Zurich Herald, 1950-03-09, Page 6spo"', 4 A ContlCanadian and Uni Stuess ates baseball fans --mast of two ort4y knew the lnau by ile;ttrsa! felt a keen pang of regret. when Lt'as announced, a. reek 4m ,;o at that the ('leveland Ilutians 'l asked for waivers mi Satchelfr Paige, (.`mess come National Ise ;gue chll) should sign hu,, lip itlf as a bt)x• otTice attraction, it ion' 38 t, tt 1 u ., 1 1 ti• . tl silt J'' :P''Ili c 1 5 .t big lea: ,ler is Inti, tied, . It But 1)r;ure tit' p;rt 1!0:0611gt,; Inally 1` s a t:r . , 1(,llh �)r shedding tt,i, biro tears over ILIA ,•ad lot, it rtigltr b +V e_1 t t f) I "I ' O [ r ., , lel he 171 r'• • t Ilei• 1 .1 a (t As a 11eleland Indian, l'wi e tire[ in the neighborhoc,d (it fiheei thousand a ..,waston. But if,, a haru Stormer. before Lou Pmidreau hire( him„ Satchwo was averaging around fort} thousand per --aur! the chances are that, if he gots �4 back to his old pastures, hell do ,Just as ivell I better in tllie tieatipll to collie. do don't Mart pa,sfng . around the hat r1I ";:lic1w! om, at least not yet. , Ile cniercd the Big '!'ills, at the ,y Ago C>t d o Ile i• g t e,l 5 ' Le it,Ci t o Years later, ;till a>ed 39. ,lust holt old he i;, nt,bo4ly knolls for certain - probably Il01 evell 'Paige Ill,,self- Although it is said that nnt•body once Produccd a birth c, rtificate vlhich shocsefi than he a a; horn in '190(, JU$* cllat .,ort of a ilial'), hague ,,ecoid he alight have set up. had the Prejudice , against ,'olot ed ball Players been wiped out a am7eration Ol' SO earlier, is sOulethilll'y to specu- late about. Joe DiMaggio, whose t'pinion of pitchers Should be worthy of respect, once said 'hat .Paige was faster even than Bobby 'eller-which Is plenty t$^.,fit, And Ditlaggio's ideas weren't ga ned front a bleacher sear, or from read- ing the sports columns in the ,I ored prefis. IN FIVE ENHIBI- TION GAMES, PAII FIELD DENIAG1,10 TO ONE 12EAS- LEY SI\GI.r, You (ion's do that with mirrors Or Psychoanalysis; and he treated other big Iea;;uP rlui;ger< jllst as scsl.nclatolls ly. Paige ti.4 sonsetlliug a leg- endary character right from the beginning. According to S,,tch hinl- self, lie t' as born With control. And it s ,girl that lte got his baseball start whet, the Owner of a colored team sa%v hila throwing rocks at a rote of tin tans on a fence. Satch knocked ,)ti fourteen straight, then mi;;t:(1 ,')u the fifteenth, "it 'jes' 91I to prove that I'm human" was his reply wile, a bed the reason for the miss, Bill 1'eeck, the tile,, Owner of 'tile Cleveland Indians, was the one respt)llsible for giving Satch his big league chance. One nlornir)g Veeck Phoned Manager Lou Boudreau to come to the ball yard and try out a "rookie" ptcher. Boudreau almost lead a fit Lc lien he got a Ionk at the "rookie" -for nobody that ever set I eyes an hm could mistake Satchel- I foot, 6 feet 4 II1C17P5 tall and lnost- I ly skin and hone, r S * r C Holt ever,Lon Was clinous en- d ough to grab a catcher', decker t and squat behind the plate. Out t of a hundred pitches only two or 8 three were off the target -so Paige c was hired without delay, * ,} * Paige proved to be a good in- p vestment for the Indians, at that, tl Doth financially and from d playing tt standpoint, Year before last, when st Cleveland copped theP° pennarst, the six victories Catchrllo b. was credited with Lvere a big help; and. his til terrific "draw" at the gate is at- tLl tested by the 78,342 fans -an all., time record night crowd -who fiaieked to see him pitch. against tl! pil one of the weakest team& in the ,loop, the Chicago White Sox. There lir. wasn't much of a hop on his "fast so' onehe had double and triple TI wind-ups, a hesitation pitch and a ga few other frills, and blanked the of Sox', I to (7, eVl * *� ;, of But Paige was all awful get i81 -the -neck for a manager, such 1 g stil Boudreau, Who., takes his ba5ebal) a NV h 4xtremely seriously. For twenty at b Y4Ar$ of more Satch had been barn- bat Ocirming, malting his jumps froln stir Ile -^'---_ apt -� "-7� i t ..� AEalazoll PaII called Coco and 4n axtuttm parakeet it as Pepe Peres on the catllera of a Paris Pews photographer alt he atteMpts to take pictures ciat'itt� aMaw Spollsorecl by the L eagtlo for protection of Birds. rohe Photographer felt that he was given a well -illustrate sx;�lllple )f what tl)r ct+aril-ifl-t rarif e pressio11-MrateFl elle, birdied rt'111`r oast! Mean. ' 0 OW 0 „ ted ' tSllxv and ,i.� b . K' att tvv, ...,�. :4 +t F.. it ., :$ . , :i.` yr an - in males, usually a sought for trait, ,C7, ., ,� , ,t: is sometimes over abundant and fertility of eggs is 'f. c s� . a I �, . r e ' i <•- ot. -11-s: ' a' A'Ictal beak guards oil t'ile Male, t. 'S . ,." a r � stip. , F K .a . . .. �\ O n I ­,\,: !Z .. 11 ort P • Y \ s:, •i ¢. I t i1. 4 I S1: 11 1 , 1. x'i tiw 11 ". 1 r ' > CI1iIda en's Helping Land --j jp11 , �ocl artre.;s 13a11)arI 131-4toll adc.h'esses enL eiopes for the .Society fol Cri) )]cd C" r 1'+ I• Y 1 l 11))dl ells l :),5 0 'l. e • t ti a 1 r cal 1 l n n h 'tr The , p 5 e cr'tirl sat 1 1 t 0 raise n f: c, In) . Zy 1;01' care amid treatment pf llandicap)ccl children trill } Q the 1 be 111 progress e5S between 1larch 9 all([ - pril 9. I town to town ' lla couvertihle about a -,. long as a freight tar, and paintedTHEPARN a ulode,t ,!lade of flaming 1 crimson. , , 1• Tilne tables and training regtlla• tions meant little or oathin:; to him. +' W06PUSSIA, }sI. One clay, when it Incised a bit like °" r raid, he r s failed to ,hnLw nn al the ball Park - at all. .-Who t411(i you that tilt game LL't)tl1{1 be !':clic(! ,)Zf >, „`i'14L111Lie. 1'he it[rul r tractor, as lnally of you Boudreau nett IIloriling, Ice a ,great )abut -saving de_ vice, "NJ all 11%0 feet" ansivereil �l:r. Lice Yet, according to the • Mire Pa4le ".1th •,inlple dignity, intiur anctt people, who .should be ill * * * a 0"iliun to know if anybody is, He TAUS C013stantly Imssirrg train it can be a '\ulilher One lire hazard if lh)t treated properly. "OnnectiOn S. (dice, when lie wadi'[ un the train, he still man: ged to• beat the Indians to the next town, 1';LI'ln tractors are designed 'so "I jes' took a bird," was Nisi; ex- that the chance of fire is reduced to Planation, mean'ng that Ile had a rllinilnum, but experts point out. chosen to travel by p1al1P rather that, unless the machine is kept in than rail, gold running order, and is operated ' .c K oil a safety lirst plan it can be, and Satelnli6 had plenty )+ foibles is, the C9lf8e of )ilany farm fires, and peculiarities. He was a heavy !' * drinker -but only of groats milk. He In keeping the tractors well ser - suffered from indigestion and is probably vleed, the important items are one of the greatest in,• dividtlal consumers Of socia bicarb- inufilers, gasoline lines, carburetors and the ignition onate living. He balled his salary system, Trouble rarely conics suddenly and 'there wing in steam baths that lasted for hours. The are usually warnings of defects contents Of his trunl. looked like 'Which can he delectcd in advance. a cross be a 11rnggist's preseriptiOn slicives aIld • If the tractor needs repairing, art antique shop, lint tiflle nlearld- under no circumstances should this ers on. The Indians didn't will a be done in any building where fire Pennant last year, of' even finish second, Satchrilo played a 1,1le handtante could do extensive damage. Iris- is the greatest seri n'asn't particularly ;.cud for team discipline. So Protection aIle the cheapest. .k nliulnuYil distance it look's as if lie's off for Lrider--and r should be 80 feet from iry lance a t c.ry prob- ablbappier•-htlntu buildin g. Fianling gasoline spreads 'g rt,unfla. rapidl} Ky hid he'll be tvelc'onle{ 1 Kaci: ,gain, make no mistake about that, Loulbustlble utaterial in and ai•unnd .n the colored leagues lie ILas, and ,robably will be again, a tractor can be a serious fire hazard. Chaff call accumulate an attrac- ion more potent than Dizzy D Dean, oil the engine, e g e_ pile up on the nllrzzle"r ! Labe Ruth and '.1'ed t�rilfialns all or get sufficiently in contact with heater! l cited into one, They Mill tell Ountless tales of the big € #Cllaw'S to start part, to tanfiP a ftaGh tine f { clings there. Like, for example, the me when he Was speeding g aloe t Awl ,,av the experts, tractors be- r g )ward a pitching chore at about ?.miles all hour, ing drivel arptuid farrrt buildings s ,should be handled'•tvith the I' and a n1r..r,)rcycie )p nailed him, same Care and good judgment g1Ve11 t0 ... 1, t driving a car on a crowded high- P BY the time lie reached' [lie ball Way. There may be no rules of the s irIi, where he was to Inch for farm --as there are of the highway .e Kansas City Monarchs against "belt the � slightest accident, if e Homestead Greys in a, "world's Harping gasoline is involved -can R' ries", thecause game tL'a5 well tinder a disastrous tire. BI ity, and the (treys were leading - `r 't `' = " a score of 4 to 3. Without even The Dolaiwon 1:xPcrinieiltal Sta- ne-out for a warmup throw or 'O, .Paige was rushed tion at Harrow, Ont., has just is. sued some information I in in action. x * * which will be, I hope, So of interest to I poultry instead of g going to L,nLI( on batter, Satch . I raisers. he following is a 'I of it, kept trying to ;k the runner off first base, '` '' It con- uing to do so until the old The results from large poll ipbozle was limber and warm, , coli_ v taining several males are generally a en he Pitched the rest of the Ise allowing the Gra better than where only one male is F' a a hit, Satch and his \Sona chs mated to of - LL males latter rituallym :ntualty Winning out by a score 9 to 4. I't's beiroup system Y ng 13 necessary in Pedigree breeding. a real pity lie didn't ,,, '" 4 his big league chance while he tl Ivlass mating as practised I lead his Stuff. But there are uvhole lot In most commercial work, reduces the si t( of mighty Sluggers )-when •they, look chances of preferential or discrim- IT inate over those ting averages in which they mating as well as the possi•• bilities take hYprider.are just as ¢'tad that didn't, . of certain individual gnat• g ings being rendered void by lethal factors Peculiar to those matings, th * Ir w at Infertility, dead germs, and dead e9 in shell, areconditions commonly er met with in poor hatches. Vigour• in males, usually a sought for trait, is sometimes over abundant and fertility of eggs is `i1 ha often affected if fighting or interj,e,renre ill [akin,~ rn place, W3 A'Ictal beak guards oil t'ile Male, are useful in preventing fighting and if movable Partitions about 2 Or 2 feet high are placed in the pen, illte1101"I is usually leecet Bile, ' `6 * t;olni) damage is another condl- tioll which might affeet the fertil- M ization Of eggs. lv A168 with frost bitters combs lose Some orf their 4itality, ,so provision. shoull,rl he M t ic lit made to keep tearapor'a,turals from becoming too low In the pen. C01111) Loi set injury cat]. be 0aused bg• frs,ld hopper I"` reels when 1st tt�y low �r free ing entrance of tJ1m keaQ atzd �zgnsh to t 'he feed. CLASSIFIED A D IERTI I G( . RGXNTS IYANIIGI► ll71'EINt3 A1wU UI+EANING _ SAI,I;Sri21 N iIJ6Vrm YQU anYtbiug needs dYsing or cleat!. "NJOw" 11' 4•mall Ii 'p)'aetor. One new, all4 194A - SA.1:,];SAISN wnulad to lnh•Oduca now product. tn$7 Write to ue for InYormation, we are ono Used Farman :,, T ls,r sea !deal for house to house sellille, lull time or glad to anal+er Your questlons, Department cheap. ":lylor .l Dale, ee . #t f4rlr?der, sideltrre, hooted in every holne. Ulrusual H' Farirer)s llyo Worlrs Limited, 781 Songs O1iap., A imont, Phone profit opPartunity. 11Yrnte Int.,redlliI Box Street, Toronto, Ontario. 3 v , _ 123 I th . t To • , 'lID! ,wrto 1)rrtaria. 9 Z1LD Ii rLrLIi�Sliipitrgr two hoary 4. • -- ---li �,xi-m 1 A141tt3 AX,p2- months sold all sown oP varimse aBea, Ja. M4 u' -ES Ra"""'-• - Lluton, Onglol)art, Onfiatto. _-_, UAItY tilllt;Klrp 185 ACI;JOS ltaluigh 1oWr)ehlu.'Kent County: 9c (,tlol) I - -( ;;S"•,ll¢ "^ -- loo acres Eupbemla (Getlel'al 1t;irnIIJlA; J 1.00 MAGIC �AItDS: run ­fOr nd M10: 1--s LL Breeders blood tast,vl, banded slid hi•• acres zone tobacco); t5 acres wondorful a'et, , ya,11), and t1li. ( Follow directions, Tells age, Never taiLk, sterile banked 1: t"•dit rve r0nlyd IgOW rich Onion forte. IOrlettu, Beach Frontage- Send $1.00. P.O, Box GS, Paramount, Cal(1t- atat•k. 'wrw lumps: :11141 a; t+ To Naw be Su Or cabins. Lowest wisely in land and 0rnfa, heel , ' Js, I#u red 7turkN, rend !,otic 7'Om Bar- ho sure of income. ivrJte: ubathanr Beal Us« ran 1„>,•h, 1[i�cd Ilc, ynlUets 2ge..lscurte,l tato, Ex'of 1110 Realtors, 9274 L>Arg St„ C,21at. 1L)uL'Lr WANCEU�~ illi, , i Ices 9 I'nnor(s 29e, Any Ifeut•y Cox !a.a tan , J'i!10E nO 10,� iYIAI;1;ii01� pian 11Ya exuertence- hl ill Yarut 4740. ip0 Ai iti s, north of 13rsuriptoir, good laud,Ontario. work, 0!000 to 11011001, J-0114 Caln, Gormley, 1 11s i'l 7 1 1'r -l').1,11418 A` 1'lCl ..Lit la• $ 4 L1 !t nt ' Y br 1 O ar] . U In o 2 4V'')1 d 1, t:, Ul.) gs, hm 1 l n, ) edlat ld G[ e 3 osce weeks p salon. rice 9c; 4 necks oltl add lol ` tks old. add FAX, A0. Owner, 830 liunhymede, 111011011t ill ')IIIAICAL -- --� list of leer ynillets vupana ands eockefor rpls F so �tlioxi�' tip rofdI3ur0pOem ion, 150 acres, --�-� heav3 breeds. order from null ,,n,•.toao, rills my on 28 Rig11- IT'S 1 OV}.N-X+.Scery . b, ever QJ arid. 10'; deposltr ba;la.u,e C. ),I). way, 22 In11es from London. Heart of subal•. rheumatic pains OC neurltrs should bo Fi I st e as 4 41' it ilio t IJ S fa , 4 ` r g at + 1 1I or til.) Y area, 1 l'll.' ea. Lt � tett Clay loan Dix Lu s ) on s DAY , , e Renee@ d l r dr s y k •^ t a n ., t,,> qd 7.3 )rr. 1 � I , dt 0 acres s 11 d t tillable ttol le 1 [s sv land; , J 12 ;v,!, L1 fall trhEat 20 acres IVITTN]20 S DRUCz STORE i III rT4 Old ! upuna in 111 h()\ t)Al,l, scree hay, 4G acres fall 335 Elgin tlll<'N, rllJ'l'illlllr, L,I)rr);)\ 11; 114tt1U. PlauB'h"tl. 171.1„!1 house. lint wait Yurtl,lee, ' OttaYltl II L114 1 J to , [h . l 13 Ell vo unk 1 I r' a 1ka t barn, ti •Is silo litter 4 L,u,�� 1C r ter ca • • I,25 Sr r r carrier, Express _ n, 1, tv z) r 1 i _.. attr ss � Pre s' cic bu P 111. w . •, i Js H p 1, d 11ti,•lcry tl•t)P I],eehos f.trn, acitoul bus PassydgrotetUlFULL line ofllttrustor, POST'S ECZEMA SALVE fill),,allu a m VOL) It..' J, sir 1. (;'bred mar•hlnery' dalry hard, twill be sold with farm Banish the 'rot E sorts •lid 1,011 ud Rud s tt')"lc rrou> "fells ti' des„ rd A Insrgahi, buC roust be cash. and weeping sir n 11aWrite11 b,r raldet, meet or a eczema rashes [� i t8 tl a 1'rn t' ,1 Jt u,• ttt , Ht-. t 1 • � 1 t,• I uw 1+a noble . , \, ua Nan a P P' tot dl oa e a d , lli tan) t tUnz )t )nt• Salve will not rlianppolnt you ms 1 (i[i..iI [ O1JJAm`L h,1, 24'5 acres- Cully salience, g eczema. actio• ring• 110\t:'1112V Cltltl�!.--t;0tarnui011t AVIIII oil, tv)ill beauttrul brielc houao rind !ar'ga, horst, tchlne•pinll�lles n.ndunilbte's foot 1 Breeding main t ane Of the boat. Don't ior under enitivattOn. 100 thilber lot, readily to rhls stntnieaa, �Oorlesallointmenta guess, be certain Write iw prises and cattL sprII and hardwood. $8,G00. $G,000;'lrar)dlea. logos, Glonlrton PnuitrY Y;arnls. 3iaitllton, 0111 I� Titley, ii wood' 18 lticieau St„ Ottawa. regarditss t hew stubborn nr hopeless Choy FISHER ORCHARD CHICKS 1'OR 5 11 E, GO Atrem oY land, Good brick seen) -- DAY OLD CHICKS. Pullin and Cackarela' house soil auto butlaings, 1 mile from PR1U137 $1.OU PE1R JAR available weekly year round In 8 leading school, chew raetoey and blacksmith shop.sent Foat Free on ReceDi# or Price Dreads and crosses. The chicks are ilrat All plowing done. App13• to 90ward BethunPOST'S REMEDIES 'Iass, tlls price "lode'•ate, the stock approved. Dmlvegan. Out, R.;R, 1 889 Quren St 4., Corner of r,mran Write Por 12 page coloured Calendar and -�---•-- Poronto price List- F181rer Orchards R.O.P. Breeders, FOR SALisBOILS,- -` ----• Frees` na.n. L7ntariu _ _ RR'OTORCYCLI S FlartaY Davidson. New and 0;tt PIMPLES �G,F I2BiiNC]:,E0 ICHOld tried ftinlhv --' '" 'CHICKS used bough• sold, exchanged. Large ,stock remedy, It d,•atve and heals. wonderful far -1OVE 31'1,. of \i7 t u , ,) guaranteed air ]stat teed ed. used Tot) 8 d mo quality, motorcycles 1 q a 1 els r. t Fr Y e, !3 urs Y. tie a alt• brut Oat p e b Bea, s • Ala Y Ot es gue f Cracked an actor - alk d e Ira ed 1i Price i Y in a c p e I ed me h• P hofs list c i d ON I an es. p ntn a Bte ] �clrununer,s stalls, Yclea, and com lands. erzatua, piles, bed aortia, sore muscles, Quality Batch: tl I,intvaod, prat, plate line CE wheal goods. Opev evenings uTiCtl feat' Ingrown tee -nails, tihou141 be on hand 'OXFORD, APPROSED r'hlolr, !live, laY nKing at ine except Sanford, damtlton,ay )rd rlYcle & snot•t8,`-prlgeve every home, 1ludar 501• sent postpaid. .nd pay. The• are the results Of ttweuty rray D, J911fott, &Talton, three Pests of tret'ul selccrfnn and breeding -�e _.- _- _,-• BUNS -Large assortment new and- useir nrtta.t•lo. In 0.13.5 They have to ha go ,d, bre u)ss we Boul;ht, sold, axobanged. Guaranteed rtpalris„ , ` -- .: ._. AV tle eery best Glad of Writs for Our Scopes, Bights Installed, Fishing Tackle. f3unt. m_ _NIII SEltit r'TUCIi M_ own Iicclrs- ,bi,. ,19111,,118 alb early matur ing Ettuipment Sparttns Goods- Spa ial Tea �rE GROFV sumo of rhe tvw I<1 s Finest C,ladi- ing. IVa sloes 9 size and ,t , rarmity. }3ar F'rkne, Jpen until aloe axeant t rednesday .' all. Catalogue on request, Tyndall Glad - red Raulrs t1 hi . I.c'911 "Is. ' , • Aarlpahires, Stir _-and Cie. Flaird Xo ^ plus G0.1 -dens, II ,fleld, Ontario. Hamu x Jt,ek er ssbreds. heck x Leghorn! Crossbreds 1vVIte rut tree folder. The Osfold NCIILSJ [tY STOCh -'� GLADIOLti7S BULBS, ro. 1. Separati+ Farmers' r•o-operative Produce Company, Rl',Ski'"E now far SPrins Deliver ars, colars, ,5c, Special mixture, $8 per C. larLl�go. d 434 tsOtt Street, L\nn,lstnek, Oil' Ell" lieds'e-will 91•ow 2 feet first year -2G Ruby Davia Oakland Ont. . toric, 0ianta suIIictnt Yor 25 rest (12 to 20 filches PATENTS bushy) 82"'ll-,seedlings 12 Inches high $4.50 F1DTTiFJB,STpNFIA[JC,H @ Co any Patent f AliF! la 11' ('t leL.,. R " per 100 (plant D inches apart)- Giant Gxhibi- LALiP1!'I1D\'L `'Irl„ks ur rho •rlwlee of the tion Peonies in colors rad, whits or Solicitors Eatabllehed 1890 850 Bay Street, batter crises I,aultry n)e)5. 20,000 breeders fol• $1,89 -Apple trees 3 feet high .In varieties loronto• 800klet of informatinq an s double blood terYed, banned and fuepected from McIntosh, Spy, Doliclous, 3 for $ n varPlum eaueet, real poultry breeding farms . Lakeview conalsts trees 8 feet high in varletlea Burbank and 9 14I LAIDLAty. B.Se.. Patent Attorney, of 3 tarok, :30,000 floor broading capacity, $2.98. Fres Colour Garden Patents of Invention, 66 Sparks St„ Ottawa. Lombard, 4 for i or' ;,a 'nly the hest -buy I,aicevlew, g Guide With Every Order, BrOokdale-ICings• SELLINGi' breeds waY Nurseries, Bowinanvilte, Ontario. yo Country general store? Now tc tho S7AR'S. 1 .PULLETS, CAlets, CUR tinge to list It with the firth that sella 2, 4, 6, S. l2 weeks old pullets, 4, 6 ant A, 'INUM. ROOFING ' more general 8 weeks Old Capana. Prompt delivery or CORRIGATED and', ribbed Yur tooling and e,0untry stores than any othae�xr backing fa' later. Take delivery now. Most of aiding sheets 6 to 15 Peet lengths, OG" covered You o a Prnersona[Wvtslt rite us "p tgvRRwl TT,,111TpDty2 Our cockerels and thousands of uhicice are 32"'video 24 gauge. Sed roof. measurements BIISI.NESS-31AN". Realtor, 1]16 yonge St., getting booked to go to some Of the largest for free estimate and Illustrated folder giving Toronto. RA 8505. and most particular buyers in the U,S.A, full Information. Samples on request, Mine - later on. Send far price list and Pu11 par elate delivery from stock, A. L. GonneviIle TIIR23EYS oculars. Ise\IiEVIJSV{ PA)[;hIS g DATCI>ERY, Mfg., Dept. I8, Charatte, P•[�, ORDAR your $road $reacted Bronzo poulti E:1FT-LOR, ONTARIO, PHONE 78. now. Backed by 21 680 11RONZF FOUL TS 080 Sugar COTTON BAGS and blood testing. Pullorum freears careful f Onoofselecting D)OL1V]i RY. to March 27th -630; to April loth B to vale D hemmed and aboutlo 1711 bugs 94 each 7c- inOldest an i, largest Abreeders exclusive tango urkea fargivis 660; to April 18th -680; To April 24th -780, sato; ls- 11 bag extra on order x less thost Book Your artlar now and take delivery early, 2 dozen. Dept, W,. By -Products, 98 Ontario you stranger voults and better livability; b09 Late March or early April is a good time to Street, Toronto, acres range land. Visit our moaorn oatehery, start poults. 1. They cost less, 2, Easter rat ed Vespra Turkey Farms, A. D. Patterson 8 h cooter weather. C a have three good DOORS Soils, Box 101, Barrie, Ont. chances to sell: Canadian Thanksgiving, Panel or Combination, WIIiTE ITOLLAND American Thanksgiving, or the Christmas price s• D. McHEMN*A, 2779 sizes. St" TCre blood tested Governor nttApprovedW' and gbreeders. Market. This year early turkeys might easily onto,--0nt. Broad breast and high livability poults can b) be higher in price. In 1846 the Price was los UNPAINTED plaster caste, Figurines, book- Amberstburg, Ontario. Per pound higher early fha11 for the Christ- ends, animals, novelties. Good assorEn,ent, expected from Sunny scree Turkey &'.arm Omac markets 4. You can use your equipment Liete available. Box 58, 128 -18th Street, New TURKEY SADDLES - f 1. in one season. 1960 colla be a repetition Toronto. Of 1845, for profits ilr the turkey business, SNp1VS2$OES: All sizes and styles. Hates' bars. pan be lawrdered. 301 each. Dail Send for our Dries list and five Page catalogue, iil17AVY white duck, strongly sewn aciosv, 'A8 We See it For III with Putl informa- Humane" snowshoe harness (pat.). No Tohn V. Wild, 19 Lansdowne each. Deliv red. tion in detail about markets, feed prices and more blistered toes! Folder, "Snowshooing don, Ontario. turkey management. Also monthly bulletins m Comfort," on request, Bates' Snowshoes, on turkey Inanagetnent, up to the minute Metagama (via C.P.R.), N. Ontario, OPPORTUNITIES COIi 6IEN AND': WUDfEIe turkey 'news. Lakeview poults are the choice Nh7W J0I3NSON Outboard Afotors. Canadian of large growere..in Canada and the U.S.A, Canoe Co., Peter boro Boats, Canoes, Trail- $E A HAIRDRESSER Mr. "art", McDonald, Oil City, bought Lake- ers, bought, sold, exchanged. Large stock used s® CANADA'S LEADING S(iHOOL view poults for several years. In 1948 he motors. Repaira by factory -trained mechanics. Great Opportunity Learn mar•]ceted 1,700 turkey tome weighing 2914 Open until nine exneDt wedaesday. Strand Hairdressing Damzac, he,,,. 1 i pounds, I•Ie has an Order Cycle, Hamilton. Pleasant dlanified PrOfesstan, good wages with ua for evie for 2,000. He is a groat guy diroct Prom Manufacturer Hair nets, Amerhea'sa greatest ssystem&,vel graduates bto:ooster or. Lakeview Points. Send a card today tllustrated cote. TT LA1.r&R31 RAT`C IDay:TURKEY 1orE1I I R ALL rayon or silk; 400 gar doze, nylon 750. Logue free. Write or Can TUILR7Gx HATCIIERL', C;SIDTER, ONTARTU,, All colors. We pay postage, MID Mills Ltd., dfARVEL HAIRDRESg213G Pico IV 9:L. 808 A.Delaide St. W., Toronto, SCHOOLS DEbIAIvA far`gtsalily never ceases. You can OA15VA"E {VHEAT--The answer to the feed 860 BlOor St, VU., rorunto keep your poultry profits high by using wheat Problem for Elastern Canada, A Branches, 44 [ling St Hamiltob our R.O.P. Sired production stock. When the nei high yielding, soft spring wheat do- & 72 Rideau Street. Ottawa, prices of eggs are low, the difference between Ottawa by The Central Experimental Farm, profit and 1068 is measured by the quality of OttaWa< Seed at li bushels Der acre. .Certs.- � WANTED you?' oltialrs and pullets. The livability and fieri Beed P.O.B. shipping point, $3.00 Per ttrANTED: Graduate nurses, ior genera: '.aYabiltty of all Sour stock means extra tuahel hl two bushel bags. T, A, Wilson, duty, six-day week, eight Ila ur aaY, $4i 01 noney in your Profit pocket, All Tweddle Pakenham, Ontario, per• weelt, $6,85 overtime minus $1,20 nes locks are pullornm clean, no reactors, all J11I the horse you -squire for spring Bay board, $48.75 salary after three 20 pe) Welts banded hs under Government supervision. work note. We offer wide selection pure- APply: Superintondet of Nurses, Anse) 4'aiurfty of our pure breeds, R,O.P. kited. bred mares-Pereherons, Belgians, Clydea• General I•iospital, Iroquois Falls, Ontario. Vhen ,;tgg;r are high or low Chase ars the isles, three Years of age up, that Ivo can 'SHiP us furs, bllllks up tC $45,U0-trAaapl Incl of ehi,:ks that pay. Day old, two, three, breed to top Arnoldivold sires -Jason, En- $4.50 -Muskrats, $4,50 500 rtuskrafs 111th 'Our week old, older pullets. Turkey poults, chanter, Sir Don, 1Vaterloo's Dan, Arriotd- minus tveelUY on ice with 0Muser t Secrete `tee 1960 Catalogue, Twaddle Chick !lois•!,• tvtld ])Oak. I%emptville A.S„ J'ay Farceur, free, Trappers 4ssociatron ,,,,,,,,, Yam, vier Limited, Fergus, Ihrtarlo, Landmark Renown. write ua Par anything Qac. IOOD Yeaterda,,•, good tadaY and �•ood to sou require hi horse8, Arnold Harms Limited. WANT] D -Two used Dleseli,ovv-J milia. Morro, in this highly competitive world of Grenville, Quabe0' iG0-2011 h. p., working canditlnn. Pleas. )day success a.nd profits are won by a bAB.M :11ACIiINE12Y write• giving lull Vartirulare, and mire arrow margin. In chickens that extra ,nal•- WALL Chain Sa.tws-famous for their power. Paxil Yolk"I'A8kte.>tans 7:IC rt„nrrew ,)nt in conies from a sound breeding program, fill reliable engines with stall -proof auto- Phone II64111 oven by the rencI and their Perfor'n,ance uratic clutch. One elan and two-man models. 'due. customers flocks. You can depend on Top Gasolins and electric Prom $145 up, Inter• '7101LS.E It; fi Otell• R.O.P. Sited chlcks Day old. two, 'sted agents please write Dlesel Equipment prices, shin 'Vol"''!1'1io •ce R ll'". Pur [fair .ree and four ween old, older pullets, turkey Lhnited, 139 Laird Drive. .Leaside, 1'nr•outo Eisenberg, ior„ 4:IOI tit. 1)otuiniair to) F ,alts. Vree Catalogue lop ,NOteh Chick tlyland 8029• Montreal, Qua. ' Iles, Gnelph, Ontario. � e. BOLENS GARDEN TRACTOR WAITED rot l]tiy:- ij ,,,,a0, unck, Turk,, lltltilN'ESS OPPORTUNITtEb . PRS -INVENTORY SALID-1.?4 fi.P. complete and Rooster reathels. tltghevt priees nail I OFJi'EIl to every Invetor-Leat or Invea•ith 6" plow and cnitivator $175:00; 8 Western Feather• & DOW,, trarp„ 1.502 5 E.F.tonaH6" tires with ah- plow and cultivator, Catheri„c gtrer, xnaa and Pull stered Pillo sent free rhe $348,00, Other attachments If _ _ u •• SUIte :117, 3YOntreal. meat' CO. Registered r�ntPnt ars„rneva ?-a Terms $26 00 cash with order, balancesC.O.D. `-- - '-""-•'--- nk Street, Ottawa - send your order now, There is only. If Ited -� thus on this bargain to reduce our inve)rtory. CANADIAN POTATO MACII'R Co14(1'ANY. s Normal development Of the chick LTD., 75 Ja.rvls fit. Galt. _O,Itario; ,:;cs ,�•�� I)) t embryo as well as its ability to FOR SALi9-Well drill, newly rewoodiI 4 -iii. ` a -- catch properly depends largely on bar wit,, 6 in. bits, fteasuu:Lble down. pay- , `-%, s; meet and tarrns IP deaired. Apply Arnold •:t.:sw: ""-" ^ • he presence of certain vitamins in Campbell, hlllftland, ontarta. � :I f� he. diet of the parent stack. BALL PEN SPECIAI, '64i It . ,s ;< ROI,! 1T Tr. Neverskip writes better. Dealt Model 399. Udder several. Postpaid, B. \v. loculi+ toe geueraJly available tille. nta Ltd., trail orae, Dtpt.-tiv, Brntat •hich are fortified in this respect vl ie, nrttat lo. p !IRAIINt:I3AA1 R/Uera. Good performers, $a nd are most effective When Stip- Per pal-. 1lJ Tlbblts, 1,1 .lane St., Barrie, '10 , lied to the breeding stock 2 or :3 Ontario. 4 'e.eks prior to the * h llatchin, • ,1>afi011. N0. ' 240. l,et'n 4.Lfzt, cami,lete; n]la`"silos. ' grinds all grains and hay. Oliver 70 Tractor, , v. ehanging plan. caul saerIn.70, 3,. IVerran. [t.R, 8, w ttot7orc' -)-turd„ -- Thought must also be ,I% Lit to 8, ------ 101Carlo. _YAUNARD IS Le' freshness' of feed since under t line. conditions Of storage a de-.,,` L 1 N[ M E N T ricir<ltiOn of <•.,ertial t'rtat111nR Q j ls ight -occur. ' That 111- tip y freely It ' and rub. P Wild Fiery Bch "� 16.46 faat•-drying; has no aetrang Ior, Aannis' amazingly fast reliof-D, D• D. odor. And It brings quick hlJe acres! " 11JCltbalioll te�1' logLI",, I Proscription --did the trick. World popular, relief to muscle and joint' tilts pure cooling, liquid medication speeds soreness, stiffness, aeho. 11511 days IS generally Carl'1Cd Ottt bteacc and comfort from cruel itching caused central Y eokema, pimples rashes athleta's foot LARGE ECONOMICAL SIZE 656 p4ittt5 taritJl efflClent and other itch trOubles, Trial bottle, sS¢. MNt►. nipment and by eYperirnced op, intapmorieynci00Askoven thetforI Intense it0Y5, firestrlption(Ordinaryorextrnstrength)no..- '- l ISSUE 10 --1950 3t the same tinge, the. negtieilre operations resulting in good A • :cues start in the hen house ant I M editions there have a lot to do Is the percentage of clllclit coed Ont. I 1a ,_ VISE UP YOUR LIVER UIL hoot calowel--Ane! You'll Jwnp Out of Bed len the Morning Etot'i'n' to Co • liver eFioutd potle out about 2 pinta of iu,ce into your dlgestiva tract evoty day; I iia bile is not flowing freoly, Your food may diRegt. It BoalY• Just deoxy In the daestive + t. Thon ayo bldolto ul you* stomeoll, you 6onsti�ated, YOU fec Hour, sunk and the d looks wlk. thkos t Ono mild, gentle Carter's 1,ittle • r Pill$ to gat these 2 pints of bike flow. freely to make you feel "Op and up." w',� � � . + A puottoale tadeYy♦ 3>wgcative tp; ?riplA,,% �•+7" M tF R,:1w;s' ,t, .. ; .. flow ir000atty. Ask for Car A06 Tittle 3';ivpl litti .s .«...e-,.. 6 d r