Zurich Herald, 1947-07-31, Page 1URICH HEstal;lishecl 19-00 HER ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 31(947 Let us know about your Su sumsoserOolifownrosperaurnolowar • Are You Suffering From Headaches? if so, Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment a A. L. COLE; R.O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERICH — ONT. .00d Glasses at Reasonable Prices +++++++++++4"1-1-i4+++++41:1•+++ anq ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, Etc. EXETER OFFICE :—Corner Anna William Sts. Phone: Exeter 355W. Zurich Beauty Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS The Better Oil Permanents Applied with the very latest of methods and Emeipment. GIVE US A CALL! Phone 153 for your Appointments. DOREEN SCHITa3E—Zurich +++++++++++++++++++++++++ affinnHerat nu Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Injured. Lecensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION DAT OK NIGHT TFLEPHONE No. 70 Daskwouti — Ontario9. 4. 4. 9. 9. feiee++++++++4elefeEefate++eleatelef++. fit4d-i--$4+++++++++.444+++++4-1.41 "lisoilioldiWIAM1040041011100111INHOMMINIAiwitoggbi**14411"111111r7.z, e-• Grocer IW -VS Store When you are looking for good things to eat be sure and visit our Store, ; s we always maintain to have a good stock of Fresh Groceries always on hand, :Ithough some lines are at times hard to get, yet we do our best to purchase our supplies from the leading supply houses... Oranges, Lemons, and Grape Fruits in season; C.nned Goods, and many other lines we offer at very moderate prices... Visit Our Store and Be Convinced ea.! •.74 .411011 IN' NOON . 1.01601110011111110110111101,LRilhI 01, alum •asch Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 165 AMINCONAWIMIMMES723EMMT 9. en Seas L'S r able t re Needs 1111010 I••••••••••• CHESTER L. SMITH, PUBLIMIXIII a Year in Advance $1,75 in U.S., in .Advance, er Visits and Visitors •••••••••••16..01/0004, Aldan Theatre GRAND BEND Presents for your Enjoyment The following Attractions: Friday, Saturday, Aug. 1, 2 Bandits Of Sherwood Forest In Technicolor —Starring— Cornel Wilde, with Purloined Pup 'Cartoon al short. Anita Louise and additiod- Sun. Midnite, Mon. Tues. Aug 4, Walt Disney Feature SONG OF THE SOUTH America In Technicolor 5 • With the Beautiful Featurette and Sport Short e- Wed.,, Thurs. August 6, 7 SUSPENSE —Starring— Belit,a and Barry Sullivan (Adult Entertainment) Sinatra Short and Rhapsody Rabbit Cartoon Frank Monday Holiday Monday, August 4th has been pro- claimed as a 'public holiday through- outeCanada, it being Civic Holiday, and all places of ibusiness will ob- serve this day, and will be closed. ..'"` On Trip Out West • *las Marjorie Hoffman, daughter of "ii"/„Ir. and Mre. L\ W. Hoffman, of tow, left Tuesday on the long jour- neiebY railway to Brooks, Alberta, wheZe she will spend a few weeks visiting with relatives. It seems a long way to travel alone, but we hope she will have the best of luck both' ,going and coming ,back home again. Travelling is a wonderful eduCation and we know that Marjorie shall',never forget this fine trip out te. Alberta. ?eVisitors From Chicago Mr. and Mrs. Louis King and &May of Chicago were visitors in thisvicinity the past week. They were staying at the, hothe of the for- mer's mother, Mrs. Ed. Brisson who resides on the ;Blue Water Highway, north of Drysdale. Also at the bOMe of Mr, and -ill's. David Du- harnie of tawri, who are uncle and Watch the Month of August for ,ate4to the former. While in Zurich some good Western and Action e MeaeXing called at the Herald office Pictures. and,we enjoyed a lev'elY chat from a ra.dent of the big city of (the Mid- . west. AGRICULTURAL. HIGHLIGHT% In Huron County During the Paei, Week. John iCantin, Mr. awl. Mrs. , Were Zurich VIsItors Wd"O Acoic of 'Montreal ate holiday - The farrnees of Hurcaa County ingzeitith the termer's mother, Mrs. have reeeived with great concern the IT: 4-0attin, ,0St. Joseph. We were announcement that the Federal Gov-aind:044 likj;0.t0 :See .Mrs. Carotin be- ernment 1au toewithdrawathe..aUle-, -11,-oalis t jn auo rip to sidy on Western coarse -grains beinge'Zulfile on Mo'nday, the teat' tinte brought in to Ontario, to be used in irai#geodly number of year since the production of vital food supplies sl*Wrae. taken ill. It takes a lot of such as eggs, beef, pork and dairy cOage and determination to come products. A number of the rnepebersthrdeigli what Mrs. Cantin has, and mem= of Huron Federation of Agriculture to' lee up' and around as she is. And and otherinterested parties met in she just has that - the Agric. Office at Clinton Iasi Fri- e day eve., to discussethe situation,and letters of protest ware sent to ethe Prime Minister, McKenzie King, lhe Hon. James D. Gardiner, Minister of le Agriculture and the. Hon.. 'Duncan Abbot, Minister of Finance, Ottawa. 48 Hours OPTICAL PRESCRIPTION SERVICE BROKEN LENSES REPLACED. DUPLICATED FROM THE BROK- EN PIECES. WE STOCK; ALL SIZES AND SHAPES OF SHELL AND METAL FRAMES. FUL. VU OR REGULAR. A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. cl or Positive _ klentificati of the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL Miller Creek Coal Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimizecl Feeds W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hen "je.. 610164101111.01,0018402$ 1 • • 1 9. FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS 041$61900061.0 0.4114110kif *dilflitatile 00 4004, wtottrat Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director ADJUSTAI3LE HOSPITAL BED AND WHEEL CHAM FOR RENT. Day and Night Service. CIAO MO uron County Council *ICNICS AT GODERICH oe'eethant 200 persons attended mean that the farmers of Ontario ';tde,n1e6." A committee headed by War efelal Huron County Council ea.i Harbor Park, Goderich en . If the subsidyis withdraem, it will We,d,eeesday of last week. Boat ex - mean and spoeta featured the af- will have to pay 125c mem per eushel 4.,,,$ for barley and wheat and 100 raore d mith with County •Clerk N. W. ma*, County Treasurer A. H. Ers- per bushel for feed oats.. Such. an kine 'and Reeve Geo. McEwan, of increase in price Of feed would ser- Goderich, was in charge. Speakers ic'usly curtail the production of live - 'after supper, 'served in the pavillion, _ I stock and duiposuomittz patb•oadtutocirrseeililluit'ohiee George Armsarong, Fred Watson, seameconlow were Warden. Smyth, Ex -Wardens • Province so many brood sew are be- , Iddick. ing received f or slaughter that the Ar . Alexander and R. E. Sha rug-of-war between Liberals and o evatives was won by the Lib- erals. A draw made by Geo. Henner- icka of Toronto; resulted in a prize fer Reeve •Gee. C. Ginn, of Goder- jell. Township,. Lions Club News We have a complete Stock of Dry Gooch, and Clothing, for the entire _family. A good variety f Chirtaware; breakfast and din, ler sets, etc. For your Grocery Need's, Shop at Our Store. We have a fresh stock of Groceries, Fruits ani Vegetables Weekly Phoe 1.40 C. H. THIEL Zurich MangnaMMIROODUSUMIMMSSIMOMM nteMinnINSMuMMINIMMOSIMMIME0 Packing Plants in question have, in, some cases, refused to accept deli ery. In the month of May alone 204 brood sows were ehipped t the ab- attoirs from Huron County. This is very much -above the normal fig- ure and the affects will be noticed next Winter in the lower number of bacon hogs being sent to market. The situation is really serioue; and if the subsidy is withdrawn, it will not only reduce the amount of meat, eggs and dairy products available for domest- ic consumption, but will also jeopard- ize our Canadian ,bacon, egg and cheese contracts with Great Britain. Haying operations, are still general through the County, and at this late date many acres of hay land will he used for pasture instead of being cut and Stored in the barns as hay. A. few farmers have commenced cutting fall wheat, which in general is a good crop, but a ,serioua decrease in yield will result from the heavy in- festion of loose smut. Loose smut of wheat has always been a seeious menace to the variety, Dawson's, and the only way in which this can be defeated is to use new clean seed each year, to treat your own seca by the hot Water treatment which cumbersome and expensive, or to Imo varieties resistant to this disease.. 'rhe Crop Improvement Association in Huron County plan to introduce a considerable quantity or Cornell. 595 seed wheat to the County this Fall. This variety is re tan to loon smut and from risen obtained during the past three 'years in test 1 Bayfield Lifams, Hold First Frolic The first Frolic staged by the Bay- field Lions -Club went `over the top" in a' big way last Wednesday night as aa crowd of nearly 2,000 people, thronged Clan Gregor Square,. A clear. sky, twinkling eters and a beaming moon smiled down on the merrymake ers, in contrast to the threatening weather all day. The summer visit- ors were on hand in large numbers: as welt as many people from Goder- ich, Zurich, Clinton, Seaforth tenet many other places. Assisting the Ray field Lions in conducting the event were members of the Goderich and Zurich Clubs. A softball game open- ed the event and the prize winners of. the lucky draws were: Mixmaster to Ivan Yungblut, Zurich; radio to Garfield Westlake, Bayfi el d ; pair of woollen blankets to Oewart Talbot; of Bayfield; occasional chair to R. J. Larson, of Bayfield; electric toaster, to Russel Oesdh, of Zurich. Smartly attired in their new uniforms, the Goderich Blue Water Band provid- ed music which was appreciated by the crowd Bingo was the popular game as usual, with other gamee al- so drawing largo crowd Pony rides drew the youngsters Open-a‘e danc- plots, it compares .favourably aat ing was held on a floor brought from n NV:4011'S for yielding. end straw Seefoeth Music was pre,0id by tine strength, j Valley Five 'Orchestra 9. 'telephone.89- Zurich ieveseek tfae41144,41.61.410 GOO 8 0.00 SOO Ward Fritz SA I ES 1 SPECIALLY TRAINED MECHANICS 000 000 fie Wm. McAdams SERVICE I • SPECIALLY DESIGNED TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT FACTORY ENGINEERED AND INSPECTED PARTS GOODYEAR, DOMINION AND DUNLOP TIRES EX/DE AND PRESTO -LITE BATTERIES UMMESSMORMI WELDING AND GENERAL REPAIRING. 0(51120=121121MMIAMIXOYEEM riXIMMASEM RESINIMMEMPISMEIV=0011216212AMEAMMINNIMIZIAMISMIPEIMENUREIRE WE ARE S LES FOR THE FAMOUS NEW EN gest ne Tires NOW MADE WITH THE BEST AND NEWFST MATERIALS All Sizes Now Obtainable We also carry a Good Line of Dry Goods, Hard- ware, Paints, Clothing for all members of the fam- ily. MOM If Only Fresh Groceries Kept in Stock. A Good Line of Peened Medicines on hand always T r 14)114 Edmund Swartzentruber, Prop. Phone. T, 11.- 7 osgemsnosomme.v. •