Zurich Herald, 1946-05-30, Page 3CLASSIFIL..1 ADVERTISING BABY (.'IIiCPIS FOR LARGER It 1:U(.1$ 1'L1JMP- er hinds .., start with Top Notch, Any flock is wily as good as the chicks 10 was started frons. That's why its so iml:'r'r*rnt to start --rfght ... with Vatr-Ntrtrir--ca icily, For every Top Notch chick is a healthy chick , , , a carefully bred chick, embodying all the best characteristics of its pullorum tested Government Approved breeders. Order your Top Notch chicles today. Prices greatly re- duced for June. No waiting at Top Notch, we can give prompt delivery on all the popular pure- breds and hybrid crosses. Also eight week to 20 week old pullets. Free catalogue. Top Notch Chick- eries, Guelph, Ontario. e IF YOU WANT JUNE -JULY chicks you should not delay in ordering to get delivery and breed you wish, 1\re'11 have a fair choice of breeds and cross- breds. 13ray Hatchery, 130 John N. Hamilton, Ont, T\\'I';ODLE CHICKS TAKE ALL the tricks! Whether it he in the domestic or in the foreign market a Tweddle flock will pay its way. The firm delicious poultry meat and the large nutritious eggs that result front Tweddle chicks win for you a large share in the profits to be made from the ra- pidly increasing markets of to- day. For Tweddle does not rely on luck to produce tine chicks. All the skill of modern poultry science is brought to bear on the production of Tweddle chicks. pullorum tested Government Ap- proved breeders of known liva- bility and productivity are care- fully chosen to breed every Twed- dle chick you order. June chicks greatly reduced in price. Prompt delivery on all the popular pure breeds and hybrid crosses in non - sexed, pullets or cockerels. Free catalogue. Also eight week to 20 week old free range pullets. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limit- ed, Fergus, Ontario HEAVY BREED PULLETS 20c. Sussex, Sussex X Hamp., Rock X Hamp., New Hamp. and Barred Rock pullets 20c., June 17c, Book your order NOW. $L00 per 100 de- posit. Order from this Ad. Huron - dale Chick Hatchery, London, Ont. BARRED ROCK PULLETS 15c. Barred rocks are preferred by most commercial poultry -men be- cause they can be depended on year atter year for profitable egg production and then bring top price when sold for meat. We can snake prompt shipment of big husky pullets at $15.00 per hun- dred. Write for price -list today. Big Rock Farm, Mille Roches, Ontario. 25 FREE CHICKS OUIt IOAIIY CHICKS ARE THE progeny or Foundation and Re- gistered Birds. All Breeders blood - tested. Prices from 3c to 25c. All guaranteed excellent layers. Don't delay, order now. 'Goddard Chick Hatcheries. Britannia Heights, Out. LAKEVIEW CHICKS SI'FX:IALIZ ED BREEDING PLANT 5,000 (BREEDERS Book your order for May or June, With the scarcity of meat, there will be a big demand for Poultry and Eggs this Fall and Winter at attractive prices. It will pay you to put in an extra brood of chicks this year. rit0511"T DELIVERY — With a ca- pacity or 60,000 Lakeview Chicks weekly, we expect we can give prompt delivery after May 15, but to be safe, book your order at once for May, June or July. SEND DEPOSIT — L'or quick ser- vice send deposit with your In- quiry or order, and we will book your order at our prices which are very reasonable. We will promptly mail you an acknow- ledgement of your order, and if it shouldn't suit you we guaran- tee to return your deposit at once. This plan will give you better service. T}W BEST WE EVER HAD — Nell McDonnel, Goderich, Ont. Colin Campbell, New Richmond, Que- bec — Well satisfied, lost 4 out of 104, Hope you can supply more. As high as 100 eggs from 115 Leghorn pullets. Wonderful pro- duction reports Reuben Kennel, Shakespeare, Ontario. BREEDS: Large Type White Leg - horns, Pure Susses, Sussex X New Hampe„ B. Rock X New Ramp.. ]Lock X Leghorn, Sussex X Leghorn, Leghorn X New Hamp., New Hamps,, and Barred Rocks, LARGE WHITE LEGHORNS Day old started up to 4 weeks old. Lakeview Leghorns are the large type. mated with cockerels from Ped, stock — "Real Egg Machines." SENT) i''Olt WEEKLY LIST: — 0) Special Prices on day old chicles, pullets and cockerels, and start- ed chicks. MAY, JUNE AND FALL HATCHED 330010 your order for May and June, or Fall Hatched Chicks NOW. LAi'EVIT'1W POULTRY FARM, Wein Bros., Exeter, Ont. LARGE TYPE LEGHORNS 12c. Leghorn .Pullets 24c., after June 1st 21c. All Breeders double binodtested and backed by high Pedigreed foundation stock. Many Hurondale customers report best chicks I ever had, Walter Morton, Dryden — We were well pleased with the pullets we received from you last year. Pullets laid well. Heavy Breed Pullets 20c. Sussex X N. Hamp„ Rock X N. Hamp„ Barred Rocks, Pure Sussex and New Hampshirb pullets 20c., after June let 17c. Pure Sussex infixed 14c., Sussex X Hanip., Rock X Hemp., Rodes and New Humps, mixed 1.30., after, June 1 lc. less, Sussex X Leghorn, Rock Leghorn and Leghorn X New Hamp, mixed 12c., pullets 22c., after June let mixed 1c, less, pule lets 3o. less. Aesorted pullets 18e., .Tune 160. Assorted Mixed 10c., June 90. Cockerel and started prices on request. Order from and enclose this Ad. 41.00 per 100 de- posit. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY, London, Ontario. Bell !MING SVi'i'Ll103 CEMENT r1.it('1. ttiAtli !tvle 9" AV'' 10". (;ill,erl (' Surat " r,i r" 20 St. Alban'.s Siren). tur:ento. 73t':il Ess OPPOJt.t't'Ei'I'J1:K ADVERTISER WANTS TO ('ON - tact farmer wdthin 20 miles north Toronto limits, regards establish- ing private shooting range for testing purposes. Steep hill, river bank or gravel pit required for backstop. Prepared to pay for privilege, Not a club or dealer, Box 93, 73 Adelaide W. Toronto, DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street. To- ronto. von SALE 15-30 INTEI•RNATIONAL TRACTOR, good working order. 0, Duff, A1 - ma, Ont. R. R. 2. NE W BACON COMBINATION Hand Cultivator, Hoe and Plow available in almost unlimited quantities for immediate ship-' ment. Distributed by W. F. Mc- Kenzie Co. since 1866, Leaming- ton, Ontario, Canada. Celebrating 30 years business in same loca- tion and name. We ship to deal- ers, departmental, chain and seed houses. See your nearest dealer, hardware store or write us at once re dealer's prices. Shipments made same day order received. W. P. McKenzie Co., since 1866, phone 20, Leamington, Ont. STEAM GOVERNOR FOR SALE, 4" Noble, $100.00; R. 13, Richard- son, St. Andrews, N. 13. FORD TRACTOR, PLOUGH, ROW - crop ruitivator. C. Payne, New- castle. PREMIUM A. CLYDESDALE STAL- Iion, 27110 Fyvie Renown, En- rolled for 3 years. Brown, white . markings. Sell cheap or trade for stock. Foaled in 1934, Alex Crawford, Box 74, Rosseau, Ont. CEDAR POSTS FROM 3'+ TO 7" tops. Apply 13 & G Lumber Co, Subsidiary Bogdan & Gross Fur- niture Co. Ltd. Walkerton, Ont. CONSTRUCT YOUR OWN TELE - scope to study the stars view cra- ters on the moon. Kit includes 2',f" object lens, 3 foot tube, eye- piece and instructions for assem- bly. 82.60 postpaid. S. Janes & Co. 612 Canada Building, Saskatoon. TURKEY POULTS — PROMPT DELIVERY We can give prompt delivery on Broad Breasted Bronze Turkey Poults, or book for May and Tune delivery. Poults hatched from bloodtested, pullorum tree breed- ers, under ideal conditions in most modern 1946 model, all electric and automatically con- trolled turkey incubators, and hatched in separate, new turkey air conditioned Hatchery. Send for Price List and full particu- lars. No orders accepted less than 50. ACT QUICKLY — BOOK YOUR ORDER WHILE THEY LAST, LAKEVIEW TURIZEY RANCH, Box 183, Exeter, Ont. Phone 179. HYDRAULIC TRACTOR SEAT New Monroe E -Z Ride Tractor Seat. Passenger car comfort, eli- minates ride fatigue on your tractor. Bursaw Tractor Co., Woodstock, Ontario. ELECTRIC MOTORS NEW, USED bought, sold, rebuilt: belts pul- leys, brushes. Alien Electric Com- pany Ltd., 2326 Dufferin St. Tor- onto, Ont, CHOICE PROGRESSIVE EVER - bearers 25 for $L00; 50 for $1.76; 100 for $3.00; 200 for $5,00, Pre- paid Riverside Nursery, West River, Nova Scotia. FOR SALE --HOUSE ONE -STOREY FRAME, SIZE 24x18, and 22 x 14. Apply Box 2, Glen- coe, Ont. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER P.D. 40 Diesel unit, in good work- ing condition, also 13'7 Moor Bros., single head grinder and necessary shafting, bearings, ele- vators, belts, etc., to make a com- plete chopping unit; splendid.op- portunity to start a chopping business on a low cash outlay; will sell as a unit or by separate items. Stiver Bros., Unionville, Ont. ATTENTION FARMERS For Sale; Tractor Tires, made of rubber, suitable for bolting on steel wheels, $10.00 each. When ordering state diameter and width of wheel. National Rubber Co. Ltd., 5 Wiltshire Ave., Toronto, Ontario. FARMS FOR SALE SPIIRALDEN JERSEY FARM REG- istered, Accredited — R.O.P. — City Milk Shipping — 200 Acres Good Soil — Tractor, and 'imple- ments — Modern Brick House at Village, and Station, Jas Cowan, West ?home, Que. TWO HUNDRED ACRES FENCED eighty workable, sugar bush large bank barn, spring water, large house, water, sink, tele- phone. In between two towns. Brazier, South River, 150 ACRE FARM, 110 UNDER cultivation with or without stock and machinery. Ned Mc- Namara, Masson, Quebec. 150 -ACRE FARM FOR SALE. 11 utiles from Collingwood; over 100 acres, good working land, 30 acres bush, balance pasture; good buildings; price $5,500. .Apply J. S. Tompkins, Executor, Singhamp- ton, Ontario, ONE HUNDRED ACRES IN EX- ceilent condition, good • buildings, 'plenty of water, thirty acres crop sown. Immediate possession. For full particulars apply Geo. Mc- Connell, Moorefield, Ontario. NEAR GODERICH 90 ARES In a magnificent grove of stately old trees is a charming brick home Which, was a showplace years ago. It has better than 10 large rooms with natural fire- places in most of the rooms. We offer this estate, having 90 acres which include 5 acres of orchard, large woods running down to the river, barn,, well with electric pump, for $10,000,00, Cash, Op- portunitloi like this are rare. Call 3-3538 or week -end, Goderich 816, FOSTER ge ROBA1;Tq lt1�1,1.LTORS WbNDSOR ISSUE 22-1946 HAL itIPi:l.SSING LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method information on request regarding classes. lic,hertson's Hairdressing Aead- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto, [31:7.1' WANTED OPERATING ROOM NURSES, AL- SO Obstetrical and General Duty Nurses for York County Hospital Newmarket, Ont, State in first letter salary expected. Apply to Superintendent. COOK GENERAL AND MAN FOR gardening and to help in house, to live in, private apartments sup- plied, family of three, Write or phone J. M. 11'allace, Oakville, Ontario, FARMHAND, SINGLE, NON-SMOK- er, lifetime experience, for dairy farm. Gerald Graham, George- town, Ontario, HOUSEKEEPER AND MAID Permanent positions. best wages, comfortable home, large grounds. Twenty minutes from downtown Toronto. Two adults one school child. Excellent opportunity for widow older daughter as maid, two sisters etc. Write Advertiser, 59 Edgewood Ave„ Toronto 8, Ontario, MEDICAL WANTED — EVERY, SUFFERER of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis to try Dixon's Remedy, Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of 111 health in humans, all ages. No one im- mune! Why not find out 1f this is your trouble, interesting particu- lars — Free! Write Mulveney'e Remedies Specialists, Toronto 3. FRUIT JUICES; THE PRINCIUAL ingredients in Dixon's Remedy, for Rheumatic Pains, Neuritis. Munro's Dru.g Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. MISCELLANEOUS GUNS REPAIRED. SCOPES mounted. Special twelve guage shells for deer. A, Herrgott, Gun- smith, Woodstock, Ont. \i'ILL CONSIDER SWAP OF 300 Atop. A.C. Welder, 220 or 50'0. Cost $625—never used. For best car or station wagon offered. ,Box 94, 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto. tllUsl(;AL LN5'rful11F,N'rs IfktED A BOL)DINGTON BUYS sells, exchanges musical instru- ments, 111 Church, Toronto 2. OI'POirl'Ul7ITIEs FOR WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL` Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressi,ng Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates, Amerf a'b greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue free. Write or call . MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St. W. Toronto Branches: 44 King St. Hamilton &. 74 Rideau Street. Ottawa. PATENTS . FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1800: 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on request, l'HOT(JGRAPITY TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 26e. REPRINTS 8 for 26c. FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE You may not get all the films you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your films to IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station 1, Toronto. FILMb DEVELOPED 26 CTS, GUA- ranteed one day service, NO WAITING. Bay Photo Service, North Bay. SUPREME SATISFACTION Can only be attained by having your films processed by highly, skilled technicians using the very best materials end modern machinery. All is obtainable at lowest prices. Roll developed and 8 prints 25c, reprints 3c. each. All work guaranteed. TRANS -CANADA FILM SERVICE Toronto 13. WING'S PHOTO SERVICE All prints 'with deckle edge. 6 or 8 exposure rolls 25c. Reprints Sc, each. Box 2, Station J. Toronto. CAMERAS — IMMEDIATE FREE delivery on Faultless Miniature Cameras, complete with Eveready case $5,26. 127 film for above 27c. Free Price List Photographic Supplies. Write: Dept. L Cameras By Mail, Shelburne, Ont. DON'T RISK LOSING "SNAPS" THEY CAN'T BE TAKEN AGAIN Any Size 11011-6 or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25c 3 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 26c Size 4x6" in Beautiful Easel Mounts Enlargements 4x6" on ivory tinted' mounts; 7x9" in Gold, Silver, Cir- cassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish (rallies, 59e each. 1( enlarge. ment coloured, 79e each. Reprints Made From Your Negatives 3c. Each t) PIPT. 51 STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box t20. Post Office A, Toronto. Print Name void Address Plainly, STAR PS IN 1019 THE CANADIAN GOVERN - Meet put out a $5.00 War Saving Stamp. Will pay $50.00 for each copy offered in undamaged c0n- diti0n. Good stamp coiiecttons also purchased, Pox 8060, Station 13, Winnipeg, Canada, t ctcilt, o:L.l) STAMPS WANTED BY collector only. Small or larger lots. Can pay more than Dealer f"r items I c to use. Viet be good. 1:est of references. l.. Syrnond, li,cnitv!)ie. Saskatchewan, W %NTCD \VANTED -- Ex -officer, wife, one child urgently need (rouse or 3-4 room apartment, anywhere within 50 mules of Toronto. 'Write 1'.o. .Box 160, Stoney Creek, Ont. Atom Blast A Big Test For Cameras Every Precautigrl Being Taken To Protect Photographers And Equipment 13"lteu the Army and Navy ex- plode atony bombs on the Pacific atoll, photography will be literally and figuratively or the spot. Hun- dreds of cameras will be focused on the bomb tests and thousands of exposures will be made — to record on film the atomic blast that will influence every living thing on this planet. Will photography be able to stand the test? Wli.at new dis- coveries in atomic power will it record? Large numbers of auto- matic cameras will operate—arid radio -controlled robot planes will carry robot cameras right into the edge of the explosion area. Protection For Cameras So intense will be the light that will blaze over the Pacific—and so intense the heat and radio -ac- tive effect—that extraordinary pre- cautions are being taken to pro- tect photographers, film and cant - eras alike. Batteries of cameras are to be mounted on top of 100 - foot steel *overs on several is- lands five to ten utiles away from the target ships in the Bikini atoll, Marshall islands. To protect the cameras, rooms with thick lead walls are being constructed in the towers. Inside the lead rooms, the cameras will be additionally protected by air- tight waterproof boxes. Even the portholes will be shielded with lead. They will remain open until the flash goes off, the portholes will close automatically before the outward spreading wave of radio- activity reaches the towers. Radio- active waves will be turned back by the lead sheathing. No photographers will be in the towers—the cameras will be started by radio from a distant ship—and it may be several weeks after each test before any human being will be able to approach them, because of radio -activity. "Freckles" on Films In the first pictures which were released to. the public after the New Mexico atom bomb test, big "freckles" — big black spots — showed up against the tge of the explosion. U.S. camera magazines, after asking the Army and its photo- graphers 'what caused them, pub- lished the very interesting explana- tion a few issues ago: Although the cameras which took these pictures were shielded in concrete dugouts six miles away, the heat of the ex- plosion, focused through the lens, was so great that it literally blis- tered' the film. These blister spots showed up 1,1 huge "freckles". This time photographers hope special equipment will prevent a recur- rence of these atomic blisters. EXTRA SPECIAL 4 enlarged prints for 10c—Send any 4 negatives of the same size (up to 2% x 434) and we will return to you immediately 4 enlarged prints on Velox paper, negatives returned with order. Send nega- tives with this ad and 100 in coin today. This ad must accompany order to receive extra one prem- ium coupon. LONDON PHOTO SERVICE Box .551, Dept. W„ London, Ontario. WANTED TO BUY Best prices paid for good wal- nut — either standing trees or logs. Telephone 4-4754 Kitchen- er or write: PANNILL VENEER COMPANY, 42 Edward Stret, Kitchener, Ontario. IN LONDON FOR BIG CELEBRATION Recent arrivals in London for the V -Day anniversary celebrations are these troops from Malaya, seen as they march out of Waterloo station after leaving their train, SPOTS F SPORTS By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Six Bit Critic") Back home again in England af- ter a brief look at the skyline of New York — particularly that of tdison Square Gardens — Mr. Bruce Woodcock states that he feels that he would have won if it hadn't been for a butt in the head received in a clinch. Well, far be it from us to disagree with Mr. Woodcock, who was much closer to the scene of action than we, and in a better position to know what Arent on. Even in these times when speedy air travel has become such a com- monplace, it seemed rather strange to read of Woodcock being back in London less than 48 hours after listening to the account of hirn fighting in New Yorle. But this business of being able to make a speedy getaway should give pres- ent-day overseas fighters a great advantage over their brethern of just a few years back. They should Poultices of Mecca relieve pain, bring out corn, Meals quickly, no scar. 25c, 35c, 50c, $1.00. 14M.L�C i",oINTM Etirr l BREWIS RED LAKE MINES LTD. have commenced DIAMOND DRILLING OPERATIONS We recommend Brewis shares as a Risk Capital Investment BREWIS &, WHITE 200 nay Street. Toronto 1, Ont. EL, ;2'25 I'Iease mail your latest infor- mation concerning BREWIS RED LAKE MINES LIMITED, and also '. ('0p3' of your new red Lake map. Name Address BONDS - INDUSTRIALS MINES - OILS T. L. SAVAGE & COMPANY Specialists In Unlisted Se.ui'ties 9 Richmond St. E., Toronto AD. 6185 be able to take home at least some small fraction of the money won— which is more than a lot of tate old-timers were ever able to do. Still, we wouldn't be too sure of that. The inside story of how much actual cash boxers get to personally handle and pocket out of the fortunes they earn would be almost incredible if they weren't so common; and when you hear of some fighter, who made hundreds of thousands in the ring, being broke or dying penniless, it doesn't always follow that he was nothing but a Goodtilne 'Charley, who tossed it to the winds with both hands. The chances are that he never had it in his hands to toss; for while the gentle art of "putting the bite" on a successful athlete is by no means confined to boxing circles, it is in those circles it has been brought closest to ultimate 1 . rfection, especially in and around New York City. . Now there's no doubt that bars: - fighting is a manly and character - building sport; at least it is accord- ing to the text -books, and who are we to go against them? But some- how or other it seems to have the power of attracting around it more . creeping and crawling things. is human form, than any other pas- time we know—including eves horse -racing and playing the mar- ket, which is taking in quite a stretch of rich territory. In fact it is the environs of boxing that we are recommending as a wonderful potential market to a young chap we know who is working hard to perfect what should be an epoch- making new invention. r 4 '1' He calls this a "de-humanizer"— and says it is for the benefit of lice that are bothered with people, We had always thought of the old saying "distance lends enchant- ment to the view" as applying to such situations as the dame who looks so wonderful across the street and who turns out to be considerably less glamorous when you get a close-up peek. But now it seems as if it applies to sports ds well. For instance, it a recent is- sue of that widely -read fanliIy publication The Saturday Evening Post there is a story built around— of all things?—the sport of cock- fighting. 4' 4: 4' Now it was a very readable tate —even if bringing in a small boy and Itis mother as interested spec. tators of the battle dill rather shock our old-fashioned sensibilit- ies. l:ut we couldn't help wonder- ing just what would have been the reaction of The Editors if some- body had submitted to tlient a store about rock -fighting as prac- tised—at raytised—at least so we have heard --- in such places as around the barns of Dufferin Park, Hamilton or Fort Erie Race Tracks or several other such localities we might mention, t' 4, t, However', the locale of the pub- lished story happtned to be The Philipine Islands—and we take it that the eight thousand miles or so of distance between there and some of our Eastern race tracks purified and east an enchantment over the .sort. and made it fit for general reading,, It's just one more of those things that are too 1110011 for us to understand. 4 4 4 a