffering from a heart at
tack. Tuesdav April 18th at 8 p.m.
nains rested in the Brophey funeral
Among those who attended flie Pres. Chas. Coultes presiding.WlTu 'Lulourn and Phillipsburg. The re -
funeral of the late Mrs. Otto Reste-
An invitation -was recerved from e until I o�clock, Tuesday, When
2neiyier last week were: Mr and Mrs. 'lie Hilron Co. Library Board to at -
'1\1 e - services were conducted in the' Luth- A -T
Milford McIsaac, Mr and Mrs. ..,nd their annual meeting in Sea- ran Evangelical Church, Phillips1 i#-
Lville Vernon, Mrs. A. Vernon. Mr :X::
Furth High School auditOr"urn 'In 'bung and conducted by the Rev. E.
11 IS:
Angus )lack and Dorothy all of De- "Tqv Q�ill, and to hear the guest spe.- Hointrich of Zurich, district presid-
troit and Mr. R. A-imstrong and Her-
-kker the Hon. Dano Porter, Minister
,qton of London. ent of the Synod and interment was 11 IN: 1111 IN
of Education of the Province of Ont- made in Phillipsburg ceinctery.
The Huron County Old Boys,Aa-
GRAND B E N L) sociation of Toronto, under the Pre- V
sidelley of Mrs. C. J. Parton, will NEW .DIESELS FOR CPR.
Speaks to Ladies hold a -Bridge,and Euchre party at
The W.M.S. and W.A. Easter me- the West -end Y.M.C.A, College and
4 --ting was held in the United Church, Dovercourt Sts., oil Tuesday, April
Mrs. H. Pfile, Mrs. C. Love, and Mrs 18th at 8.16 P.M. The main event
JL%)71mond Kading were in ch* will be the annual New Custom Dodge With Fluid Drive
charge of of the evening
meeting. A solo was sung by competition for the McLaren Trophy,
.Airs. Mansel Mason. Mrs. J. H. -Me- donated for the highest individual .. ..........
Gregor introduced the -speaker, Mrs. euchre scorers -of ladies and gentle -
Snell of Exeter, who addressed the men. Last years' winners were Mrs.
'Meeting on "Our Responshbilitity." M. Scarlett and Mr. George Thomson.
reviewing the 215 years of service of LuckW prizes will alae, be drawn. The
the W.M.-S. which has gone all out committee in charge consists of Mrs
-to help in the advance. She e?i(l(!d KS A Thompson as convenor. Refresh-
4he-.- address with a poem. Tea wa., sko ments will be served. All members,
served. A large three -laver cake de- other Huronites and friends, are co e -
corated with 25 candles in, dially, invited to attend. ------ .....
25th anniversary of the Church Un. A'
ion.' Womens' Institute
Mrs, F. Beer presided at Hensall
Instituteks annual meeting held in the
ilding feature
Legion Hall. Outsta
HENSAJJ� was an illustrated travelogue presen-
A Bazaar Dingo will lie held In ted by i1ir and Mrs Mark Dilys-dale on
the Legion bail, Hensall, Saturday their visit to Florida. The officers for
April 29th 8,30, 45 regular ganies 1950 is: President, Mrs. F. Beer;vlce
- prize, spon. rm., Miss Phyllis Case; secy-trea.s.,
zpec 4 d p
ial games, goo ooi
. . Miss Gladys Luker; asst. Mw
coxed by Hensall Legloi Ladies Aux- Elgle; press reporter Mrs. M, Hed-
iliary. New massive grille, enlarged rear window, chair- skidding on slippery roads, since it provides better
,Vfl.&; Lenore Norminggop. of Tor- den; branch director, Mrs, Drysdale, high seats, and smooth riding comfort are claimed traction on muddy and heavy areas.
,Onto visited at her home o-t,?r the M.rs. W. Sangster, Mrs. Cross; pianiA as features of the new Custom Dodge shown
Vvek-end, .1 -Miss Greta Laninie, asst. Mrs, T, C, ab4)ve.. The Dodge Fluid Drive, standard on all In addition to the 4 -door sedan, a Club Coupe and..
Mni. Charles Forrest and Xrg. JI. Joynt; card -convener, Mrs, W. Sinale Custom Dodge models, minimizes the -need for 7 -passenger sedan are also available In the Custom
Tfoy wom delegates to OE.265 an- I district representative, Mrs. Orr; altAtch. ()peration, and lessens the possibility of Dodge models now on display.
-v-1 nle,,�flna, of, flamilton and Lon -1 auditors, Nri. Goodwiny Miss Mar,
I ,
M'AALD OFFICE, Local Salesman