Zurich Herald, 1946-10-31, Page 1Established [I ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 31 1946 . Let the Be 1 Moo • COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurbrigg, .0 OPTOMETRIST at EXETER 'he Newest Approvedl Method ez4 Eyesight Testing Used.. Open. every Week Day Except Wedueeduy. Are You Suffering From Headaches? if so, Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERICH - ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices ,C.4.4++++++.1.4 -5-6.+++++++4.1-4.4.4-4.,t.4. +4.4.+44++++++++401?++++++++41 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4- • 4. RI" .4. 4 .4. urn offitnan larterat hme Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Injured. Licensed Embahner and Funeral iirector. MEMBER OF laB ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION. DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 Daskiwo. ntari IMEECE ISMINEXEMEMIanumie nomminmserm C4.1. NE, When you are looking for good things to eat be sure and visit our Store, as we always maintain to have a good stock of Fresh Groceries always on hand, although some lines are at times h rd to get, yet we do our best to purchase our supplies from the leading supply houses... *ranges, Lemons, and Grape Fruits in season; Canned Goods, and many other lines w'e offer at very moderate prices... Visit Our Store and Be Convinced no ese PRODUCE WANTED. Zuric JIMENIMICULIKEEr Phone 165 11 a ;I; Tleatifillik cosrmmuoleatm, 51111iEZMITaMEW2241WASITZEI athg '%erlor 9 t Akio 77143)„9-1.11 %.„4. ezuna'amcgmtweasueesoganammetemecuttm.s.....istiovaguloasxrpenrows...1.. mattascolcranrantnaccmgeria.r*.sararstr.rorunrere IllaVEZDSME.RM17 FULL LINE OF MEN'S AND ,CHILDREN'. Mr`lriTER UNDERWEAR,. SWEATERS, TROUSERS„ JACKETS, ETC. LEATHER GOOD VARIETY OF WOOLLEN BLANKETS AT ALL PRICES GROCERY SPECIALS SPECIALS for Thursday, Friday and Saturday QUICK QUAKER OATS, 3 -Ib. Box for 19c CAMPBELL'S VEGETABLE SOUP , 2 tins s .«. . 21e PRETZEL STICKS, Pkg. 20c SHREDDED WHEAT, 2 Pkgt..... 25c BRUNSMICK SARDINES, 2 Tins 17c Ladies and Childrens esses Phone 140 C. FL THIEL Zurich t; now f your Visi ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Bib* e urk Society Will ibe held in THE EVANGELICAL CHURCH ON SUNDAY EVENING NOVEMBER 3rd. • At 7.30 p.m. REV. DENNY BRIGHT The Field Secretary will be present and deliver an ad,dress. Loeal Gleegamen will take part in the Program. Everybody is Cordially Invited To Attend This Grand Get Together Meeting Bruce. J. Klopp, Secy.-Treas. Chester L. Sinith, President. CARD OF THANK Mrs. G. Farwell and family wish to greatly thank all those who so kindly remembered Mr. Farwell while in the hospital; and those who loan:. ed their cars, showed their sympathy, in their sad bereavement. SUGAR BOOST UNCERTAIN Ottawa - Prospects of a rarger supply for Canadians next year are not likely to Ire ,clear until early in 1941, Prices Board' Officials said.. General expectations are that the world sugar supply will be easier next year and if that is the case Can- adians can expect larger rations, but with that predictions goes the warri- ng that such unpredictable happen - rigs as ,a hurricane in an important sugar 'area coadd quickly change the Picture. RUBBER SHORTAGE FORECAST Toronto - Don't throw thoee old rubbers, galoshes and rubber work - boots away -you'll need them soon and new ones are going to be scarce this • winter, ,according to rub 0 er man- ufacturers. Strikes in 10 out ,of 13 Ontario rubber plants, majority of them now ;settled, have caused short- ages which manufacturers say will be difficult to cope with. "You .can't lose two months' production and.still supply the demand," one rubber co- mpany official said. DASHWOOD Mr. Harry Hoffman attended a Telephone Convention in Toronto a few day. while Mrs. Hoffman and family visited her sister in 5.itchener 2dr .and. Mrs. Otto Reatemeyer, Donald and Miss Woods of London spent the week -end with relatives in Detroit. air. and Mrs. Louis Rader and B CHESTER L. SMITH, PUBLISH $1.50 a Tear in Advance $1.75 in in Advance, and Visitors OBITUARY t George 'Farwell Passes It was sad news that we 'earned last -Friday morning, when it was re- vealed that one of its well and fav- ourably known citizens in the person of George K. Farwell had passed a- way 'et his home in his 71st year. Mr. ,Farwell, who was a carpenter by trade, had not been well the past al/inner, and lately was taken to St. Joseph's lioapital, London for a while but following- his request he was brought back to his home where he passed away -early Friday morning. He ,was always of a friendly dispo- sition and had many friends. Was born at St. Clemens, Waterloo Ca- unty, where he resided for some time before revving to Detroit and then to Zurich. Surviving are, his widow, formerly Irene Runstedle; and their daughter Helene at home; and the following children from a previous marriage: a 'eon Clarence of Toronto three daughters, Mrs. Alphonse Diet- rich, Zurich; Sister Mary Rose, Notre Dame 'Convent, Hamilton; three bro-. thee's., Pierce, Hay Township; Leo and Robert, St. Clemens; two, sisters, Mrs Lawrence Schoenbecker, of Landon, N.D.„. and ,Sister Clarita, Blue Is- land, Ill. The remains were laid to I rest on Monday morning with re- quiera high mass in St. Boniface R. C. .Church, Zurich at 9.30 a,in.. In- terment in the adjoining cemetery. Rev...Father J. Lucier officiated. 116.16.72,11.0 HYMENEAL On Saturday, October aUth Rev, Father Lucier of St. Boniface Church Zurieth, united in 'marriage, Louis Far4d, ,son of Mr. and Mrs. Pearce Fax and Cecelia Hartman, clan- gbitaia. of •Mr. and Mrs. Kuno Hart- man, both parties from the Goshen Line south, Hay Township. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was gowned lovely in white satin, featuriree a sweetheart neckline and bodice of Princess lines extending into a long train, with a finger tip. length veil. :She carried a white pray- er book with white streamers and a pearl .roaary, gift of the groom. Her only sister, Eugenie was ,brides- maid, wearing floor length turquoise double net on tafetta and head dress 0 a matching halo. She carried white 1 0 mums and pink roses. Fred Farwell only brother of the groom, was best man. Victor :Hartman, and 'liaise Ducharme were ushers. Lawrence! and Raymond .Hartman, .brothers of 1 the bride, served Father Lucier. I a. After the ceremony, breakfast was served in the Dominion Hotel, Zurich Dinner was served at the home of the bride's parents to .ome seventy guests., followed by a reception in torwmanet; ird7.111 54. Broken Spectacle Lenses -DON'T WORRY- -SAVE THE PIECES - WE CAN DUPLICATE IT PROMPTLY ANY SIZE -ANY SHAPE ANY COLOR PLUS A SAVING HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. r or Positive Identification of the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL Miller Creek Coal Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensel 0,aaeceacoaaaapaaeotocooconoaeammeoccotocaeta4. 4. kiwaeocoovesec4 a 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 0 0 0 NOUNCING KKITH 3 VERTIVIR FUNERAL 71 GA Licensed Embalmer and HOSPITAL BED Day and N'ght Service. 041,0*6 etftilBO345 elea aelfaiKce)0,041 EtilealMisiitaM11=22E122ZSAI 4. 4. 4. 4. air. and Mrs. Wm. Stade ,spent the the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Farwell week -end with friends in St. Themes , left on a trip to Hamilton, Niagara Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Deters and! Falls and Waterdowne. They will Miss Frieda Rader attended thereside on the groom's farm, south Kaufmann-Haberer wedding at 'Brod- hgen on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George McDonald of Careonville, Mich., spent a day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Elsie, Hamar, lyoungeet daughter of alr, -Mr. and Mrs. A. Swain 'were Sun- and Mrs. Fred J. Haberer, Zurich, y visitorwith Mr. and Mrs. . became the bride of Edmund Kauff- s Natliger and Helen E1 I mann, only son. of Mr. and Mrs. \-1,r Feed "reed and Mrs. Louzan of Siegmund Kauffmane, Toronto, The Detroit spent the week -end with Mr. and :Vire. Sam Elsie. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Eveland of London spent Sunday with his par- ents, Mrs. Cowan of Hanover spent few dtaies with her .daughter, Mrs. Herold Kellerman. Mr. and Mas. Currie an tamily iaairt the week -end in ,Meaford. of Zurich. Kaufmann-Haberer Zurich - At St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Broadhagen, Mildred Susan Pastor, Rev, E. W. flehn,rich, Zurich, performed the ceremony. Mrs. 3. Turkheim played the wedding music, Miss Marjory Klopp sang "0 Perfect Love," during the signing of th e register. The bride, given in mar- riage by her father, was gowned in white lace over s.atin wth fitting bodice and full skirt, a floor length veil and orange -blossom headdress. Mr. and !Mrs. E. R. Cteenther anti t She carried red roses and maiden ramily, Vivre Sunday visitV$ with hair fem. The bridesmaid, Mrs. friends in Inngersoll. I Keith R. Westlake, only sister ef the ate. Rosi manner.i nil 5iffiO bride wore a floor length gown of turquoise crepe and mateigng hat rut 011 the eame lima as turf She •carried a ,bouquet of yellow mums. Misa Ruth Haberer, niece of the bride, acted as flu•wer .i.rirT and Master :Robert'We4lalt..e, as vago - Boy. Alfred L. Hodgins, Taranto, itt- tended the groom, and the ushers were Karl j. Haberer and Frederick E. Haberer, brothers of the bride. A. st,veral organ recitals. The programa reception was held et the home uf v411 also eoeeiat of nambers by the the bride's parents, Zurich. Vol. onnains Male Quartette, readings by travelling the bride wore a blaca and Miss Anna Brock of Ve.teter and std.! white wool chick suit, blacla coat ij eaaions by loon talent. Don't miee; and matching accessories. They will this treat, • reside. In Taratate. 4. 4. 15 Funeral Director FOR RENT Telephone 89 Zurich „ CeigtS000000SG000t50009 Ward Fritz SALES 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 2 gip co Wrn. McAdams SERVICE ri 7_31 .124 Mr. Earl Zimmer, formerly of Dashwood, Employed by us Mr. Zimmer comes to us direct from Corporation of Windsor and has had Factory experience on Chrysler Cars. is now the Chrysler four years' He also can take care of any welding jobs you have. 1117 ;, 6 . Dodge and DeSoto Sales and 63,Mext aus zra„. Oda week on the arrival of a son, on Ort. 25th in St. Joseph's Hospitel, Len don. Calvary Evangelical chi:reit will eiliserve their Anniversary on Sun- day, Nov. 3rd with Rev. Paul Erb cf Milaman as guest &peakev. Mon, g day eveniaa Nov. 4th a musical pro- gram will be ,given. Rev. Erb is a aplendid musi e ian and will render maimatremamommummamrtsttamettoirrommatorzsomommattormarmanwozomm00116stwrivref- e arVECe a a 4. 4. 4. 4. (Ft 4. 4. 5„4 .1.raaar'..ZZIW-fieakatethateatiafteeialeet4tateaaatetaataree-',...arelaea "a+ZeieA'.iUae.eateet...atatarAblaata a rton Radios We have a complete line of Radios in for your inspection and entertainment this fall and winter. A and B BATTERIES Also POWER PACKERS FIRESTONE Automobile TIRES, also.. Batteries Let us show you our BOOTS and SHOES PURITY and RO • 11, INHOOD FLOUR For Your Baking Needs A Good Line of Patened Medicines on hand always TU DI A Di -if, ill Edmund Swartzentruber, Prop. Phone: 11-97 aelet0150101grilVa. , t , or 4, 0! ,„ 4 4 1 4 4 4 14 1 4 4 4 4 1 A