Zurich Herald, 1947-08-21, Page 42tin.Iitf4, bNTARIO
Lakeview Casino
SUNDAY, AUG. 24, 9 p.m.
The Best of the Season
Gladys Cornell—One of Ontario's finest singers.
George Morton—Well-known in the overseas 'Ar
X Lmy Show"
"The Barnes"—In Western Songs in harmony;
Kay Brownlee—Tap Dancer.
You'll be sorry if you miss this bawl
MIDNIGHT DANCE - August 25th, 12:05 a.m.
One of the week's most popular -dances!
."The Bend" to visitors who .have been. 'here. is continually
classed the finest beach. in Ontario—olsean. and safe, .iwth
life -guards on duty all day; .so many things to do in the Resort
—such as tree picnic hall ---,pack yo'ut own lunch and.enjoy {a
an outing at little or no cost—row bAats, speed boats—bicy- kl
cycles to rens--horse-back riding - miniatlre golf - roller skat-
kating - movi:as •- merry-go-round - .g res. galore —bowling--
dancing every atig'!2tl
Dashw.00cl, ;Lmacan.
Many carat?, eta 'are streaa 211 a-
long the lake shore, • and they are
seeking :a cool place these hot days,
which is hard to find.
Our Lady of Mt. •Carrnel Church
was the scene of a pretty wedding on
Saturday, August 9, when Madeleine
eldest daughter e£ Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Rowland, Mt. Carmel, .became
the bride of Ignatus, son of Mr. and:
Mrs. William Denomnie, of Drysdale.
The bride, who was given in mare
nage by her father, wore a floor -
length gown of white slipper satin.
Her long veil was held in place with
a Queen's Crown headdress, and she
carried a bouquet of pink gladioli
and fern, knotted with white ribbon
and streamers. Her sister, as ,brides-
maid, 'was attired in a tea arse silk
jersey street -length dress and carried
a bouquet of rose gladioli and .fern
with pink ribbon and streaaneis. She
wore a small hat to match. Following;
the ceremony, 'the bridal party mot-
ored to .Bayfield where a, wedding -
breakfast 'was served to 88 ;guests at
the Little Inn. A recephion 'was held
in St. Joseph's Parish Ha11,, Drysdale
on Saturday evening last. •
Mr. and Mrs. Stan. Wehner, :North
Carolina, and the Miss Helen. and
Juen Gemenhard, of Saginaw, 'Mich;
spent a few days with Mrs. M. Gem-
enhardt and family last week:
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Johnston
left for their home in Wilcox, Sask.,
after having spent a month at the
Mr. and Mrs. J. _Richardson
while renewing old acquaintances and
visiting old scenes in their native vil-
'Home from Hospital'
Master'.Bobby Parker was able to
come home on Saturday from the
hospital and is recuperating. '
It is reported there, is the. best
black bass fishing in years, in,Bayfield
river this year. One catch, of five
weighed over 17 pounds.
Hold Picnic
A picnic for the members of St.
James Church, Middleton, St. John's
Varna, and Trinity Church, lyfield
was held in Jowett's Grove and was
very well attended. A full program.
of sports was run off and a gam eof
softball played.
Has Good Season
Bayfield is enjoying one ,of the
busiest seasons on record. Cottages,
and summer guest homes are, filled
to capacity. Bayfield never loses its
charm as a pleasant, hospitable and
peaceful resort,. Many-' aid timers
have been coming for 3k; and 4Q sum-
mers ' and say they look 'forward to
their return each summer to this
Lake Huron paradise away from the
rush and bustle of city life.
St. Joseph and Beaver Town
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Laporte of
Miss ToselanaMack,
of 1
is holidayixrg at the home of her 'bre-'
then, Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Mack.
Mr. and Mrs. Christ. Haisr; :Ms.
and Mrs. Sefh Amans enjoyed 'Sun-
day afternoon and evening at
Harry Hess cottage in the Pinery.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Fraser 'of -Exe-
ter are enjoying a few days at Yel-
low Stone Park, Alberta •and.Tither
parts in the Western Provinces.
Mr. Albert Heideman of Orange-
ville visited with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Egbert Heidenn for a :few
Mrs. Peter Mcisaac of Dathwood
and son and wife of Detroit, visited
at the home of the former's .sister,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Edighoffet.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Coxon Tor-
onto, were holiday guests 'at the
home of the former's brother, Dr.
and Mrs. W. B. Coxon.
The threshing and combining of
Fall wheat is practically tcompleted
in the County. This wear's sample is
small and shrunken compared 'so a
normal sample, and yields ihave been
down considerably running ion an av-
erage from 20 to 25 bushei:'per acre.
There is quite a demand for fall
wheat seed from fields that were not
infested too severely With smut, and
for a new variety, Cornell ''595, which
is resistant to loose .smut.. Turnips
and beans have made good growth.
Attorney General Ma'ckwell has
announced that he had amended in-
structions sent earlier to Crown At-
torneys throughout the 'Province, as
to the legalty for individual farmers
to market perishable products on the
roadside. Previously this was' not al-
lowed. Only on wayside stands oper-
ated by a farmer, including members
of his family and reviler farm help,
for the sale of produce grown on the
Mr, mat Mrs. E. H. Epps of Clin-
ton celebrated the 50th anniversary
of their married life at their reside
enee on May 17th. They have four
children: Clifford H., Clinton; (Eva)
Mrs. M. E. Clarke, Seaforth; Lorne
IC., London and Ellwood, Clinton.
Going to Clinton more than a decade
ago from Varna, Mr. and Mrs. Epps
have made many friends in the local-
ity. For a time Mr. Epps conducted
a transport business, since then '.a
blacksmith shop. They are both me-
mbers of Wessley-Willis Uniter Ch-
urch, in Clinton.
Dr. and Mrs. Archie MacKinnon, farmer's farm.
(bridal couple) left for their home FIELD CROP COMPETITION
in Richmond Hill where the former The following is the report of the
has a veteniarn practice. Field Crop Competition of the Zur-
ich Agricultural Society for 1947.
It being part of Huron 'County work
For Wheat.:
a.. H. Turner & Son, Varna, 89 points
2. Roland Geiger,. Zurich, 88; 3.Theo
Steinbach, Zurich, 86; 4. Wm.
Miss Kathleen Hess entertained
Miss Barbara Gascho of town and
Miss Patsy Mitchell of Hensall in
their rolling home at Ducharme's
Grove a few days last week.
Mr. Allan Marshall, who has been Brown, r �'`'
y. :,.etiar''tt'tr`t� l ` �Wm Decker;
blas returned to his home in Orange- Zurich R.R.1, 82; 7, Wm. Davidson
Wile and intends to continue with his I Zurich R.R. 3, 81; 8, Jacob Battler,
studies at the Vetenary College when , Zurich, 80.
begins. Alph. Dietrich, Zurich 791, ; Fred
J. Haberer, 'Zurich, 79; Arnold Mer-
ner, Zurich '78; Ray Fisher, Zurich,
77; Bertram Klopp, Zurich 74; Will-
ard Corriveau, Zurich, not scored.
Judge - John A. Stewart, Ailsa Craig
Secretary, E. F..Klopp, Zurich.
Toronto, July 24, 11914'7.
Miss Eliza Frazer, 84, member of
well-known Goderich family diied.She
received serious injuries in a fall
clown stairs in her home. She had
been a patient in the hospital. A
native of the town she was active in
Knox Presbyterian church and Sun-
day School. Was the last member of
her family.
• It's a wise motorist
who insists on long -wearing,
money - saving Goodyear
Tires. They give many more
miles of dependable service .
at lower cost -per -mile. We
have Goodyears in your size
. . come in today.
S' _" A DE and WEIDO
Phone 92 ZURICH
Bill O'Brien of Zurich allowed
Exeter Juveniles but three hits Wed-
nesday night last at Exeter commun-
ity hall, as his team won handily by
the score of 10-1. O'Brien backed up
his pitching with three of his team
seven hits, two triples and a double.
For Exeter Southcott had a double
and a single.
Deafeted Clinton
The Hensall - Zurich combines
helped their veteran catcher, Bert
Horton, celebrate his 41st birthday by
edging the Clinton RCAF. crew 5-4
in a north section Huron -Perth Inter
mediate OIBA game. The game was
played in Clinton last Wednesday
Also Stop Mitchell
Hensall - Zurich combines proved
too much for the Mitchell boys in a
game at Mitchell' with a score of
7-5. H. -Z. team made seven runs in
the first two innings and did not sc-
ore after that.
The storm and rain helped the
ground some last Thursday, but the
threshing machines are still busy get
ting the harvest away.
The W.M.S. was held at the home
of Mrs. C. Parke Thursday evening.
Mrs. Rosy Mcl3ride's group in charge,
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hey have been
visited with their daughters from
London, on their vacations in Aug-
Master Norman and Kenneth Ham-
iyn of Belmont visited a few days
with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and
Mrs. Lorne Hamlyn and Beaverley
spent Sunday with Mr. Hamlyn's sis-
ter, Mrs. Fred Bancroft and Mr.
Bancroft. '\
Farmers are very busy with' the
harvest, and threshing operations' are
well under way.
Since, the recent rains nave fallee
there are some very nice fields of
beans, which should prove to be r
geor crop.
Mrs. .G. J. Gettus of Adrian, Mich.,
is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Win.
Schroeder. .
Mr and Mrs. Harold Hately of
Windsor spent part of their vacation
with Mrs. L. Mcisaac.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nadiger of
Saginaw are visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. E. Nadiger.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Nile left on
Sunday on a motor trip through the
United States, St. Paul and Minne-
apolis, Minnesota and Cavalier, N,
Dakota. •
Week -end visitors with Mrs. L..
Mcisaac were: Miss Susan Hartman
of Mt. Carmel; Dr. Horkins, B. Bruce
of Detroit, Gerald Mcisaac and fri-
end of Windsor; Neil Mcisaac re-
tnurning with them after spending
the summer holidaying with his grand
mother, Mrs. L..Mclsaac.
Miss Elfrieda
Becker resumed edher
position at Grand Bend on Monday,
after being ill at .her home for sever-
al weeks.
Mrs: Norman Evans and family of
Richmond Hall spent a few days with
her parents, Mr.'• and Mrs. Henry
Hoffman last week.
Mrs. Martha Baker left on Mon-
day for Victoria Hospital, London,
where she underwent an operation.
Rev. and Mrs. Getz and fancily and
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Oestreicker are
visiting friends in Pembroke.
Mr. Milton Goetz of Erie, Penn.
spent a few days with his brother,
Mr. and Mrs. R. Goetz.
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Taylor of
London, are visiting his grandparents
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Steihhagen.
Mr. and Mrs: W. ' McIsaac and
family of Detroit returned to their
home after spending two weeks va-
cation with the fornier's mother, Mrs
L M•clzaac. •
Miss Dorothy -Mack of Detroit and
Miss June Mack of Mantour Falls,
N..Y., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Otto
Rev. and Mrs. Luft of Hanover at-
tended the funeral of the Iate Mr.
Henry Krueger on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nadiger attend-
ed the Ogden Reunion at Springbank
St. Clair, Mich., were weekend vis pox, s r . , r
Thursday, August 21st, 1947
Exeter District High School
Students who wish to attend Exeter District
High School should enroll with the Secretary.
Address: E. D. Howey, Box B, Exeter, or tele-
phone 297R, giving your name and address in-
cluding the lot and concession.
Principal H. L. Sturgis, B. A., B. Paed., will
be in the School Office for consultation on August
21, 2 2, and 23, from nine to twelve; and 1.30 to
four.' School telephone 298.
Mrs. Mary Schroeder spent the
past two weeks with her son Leonard
in Amerstburg.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Schenk of Walk-
erton called on friends here on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Guenther , of
Lumenburg, Nova Scotia, spent a
few days last week with Mr. and Mrs
Sidney Baker.
Mrs. G. J. Gettus of Adrian, Mich.
and Mrs. Wm. Thiel of town, visited
their aunt at Hensall for a few days
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sararas
David, Toronto, are spending
weeks vacation with Mrs. S Sararas
at Cromarty.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rennie and fam-
ily are vacationing near Bayfield.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin are
holidaying at Cedar Beach.
Mr. andMrs. John Henderson and
family visited at Kitchigami Camp,
Sunday, with their daughter Lois,
who is camping there with the Girl's
Mrs. J. D. Stewart visited
friends in Goderich 'recently.
The Hensall Girl's 'Guide are en -
joying .a delightful 10 days vacation.
at Kitchigami Camp, near Goderich,
and report a wonderful- time, with
only one thing to mar their pleasure,.
a skunk, one of the girls' Mother vie--
ited her at camp and was told the
skunk visited their tent every dig
and runs across their bed at nights.
ter e4ijA c a l u ' ex" w +:
Miss Sarah Denoninie of Port Mix-
on, Mich., spent a week with relati-
ves and friends in this vicinity.
The Messrs. Simon and August
Bedard of Windsor, visited their
mother and other relatives in this
Mr: Daniel Bedard of Courtright
renewed old 'acquaintancesin this
neighbourhood the past week.
The Stansberry family left: on Sun-
day last for their home in Detroit.
after spending a week with their
relatives and enjoyed bathing and -
other amusements during their stay.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ducharme and
Mrs. Avila Ducharme motored to
London on Monday last, visiting
with their daughter Sister M St, Den-
nis, who is leaving on Wednesday for
Drumheller, Alta.
Miss Doris Jeffrey or retroit,
was a week -end visitor in Beavertown
under the parental roof. •
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Meek ' and
family of 'Detroit spent a few days
with the later's mother, Mrs. Mar-
ancy Charrette of the Blue 'Water
Mr. and Mrs. Urban Ducharnre of
Lumley were Sunday visitors' with
Mr. and Mrs. F. Ducharrhe.
Rev. and Mrs. Stanway and two
children of Brucefield, have returned.
to their home from their visit in Cape
Bretan and the Rev. has occupied his
pulpit again Mast Sunday.
The ladies of St. John's Anglican -
church, Varna, purpose: holding a•sal-
ad supper on the spacious lawn of Mr
Lambert, Bayfield in, the ' near future.
Mrs. 3",. McAsh who has spent some
time with her daughter in Pontiac,
Mich., has returned to her home in
Chas Reid, Roy Elliott, Alvin, Clay-
ton and Keith Keys attended the Old
Boys' Reunion in Hanover.
Mr. John Reid, of Flint, Mich., vis-
ited friends in Stanley and Varna.
Mrs. E. McClinchey accompanying
him on his return trip.
Engagement Announced
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Penhale, Stan-.
ley Township, wish to announce the -
engagement of their youngest daugh-
ter Doris Margaret, to Melvin Herb-
ert Bennett, eldest son of Mrs. Ben-
nett and the late Herbert ?Sennett,
Goderich. The marriage to take place
early in September,
A special meeting will be held in
the LO.O.F. Hall, Brucefield, on Fri-
day evening, September 5th, for the
benefit to form a Stanley Township
Street Lighting setup, and to discuss
the installation of street lighting. -
r Mer Residenig WI* 6ojden
pffman 'e
Muni "everthii •with
friends in Tavistock.
Mrs. D. Schroeder is visiting with
her daughter in Dearborn, rdic!1.
Misses Eleanore and Helen Bruer
of New Hamburg are spending their
vacation with relatives here.
Mrs. George Snider of Columbus,
Ohio, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Duncan Snider.
Mr. Mervyn Stephan, assistant ag-
ent of the C:N.R. at Hensall, has been
appointed to the same position at
Clinton, his place here will be taker
by Mr. Glints of Clinton.
Eighteen Members Initiated
District Zone Commander. N. Wo.
Miller of Goderich was present at
the Legion meeting held in Hensel/
Clanton and Goderich, several or
when 18 new members were initiatedli
Mr. Miller had charge of the meet-
ing and was assisted during the inita
iation by Erie Burgess, Prestaent of
the Provincial Command' of St. Thee
mas and Jack Cornish of Bruceileld..,
Guests were present from Exeter .
whom gave 'brief addresses•_ rhea
following officers were erected'.: Pres,,
Sam'I Dougall; 1st vice. Sidney Mee.
Arthur; 2nd. Vice, Wm. Brown;
Chaplain, Rev. P. A. Ferguson, Sgt.,
at Arms, Byron Kyle; Sec-treas. W.
0. Goodwin. A hot barbeque luny
concluded the event.
How Shall We Escape
If We Neglect so Great Salvation Heb. 2'; 3
Whosoever shall Call upon the Name of the Lord
shall be Saved. Rom. 10: 13
Seek ye the Lord while he may be found. Ise. 55:6.
As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in
'1576T -The wicked, liut-that ` -The nicked turn"
from his way and live. Ezck. 33:
Mutual Network, Sundays. Local Station, CKT,W, Windsor
Famous Lady Boats Returning to Peacetime Service
'%V 'hen the Lady Rodney docked
vy at Halifax recently with nearly
200 Canadian servicemen's wives
and children from overseas, she
brought to a, close more than four -
and -a -half years' war service. The
Lady Rodney was immediately
turned back to the Canadian Na-
tional Steamships by the Depart-
ment of National Defence.
Taken over by the government
in June, 1942, the former C.N.S.
peacetime luxury cruiser to the
West Indies became a troop trans-
port. Since that time she has tra-
velled almost 170,000 miles between
Canada, Newfoundland and Labra-
dor and the United Kingdom and
in several trips between England,
Rotterdam and Antwerp carrying
servicemen overseas and after YE -
Day in repatriation service. Much
of it was logged when German sub-
marines were desperately trying to
choke off the flow of men and
munitions going overseas. The
Lady Rodney carried almost 67,-
7;000 persons in -this service. Except
for approximately 2,00E depend-
ents, all were servicemen.
The Lady Rodney is the last
vessel to be returned to the Can-
adian National Steamships. Two
weeks earlier, the Lady Nelson,
former flagship and only other
survivor of the famous Lady boat'
fleet, was also turned back to the
.company. In March, 1942, while in
the C.N.S. Wrest Indies service, she
was torpedoed and badly damaged
in the port of Castries, St. Lucia.
Returned to service as Canada's
first hospital ship in April, 1943,
just 'before the Canadian forces
went into action in Sicily, she has
since sailed 231,588 miles between
Canadian, English and other Euro-
pean ports. She carried 23,580 pas-
senrs, who with the exception of
about 1,000 dependents, were sick
and wounded servicemen.
The Lady Rodney went directly
into drydock for reconversion to
carry passenger and freight traf-
fic. When work on the two ships
is completed in late February or
early March, 19.47,, they will return
to the West Indies run. Sailing
from Halifax almost every three
weeks, their ports of call will be
Boston, Bermuda, Leeward Islands,
Windward Islands, Barbados, Tri-
nidad and Demerara, returning via
Saint John, N.B.
In the top photograph the Lady;
Rodney is shown steaming into the
port of Halifax on the last mile
of her long war service. On behalf
of a large group of Dutch war
brides on board the Lady Rodney-
on her' final run, Mrs. M. Hagen,,
en route to Winnipeg to join her -
husband, is shown in the lower pie.
tune, presenting Captain Anaclet
LolBlancr O,B,E., master of the.
ship, with a framed picture of or.
Dutch Tgi'rlryin expression of that
hospitality shown them.