Zurich Herald, 1946-10-10, Page 41 STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mr. Campbell McKinley frust' threshing beano in the d-triet. Mrs. Jean McKinley hu- rseurned home from a fort-niehte, sasEt with her daughter on tap Mae Water r Highway. Wedding Bells are , i.e un;t ee fee line (1c n't you seame Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Stede y:, ieh and Mr. and Mee Boy Lemera. v`.<ite,r ziiende in Goderich recently. Rev. a Meet H,: rn delivered a very foiveful sermon on Sunday last which .should ,sink deep into the h, er : of many. Mn. - Jim McBride a silted at the shower fee:. Mies Helen Johnston, of Varna on Monday. :fir. and 31rs. Roy Lamont and Mr ....,i Mrs. Tom Dinsmore spent Sat- r:?- , eeeeing is Exeter with Mrs. Manson. TOWN HALL -- ZURICH Tuesday October 156. 8J5 p.m. AD7LTS :^,n:. CHILDREN 25c. i Tax included) FA MFRS! vi,--..rans coming to Canaria shortly -e .arrne are now being accepted. Have yee placed an order for one of these mere`: They are ail p siealiy At, single, yeairig 'then, carefully elected for farm work. by Canadian farm labour officials. SO3IE ALREADY SPEAK ENGLISH OR FRENCH Only a limited number are available. If interested, send your applications immediately to your nearest National :Employment Office or your Provincial .Agricultural Services. DOMINION LABOUR DEPARTMENT HCMPHREY MITCHELL, Minieter of Lobour. A. IVIacNAMAR-Aet Deputy Minister. Ontario Royal Commission on Forestry PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in confirmation of the Advance Notice and 'Tentative Schedule which appeared in. the press in the early part of September, that Public Hearings of the Ontario Royal Commie ion on Fore.:ti y will be held at the following times and places: Sault Ste. Marie- Port Arthur Kendra Fort France- f1eraldton London Cochrane North Bay Pembroke Ottawa Toronto Oct. 28-29 Nov. 1-2 Nov. 5-0 Nov. 8-9 Nov. 12-13 Nov. 18-19 Nov. 2526 Nov. 28-29 Dec. 2-3 Dec. 5-6-7 Dec. 9e10-11 Courthouse 10 a.m. Courthouse 10 a.m. Courthouse 10 a.m. Courthouse 10 a.m. Ukrainian Hall 10 a.m. County Council 10 a.m. Chamber High School I0 a.m. Assembly Hall Courthouse 10 a.m. Town Hall 10 a.m. Courthouse 10 a.m. University of 10 a.m. Toronto Senate Chamber The CommiRrion was appointed to investigate and report upon the forest resources of Ontario and their conservation, management and beneficial utilization for all purposes, including their relation to other basic industries, particularly farming, and their relation to recreation, =oil conservation, and waterways and water power. 5ubmieeions are invited from persons or organizations wno may wish to pr'eeent relevant material at any of the above hearings. Such evidence may be presented orally, but the Commissioner would prefer . arne in the form of written briefs. It is desirable but not essential that such briefs be forwarded to the Secretary for study well in advance of the hearing at which they are to he present. It is reque.,ted that persons or organizations wishing to present oral evidence at any of the above hearings, submit their, names to the Secretary, Ontario Royal Commission on Forestry, A.dministra.tion Building, Long Branch Small Arms Plant, Toronto 14, Ontario, prior to such hearing. W. H. HEWSON, Secretary 1 M asset' -Harris Advise ORDER YOUR MACHINES EARLY FOR 1946! I HAVE A FEW CREAM SEPARATORS ON MY ALLOT- TMENTa 550 to 600 SIZE at $70.75 400 to 450 SIZE @ $59.50 850 to 900 SIZE @ $82.75 (LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON TRADE INS.) THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED USERS ASK THE MAN WHO KNOWS.—BUY CANADIAN MADE ARTICLES Tel. Shop 143 Oscar Klopp Bea. 67 MASSEY - HARRIS The Service Arm, for Canadian Far1011. ym ZURICH I-IERAL BLA} E Silo filling is almost over for an- other year. The WMS. are meeting Thursday, evening at the home of Mrs., 7. Dou- glas.11iss Emma Dinsmore's group is in charge of the program. Owing to the Anniversary Service: in the Varna United Church on the coming Sunday, Blake services «•ii'• be withdrawn in the afternoon. Mr. Wm. Rennie has disposed of his farm to a man from near Bo': - stein, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Urban Ducharme and family of Hensall east; Mr. Re- gis Ducharme of London, and Mr. and Mrs. M. Ducharme and family of near Mt. Carmel, visited with Mr. and Mrs. 0. Ducharme. Several folks are ill with the summer Flu in this vicinity. Mrs. R. Hopkins and lady friend of Hinsdale, Ill., called on the form- er's cousin, Mrs. H. Finlay. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs, H. McMurtrie of Hensa,ll. Mrs. Fiscus of Kitchener visited her family a couple of days. Also her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Yeffrey Mr. Lawrence Regier has his car running again. • ia""? Thursday, 'October Otb, 194 ft Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm Stock and Poultry, on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23rd, At one o'clock, p.m. At Thomas Butt's Farm, adjoining • the Village of Kippen. Durham Bull 3 years old; 20 Durham and Hereford Cows due October to March; 10 2 -year old Durham and Hereford Steers; 20 Heifers rising 2 years old; 25 spring calves; 5 York sowe with litters; 7 pigs 150 -lbs; 150 year old hens; 75 pullets 5 months old. Terms ---CASH Thomas Butts, Proprietor. Harold Jaekson, Auctioneer. E. P. Chesney, Clerk. Clearing Auction Sale Of Faun Stock, Implements. Feed and Furniture, at Lot No. 14, Con- cession 10, Stanley Township. 2 miles west of Varna and 1 mile south On Wednesday, October 23rd. At 1 p.m. sharp the following: CATTLE—Durham cow 5 yrs. old due Jan. 14th; Durham cow 7 yrs. .old due Jan. lath; Durham cow 7 yrs. old with calf at foot due April 28; Durham cow 9 yrs. old with calf at foot due May 2nd; Durham cow 5 yrs. old with calf at foot due May 8th; Durham cow 7 yrs. oid calf at foot due May 10th; Durham cow 8 yrs. old calf at foot due May 13th; Registered Shorthorn bull 21.e yrs. old. PIGS -11 pigs 10 weeks old. POULTRY -80 X Rhode Island Red pullets, laying. Equipment—Brooder stove and shield; Colony house and three shel- ters. I1MMPLEMENTS--Massey ''Harris binder 7 -ft. cut; M. H. 2 -row scuffler with bean puller attachment; hal loader; M. H. 13 -hoe darIn with fertilizer attachment; M. H. 13 -hoe drill; M. H. Walking plow; Deering mower (i -ft. cut, with pea harvester attachment; Deering manure spread- er (nearly- new) ; Oliver sulkey plow, spring tooth cultivator; 4 -sec. drag harrow; outthrow disc; rubber tired wagon; fiat rack; steel tire huggy; cutter, 1 leilap. gas engine; black - 'smith forge; 1200 -Ib scales; electric fencer, DeLaval cream separator; fanning mill, water tank, sugar ket- tle, hay fork and slings, wagon box, post hole auger, pig troughs, 2 sat o1` double harness, 3 horse collar:4, whit'. f3etrees, neck yokes, forks, Fihovel$, tools, and numerous other artier>;c. Feed—Approximately 0 tons o1' mixed hay; 21,e tons of bailed hay; quantity of feed beans. FCRNITL'RE — 2 bedroom suits; settee, 2 arm chairs, 2 small table,, kitchen table, 2 kitchen chairs, powder meat grinder, other articles too num- erous to mention. Terms—CASH No reserve, ELS farm is sold. David J. Stephenson, Proprietor. Richard Robinson, Clerk. Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. BREAD on the table the meal is readyl No atreel ie eom.plete withoutpientay of delie ous wholesome bread, Andi. TASTY -NU tarts good and is good; hearty food for you. Every slice a. slice of energy.. Buy an extra Loaf today—start - now to :serve more bread at every, - meal. Gest your TASTY -NU Breadle at WiIlort's Bakery or at your localk, grocers. Willertys Bakery PHONE 100 — ZURICH uestion p T a nswers GENERAL Q What are Canaria Savings Bonds? A Canada Savings Bonds are the suc- cessor to Victory Bonds and War Sav- ings Certificates. They are your coun- try's promise to return your money to you at any time and to pay you interest at an attractive rate. Q Why are Canada Savings Bonds being offered? A Because during the war, millions of Canadians learned the savings habit by buying Victory Bonds and War Savings Certificates. A recent survey shows that 82% of them want to keep on saving by a similar plan. Q Is the Government selling Canada Savings .bonds lust to raise money? A No. Borrowing needs of the Govern- ment can be met by other types of loans. The Train purpose of the Canada Sav- ings Bond is to provide Canadians with a convenient way to continue this kind of saving and investment in peacetime. Q Ie there any limit to the amount of Canada Savings Bonds that one person may hold?? 1f so, why? A Yes. There is a limit of $2,000 for each individual, but each member of a family may hold bonds up to the limit. Q What is the price of Canada Savings Bonds? A 100%. That is, a $100 bond costs 0100, If payment is not completed an or before November 15th, 1946, interest wi11 be added to the purchase price. Q In what denominations are Canada Savings Bonds available? A $60, 0100, $500 and $1,000. CASHING OF BONDS Q Can I cash my band at any time before November 1, 1956? A Yes, any branch in Canada of any chartered bank will cash your bond im- mediately at full face value, plus inter- est at 23/4%, upon your identification as the registered holder. Q Can Canada Savings Bonds be assigned or. transferred? A They can be cashed, but not assigned or transferred. This is necessary to pre- vent any individual from acquiring more than the authorized limit. INTEREST COUPONS Q What interest is paid on Canada Savings Bonds? A 23/4%—payable yearly on November 1st from 1947 to 1956, by coupon cash- able without charge at any branch in Canada of any bank. Q Are interest coupons registered? A No. They are payable to hearer. REGISTRATION PROTECTION Q Why is it necessary to register Can- ada Savings Bonds? A Registration gives protection in case your bond is lost, stolen or destroyed. It is also the simplest way ter ensure that individuals do not hold more than the $2,000 limit. • In whose nanne can Canada Saving& Q onds be registered? A They can be registered only in the name of one individual, adult or minor, up to the amount of the authorised limi 8 out of 10 will buy �7Mgf76ri n A a A Can d Q Can Canada Savings Bonds regis- tered in the name of a child be cashed? A Yes. Banks are familiar with the necessary regulations. Q Can Canada Savings Bonds be dis- posed of when registered in the name of a deceased person? A Yes, any bank will supply the neces- sary information. Q Can I replace my Canada Savings Bonds, if they are lost, stolen or destroyed? A Yes. It is wise, however, to keep Canada Savings Bonds in a safe place, as you would any other valuable docu- nients, In case of loss you should imme- diately notify the Bank of Canada,, Ottawa, of the circumstances. HOW, WHEN AND WHERE TO BUY Q Where can I buy Canada Savings Bonds? A At any branch of a bank or from an authorized investment dealer, stock broker, trust or loan company — or through the payroll savings plan if this is in operation at your piece of employ- ment. Q How do I pay for Canada Savings onds? A In any of the following 3 ways: 1. By payment in full at time of purchase. 2. By monthly instalments through a bank, trust or loan company. 8. By regular deductions from pay, where employers operate the Payroll Savings Plan. . arrifs nds