Zurich Herald, 1947-01-30, Page 8, I sl• ONTAllt10 • Ites=11, • *e Arrivals 5 DOZEN LADIES HOUSEDRESSES IN PRINT, BROAD- CLOTH, SEERSUCKER, PRICED$ 1.98 TO $4.50 NEW VAL AND CLUNY LACES, EMBROIDERIES, SILK RIBBONS, VELVET RIBBONS. NEW CHENILLE MATS FOR BATH OR BEDROOMS, ASST. SIZES, COLORS $2.98 TO $6.75 NEW CRAG RUGS, SPECIAL AT EACH $9.25 NEW PLASTIC TABLECLOTHS IN BEAUTIFUL FLORAL DESIGNS. 72" AND 81" SHEETINGS. GET YOUR SUPPLY EARLY! e !' 9s Wer ME NS AND BOYS OVERCOATS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. BOYS ALLWOOL WINBREAKE RS, REG. $4.50 for $3.50 REG. $3.25 for $2.35 BOYS COTTONADE BREECHES LINED TO CLEAR $2.25 EVERYTHING IN FRESH GROCERIES, VEGETABLES AND FRUITS TELEPHONE 59 :;,11110 ros. ZURICH • ,94.1% ;11,.W....?4,41E;:ii;.0:S44.4444.1;414"., 31,44i..lt;14.!: 41,1 4.,44.:4410.144.444 • ..;;• :; .'•", • ' • ' JR uron & Erie ebentures CANADA TRUST Guaranteed Certificates AMOUNTS OF $100.00 OR MORE ACCEPTED BY THE COMPANIES.. INTEREST AT 21:'s PER CENTUM PER ANNUM PAYABLE TWICE A YEAR FOR THREE YEARS OR MORE. INTEREST BEGINS ON DAY CHEQUE IS RECEIVED AT HEAD OFFICE. • A GOOD INVESTMENT FOR YOUR. FUNDS. AT MORE THAN USUAL INTEREST. LITERATURE AND FULL PARTICULARS FURNISHED BY LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Telephones : Office 65; House 175. Andrew F 44 • ess, - Zurich seaussaeraleasesaramiessessesses 41111111111111aelleel ooseseeue4** ***EatIV00940*Reeklottia444w4440****0**mungl HARDWARE - SEEDS nd FURNITURE 21, ) . L .1, :NV C P 0 COAL Orders taken for quality than we have been able to get the past few Quality Alberta Coal,Pr Years Pre-Whiacrh isDeep Seam, High a much better PAINTS! PAINTS! We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax • OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, urnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith.. ing our Specialty. Full line .)f heavy and shelf Hard- 4 ware always in stock. . • 8 a STA*LE & WEIDO* ?A:UCH - ONT. QUALITY - PRICE - SERVICE 0100040111000016041104410410104411***014' ZURICH HERALD ITEMS OF LOCALINTEREST Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Prang vis- ited at Toronto last week. Mr. Wm. Hedger and Members of their family were at London on Tu- esday. Mr. Henry Nensoliwanger of Dash- wood was a visitor in town on Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gingerich and children; Mr. and .Mrs. Amos Gin gerich motored • to London on •Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Kaveger visit- ed at the home of the forrners Par' u. err at Dashwoi.Mr. Carl 'Decker who had an in- jury to his leg while playing hockey is.able to go about again. His fri- ends are pleased to see him. Mrs. &pealing of Clinton was a visitor at the home of her sister, Mr antl,Mrs..L. Warnock for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaitting and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon getting of Goderieh were recent guests at the home of the latter% parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Heist. Mrs. W. L. ;Siebert and sister, Mrs. Torrance have returned home after spending some time at the shoine of the farmer's. daughter,Mr. and Mrs Clarence Hoffman at It. Mr. and Mrs. Bryce 3. Mack and Stephen attended the funeral of the late Wm. H. Brown in the Evangelic- al Church, Crediton on Thursday last. They also visited the former's brother-in-law, and sister, Mr. and Mrs. S. 3. Whiting and 'family sof Eden. Mr. and Mrs. Hexibert K. Eilber of Orediton were Monday visitors at the home of their daughter, Mr....and Mrs Ward Fritz. Mr. Silber presided as Secretary Treasurer of the Hay Mut- ual Fire Insurance Co.'s annual me- eting. Moved in Their Apartment Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Willert and daughter have moved into their com- fortable apartment above their at- tractive place of ibusiness which they built the past summer. • Received Wings 7 . Mrs. M. T. Carless, iGlinton, has received the gold operational wings awarded to her son, the'. late Flying Officer Alvin Van -Dyke Comae, who was killed in operations in 1944. He was buried in Belgium. • A Teeth- ment, engraved with- the insignia of the Royal. Canadian Air Force, came with the wings. Mrs. .Coeiess is the mother of Mrs. KensaBreakeas of Zurich. • , Fractures Wrist Little two-year-old Faith Hope, daughter of Mr. and•Mns. Lloyd Hope of Streetsville (nee DorisMeyers) was unfortunate while coming down the stairveay in their home to .slip and fracture botlegbeines in her right, wrist.- 'Medical:ariebeewas giver': im-. neetleateltturid hesefriends areepleaeed to learn that she'Ts13rogressing •nice- ly. • • Crowd'' -Out Owing to'.Iack, of space and time to set up the Mins; there is a con- siderable of interesting items -tarried over, and will publish same as soon as possible. Weare printing only 3 'pages this week, and are glad when these are out, but • as soon -as we feel 'strong enough we will revert back to the four page issue..! A bad cold epidemic id a:king its; rounds, and we, like most people hive our share of it, which does not help mat- ters. But' time. io 'aJ great healer, and things will come 45ut O.K. inthe end. Mr. Ernest Laidlaw of Cartwright, Man., is spending some time with friends in this vicinity. Wins Prize in Contest Congratulations go to Mr. Donald Bedard who won first prize for pub. lie speaking contest at Exeter High School, He chose for his subject, "Canada as a Nation". This •com- munity can be very proud of our lyoung students who are •capable to -"handle such a wide subject and re- ceive the first prize. WHY DO WOMEN FAINT? Farm Forum . , The regular Monday evening me- eting of the Babylon Farm Forum was held, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Heeb. Desjardine. After listen- ing to the broadcast which originated in Winnipeg where the Annual Con- ference of the C.P.A. is being held, various action projects were en- thusiastically discussed. The rema- inder of the evening inducted pro- gressive games, music and 'a tasty lunch. Next week our Forum will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Erb. • WINTER WINDS BLOW IN VAIN AROUND WELL KEPT HOMES Low-cost Loans Available from B of M To Put Your Home in Shape for Winter Winter winds are now blowing and since the cold weather is now here, many housewives are anxious to 'get needed repairs made to their homea. Many families are taking advant- age of the ,Bank of Montreal's low- cost personal loan plan to put their homes in shape, to install insulation, to make repairs to furniture, to re- decorate, to do all those things which will make one's home comfortable and pleasant during the winter months. Any housewife whose projects of this kind are held up by lack of funds would be well advised to -have her husband drop in to see the manager of the local branch of the t of M. Personal loans for this. purpose tan be obtained at a cost of 27 cents per month for each $100 borrowed, with repayment extending over 'a twelve- month period. You can the sure 'of a'i)leasant welcome and friendly assistance from your local anger, M. Se'welL. You can be sure, too, that when you ask for a. loan at the B of M 'you do fnot ask a favour. What causes fainting? ' Why do women faint more frequently than men? Answers to such questions are given in The American Weekly mag- azine with this Sundaes (Feb. 2) issue of The Detroit Sunday 'Times. Go behind the scenes of this common human occurrence! Read the whys and wherefores of fainting! Get Sunday's Detroit Times. NOTICE . • The Huron County Council, at their November Session passed a By - Law restricting and regulating the cutting of trees in the County of Huron. This By -Law has received the approval of the 'Department of Lands & Forest. A copy of this By-law is inserted in this advertise- ment. • 'The following men have been named by the Huron County Council to enforce this By -Law, namely: Mr. Nelson MoLartiz, Aulburn, Ont- ario. • Mr. Martin Grab, R. Bs 2, Brussels, Ontario. . Mr. 1Wrn.. R. Dougall, Hensall, Ont- ario. By -Law go.. 44, 1946 A BY-LAW OF THE •CORPORAT- ION OF THE COUNTY 'OF HURON TO REISTRICT . AND. 'REGULATE .THE CUTTING OF TREES WHEREAS, by the Trees Conser- vation Act, Statutes of Ontario, 1946 Chapter 102, Section 1, the Council of a County is empowered to pass By-Layss. (a) restricting and regulating the cutting of trees in any part of the County, ,and (b) providing for the appointment of officers to enforce the provisions of any By -Laves passed under this section. THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron enacts as follows: 1. Except for dead, broken, stunted, fire -damaged, diseased. • or insect in- fested tree, 'Christmas trees and other trees that should be removed to improve growing conditions (such as thinnings and improvement cut- ting); no cedar trees of a diameter of less than five inches or no other trees 'of .a diameter of less than twelve inches, measuring four and oneehalif feet above the ground shall be eitt .115y any person within the 0onnty. of Huron. 2. In' cutting or removing any trees, no person shall so conduct his operations as to injure or damage any yoUng trees adjacent thereto. 3. No person shall cut trees or 'carry on lumbering or other forest oper- ations adjacent to provincial, county and township roads within the County of Huron unless there shall be left along the said road or roads a belt of trees ditty feet in width from the liinit of the road allowance from which may be removed only such trees as may the approved and marked by someone authorized by the Trees Conservation Commission hereinafter established by this By -Law. 4. This By -Law shall not: (a) interfere with the right of 'the occupant of land to cut trees thereon far his own use; (b) interfere with any rights or power conferred upon a municipality by the 'Municipal Act; • (e) interfere with the rights or powers of the Hydro -Electric Power •Commiseion of Ontario or of any other board or commission which is performing its functions for or on behalf of the Government of Ontario; (A) apply to trees growing upon any highway or upon any opened road allowance; (e) apply to trees growing in a woodlot having an area of not ex- ceeding two acres, 5, Wthere in the opinion of • the Trees Conservation Commission spec- ial circumstances exist which war- rant the cutting of trees under the sizes hereinbefore mentioned, • and said 'Commission may authorize the 'cutting of such undersize trees. 6. Any person who violates the provisions of this By -Law shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a penalty of not exceeding $500.09 or to imprisonment for a term not ex- ceeding three months. 7. There is hereby established and constituted as eiteers to enforce the 'provisions of this By -Law a Commis- sion of three members to be known as the Trees Conservation Comnifs- sion of the County of Huron to 'be appointed by resolution of the Coun- cil and to hold office during the pleasure of the Council at a remun- eration for each member thereof of seven dollars, per day while engaged on the duties of the Commission and mileage while engaged • in necessary 'travelling on the duties of the Com- mission to be allowed at the rate of SIX (6c) 'Cents per mile. This 13fyi-Law shall come into force 'and ettect upon receiving approval of the tneparttnent of Lands and:. Per- ests, tteid.a. third time and passed this 211.st day of November., 1046. N. W. Miller, 'Clerk. Ti. Shaddiek, Warden, frememwek•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••011II Thursday, January tth, 1047 " 40.444(44.4~1.44444441.14EOVAI .411/04***111014.414111/0114/1011.111111 4 4. 4 • 4 4. 0 • (E. YOUR -.Furniture NEW ENAMELWA E We are very fortunate in receiving a Shipment of New Enamelware, such as Cooking Utensils, Etc., which seem to be of very good quality, and some attractive color designs.. To appreciate these articles one must see them. We invite your inspection. MATIRESSES MATTRESSES Our Stock of Mattresses is very good, and you have - a fine range to choose from, a fine stock of Spring Filled Mattresses, also the usual Felt filled Mattresses Priced Very Reasonably BED ROOM FURNITURE We have some very attractive and newly designed Bed Room Suites just in, which are of the newest patterns and finishes. Be sure and see them if interested in this line of furniture. A Full Line of all the Home Requirements Everything in Shelf and Heavy Hardware Johnston & Kathfleisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 4.#44440444.44444'.4-1.4.4-t.t.':,1 .1101•111. 1114111inanninnatIMMISIMIls Dead and ijsabed Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY hone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 ARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. (ESSENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY) IMMISSIMMEEV SC•15111•411■11111 1311•0•1•1•MIS... ANNININlento. -4011)0944•09940.99.4)90.999,094) ••••••••••••••••••••••••414 41 • 4, • • 4.• 0- 4 4. 4. 4. IMPORTANT NOTICE HENSALL DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE4. INCORPORATED For the convenience of our Members and Patrons • of the Zurich District, Co -Op. Feeds, Binder Twine„ • Etc., are now available at Mr. M. G. Dietz's Feed • • Mill, at Zurich. • R. J. COOPER, Manager • PHONES: Hensail 115. Zurich 154 • 111441A444+++++++++++++++++++++++44+++++++++++++++44444 For aiek Sale 50 IRONING BOARDS 50 FOLDING LAWN CHAIRS. We have recently received a Carload of Masonite. Let Us Supply Your Needs! F. C. TiALBFLEISCH & SON Phone 69 - ZURICH • • 04.44.444444+++++++++++4.4-1,44. 44+4++++++++++++++4.41-14440 S Massey Harris REQUESTS CHECK YOUR. IMPLEMENTS EARLY FOR NEEDED REPAIRS, AS THEY ARE STILL HARD TO OBTAIN, "THE SERVICE ARM FOR CANADIAN FARM" Tel' .511°P 149 Oscar Klopp Rel. 67 AucrioNgErtiNa At YOUR . - , a