Zurich Herald, 1946-10-31, Page 5ZURICH, UNTAxio ZURICH HERAI.1) • Thursday, October 31st, 1946 ZURICH HERALD Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa. US1NE,SS CARDS LICENSE 1 AUCT!QN rER. for Huron and Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON - erect ens Auction Sale, regardless its tor sine e article i f tnotsell. satisfied lidt wil mak business, for Services Ren- �e no charges Ren- amed. ARTHUR WEBER—,Dashwood Phone 57 r 12 VET ERINARIA•N Dr. W. B. COxON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store Zurich U"l'C1-R. Zur'iebSr MEATMARKET Let i~Is supply you with the ory Choice of Fresh and tCUT- a Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, .d., always on hand. Kept hrsh in 'Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hiles and Skins . yiinghlut & Son PRODUCE SiiverwOOd D MRIE S C; .h Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry Have Your Eggs Graded on our AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER Roy O'Brien, Manager Phone 101 ZURICH WO Crews Put Your Want, For Sale Lost. Found, Etc. Ads. in this Colurran. WANTED TO RENT ---Barn suitable to keep pigs in. Prefferably on west or north aide of town.—Apply Box&OG, Zur- ich. PIGS FOR SALE 11 young pigs 5 weeks old — Jacob Gingerich, Phone 841.2. Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plus premium for delivered crearr We are equipped to give effi- tient accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in 1, harge of Mr. T. Meyers. Chas. Minshall, Proprietor INSURANCE FOR SALE. Pair of Tractor Tires 11.25x24. in fair condition. — Lenard Sararas, Phone 87r11. FARM FOR SALE 150 -ACRE FARM FOR SALE Lot No. 17 on East Lake Road, Hay Township, Huron County. Good soil and excellent location on Prov- incial !highway, 31,% miles from Town of Zurich, and 300 yards from Lake Huron. 30 acres of good bush, rest cultivated. Good water supply. 7 - room frame house. Bank barn with cement floor. Present lease expires 28th February, 1947. Terns cash, Highest or aniy offer not necessarily accepted. BLYTH ESTATE, ROOM 607, 320 BAY STREET, TORONTO. FOR SALE 16 Stocker Pigs weighing about 100 --lbs. each: Alvin Gingerich LOST A two-year old Hereford steer. —Jas. McAllister, Parr Line, Hay. Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODST OCR. FOR SALE I have for sale garden carrots, beets and cabbage. Geo. Bullock, Phone 82r19 Zurich. FOR SALE Used sash 10x14 glass 3 -ft. wide and 2 -ft. high; 34 -in wide 32 high ov- erall; used square timber 8x9.39 -ft. long; trailer 1,6 -in. tires; wheelbar- row, 24 -ft. extension ladder, infants crib 18"x36". Shavings. For rent, an electric paint spraying machine. Ivan J. Willert, Zurich. WANTED A party wants to buy an outhouse. Phone 80 Zurich for information. FOR SALE Two Shorthorn Bulls, 111 months old. Apply to E. W. Radar, Dash- wood. HELP WANTED Help in the Planing Mill. Apply to F. C. Kalbfleisch & Son, Ttd. CUE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO .A3noun of In31 t Insurance o 1944: tisk on D $45,465,635. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds. $275,133. E. F. KLOPP-_-ZU R.ICJI `Agent, also Dealer in Lightn- ing Rods and all kinds of Fire insurra,ncP Job Pririifl LOCAL NLWb Mrs. Earl Thiel and children were Tuesday visitors to London. Mr.• and Mrs. Leonard Wagner and son Billie motored to London. Mr. and Mrs, Albert Heideman have moved with their household eff- ects to Orangeville. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ediglioffer and Mrs. T. L. Williams spent a day at London, last week. Mr. Ray Schilbe of London en- joyed his week -end at the home of his parents, Mr, 'and Mrs. Milfred Schilbe. The many friend.- of Miss Kathleen I:Iess are pleased, to hear that she is able to attend school after her recent illness. Mr. John Kipper of New West- minster, B. C. is visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity for some time. Misses Patricia O'Dwyer and Jean Krueger, nurses in training at Lon- don, were week -end guests with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Johnston had a pleasant week -end 'at the home of the former's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gemming of Rochester, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Overholt and daughter Mary Ann of Goderich visited at the home of the former's sister, Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Coxon. Miss Greta Haiberer and a group of girl friends have returned home after a pleaeanit trip to Toronto, Kingston and other points. M. Clarence Farwell of 'Toronto, was at the hone of his parents parents and attending the funeral of his late farther. NOTICE We are taking orders now for fall whitewashing jobs, with new Power Machine.—Wm. Watson, Phone 35 r 19 Dashwood. 9-4. 10tc IF YOU REQUIRE ANY PRINTED MATTER, STATIONERY, 0 It OTHER ORDINARY WORK, RE. 1MEMBE1? TO CALL AT THE HERALD OI=F'ICE WHERE PRICES 'RE ALWAYS LOW ;'11) Wort' Income Tax Returns, BOKKEEPING Financial Statements for Farmers Business Men Professional Men Garage Operators and Others ARTHUR FRASER Telephone Exeter 17 P. 0. Box 118 Temporary Office at the house of the late Dr. H. K. Hyndman, Huron Street, Exeter Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Gerber, of Harrtatown, Wen., axe visiting witix relative's here at present. Making the trip by mctor. &Ile and Mrs. Paul Jeffrey, and Mr. ;ancl Mrs. Richard Jeffrey of De- troit were guests to the boys' mother Mrs. C. Ayotte. Mr. and Mrs. ,C. L. •Smith made a business trip to Arkona on Thurrsday. And in driving through the Pinery at this time of year, what a beauti- ful sight the lovely foliages on the trees. The Zurich Womens Institute will hold their regular meeting in the town hall on Monday even, ,g; Nov. 11th. Al'l ladies are cordially in- vited. Mrs. Dora Geiser and ctau.ghter, Gladys of Denver, Col., and Mrs. C. K.eolzow of. Detroit, were vrst&ors at the home of the former's nieces, Mrs Ford Haberer, and Mrs. W. Decker. Mr. tared Mrs. C. Russell of Lon- don, Mr. and Mrs. Exias Charrette and daughter Elaine of Detroit, Mr. Louis King and son of 'Chicago, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Ducharme. Mrs. Elmore KTopp, who was sel- ected as delegate of the local branch, has returned home after attending the Biennial Convention of the W.M .SC. which was held in the Zion Lutheran church at Pembroke last week. Mr. and Mrs. Moses Heist and Mr. and Mrs. Mose Braun of Pigeon, Mich Mr. and Mrs, J. Braun and son, Bruce from .Sebwaing, Mich; Mrs. Margaret Rutchie of Bad Axe; were week -end visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs. Chris Haist. •Had Operation Miss Stella Rose, aged 12, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rose of town, is progressing very well after her !apendix operation at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Her many friends wish her a speedy re- covery. Moved to their New Home Mr. an -1 Mrs. Albert Clausius have moved their household effects into their new home. and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Zimmer who had taken refuge in one of the cottages of 'C. 0. Smith & Sons, an the Bine Water Highway are occupying the home vacated by Mr. Clausius and owned by Mr. An- drew Thiel. Mr. Zimmer is employed at the Ward Fritz's Garage. Aged Lady Passes As we go to press we learn of the passing of Mrs. .William Bassow, on Wednesday, October 30th, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Isiah Tetreau, near Dashwood. The body is resting at the .Hoffman Funeral Home, Dashwood, till Friday when it will be taken to' her home, Bronson Line, till Saturday, a brief funeral service will be held, salt 2.30 a public service in the Zurich Evangelical church, interment will follow in the Bronson line cemetery. The departed was 90 years old on Monday of this week. At The Hospital The • many friends of Mr. David Gingerich will bo pleased to learn that he is progressing very favour- able at Victoria 1:Iospital, London, and wish him a speedy recovery. Painted Barn While driving through the country in these parts one can not help but admire those lovely painted barns and other buildings on the farms such as Hendrick on the Blue Water highway and Leo=card Emb on the Parr Line, and others wnieh., also helps to preserve the buildings. Had Birthday Party Mr. and Mrs, Harold Johnston en- tertained about 114 young boys in honor of their son Robert's 7th bir- thday, last Wednesday evening. An interesting time with laughter and fun was enjoyed by the Little boys. Ga .es were played and a great ex- citement was in full swing. Robert was presented with many lovely gifts for which he was very thankful. A delicious supper was served, the table being centred with a Iovely birthday cake with seven burning candles and all the other. goodies. The time to say good night carie only too soon. All wishing Robert many more happy birthdays, the ev- ening's fun will long be remembered at Robert's hone by the boys. FOR SALE One Steel Bed withsprings, like new.—Apply Box 306, Zurich. FOR SALE Westinghouse Electric Stove with wood and coal annex. Also a white poicelean Kitchen Sink; both are in good .condition.—Apply at home of Ivan Kalbfleisch. rail a4 Winter tw ALWAYS A GOOD SEL�CTION Of MENS, BOYS, WOMEN'S, GROW- ING GIRLS, MISSES AND CHILL - REN'S. Fine and Sturdy Footwear in Stock BUY YOUR SHOES FROM ACTRESS '1'orontoborn Muth Spri.ngford began her •care r as a radio actress in 1942 an: ; i the pe cr• years has be- come ,r -,p of the "• ,,Iinbles" called to play voles in comedy Shows, daytime ,serial, and in CDC :fantur'e .rend dra- ma productions, Currently she is cast as Je •sic in The Martinis .Mone„ Wed., ....l Y ' .,y ... " p.en HYMENEAL Masse—Bannon Seaforth — In a charming dou- ble -ring ceremony at St. Jame's R. C. Church, Seaforth, Loretta Kath- leen, daughter of Mrs. Ellen Ban- non, •Seaforth and the late I'horas Bannon, became the bride of Dolph Clement Masse, of Windsor, son of Nelson Masse, Drysdale, and the late Mrs. Masse. Rev Fr. T. Hussey offi- ciated and sang the nuptial. -mase. Given- in marriage by her brother, Leon Bannon, the bride wore a gown of white satin with ,sweetheart neck- line. Miss Betty Bannon, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, and little Miss Carol Ann Flannery, niece of the bride was charming. The grogrn was attended by his brother 'Theodore Masse, and the ushers were John Flannery, Seaforth, and Leonard Du-' charms, Windsor. Mrs. Henry En- zenber,ger, Sea:forth, sang-Schuibert's "Ave Maria," with Mi's . 'P. Devere- aux at the organ. Follow.ing the rer- ernony a dinner was served at the hriele',s borne. They left for a wed- ding trip east. On their return they will_ de 'n W„xlso'.•. ED. J. DATARS RELIABLE FOOTWEAR And SHOE REPAIRING TRUNKS, CLUB BAGS AND SUITCASES • orvice Service Service CALL 197 ZURICH AND HAVE YOUR RADIO PUT IN A-1 CONDITION. PICK UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE ALL WORK GUARANTEED! YOUNG'S APPLIANCE AND HEATING STORE ZURICH — ONTARIO Cali Z: r h 197 FOR . EXPERT WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS SERVICE GUARANTEED PICKED UP AND DELIVERED YOUNG'S APPLIANCE AND HEATING STORE ZURICH -- ONTARIO FEATURING THE FAMOUS I3EATTY WASHERS IMPORTANT N TI , HENS ALL DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE • INCORP RATED For the convenience of our Members and Patrons of the Zurich District, Co -Op. Feeds, Binder Twhie, Etc.; are now available at Mr. M. G. Dietz's Feed Mi 1, a'. .,ti's i :h. R. J. COOPER, Manager PHONES: Hensall 115. Zurich 154 114114 4. 4 44oo 4•s• rte. o400 f6* 4 e a 00. 5' A 5, 5' •b b r. w P HIGH SCHOOL GIRL SURROUNDED BY ROYALTY A year ago young and pretty Jane McMulkin, Toronto high school student, began to take a keen interesit in the members of the Royal Family particularly Princess Elizabeth. Today she owns scores of books on thier; lives, has the walls of her room dotted with their pictures, and has filled several scrap books with newspaper. clippings on their ctivities. Picture shows Jane with one of her scrap hooks devoted to Princess Elizabeth. 'Jane's father has promised the family a holiday trip to England some time in the future. It would be the fulfilment of Jane's dearest wish if she could meet Princess Elizabeth during her visit. Who knows? Stranger things have happened. In 'the meantime, Jane is putt ing away her pocket money in Can adaSavings Bonds for the promised adventure,