Zurich Herald, 1950-03-23, Page 6W`
:. a
J��us, BADY clllljoukb IIS�1Ni 93A'O
•1 " As 0009 OIIIOUS 1Xe R ROTaL- "ES' Halley Davldoon Now wid HT1 C$1
a .; ^^ o used. bough' sold, exchanged. Large stook W10'1 BROW some of of the world's finest Glad84
k,. — ALL )Breeders blood tested, banded Itnd Art- oXi. CatalOgtte on request. 'Tyndall Glad
... • ad b eked b At f tt of uaranteed used motor( 1 R 1 b Q
Champs Take The Field—':Che world champion,. New York
Yankees head for the field and their first spring training
a'ession of the year. The Yanks' great Joe DiMaggio (center,
with ,glove) is one of the first players on the diamond at St.
Petersburg, Fla.
Y tQ g''
81TC 1 1C
It looks as if these athletic popu-
amity Bolls might be of some prac-
3icel use after all—some use, that
ass, outside of providing weary
oporte writers with handy space-
Olers, Since Jim Thorpe was voted
*+ be not only the greatest foot-
baller, but also the greatest athlete
sof the balf-century, there's a move
om foot to give the big Indian some
can the credit—and a little of the
emh—he richly deserves.
•.a a a
They're agitating for the return
tt Thorpe of the Olympic medals
Send trophies rudely wrested from
hien when a horrified Amateur Ath-
letic Committee learned that Jim
head, at an earlier date, not only
played baseball tinder an assumed
blame but also ---the cad!—accepted
payment in cash for so doing.
# m
The only difficulty about this is
That nobody seems to know exactly
'Where those priceless mementoes
are located now, and we doubt if
Thorpe is worrying very much, one
way or the other. "A kiss on the
hand is very thrilling, but a dia-
rnond bracelet Iasts foreverl" said
the young lady in 'Gentlemen Pre-
fer Blondes'; and Jim Thorpe wasn't
the first—noir will he be the last
athlete to discover that something
you can exchange for hamburger
or groceries is often preferable to
all the engraved athletic bric-a-brac
you could stuff under Ringling's
Big Top. x
So, as we said, we don't believe
Thorpe is losing much sleep over
when, if ever, those trophies are
:returned. He always did have a
-sway of taking things in his stride.
"You, sir," said the King of Swed -
tit at the conclusion of the afore-
mentioned Olympics, "are the
greatest athlete in the world."
"Thanks, king,"" was Mr. Thorpe's,
simple and dignified reply. And if,
during the past t>�enty years or
se, Big Jim has sometimes thought
himself a bit shabbily treated by
a sporting world that once hailed
his every move, he's kept it to
himself and gone about his business
without bellyaching.
If Thorpe had been a bit more
'vocal about himself and his doings,
chances are he'd never have come
down to gatekeeping in a Holly-
wood movie studio as a means of
*xistence. But he always preferred
deeds to words; and getting an
interview out of him was about as
stewarding as trying to pull a
hippo's teeth with a nutpick. "What
was the most serious inury you
sver got in football?" a reporter
once asked him. Instead of coming
out with a catalogue of breakages,
contusions and stitches, the Indian
:alertly shot back another query.
"How could anyone ever get hurt
playing football?" he asked—and
It was a sincerely -meant question.
Pop Warner, athletic director of
the Carlisle Indian School, was the
man yho first spotted Thorpe—and
who developed him, so far as any-
one could develop anything that
was close to perfection from the
start. Jim was just 15 years old
and a hurdles race had already
started when 'Warner saw him get
up from the sidelines, take off after
the leader, and beat him handily,
.And Thorpe wasn't even wearing
Athletic trfi:nks or proper shoes.
That was Jim's start as a track -
and -fielder. Frain. then on he used
to put on what were practically
one-man sbons of an almost in-
credible nature. Carlisle would
schedule a dual athletic meet with
some other college --'generally one
from double to ten times its own
size. So Jint. would. spend a re-
laxed afternoon winning the sprints,
hurdles, broad jfunp; high jump,
shotput and a couple of. other ev-
ents, st•ldom ics, than seven.
�k r tk
Thorpe %%as lazy', and sullletimes
careless, If any man ever under-
stood how it, la;fnrlle hill), it was
Warner. Vel Jim i,, -;ed to drive' Pop
Almost ante, as *macs. 1 or a tong
tittle NVatnct �wlliln'r per,aade Jim !
to flim ,any lnit plunging. '4'� by run
n,,t 41 .ht ''.0 can ;un ,t.:,rlll"o
•r;;, ' f;r it, ,t'.tt 1. ,i,t. 'l ht., there,
came a game played against Syra-
cuse in heavy mud; so heavy that
the first half ended in a scoreless
tie. Thorpe, in. his efforts to run
the ends, had been stopped ill his
tracks. So he just started blasting
straight down the middle, the final
score being Carlisle 38, Syracuse 0.
# # #
More than that, Jim discovered
in this game that line -crashing was
plenty of fun; and from then on
he was a quadruple threat. He had
had few equals as a punter, boom-
ing the ball downfield for sixty or
seventy yards, with plenty of height
to allow his tacklers to get down
under it, and placing it with un-
canny accuracy, for one thing,
R :k tk
For another, lie was a field goal
kicker par excellence, whatever
that means. In beating Harvard 18
to 15, Thorpe booted four 3 -point-
ers, the last from the 48 yard line;
and one of the added attractions,
when he appeared later as a pro-
fessional, was large James going
out to the centrefield stripe, at half
time, with a dozen or more foot-
balls. These he would proceed to
kick alternately over the opposite
crosspieces, making this difficult
stunt appear as easy as shooting
fish in a drain pipe,
His ghostlike openfield running
was helped tremendously by three
tricks he had developed. He had a
change of pace that was bewilder
ing, and his ability to stop on the
proverbial dime left intending tack-'
lers floundering on all sides, if a
tackler got a bit closer, he had a
straight arm that was—unlike others
we have seen—perfectly legal, yet
which hit like a battering ram. And
if a tackler got still closer, Thorpe
had what have been termed the
most highly educated hips in sports
history. No fooling, he could stun a
man with the saving of his hips: in
fact, he frequently did.
Which will have to be all, at Ieast
for now, regarding Mr. Thorpe—
except this. If it's true that he's
going to appear this coming season
as an assistant coach—and prob-
ably perform his half time drop
kicking specialty — he'll be well
worth going a Sabbath day's jour-
ney to have a look at. Fifty years
from now you'll be telling your
great grandchildren that you saw
the best that ever pulled on a
sweat-shirt—and they won't be able
to tell you any different,
Order by Mail. ---'
Simpsons, Limited
'ill/2% Preferred Shares,
(liar Value $100)
Price: At the market,
yielding, about X4.55 %o
apsgons Canada -Weide de-
partment store and mail
order business has been
gtrwavixig so substantially
the Company is issu-
addithonal 4y2% Cum-
ulative Redeemable Pre-
lerred Shares, to provide
i�hcrewed capital.
A letter or phone call to
Wood, Gundy & Company
Limited is all that is nmes-
owy to enter your order for
Mlle of these Shah, which
~an offer as principals.
A gxroapectus bailing the
interesting story of
Simpsons development and
detailing ita earnings sad
wets Will be sent to you
without obligatioll upon
Wood., Gund
& +Coro parry M alt od
Street wit
"J t1fie 0411 X
As I look out the window, I see a
young blizzard swirling, and it looks
,ins if the driveway will be drifted
at least three feet deep before eve-
ning. Well, thank goodness, the
soil and heir has a heavy (late to-
night, and will have to do the
shovelling—or else. So, let's think
about something more pleasurable
---strawberries, for instance,
# # m
It may not be news to you ---
although it was to me up 'tit a day
or so ago—'Ghat' strawberry growers
in many places have found some-
thing that will do a better job of
weediing, and a cheaper one, than.
anything previously discovered. It's
geese! Yes, GEESE—the plural of
y< # +k
bast year, out in the State of
Washington, a farmer named Theo-
dore Berry put 16 geese oil his
weediest three acres of strawberries.
Those geese cleaned that three -acre
patch of all sorts of weeds—even
quack grass—and they never evev
touched a strawberry leaf.
Those three acres made a goal.
profit for Berry. The year before
he had spent $500 hand -weeding
then!, and still the yield was so low
that he lost money.
Needless to say, Berry started
looking for more geese. He couldn't
fated any, so he hatched out a batch
of goslings in' an incubator. This
year, he'll have 75 geese weeding.
45 acres of berries.
Geese also have been used for
strawberry weeding by, growers in _
the berry area around Paducah,
# k ,k
"To find out why a goose will eat
crab grass, saw brier, wild parsley,
pig weeds and practically any other
kind of weed you can name, and not
touch a strawberry plant you'll
have to ask a goose or a gander,"
says W. W. Magill, extension horti-
Growers down that way keep the
geese in the fields until the berries
are ripe. They won't touch green
stems or berries. After the crop is '
picked, the farmers return the geese
to the field.
Most growers put up a simple
range shelter about three feet high,
consisting of four posts with cross
bars to support the boards or straw
to shade their feathered weeders in
hot weather. They also provide'
plenty of drinking water and a
small amount of shelled corn.
Theodore Berry has tried geese
in raspberry patches as well As
strawberries and says they are bet-
ter than hand weeders. Any breed
of geese will do,
But don't put them among your
currant plants, he warns. They
like currants almost as well as a
nice piece of quack grass.
# # #
Well, there you have it—and it
sounds like something worth giving
a trial. And if it shouldn't' work
out—well, personally, I'd rather
carve a hunk off a nice roast goose
than sit down to all the strawber-
ries you could cram into the
Niagara Gorge.
Millions of dollars are spent an-
mually, on fertilizers of various
sort. But it's surprising how many
folks don't get the most out of the
money they spend just because they
don't know how to apply those
# # #
South of the border, state agricul-
tural colleges, in conjunction with
the National Fertilizer Association,
have been conducting tests over a
period of many years. I'm passing
along to you some of the recom-
mendations made:
For Hay and Sod Crops
These include pastures and alf-
alfa. Drill the fertilizer three to six
inches deep, either before or at the
time of. seeding. If you're making
as very heavy application on Bard,
stony ground, and have trouble
keeping the drill deep enough, plow
down about half the fertilizer and
drill ill the rest before or. during
Top dressing in early fall, late
winter, or early spring, with a grain
drill. or spreader, helps keep a stand,
For Small Grains
:Drill the fertilizer in the furrow
with the seed. While the fertilizer
may reduce germination slightly, it
isn't serious, and yields are higher
than when the fertilizer is broad-
cast, or drilled before or after seed'.
ing. Apply nitrogen as top dressing
is-, late winter or early spring.
For Potatoes
If you're using more than 1,000
pounds per acre, and your soil is
heavy, save 1,000 Pounds for appli-
cation at planting, Work ally
amount over that into the reed bed
before planting, At: planting time,
place the fertilizer in batids two
inches to the sides and slightly be-
low the seed pieces. (The two bands J
rl;mild be about six inches apart), i
apect . A Y Pe glee .ounda on
stock. Now Ramps; Sussex; Sussex New
Yc ea, spa rs
factory -trained meepanics• Bicycles, and corn
y lolus gardens, Brueefloid, ontaTio,
GLADIOLUS BULBS, No, 1. sells,
Ramps; Barred Rocks, and Large Tom Bar- Plate Hine of wheel goods. Open evenings until
A%Ixed Ile, 33e, Assorted nine Wednesday
ron Leghorns pullets
Mixed. Chicks 9n; Pullets 190, Any Heavy Cox
except Strand Cycle & Sports,
King At Sanfor!, Hamilton.
colors, 60, ,Special mixture, $9 per
Ruby Davis Oakland Ont.
dbo. STARTED VV Li4ET'S & 01110US
2 W BBKS OLD, add 6c; 8 weeks old, add
BLEACHED Sugar and Flour bags sack 270;
FETHETiSTONHAUGH Jk Company Pstutslti
9c; T weeks cid, .add 16c. Send for price
towels, honnrtod, about 17" x 34"—Y8o
Solicitors Established 1990. 860 Ra' Street,
list of older Pullete, capons and cockerels,
heavy breeds. Order from and enclose this
each; 2c per bag extra on order of less than
a dozen. Dept. W., BY -Products, 93 Ontario
Toronto Rooklel of Information en re use
A. M. LAIDLAW. B.Se„ Patent Attornoly,
add. 10',, deposit, balance C.O.D. ,Street, Toronto,
DAY old 47e, 2 weeks, add 40; 8 weeks add
"" "
Patents of Invention 60 Sparks St., Otte,
$a, 4 weeks old Capons 3Oc. HURONDALE Panel or Combination. All sizes. Attractive
prices.0,KoHNNNA, 2779 Yongo St., Tor-
1r0I7R Country general sterol Now 8s tk�
CHICILS Toole ullJco re;,ar<ili+ss whether they
time to list it with the firm that :sella
carry high egg Production inheritance or
tIN.iAINTRI) plaster casts, Figurinosbook-
more general country stores than any other
not. The real proof is in the laying house
after they are grown. Its then too late
ends, animals, novelties. Good assortment.
Lists Box 58, 123
In the Province, write us now. we will pa
too bad, if they carry poor or ordinary egg
available. -18th Street, Now
You a Personal visit. THA
BUSINESS MAN'?, Realtor, 1110 Yongo fit..
prodiictlon Qualities. The morA of Ton Notch
Pura bred chicks are R.O,P. Sired. These will'
- -
sNOwsnoES: All sizes and styles, Bates'
Toronto. RA 8606.
off a big way. Also Turkey poults,o,
anowshoo harness (Pat.). No
started hi
started chicks, older Pullets. Free catalogue.
more blistered -toosl Folder, "Snowslroeing
Top Notch Chick Sales, Guelph, Oritarlo. In Comfort," on request, Bates' Snowshoes,
HAVE you ever tlruugirt how much 8c+7rnnda
Metagama (via C,P.R.), N. Ontario,
HEAVY white duck, strongly sewn across;
on the strain of chicks You choore'? The
NEW JOHNSON Outboard Motors. Canadian
bars, Can be laundered. 80e each. Delivered,
Pleasure and profit You get from your whole
Canoe Co., Peterbm•o Boats, Canues, Trall•
John I. Wild. 10 Lansdowne Avenue, Lon -
year's poultry venture hinge on the choice
ere, bought, sold, exchanged. Large stock used
don, Ontario.
you make when you order your baby chicks.
motors. Repairs by factot•y-trained mechanics.
The most important business decision You as Open until nine exrePt Werhtesday Strand
a poultryman• have to make each year is the
Cycle, Hamilton.
source from which- yen buy baby 0btcks, gUY direct from manufacturer. Hair nets,
Twaddle R.O.P. Sired Government Approved
rayon or stile; 4Oo per dozen, nylon 76c:
Chicks will lay more eggs than chicks from
All colors. We pay postage. Milo Mills Ltd„
Great opportunity Learn
ordinary breeders. Send for catalogue giving
008 ADelaide, St. W„ Toronto,
all details. Also started chicks, older pullete,
turkey Poults. Twaddle Chick Hatcheries
CASCADE WIIEAT—T1-,e answer to the feed
Pleasant dignified profession, gotxl waarao
Limited, Fergus, Ontario,
wheat Problem for Mastern Canada. A
thousands successful Marvel graduates
new, high yielding, soft goring wheat de-
America's greatest system, Illustrated st8&^
h3ABY chicks from blood tested h76•]r egg pro-
veloped by The Central Experimental Farm,
logue free. Write or Call
during stock. Livability guaranteed. Mixed
Ottawa. Seed at 17 bushels Per acre Corti-
$15.00 Per 100. Pullets $28 to $30. Ten per
tied seed F.O.B. shipping ocher, $3.00 Per
cent off for orders 600 and over. Goddard
oushel in two bushel bags, T. A. Wilson.
360 eloor St. W., Toronto
Chic)( Iiatcliery, Britannia Heights, Ontario.
Pakenham, Ontario,
Branches, 44 Bing St. Hamilton
MONKTON CHICKS --Government Approved.
PUREBRED Tamworth bears 7 months old.
do 72 Rideau Street. Ottawa.
Breeding quality, one of the beet. Don't
guess. be certain. Write for prices and eats.
Also purebred Tamworthu 7 weeks, old.
Logue, Monlcton Poultry Perms, Monkto;i, Out,
Omedee VanDorwielaar, Concession 8, Mae-
Gregor, Out. -
WANTED: Graduate nurses, for soneraril
THE DOLL I3b1PAIR-BOOT . Save auit doll
duty, six-day week, eight hour day, $41.00
repair expenses, do St yourself. Only $1.26
'per week, $0.86 overtime minus 81.80 pep
'DAY OLD CHICKS. Punts and Cockerels
money order. Box 756, Southkent Br., Grand
lav board. $48,76 salary after three months,
available weekly Year round in 8 leading
Rapids, Michigan.
Apply: Superintendent of Nuraes. Anso9;
oreeds and crosses. The chicks are first
MUST eel! due to iii health. Grocery Stora,
General Hospital, Iroquois Falls, Ontarlo.
SHIP us sura. Minks up
•lass, the price moderate, the stack approved. service station with laving quarters, Turn-
Write for 12
»age ooloured calendar and
price list. Fisher Orchai;ds, R.O.P. Breeders,
over exceeds $40,000 a year. About $8,000
Muskrats, 00 Mueli ass wltl,
Muskrats wit$)
Freeman, Ontario.
down, write: George Kostonulk, R.R.4,
inInks lee (
weekly on tae with (Gangeville
Ire,, Trappers Association Baieville Y21vn,
WANTED—Two used Diesel Dower units,
:iOVERNMENT approved, Toa quality, Free PARTS for all Fordson and Ford Tractors
Catalogue And price list explain . details.
1917-1950. Fast Service, Prices are right.
160.200 h. H.. working condition. Pleas®
3 hummer' Qualit H teh Li d O t
We can supply parts and accessories for all
write giving full particulars and price
c s Y a cry, nwoo , n.
"OXFORD" APPROVED Chicks live, lay
pod pay. The,, are the results of twenty-
three Years of careful selection and breeding
in O.B.S. They have to be good, because we
want the very beat kind of c1licks for our
own flocks --bis vigorous and early matur-
ing. We stress egg size and uniformity. Bar.
red Rocks, Whi`.c Leghorns, New Hampahires.
Hamp. x Rock crossbreds, Rock x Leghorn
crossbreds, write for free folder. The Oxford
Farmers' Co-operative Produce Company,
Limited, 434 Main Street, Woodstock, On-
LAKEVIEW chicks are the ,choice of the
better class poultry men. 20,000 breeders
double blood tested, banded and inspected from
read, poultry breeding farms. Lakeview conslats
of 3 farms,, 80,000 floor brooding capacity.
For 1060 buy the beat—buy Lakeview, 8
2, 4, 0, 8, 12 weeks old Pullets, 4, d and
8 weeks old Capons. Prompt delivery or
booking for later. Take delivery now. Most of
our cockerels and thousands of chicks are
getting booked to go to some of the largest
and most particular buyers in the U,S.A,
later tea. Send for price list and full par-
DELIVERY to March 27th -08c; to April 10th
65c; to April 18th -68c; To April 24th -78c.
Book, your order now and take delivery early.
Late March or early April Is a good time to
start poults. 1. They coat less, 2, Easier raised
In cooler weather. 8, You have three flood
chances to sell: Canadian Thanksgiving,
American Thanksgiving, or the Christmas
Market. This year eaxly turkeys might.easilY
be higher in price. In 1946 the price was 10c
per Pound higher early than for the Christ-
mas market... 4. You can use your equipment
twice in one season, 1950 could be a repetition
of 1948, for profits in the turkey business.
Send for our price list and live Page catalogue,
"As we See It For 1860". with full -informa-
tion in detail about markets, feed Prices and
turkey management. Also monthly bulletins
on turkey management. up to the minute
turkey news. Lakeview poults are the choice
of large growers in Canada and the U.S.A.
Mr. Harold McDonald, Oil City, bought Lake-
view poults for several years. In 1948 he
marketed 1,700 turkey toms weighing 297
pounds, hen 177 Pounds, He has an order
with us for 1950 for 2,000. He is a great
booster or Lakeview Poults, Solid a card today
AN OFFER to every Inventor—List of inven•
tions and full information sent tree The
Ramsay Co.. Registered Patent Attorneys. 279
Bank Street, Ottawa
RAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or clean.
ing? Write to us for information. we are
glad to answer Your questions. Department
B, Parker's Dye Works idmited, 791 Ytinge
Street, Toronto, Ontario
FORT COULONGD, 226 acres, fully equ7pPed.
with beautiful brick house and large burn,
100 under cultivation, 100 timber lot, Pine,
spruce and hardwood. $3,600, $5,000 handles,
L. Titley, Realtor, 18 Rideau St„ Ottawa.
FOR SALE, 60 Acres of land, Good brick
house- and outer building's, I mile from
school, cbeest factory and blacksmith shop.
All plowing done. Apply to rinward Bethune,
Dunyegan, Out R.R. I
TO CLOSE ESTATE, 200 -acre fa.rur fur sale
on country road near Cobourg. Mixed farm-
ing, pasture, water, woorilot; good buildings,
bank barn, hydro, chicken and colony houses,
double garage, attached woodshed; S -room,
lnsuhbricked house, WWon built and cared for;
attractive grounds flowers and shrubs, lovoly
trees; nearby school high s,bool transporta-
tion, good bus sertive 4pltly Arch Nichol,
Baltimore Ont,
GUNS -Large assurt.meni new and ueed.
Bought, sold. rxrhansed Guaranteed repairs.
Scopes, sights installed Fishing Tacltle, 11unt-
ing Equipment Hportini, Gnnds S»e lal Team
Prices, Open until An, AVOON tt-dnesday
Strand Oycle, Rarniltuu -_.._
N rjusnuY+ STOCK
RESERVE now for Spring Dellvery—•Chinese
Elm Bodge—will grow 2 Coot first year -26
plants sufficient for 26 feet (12 to 20 inches
bushy) $2,08—seedlings 12 inches high $4.60
or tlon 1Peonies(plant
inOcolorssrerpl white or Mxhibi-
Pink, 8
C $1.89—Apple trees 3 feet high in varieties
McIntosh, Spy, Delicious, 8 for $1.98 --Plum
trees 8 feet high In varieties Burbank and
Lombard, 4 for $2,08. Free C010ur Gordon
Guido with Every Order. Broohdale--Rings-
way Nurseries. Bowmanville, Ontario.
Blitzes :Gree Pests -- Insecticide,
combats mites enemies of fruit
orchards, Tests show + unusually
low toxicity to warm-blooded alli-
mala, says company.
I Was Nearly Crazy
With Fiery lith
ISSUE 11. — 195L
Ford Products. Roy Davis Limited, 23 Cork
St., Guelph, Ont.
FOR SALE—L.A. Case tractor, nearly now.
Starter, lights, 1.4 -inch rubber. Frank
Grove, Markham, Ont.
�Ei.DER the horse • you require for spring
work now. We offer wide selection Pure-
bred mares—Percherons, Belgians, Ciydes-
tales, three years of age up, that we can
breed to top Arnoldwold sires—Jason, En-
chanter, Sir Don, Waterloo's Dan, Arnold-
wold Dock, Kemptville A.S., Jay Farceur,
(Landmark Renown. Write us for anything
Von require in horses. Arnold Farms Limited.
Grenville, Quebec:"
HALL Chain Saws—famous for their Power-
ful reliable engines with stall -proof auto-
matic clutch. One man and two-man models.
Gasoline and electric from $145 up. Inter-
ested agents please write Diesel Equlpment
Limited, 189 Laird Drive, Leaside, Toronto.
Hyland 8929.
PRE -INVENTORY SALE -11 H.P. complete
with 6" plow and cultivator $175.00; 8
H.P. 5" tires with 81" plow and cultivator,
$348.00. Other attachments if preferred:
Terms $26 00 cash with order, balance C.O.D.
Send your order now. There is only a limited
time on this bargain to reduce our inventory.
LTD., 75 Jarvis St., Galt, Ontario.
ferer of rheumatic pains or neuritis
should try Dixon's Reniedy.
335 Elgin - Ottawa
$1.25 Express Prepaid.
Banish the torment of dry • eczema rasher
and weeping skin troubles. Post`s Iltezemn
Salve will not disappoint You.
telling, scalinit. burning eczema. ache, rens•
worm, pimples and athlete's foot, will respond
readily to this stainless, odorless ointment,
regardless of how etubbern or hopeless tbel
,gent Post Free on Recepit of Prig
889 Queen St e„ Corner of Long"
Use Elliott's Ointment. An old tried family
remedy. It draws and heals. Wonderful for
cuts, bruises, sores, cracked lips, chafed
hands, eczema, piles, bed sores, sore muscles,
feet, Ingrown toe -nails. Should be on hand
in every home. Jar 50c sent postpaid.
Driglnal malrei% Murray D Lltiott, Mallon.
Protect 8onr BOOKS and UASkl from
FIRE and THIEVES. We have a size
and type of Safe, or Cabinet, ror any
purpose. Visit us or write for prices,
etc., to Dept. W.
Ito Front St. R., rornmr.
Established 1855
Farmers Attention -- Consult
your nearest Harness Shop about
Staco Harness Supplies. We sell
our goods only through your
local Staco leather Goods dealer
The goods are right, and so are
our prices. We manufacture in
our factories — Harness, horse
Collars. Sweat fads, Horse Blan
kets, and Leather Travelling
Goods. Insist on Staco Brand
Trade Marked Goods, and You
get satisfaction, Made only by
42 Wellington St. E., Totonto
Paul Yolkowskle. Box 738. Renfrew. Ont.
Phone 1164w. _
prices, ship your Horse & Cattle Hair to B.
Eisenberg, line., 4361 St.. Dominiquo 58..
Montreal, Que.
Paint Agents
You can't beat this — 2590
commission to sell the best
line of guaranteed paint, made
by one of the World's great
paint makers. All colours, in-
terior and exterior. It's easy to
sell paint. Every household-
er uses many gallons every
Spring. Don't waist. Be sure
you are the agent in your
nei'gthbourhood. Write to -day
for complete information..
,Sure -Win Paint Co.
1758 Eglinton 'Wiest
low ,950
nelivrr,`d to You
Twelve months to nay. Order now anti
get Yours when you need it. Two years
guarantee, Very narrow •for close
IT. Over powered with most modern
4 cycle air cooled engine. Light plow-
ing, cultivating, scuffling, hilling and
weed control. Power -take oN' for other
uses. Simple, strong ant) ehandle
asily d.
)Wiest Hill rAramhoral, !Ant.
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