Zurich Herald, 1947-06-26, Page 4ZURICH b 151.0111ido n5RYC1-1 HVKALD
Lakeview Casino,
Mr, and Mrs, Una. ri. Were
ed,y friends frenn Michigan.
Mr. and Mrs. •Daid lYeeyers who
have been living Zurich have may -
GRAND BEND ea to Blake. Wa welcome themsto
DANCING EVERY NICHT this vicinity,
Mr, and Maas D. Oesch and fat*.
GORDON DELAMONT and His ORCHESTRA. ily; Mr and Mrs. V. Oesch visited;
— V5C-A-.1.$ BY VINA SMITH — with Mr. and. Mrs, A. Rader, Pearl
Hear Pat Raeburn—voted Canada's N. 1 tenor Sax players -in Dashwood.
the "All Star" Orchestra - one we are really proud to present Had:Splendid Anniversary
for a second season! A we Tilled church marked
4 Special Holiday Midnight Dance Anniversary in the BlakeTellealted
.. , .
June 30th - 12.05 a.m. Church, Sunday afternoon. Itev.
"VARIETY ENTERTAINERS" H E. Steppe' of the Evangelical V.;13.
.Churdia in Zurich, gave a splendid
Sunday, June 29th - 9 p.m. address to the audience,
and -IYIrs.
LOOK AT THIS PROGRAMME! Milton Oesch presided at the corgan
. Edgar Wilker Violinist, Ernie Hewitt The Singing Trodesdbur isith a chorus of alto and seprano
, Cliff Kelly, Pianist; Bobby Yohn, Trudipet; 'voices from the Zurich climb' igNing
Jesse Argent, Trick Baajoist; This is the firat appearatat of special service in song. The flowers
SOLVER COLLECTION adorned the church and Wiere beauti-
the special "Capitol Theatre Hillbillies, and don't mi..- 'them -
Special July 1st Tournament
Ladies' Softball
Games start at 2. o'clock sharp, D.S.T. THREE GAMES
Thedford - St. Marys - Brussels - Dashwood
Winners of Fsrst two games meet in fimil.
WEDNESDAY JULY 2nd. — 7 p.m, DiS.T.
Exeter vs. Dashwood
.At Lakeview Casino Ball Manned
Miss Dorcithy Oesch is preparing
herself for tedlephone central work at
the local office here.
The 'Dreyer reunion will be held on
the afternoon of Saturday, Julie 2S,
Jowett"s .Grove. Hayfield.
Mr. and Mrs Wallace Ross and
tyo •daughters of Seaforth, were Sun-
day Nig-bows with Mr. and Mrs. C. L.
Mr. 2n'd Mrs. Paul Jeffrey,. and
Mrs. Jeffrey's brother, Mr. Skinner,
all of Detroit, were weekend visitors
at the 'home of the former's mother
Mrs. C. Ayotte.-
Farmers are busy puttmg rn their
later crops, such as beans, earn and
buckwheat, and the land seems to be
working up nicely.
Dr. Fred Hess of eV Toronto, is
spending a week's holidays at the
liome elf his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew F. Hess.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Edighoffer
and son Grant attended the funeral
of a nephew, Mr Douglas Frank of
Waterloo, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston and
son Robert motored to Fullerton on
'Wednesday. They were accompanied
evening. Scotch Dancing in a format white
es and Piping 'Contests. Contests ,esoven vath satin
by the former's aunt, Mrs. Wm. Yule all day and
Bands and instrumentalistes from 8.00 .
for, bodice, net yoke, lily pefrde sleeves
Zurich for a week.
who had retruned after visiting
in the morning. Monster ./t,lusical and baucant net shir; White satin em-
broidery trimmed her floor lenth
Mr. and Mrs. Kuno Hartman and Tattoo in the evening. Great display g
over white sandls from a heart
daughter Jean motored to London; ee bands and -firework.s. Come early e
shaped head-dress
where the latter visited an eye spec-rland bring your 'family. Ample park- fate light train.
She carred
red soses .and white .sweet
ialist, where she had been taking ling space for cars and busses. Food
i pea with maiden hair fern.
Mr, Peres 'Wei& andsone.'ef Wat-
erloo were week -end Visitors at the
Lorne of the fearriter's brother, Mr.
and Mrs. E. E. 'Weido.
Mr, Ed. Beaver has returned from
Vic -aside 'Restittil, 'Landon, where he
spent ten :days for treatment. His
many friends are pleased to hear he
is progreseing irealnweile
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Truss and
baby-, Mr. -.and Mrs. George Truss and
Jean, all of London, were Sunday
Viiiters at dile home ef Mr .and Mrs.
George J. 'Thiel •aeid-Mr. ani Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs.-Aloses Gerber; M.
and Mrs. Albeit Tleusius and child-
ren are enjoying a motor trip to.
the State of Pennsylvania to visit at
the home -of the former's brother,
Mr. and Mrs.7.91,'Gerber and other
Mr. and Mrs. "Roy Oliver - of St.
Marys were 'Sunday visitors at the
home of Mrs. Chas. Weber an ct Mr.
and Mrs. H -EiCkmeier. Mrs. Flossie
Brown, Who 'irad been visiting with
the Oliver's at Bt. Marys, returned
home to 2urifte.
Canada's great day of music and
..entertainment at Waterloo, Ontario,
in beautiful 'Waterloo Park. Music
Kippeiss rata (Gertrude) Mat Ivan
Steekla, :Bayfield; two brothers, Lor-
ne Areastreng, Varna and .George
ArMatrong, 113ruceditsid; and two sis-
teals, Mrs. Ed. .Boyes, Brucefleld and
Mrs. D. 3. iSteplaensOn, Seaforth. 6
geetdchildren. The funeral was lar -
1y attended by 'relatives and friends
was held from her late home on Mon-
day last. Services were conducted by
her pastor, Rex, Reba Hern, who al-
so led the singing of "Rock of Ages"
and "Safe in the Arms of Jesus",
favourite hymns of the deceased, In-
terment Wok place in the family p/ot,
Bayfield cemetery. The Hoist tribut-
es were many and very lovely. The
pallbearers were six nephews, Bruce
Armstrong, !Bert Boyes, Elmore Ste-
phensen, Orville MoClinchey, Emery
McClftnchey, Fred MoClinehey.
Thursday, June 26th, 1947 •^P
Mr. Albert Spencer has returned
home from VictoriaElospital,London,
where he was a patient for a few
Mrs. Goddard from the West is
visiting with her son and daughter-
in-law Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Goddard.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas Paterscrn Ieft on
Sunday last for a itrip to 'Western
Canada and the Coast
Miss GoIdie Cross LN. Of Lon-
don ,spent a few days at the borne of
her parents, Mr. and Mr. W. B.
'The Hensall Public Library win be
ful. ,
nlosed from Saturday July 6th to
DASHWOOD, - Tuesday July 211.st. All books must.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hos& 0'f De -J he returned to the .Library an or be -
trait is visiting with Mrs. 'O'norge fere Rey 5th.
Merner. The auction sale of the effects of
Mr. and Mrs. lYlauri
'et '1‹:111mPlI, the late Mrs. ICantelon was held on
Mrs. T. Klumpp and George Sdb*- Saturday last and was very,success-
fbuch spent the week -end a.n 12)e- ful, splendid prices realized. The
• property was sold for $2200, and the
Mrs. Henry Hoffman has sreturried buyer was Thos. Richardson. Ed.
home after .being in at. SeseD1's Corbett was auctioneer. •
Hospital, London, under Observation The Hensall.JExeter thrancle of the
Dr. and Mrs. Lorne Tiernan of Canadian Legion, and the LO.O.F..
New York City, are spending their will hold decoration ,serviices on Sun -
vacation with the latter's pareate, Mr day, July 6th. They will met at the
and Mrs. D. Tiernan. cenotaph at 2 p.m. and then proceed
Mr. Bob Reschke of Detroit is to Hensel' Union and MeTaggares
spending the summer with Mr. and cemetery to decorate the graves.
Mrs. Milford Merner. The choir of the United church
The L. A. and WM.'S. ..cif :the Ev- will hold a picnic Wednesday, July
the Mission Band and Little Heralds 9th, to Turnbull's Grave. Each xnern-
angelical U. B. Church, entertained
ber are. asked to bring members of
at their June meeting.. The program their families -with them.
was given by the children anu con- The congregation .and Suclay school
sisted of solos, recitatieme, choruses of St. Paul's Anglican church will
and readings. At the -chase of the hold their annual picnic on the church
meeting home made ice eream and lawn Wednesday July end. • ,
cookies were served. The W.M.S of the United church
Weiberg—Bauer are holding a home cooking sale orr
Fresh flowers adorned the altar of Saturday June 28th, in the church
St. John's Lutheran. Church, Water- school room. There rwi/I also be a
too for the marriage of Bernice Wil- white elephant booth, and tea will be
helmina Martha Bauer, daughter of served.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bauer, 114 Un- At the ball game played at Staffa
ion St., E. Waterloo, and Mr. Hubert Friday eve. last, ,HensaII were the
Lloyd Weiberg, of !Wateeloo. The winners with a score of 12-5. Pitch -
bridegroom is a son ef lire and Mrs ing for Hensel' were Ivan Kipfer
Fred Weiberg of Dashwaod, offlciat- and Donald Joynt, while Bert Her-
ing was Rev. C. S.Rnb.erts. ton caught. For Staffa, Carter Kers-
Miss Anna Hymmen meas slat the or- lake pitched and D. Kerslake was..
gan and Mrs. Dorothy ,Goman was the catcher. There were between 100
soloist, she sang "The Lard's Prayer" and 150 fans witnessed a rear good
before the ceremony, and "Because" brand of ball.
The annual Institute picnic is sched
during the signing of the register.
Mr. Bauer gave his ;daughter; in uled to take place at the Henseli
marriage and the bride Was dressed Community Park, Wednesday after-
noon, June 25th at 4:30 pan.
Miss Barbara Forrest, welI known
}lemon resident, is ,confiened to the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Forrest,
recovering from the effects of a faTI
she suffered when she .ferl down a
flight of stairs in her home, suffering
shock and bruises.
Had Anniversary
Anniversary services were observe
ed in the United church Sunday, Jes.
22nd, large congregations were Pres
sent, the church was lovely with the
summer flowers and the guest speaks
eae Rev. A. B. Irvin, B. A„ of Exe'
ter, delivered two inspiring sermons
Rev Ferguson, of Carmel 'church, as
slated with the evening servrce, their
service withdrawn for the anniver-
sary. The large choir under direction,
of S. G. Rannie, with Miss Greta
Lammie at the organ.
A great thrill for young and old a-
treatment for ulcers in her teft eye. on the grounds, or bring emir assn.matron of honor was Mrs.
; Howard Bauer, sister-imalaw of the
like. REMEMBER THE DATE '28th. RAIN 07R bride.ilikdHer torso style powder. -blue
Mr. Helgi Rahbek of London call -
SHINE. jersey dress featured flriee quer-
GOOD CROP OF HAY ter length sleeves and braid trim..
ed at the home .of Mr. and Mrs..
Kuno Hartman, who had been em-
She wore blue elbow length gloves,
"sown ,' fl
ptoyed at the latter's home about Growth of hay, pasture and early and a oral blue tears with shoulder
18 years ago. This being a very epring grain is quite goodOength veil. Her flowers were pink
t thethroughouCounty, Leroy m rases and white sweet peas.
happy reunion.e
Brown, Agricultural Representative! Miss Loreen Weiberg, sister Of the
Next Tuesday will be our next for Huron County stated last week. ° groom was bridesmaid and was dres-
holiday, Dominion Day, July 1st, and Some have continued to sow bariey sed in a pink jersey on torso lines
this is the day when Canada became up until the liiid'clle of June. A. targe : with sequirn trim. She wore match -
a nation and was organized thus. It . acreage of beans and corn is, Seine . ing elbow length gloves and floral
Her many friends are pleased to
learn that her eye is improving nicely
was many years ago, but we are all
glad it .did happen, as we love our
Take a tip from the millions o1'
motorists who know—Goode
year tires give greater mileage,
grea ter tracti on, greater safety,
Put euper-value Goodyears on
your cat now ... we have your
size in stock.
T'eene — ZURICH
and will be .own. The "set" of e.her- tera and carried a bouquet like the
ry and pear 'blossom is mederate. matron of honour.
but indications are that the apple , The flower girl was Miss Patricia
crop will be heavy with the exception Bauer, sister of the bride, and How -
of a few early varieties. The shipment ard Bauer, brother of the bride, was
of sows to the abattoirs has been ex- beet man; ushering was Leonard
Bauer, brother of the ;bride, Garnet
Weiberg, brother of the groom and
Clare Schnarr, cousin of the bride.
A wedding .dinner was served to
about 150 guests at the bride's home,
followed by a. reception. The bride
chose for travelling a fuscnra flower-
ed silk jersey frock with white ac-
cessories and a corsage of white flo-
wers. On their return from a motor
trip north, Mr. and Mrs. Weiberg
will reside at 114. Unin St. E. Wat-
eeptionally heavy during the last two
months. Recent shipments of choice
steers brought 16',:4. cents in Toronto
Annual Picnic
The 47th annual picnic of the
Huron Old Boys, 'Toronto, was held
at High Park on June 13th favoured
with good weather and a ,brg- success,
Old timers from allever the County
of Huron were out In large numbers.
E. J. 13. Duncate Who was president
of the Association in 1900 took part
in several of the games. Softball,
horse shoe, and games for all ages
were run off in fine style by Wes.
McCutcheon who was hairman of
the Sports committee. A quiz contest
was interesting. A fine lunch was ser-
Mr. and Mrs. James Burdge of
Goderich and Mr. Victor Hey of .God-
erich, also Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mus-
tard and Bryne of •Brucefield spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ,Sam Hey,
Mr. and Mrs. David Oesch and 1Vir
and Mrs. Rudy ,Oesch and Mrs. Caro-
line Oesch, also Mrs. Wm. Oesch at-
tended the funeral of Mrs. 0 Oesch's
Sister, Mrs Elizabeth Pfaff at Credit-
on on Friday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Jeffrey and
family of Goderich and Mr. and Mrs
Napolece Ducharme and family of
London, visited Mr .and Mrs. Leen
Jeffrey Master Billy Fiscus return-
ed with his .uncle and aunt to .Goder-
o Goderich for a few days.
Mrs. Fred Bancroft visited at Lon-
don with her parents, Mr. a110: Mrs.
Mr, and Mrs. Edmund Oesch and
Mr. and Mrs. E. .Erb ;spent the .week-
end at Port Huron with .friencee.
'Some of the farmers hi this vicin-
ity are preparing .10T Hydro.
Mr, and Mn, G. Clarke of Ottawa
returned home After .pending eteNV
rinys with hit; rnether. Mrs. Clarke
Mr. and Mrs. Howard McCullough
of Goderich Twp., were visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Mrs. McClinchey of Bayfield was
a visitor with Mrs. Wm. Hart, at
Mrs. Margaret Erratt of Toronto,
was a visitor with her sister, Mrs. H.
Erratt, and her brothers Robert E.
Robinson and .Riehard Robinson and
families of the Goshen line.
Scott.— Fowler
A lovely wedding was solemnized
at the Presbyterian, Manse, Clinton,
by Rev. D. 3. Lane, when in a dau-
ble-ring ceremony, Lorraine Edith
Fowler, .Clinton, became the bride of
Kenneth Andrew Scott, son of Mr.
aid Mrs, Ross Scott, Brucefield,
Mrs. George ,McClinchey
Thera passed away hi dtanley Tp.
at the home of her deughter, Mrs.
Ivan Steckle, a highly respected resi-
dent, Mrs. 'George MoClirichey, in her
137th year. She had been in failing
health for many years and passed
away suddenly on Saturday, June
14th. (Was a daughter of the late
George and Jane Armstrong. Born
at Dungannon she moved with the
family to Stanley Twp.,in 1892 wh-
ere she had .since reeied. :Leaves to
mourn her loss, three sons, Wilmer,
Ernest and John of Verne and two
ciaugll tens (Mabel). Nin, Ei Icy"( e,
f TO PAO R ROW. 4:40
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Follow the lead of more than a million Canadians, who
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working with Canadians in every Walk, of life since 1817
Coming -A Day of Reckoning
—"The Lord Jesus shall be revealed from Heaven with his
mighty .Angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance, on them that
know not Gad, and that obey not the gospel of our LordIesus
Christ". 11 Thes. 1. 7,8.
"Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord." Rom.12:19)
OBEYTHE GOSPEL—The Gospel is Sarvaifont
Through ChriSt!
BUT Iby faith in the shed blood of our •Savious Lord: Jesus
Believe, and escape The Judgment that is coming-!.
Mutual Network, Sundays. Local Station, CKLW, Windses
CHAS. E. FULLER, P.O. Box 123, LOS ANGLES, 53, CAL -
A century ,old tradition was re-enacted in the Port of Montreal when a gold -headed .cane was presented tee
Capt. J. Bisset +Smith, O.B.E., skipper of the Canadian Pacific Steamships cargo -passenger liner Beaverburne
for ibeing the first to bring a deep-sea ship into Canada's greatest port this year. ,Capt. Smith, a veteran.
of both world wars, docked his vessel a scant hour ahead of his nearest rival, climaxing one of the elasesk
races of .several years. Above he is seen receiving the cane from A. G. Muiiphy, port snanager, while Will—
iam Memoir, system vice-president of the Canadian tPa,cifie Railway loows on.