Zurich Herald, 1949-02-17, Page 8MIO 1t A .........r IMr. Milford Merrier of Dashwood ' gave us a friendly .call on Tuesday. Miss Elizabeth ,Steeple is at pres- 4G ent attending Bible 'School at Kit - 8 Q00 Q00 1401 QD CI Sale , .t=l;" LOCAL 1$ L T FOLLOWING OUR USUAL CUSTOM WE ARE AGAIN Q e HOLDING OUR ANNUAL CLEARING SALE, OFFERING 41 SPECIAL. REDUCED PRICES ON MANY LINES OF SEA- QG SONABLE GOODS. WE CAN ONLY LIST A FEW, BUT ASSURE YOU IT WILL BE A REAL MONEY SAVING v�1 EVENT AND WE INVITE YOU TO COME AND SHARE IN THE MANY EXTRA BARGAINS WE OFFER. C FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY, BEGINNING KINGSWOOL BLANKETS, REG. 13.50 FOR $11.95 PAIR WOOLCOT BLANKETS, REG. 5.25 FOR 4.75 Each MOSSFIELD SATIN BOUND, REG. 10.95 FOR ..9.95 Each 3 ONLY COMFORTERS, REG. 8.50 FOR 7 25 Each KIDDIES SNOW SUITS 2, 4, 6, SIZ- R2G. 10.50 for 8.25 REG. 7.50 FOR $5.50. GIRLS' SKATING JACKETS, LINED REG. 6.50 FOR $5.50 FLANNELETTE SHEETING 72 -in. @ $1.10 Yd. TERRY TOWELING, @ 45c. a Yd. EIDERDOWN, 36 -in. @ 85c. a Yd. LINEN WEFT TOWELING, REG. 59c, FOR .... ..49c Yd. LINEN WEFT TOWELING, REG. 75c. FOR 65c Yd. Extra Special 200 YARDS PRINT 36 INCHES, at 39c. a Yd. Men's Wear EXTRA REDUCED PRICES ON ALL MEN'S AND BOY'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS WE HAVE 30 MEN'S HEAVY OV�.RCOATS. REGULAR 26.50 to 45.00 REDUCED TO 19.95, 26.50 EACH 6 ONLY YOUTH TWEED SUITS, SIZES 32 to 36 REG. 24.00 FOR $17.50 9 ONLY IN WORSTEDS, SIZE 32 to 36, Reg. 26.00 for 15.05 ALL OTHER BOYS AND MEN'S SUITS AT SPECIAL PRICES GROCERIES LAUNDRY SOAP, Reg. 2 for 23c, Now 2 for 19c HEINZ CATSUP, at 26c CHOC. MARSHMALLOW COOKIES at 49c CHOICE CANNED PEAS, 2 for 25c TOMATO JUICE, 2 for 19c JOHNSTON'S GLO COAT, Reg. 98c for 89c MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE 59c. RED COHOE SALMON 39c PITTED DATES 19c QUAKER TOMATO SOUP, 2 for 15c FINE TOILET SOAP, 3 for 20c TELEPHONE 59 LTEMOBT INIPORTANT ZURICH QUESTION IN THE WORLD WHO WILL BE SAVED? All those who. hawse put their trust in the bloo d of Christ and have their sins forgiven. Christ died on the cross in our room and stead --we are saved by faith in His merits. WHO WILL BE LOST? All who have neglected God's free offer of salvat- ion, and are lost in their sins, not having trusted in Christ as their Saviour. But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. Rom. 4: 5 TUNE IN -Hear CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles, HAR 1CDW RE - SEEDS and FURNITuRi Your Fad Needs Will receive attention with us if left in plenty of time. We always try to supply our Customers with the most Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to insure deliveries in time always leave your orders early with us so we can arrange for your supply li 2 YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT I Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over 4 y for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best 1 Advantages. We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried 1 and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes!, : Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax . OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsrit'l ing our Specialty. Full line .of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. STADE & WEII ZURiC,H ONT. QUALITY PRICE - SERVICE )s********".*************analsommosimmowasawasoome*AN choler. Mrs. Lawrence Bedard was a vis- itor with her mother, Mrs. Minnie Weido, at London last Friday. Monday was observed as St. Val- entines Day, and some !of us wonder just how many friends we really have upon receiving our share of these very undesirables- in many cas- e:,. Mrs. T. R. Waugh and her two children, Rachel and Tommy return- ed to their home at Lambeth, Ont., after spending a week in .Zurich with the former's parents, Rev. and Mrs. H. E. Roppel. During their absence the interior :of the parsonage at Lambeth was undergoing some re- pairs and redecorating. Winter Slips By With the big half of February gono we really think of h;rapidly the, winter is slipping' by, the- milu wea- ther, and changeable as it is, really does shorted the long winter. Back to School Master Robert Mansons teacher and schoolmates are pleased to have him back at school after having a painful ear condition, which hay cleared up nicely ;.Ind Robert is feel- ing fine! again. Left For Ottawa Mr and Mrs Ward Fritz motored to Toronto on Tuesday and on Wed- nesday left from that city by train for Ottawa where they will visit with their relatives Dr. and Mrs. W. B, Bryce and family. Attended Funeral Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Smith and sons Gorden meiSia-de..: of the B. W. Highway, Mr . I Mrs.' C. L. Smith of town attended the funeral of the the former's father, the late Daniel Smith, who wa; 'hurried near New Hamburg on Friday. M. L. A. RETURNS Mr. Thos. Pryde, M.L.A... and. Mrs. Pryde arrived home at Exeter last week from their honeymoon speni,n 4a1- led south. While in Florida they a1.- lecl on Exeter friends wintering there Mr and Mrs Pryde left on Wednes- day last for 'Toronto to be present at the opening of the new session of the legislature. Real February Thaw Mild weather prevailed over the week -end, in fact very 'mild for the twiddle of February. Most of the ice and snow around town are about gone now, and with it went practic- ally all the ice of the local skating; rink. However it has turned much colder .again.. The heavy rainfalls especially on Tuesday siig 0li rave developed a lot of water which in some cases is running over the road beds, as the ditches are• full of ice and snow. 25TH ANNIVERSARY A very pleasant surprise party took place on Saturday Afternoon, Feb- ruary 12th at the home 'of Mr anti Mrs Urban Pfile of the . •.14th Con. Hay, when friends and neighbours known as "The Happy Gang" greeted them upon their return home from. Exeter in honour of their 25th Wec.l.- ding Anniversary. A delicious dinner,. was served to bout 35 guests from table decorated with pink and silver streamers centred with a 3 -storey wedding cake, flanked by tall tapers in silver candle holders, and spring flowers. At this time the groom of 25 years presented his bride with' a chest of silver. Beautiful gifts of silver were presented to the couple on behalf of "The Happy Gang" ...who presented them with a silver meat platter by Aryls Haugh; from the American friends, fifteen' Silver Dol • - tars, Following the reading of an address by Alvin Walper, expressing wi-,hes of continued health and hap- piness. Both Mr and Mrs Pfile very capably expressed their thanks; the latter wearing a lovely corsage, a gift of "The Happy Gang" for the occasion. Friends were present from Kitchener, London, Pigeon, and Port Huron, Mich. The events of -the evening consisted of a charivari, music, and dancing. A most enjoy- able time was spent until time ar- rived to bid "Adieu", along with.' best wishes added to the couple for many years of wedded life, together. The party left for their homes very much inspired by the grand time they had together. Federation News By W. V. Roy Your County Federation is now -in the Co --operative Automobile Insur- r nee field, with eleven part time ag- ents, either with a license or in the process of getting one. If your in.; s.tran•ce e'•pires in the near future, c intact your township, or County .Secretary for further information, A .snecial meeting of the County c. •tecutive was held on Monday, Feb. 14th, to Inake plans for our Annual Meld Day to be held in Goderioh this year, The tentative date set is June 15th. Do you know that when. you buy a pound of margerino you are !buying 20% water? Why is it that cheese sella at .32e, a pound at Blyth Cheese factory, and the consumer is asked to pay .49c. a pound in Clinton" Mass Shirley Haugh has returned home after spending a few days with friends at Stratford. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH - ONTARIO REV. E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR 10 a.rn.-Divine Services. 11.15 a.m. -Sunday School. 7.30 p.m. -Divine Worship. Everybody Welcome to all Services. EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH REV. H. E. ROPPEL, Minister Mrs. M. Oesch-Organist 10 a.m.-Worship: Sermon: 11 a.m.--Sunday School. 7.30 pan. -Worship. Sermon: ELMER D. BELL, B.A. BARRISTER - SOLICITOR EXETER, ONT. Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m., at Zurich At (New Twnp. Office) WE HANDLE THE GENUINE (Trade Mark) PENNSYLVANIA READING and PITSON ANTH- RACITE HARD COAL. FOR THE BETTER QUALITY OF COAL LEAVE YOUR ORDER WITH US FOR YOUR SUPPLY. Ervin c1iilbe PHONE 75 - ZURICH (Office in Residence) INCOME TAS. BOOKKEEPING, ETC. 1948 Income Tax Forms Available Phone for Appointment. Hensall 88 r 16. Dublin 14 r 12 Thos. D. Wren, Cromarty, R. R. No. 1. i'JOTICE Specials on Permanents 'beginning Feb. 18th to March 4th: Countess reduced to ,......... $2.50 Glowave reduced to $3.50. Eugene reduced to $5.50 Ljfe'Oil reduced to $6.50 Machineless reduced to $4.50 - $5.50 DOREEN'S BEAUTY SHO'PPE NOTICE An evening of Entertainment will be put on by the Forums of Hay Township in the Zurich Town Hall, on Tuesday, February 22nd at 8.30 p.rn. Everybody Welcome. C. Peipper, Sec. U. F. F. NOTICE For Two Weeks only I will sell Women's odd lines of ties and pumps etc., in 'both black and brown for only $1.98. These are •bnoken size" so hurry and come in and get you,: while sizes are good.-Pfile's Shoe Store, Dashwood. FOR QUICK SALE A large size Quebec Heater, apply to -Ted. Leibold, Phone 81-7. TENDERS WANTED GRAVEL TENDER TOWNSHIP OF HAY For Crushing and Hauling gravel -Sealed tenders plainly marked will be received by the undersigned until 0.00 o'clock, p.m., Saturday, March 5th, 1949, for crushing and hauling approximately 5,000 cu. yards of crushed stone 3-4 inch size. Gravel to be used from the Welsh pit. Ten- ders to state price for hauling on a flat rate, also at a rate per cubic yard per mile. Contractor to supply crusher, power, and trucks; lira Township to supply one truck. Work to be completed by October 1st 1949. All work to be done under the direction of the Road Superin- tendent. Marked cheque for $200 to accompany tender. No tender necessarily• accepted. Contractor to satisfy) the Council as to Compensat- ion Insurance Carried. Contract to be signed as soon as tender rs ac- cepted, IL W. Brokensbire, Clerk, Zurich, Ontario. Jas. Masse, Read Superintenaent. Zurich Ont., R. R. No. 2. AMAZING STORY OF "FORGOTTEN MILLIONS" Read about millions of dollars in estates, bank account, and securities that :go -a -begging. This story of unclaimed dollrs will be found in The American Weekly, great magazine of real life stories with this Sunday's (1 eb. 20) issue of The Detroit Sun- day Times. Be sure to get Sunday's Detroit 'Gimes. Thursday, February 17th, 1949 1 Canadian Approved. CHIOKS Hatched by Buckeye Streamliners in a mod- ern Hatchery designed to produce large numbers of high grade Chicks at reasonable prices. New Hampshire, Sussex, White Leghorn, White Rocks, Fast Feathering Barred Rock Chicks every week. Large numbers of crossbred Chicks are also producers. N.H. x Sussex; N. H. x B. Rock, and W. Rock x W. Leghorn. McKINLEY'S FARM and HATCHERY Zurich - Ontario Phone 97 •- 11, Hensall. ••=.i [111111111{{{III{IIII!{11111!IIII{{1!11111!{IIIIIII{Ilillll{1111{{{ill!{111111IlI11{11l1111iI{ll{Il{Illy d + + 4. +4 4" 4 4 in Fttrrtiture int r ctikwll s OF ALL LINES OF FURNITURE A VERY GOOD VARIETY OF BEDROOM, DININGROOM, CHESTERFIELD AND DINITTES SUITS. ALSO FLOOR RUGS. ALWAYS CARRY A GOOD SUPPLY OF SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES. KEITH . ` ' E STLATS E Furniture --- Phone 122, Zurich lllillllllllllllllllllillllIIIIlIiI{II[IlIIIIIIIlIIIIIIli!111111119IIIlliIIL'I{{[[{liiillllllll(IIi(III�- 111 111 BEM III onm➢mQmimIlIDopp®mllll1111mlumfmllmllmumm FLOOR TILE FOR The Best In Mastic Tile Floor GET IIIUI011n1111' ihi 1.4 t; TILE - TEX ALSO CLEANERS AND WAXES Manufactured by The Flintkote Company, 'Toronto, Ont.' See Your Local Agent JOHN M. TURKHEIM Phone Zurich 174 LAID AND MAINTAINED. Free Estimates Gladly Given 111111111111111 1111 1111111111 111 1111 111 811 111 111 111111111111111181 r11 ij i4If gll rap 9g 11U'8l'Illl!U1:+��;IIdiIP 44-:.+++++++÷4.444; 4.4.+++++++++++÷÷t4>++++++4,4* i+ fi f NOTICE WE WILL, HAVE A CARLOAD OF NO. 1 5-X CEDAR SHINGLES AT THE END OF FEBRUARY -ORDER EARLY F. C. KALBFLEISCH & SON ZURICH Phone 69 - ON 114.+E+'+t,+++++++++d$+++*4.+4+fi +++++++++++.4.4.++++++++++.4.4-418 1 assey - ' arris REQUESTS ORDERS TAKEN NOW FOR TRACTOR PLOWS, DISCS, ETC., FOR SPRING DELIVERY. "The Service Arm for Canadian Farms' TAI, Shop 149 Oscar Klopp Res. 67 AUCTIONEERING AT YOUR SERVICE