Zurich Herald, 1945-12-27, Page 3SOME DAY SHE'LL TALK ABOUT THIS VISIT Queen Elizabeth showed keen interest in • ae brand-new Briton during her visit to the Danbury Park War Emergency hospital at Chelmsford, London. The mother, Mrs, Mary French, was, impressed by the royal visit, but not so was young Caroline, the new baby. CHB of GI GE F By Gwendoline P. Clarke As I write it is the week before -Christmas - and what weather! The wind is so cold it seems utterly im- possible to keep the house warns - for the first time since we had the furnace installed, That is because the wind is in the southwest and .a11 our storm windows are on the north and north-west of the house. But at any rate it isn't storming so we have much to be thankful for, especially with coal in the cellar and a recently cut woodpile in the yard. I wish I could be. sure that everyone else was equally fortunate. I feel the cold so much myself that it just retakes inc wonder how people can suffer lack of heat, clothes, food and bedding and still survive. . * * =h Well, T Have just turned on the radio and judging from the storm news from Buffalo we, by compar- ison, certainly have little to com- plain about on this side of the -bor- der - at least, not at present. And then, as if to convey the impression that Old Masi` Winter -is not always in a .harsh mood I saw front the kitchen -window, the most glorious sunrise I have seen in weeks - flame tipped purple clouds against a back- ground of the palest green. A typ- ical Turneresque sky - except that Turner's pictures are mostly of sun- sets, are they not? When I said something to son Bob about the beautiful sunrise he told me I should have seen the moon! He said that when he went to the barn it was like walking out on to a great beam -of light. So now I suppose I should get up to see the moon - and I thought I was doing pretty well a- bout the sun. Excuse me a minute...I think it is light enough now for the hens to feed - so I had better go and feed 'em. * * * Br -r -r ... It's good to be back in- the warm again! I wish I were as anxious to get down to business first thing in the morning as our busy biddies. Barely light enough for thein to see and yet they are up and doing and had laid exactly one dozen eggs just to start the day right I suppose. Itt fact one of them couldn't wait for the dawn so she dropped her egg in the night. And now, having listened to Geo- ffrey Ford pinch-hitting for Jim Hunter, it is time to gel breakfast pfor Partner. You see we have breakfast in relays here. Bab is gen- erally up and out to the barn before Partner gets up. That way we can be sure of Partner getting a little extra rest, But then Bob is natur- ally through first - hence the two breakfasts. Partner, like nearly all men, is just about as stubborn as he can b(•. I want hien to sell some of his cows and he insists on keeping then. Oh yes, he does say this one and that will be shipped out "when they are dry", but I'm beginning to think he means "dry" after the next time they have conte in fresh, I "threat- ened" this ntoruhig to go down and .help with the milking later on if he still kept so many snitch cows. "Well", said Partner, "if it ever be- comes necessary to help with the milking that will he the time to call the truck in and ship thein all out!" You see, Partner has the idea that milking is no job for a woman - • Which will strike many farm people as a queer notion. * * * Taking it. all .in all this Milk bus - Ness is quite a job. I often think that when a farmer starts shipping milk it's like it roan taking to drink. The more its has the more he wants. A farmer who separates his milk and sells the cream does 't worry particularly when his mi 1: supply falls off. He has his pigs and his poultry to utilise the skim milk and, generally speaking, he has something coaling in most of the time from his by-products. Btit a farmer selling milk .. , well, he pro- bably starts by shipping two cans. Then ntaybe•he has half a can over and lie thinks if only he had a little more milk he could ship three cans. So he scouts around and buys an- other cows. By now he has reached the early stages of milk -drunken- ness. Later he imbibes still further. He thinks if twelve cows bring in so-and-so "he might as well get a milking machine and mills twenty- fotlr. That is just fine for an up and coming young dairy farmer - that is the way it should be. But there are too many older men also trying the same stunt - overtaxing their strength for the sake of selling milk and still more milk, and more than likely the women, who, in all pro- bability have reached the age when they should be taking things easy, must still go to the barn to help milk the• cows that keep the milk cheques rolling in. But maybe I had better quit be- fore I say too much. VOICE OF THE PRESS � ANIMAL LORE The following advice conies from a Wall Street expert: "Be bullish in a bull market; be bearish in a bear market." And, we would add if you can't be either, don't be a goat, or you're an ass. - Toronto Sat- urday Night. MARK OF GOOD MAN In this wave of crime, what the country needs is more plowing matches. Who ever heard of a good plowman who didn't go straight? -Ottawa Citizen. ODDS ON THE WINNER When a motorist decides to race a train to a crossing, it doesn't mat- ter which wins. The trouble really comes when it ends in a tie, - Windsor Star. AND FLOOR ATTACHED Speaking of ceilings - a lot of War Veterans would like to see those with four walls hanging down the sides. -- Stratford Bcacon- IhIeraa(l. VICIOUS CIRCLE A new bill fixes rents for fur- nisitc(1 rooms, A small committee is trying to find Os rooms. - Punch, Population or the earth in 7000 is estimated at 7,000,000, ap- proximately that of New York City today. You Will Enjoy Slaying At The Sts Regis Hotel 'r (111 O N'1 0 ag Every It 00111 WI h 11oh. Shover rind Telephone, A Single, 82.50 rep ... Boubte, i:t.50 up. 0 Hood t•'ood, Dieirg end Danc- ing Nlghily. Sherbournc nt Carlton TeL IRA 413 4:= Tanning Process The Hebrews, thousands of years ago, discovered the tanning process still used in making shoe leather, relates 'the Peterborough Examiner. They also discovered that other useful tanning process referred to in Proverbs xiii, 24: "He that spareth hie rod hateth his son; but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes." Have You Heard' "Johnny." said his mother, se- verely, "someone has taken a big piece of ginger cake out of '.the pantry." Johnny blushed guiltily, and fidgeted around. "Oli, Johnny," site exclaimed, "I didn't think it was in you!" "It ain't all," replied JoitnxY, "part of it's in Elsie." Fifth -Avenue Shopper: "What a frightful price you ask for that hat!" Salesgirl: "I know, Madam, but it's a frightful hat." "And now," said the history teach- er brightly, "can anyone tell me who Joan of Arc was?" The class 'Was silent, and then one small boy ventured tentatively, "Maybe she was Noah's wife?" women like egotistical men as well as the other kind?" She: "What other kind?" Salesman: "Are you interested in book ends?" Xmas shopper: "Yes that's al- ways the bit I read first." During the war the British flew He: "Honestly, now, do you 18 railway lcornotives to Burma. Pardon Me Severely jostled in the thunder- ing herd of London's rush hour, a fragile young woman finally found herself in a solid block. Her sense orhumour was not impaired, however. She poked .her face close to the ear of at) adjoining reale. "Look," she demanded tartly; "my rib -is it crushing your el- bow?" GOVERNMENT RELEASES TIRES. NO PERMIT REQUIRED Thousands of real good heavy treaded, retreaded tires in such well known makes as Goodyear, Firestone, etc., that contain thousands of miles. Every tire guaranteed and are offered at these low prices as long as. the supply lasts. AUTO TIRES TRUCK AND BUS TIRES Heavy. - Guaranteed • Ileavy Heavy Tire Size Retreaded Ileayy Service Tire Size duty service like new New Tubes ltelreaded l\ew Tubes Price Price Price Price 440-450/21 $ 8.85 $3.1n 30x 0 ply a 60 450/20 8.85 $11.40 , . , . , 3 4.00 30x5 p1 ' 18.50 , , . 3.60 475-500/10 9.40 3.80 32x6 8 1,13' 32,35 , , , . 7.00 475-500/20 0.50 4.00 32x6 10 ply 26.50 . , .. 7.00 550/16 11.95 525--550/17 12.00 , . . 2.95 30x7 :I2 ply 15.00 .. , . 11.054 525-550/19 12.00 000/16 15.90 4.a;. 525-5550/20 12.8505 �0/"0 17.40 ..... 3,0(1 2 3.30 0550/ 4 10.35 .,,. 7.99 600/16 13.30 4,35 650/20 22.8.5. . , . , 7.00 625-050/16 15.15 5.35 700/10 22405 .... 5 "5 600-650/17 14.55 0:05 700/17 600-650/20 13.25 2.90 7002020.50 .... 7.00 700/16 37.20 5.35 750/10 20.50 .. , . 5.75 700/17 17 20 4.70 750/17 29.50 700/20 17 20. 6.00 750/20 33.00 .. , . 11.05 750/15 23,35 750/16 .. , . 26.40 5.75 Order Now Don't Wish You Had If it's a tire for a wagon, truck or tractor or an odd size we have it, Prices on request. Order at once as we do not expect the supply to Last At these low prices. We ship everywhere. Enclose the full amount rd BILTRITE TIRE CO., 279 QUEh EN ur ST.r EAST, TORONTO_2 BABY CHICKS BABY CHICK BUYERS ORDER YOUR GOVERNMENT AP - proved chicks now and obtain an early order discount. Each breed- er is Government banded and. blood -tested. Write for our 1946 price list and catalogue, Monkton Poultry- Farms. Monk -ton, Ontario IF YOU WANT LAYING AND ready to lay pullets for im- mediate delivery we have them. Barred Rocks, New Mampshires, White Leghorns or cross breds. Also day old chicks for immediate delivery. free catalogue. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ont, THE ONLY PURINA EMBRYO -FED Barred Rock and Crossbred. Ap- proved chicks being produced in Chatham are blood -tested by the tube method for both the regular and X strains of pullorum. Order now from Frank Price Hatchery, 11 •Jahnke St.. Chatham, Ont. FOR TOP NOTCH POULTRY start with Top Notch chicks. Lay a firm foundation for your future poultry profits by starting your next flock with Top Notch chicks, the healthy, sturdy and vigorous chicks. Every Top Notch chick you buy carries with it the best characteristics of its pre -selected Puliortun tested breeder. Invest- igate the Top Notch family; you'll Bind chicks to suit every need whether it is pure breeds or cross breds, 'We have chicks for imme- diate delivery, also booking now for Spring delivery. Free cata- logue• and 1946 pricelist. Also lay- ing and ready to lay pullets for immediate delivery. "Lop Notch Chicker"les, Guelph, Ontario. 25 FREE CHICKS OUI; BABY CHICKS ARE THE progeny of Foundation and Re- gistered Birds. All Breeders blood -tested. Prices from 3e to 25c. All guaranteed excellent layers. Don't delay, order now. Goddard Chick Hatcheries, Bri- tannia Heights. Ont. A HATCH BEFORE THE REGUL- ar hatch for broiler and light roaster production. By those who have the proper facilities for winter brooding. More diversific- ation in the poultry business is advisable. Ilse buildings and equipment longer and to greater advantage. Indicationsare that poultry prices will continue high for the first sit months in 1946 at least. Producers should be able to complete contracts with proces- sors for that period even before buying the chicks. During the war some remarkable achieve- ments took place in the year round production of poultry meat. Specialized meat production has become remunerative in its own right, Greatly improved proces- sing facilities have assisted in this development. New ideas in Poultry barbecues, in the sale of . cut up poultry, 000ked poultry and Eviscerated poultry are here to stay. A new era in the sale of poultry meat has begun. If you want chicks for imtnediate deity - et y we have them. If you, want chicks for Inter delivery it will pity you to book them now. Send for free catalogue alid 1946 price - list. .Also laying and ready to lay pullets for immediate delivery. Tweddte Chick ITatcheries Lim- ited, Fergus, Ontario, , SUPERIOR CHICKS Fall chicks, Winter chicks, Spring chicks, all popular breeds, Hy- brids, day old and started. Im- mediate or later delivery. All breeders bloodtested. 21 day liv- ability guarantee. Catalogue, Prices free. Superior Hatchery, Linwood, Ontario., WE HAVE FOR IMMEDIATE SHIP- inent laving and ready to lay pul- lets in .New Hamm/hires, Barred 'Maks and White T,eghorns, also crops breds. Also day old chicks fee immediate delivery" i'weddle 1'hi,;,lc Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, ntilnrio. 1V P1' V 1; A (1001) SUPPLY 0.1' aInrtvd chivits,'2-3 week olds, ve- rious breeds and crosses, includ- ing heavy braedtr, Also dayolde. Immediate or only in the year delivery. Pullet bargains in Jan- uary - ask for prices, Order now. linty 14ntohnt•y, 190 John N. Hamilton, (it. ISSUE 52--1945 BAIIY CRICKS ORDER YOUR. 1046 RED ROCK hybrid chicks now. Mixed, pullets or Cockerels. Only pullorum blood -tested contest winning stock used. Circular. Angus Urqu- hart, Greenfield, Ont. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WE HAVE PROSPECTIVE PUR- chasers for properties near Windsor, Toronto and Niagara Falls. Write, giving us full par- ticulars., Guaranty Trust Com- pany of Canada, Windsor - To- ronto Niagara Falls, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOR two smart aggresive Canadians. One wh•3 knows egg and poultry gradingand one who has know- ledge of operating a, cold storage locker dant where" slaughtering and mining of meats would be part of 'the service, Both must have sai'.:es and .organizing ability and be prepared to become a shareholder in the organization with at Ieast 93,500 capital each. Apply Northern Farm Products Limited,. 3 Pine Street, North, Timmins, Ontario, HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO OWN a 910,000 Horne, built to your own specifications,•ivherever you wish? If you prefer we will give 910,000 in Victory Bonds. Oppor- tunity to win $100,00 monthly draw. All proceeds for under- privileged children' and play- grounds. Draw date - December 31st, 1945, Don't delay. Receipts mailed promptly. Send $1.00 for one ticket, 6 for 95.00, right now. To Kiwanis Club of Sudbury, Box 53, Sudbury, Ont, 1i1ContISl•y Winners - July - George Flett, Orient Bay, Ontario, August - Mrs. M. Roberts, 1315 Nlpigon Ave. Fort William, Ont. September N. Taylor, 22 Elm St.., Sudbury, Ont. October - F, Primeau - Capreol, Ontario. November - F. T. Newton - Bali Island,' Nfld. DYEING AND CLEANING HAVIS YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us • for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment 11. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 rouge Street, To- ronto. DLTECTili,S COMMERCIAL., DOMESTIC, LEGAL investigations; anywhere in Onta- rio, Persons located. Free con- sultation. Telephone Kingsdale 9225, Active Investigation Bu- reau, 68 Farnham Avenue, To- ronto, Ont. FOB SALE REGISTERED HEREFORDS FOR SALE Year Old' Bull, Domino Bred, well marked. Two younger bulls, also one cow . rising three, all blood tested and T. B. Clear". Also other animals owned by Breeders in vicinity. For information write I3. G, Simpkin, Robrolea Farm, Stroud, Ontario, 1 FARM TRACTOR, HOME made. ('heap. O. Bradley, Russell, Ontario, S'CAIt11' COLLECTORS - (4(111- gcous pictorial packet, 100 varie- ties, including Cooks Islands, As- cension, Airmails, commemor- atives.. 26c. Approvals. Bruce, 2518 • 15t, Street N, W„ Calgary, Alberta. I'IIOTOSTAMPS - 'YOUR PHOTO on beautiful stamps, Sample' free. • Amazing "Wonderloon fits your purse, weaves anything. 91.50 with patterns. Redd ick, Vines Ave., Oshawa, Ontario. PLASTICS, PLEXIGLAS KIT, EASY to make jewellery, lamps, home furnishings, •etc„ for own use, gifts or resale from this beautiful ptastic,. Plexiglas., jewellery find- ing cement, instructions included. 94.50 plus postage, C'. 0. I). Shane on Products 'Co. P, O. Box 2584, Place D'Arrnes, Montreal, Que, S7'AMl' COLLECTORS 'WRITIO FOR free price list of new and. old issues, mint and used, Mount xioyal Stamp Co., 1473 McGill College Ave., l.fontreel, Que. • FOIL SA•t.1 REIN OUTFIT SPECIAL 914.95. Cleaned and freshly enamelled metal bed, re -finished spring and brand new, felt mattress, $14.95. Re -silvered springs, all sizes $4.95. Re -conditioned drop -side and pull-out couch with. new cretonne covered mattress with valance" $14.95. Buy with confidence frotn Wholesale Furniture, 10 Market St., Toronto, Ont. QUILT SAMPLES High grade suitings, make ever- lasting quilts, 311 pieces about 6 x 18, $1.50, plus 20e. postage, re- mit with order. A Rice, 361 Spa- ding, Toronto, Ontario. AT STUD -IRISH SETTER-MAHO- gany Kim of Ardee, sired by C, H. Elmcroft Red Ace. (Reg'd.) . Don Shaw Phm,D. Cannington,` Ontario. Now is the time to buy a one-man light weight portable "PRECISION" POWER CHAIiNi SAW to fell or cross -cut timber pulp- wood or firewood. Tiro types ma- nufactured. Botit $400 f.o.b. Montreal. Precision Parts Ltd., 2023 Aylmer St.. Montreal, ELECTRIC MOTORS NEW, USED bought, sold, rebuilt; belts pul- leys, brushes, Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd. 2326 I)ufferin St, Tor- onto. FARMS FOR SALE 150 AC. FARM, LOT 28, CON 10 Proton, County Grey. Sacrifice. Andrew Mitchell, R. 2, Dundalk, Ontario. FARM FOR SALE, 200 ACRES, brick house, barn, stables. Apply Mr, Robbins, R. R. No. 1, Mono Mills, Ont, - B1ATRDl1FSSING LEARN HATRIiT1ESSING PRE Robertson tnethod, Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto, RIICDIC AL BAUMEEKA FOOT EAI}) DE- stroys offensive odor idstantly, 45c. bottle, Ottawa agent. Den- man Drug Store, Ottawa. I3REENATONE HEALTH SALTS positively does relieve Arthritis and Rheumatism. Painful, swol- len Joints reduced no matter how long you have suffered. Months suppiy 91.00 postpaid, Indian Re- medies, Box 118, Vancouver, B. C. PEOPLE ARE TALK.TNG ABOUT the good results from taking Dix- on's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains and Neuritis, Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 91.00. STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often aro the cause of ill -health in humans, all ages. No one im- mune! Why not find out if this Is your trouble ,interesting particu- lars - Free; Write Mnlveney's Remedies, Specialises, Toronto 3. IT'S EXCELI.IENT. RE.\I. RESULTS after taking Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains and Neuritis, Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 91,00. OPP'ORT'UNITIES Eon WOIUEN 13E A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOI. Great Opportunity. Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates, America's greatest sys- tem. Tllustrnted catalogue free. Write or call MAPVEL HAT RDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 moor St. \V. Toronto Branches: 44 King St. Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa, NEW HOBBY' HANDICRAFT. With R onderloont you can weave handbags, afghans, luncheon -sets easily. Complete with instruc- tions and three. patterns. One Dollar, J. L Rice Agencies, 481 lelmeon St. Kingston, Ontario, P EIISONAl, "11112lAII COMING BEFORE Christ," Wonderful book free. Megiddo Mission, Rochester 11, N. T. PIIOTOGRAI'ElIC TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your aims properly developed and printed" 6 011 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25c RREPRINI'S 8 for 25c FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE Fou may not get all the alms you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by senc int; your tams to 131 I'ER IAL PHOTO S EI: VICE Station 1, Toronto t'Ht)'rtrttRA P51 Y BE FIRST TO HAVE ONE ENLARGEMENT IN GLASS AND PLASTIC CRYSTAL EASEL 69c Send your negative anti get this newest -style glass enclosed en- largement 3% x 43j," for your mantel or dressing table - or to give a friend. Supported in this crystal clear new plastic mount Sour picture shows to its best ad- vantage. Packed to ensure safe delivery and postage paid for only 61 oell,, Any size rolls(6 or 8 exposures), developed and printed 25 cents. Enlargements 4 x 6" in easel mounts. 3 for 25e,; framed on ivo- ry tint mats, 7 x 9" in Gc,1d, Silver Walnut 01' Black Ebony finished frames. 5Pc, each. If colored, 79c. FREE BONUS OFF1:It. •A coupon good for one mounted enlargement 4 x 6" given free with each 25c. order received dur- ing January and February. Canada's largest studio does qua- lity work promptly - and at low- est cost. (Print name and Addresei Plainly on Orders.) DEPT, PI STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 12811, Post Office A. Toronto DiUSICA L rNSTRRG11IE:N'1S FRED A. BODDINGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges musical instru- ments. 111 Church. Toronto 2. PATTONTS FETHERSTONI2A UGH & COMPAN Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of informa llop on re- quest TA XJDERAIY DEER HEADS MOUNTED, DEER Hides tanned into glove leather, we also buy Deer Hides, Sheep skins tanned for floor rugs. Bear Hides tanned and made into rugs. Foxes and Furs dressed and made into scarfs, 26 Elm Street, Toron- to, Oliver Spanner Co. Ltd. WANTF,D WANT BUSI\ESS, ANY .KIND, cash buyers for Stores, Mills, Garages, Hotels, what have you. George Drummond, Owen Sound, Ont. 1VANTED, Rt'61L11Y 50 H.P. TRA.O- tor: state condition and price. Box 30, Haliburton. THEATRE WANTED 300 seats or over, any town tan Ontario. Private only. Advertise er, 238 Torrens Avenue, Toronto 0, Ont. \\" ANT 1-HO(lteE IN TOWN, VII.. - lege or Highway, prefer with little land, $700 to 918110, Several cash buyers. Give description, net price. George Drummond, Owen Sound. Ont. \\'AISTIeir T() RIINT ACRLi3AGIS fern! or lot. Conveniences in house. Remo 10. 1 Gould Street, Terenli', tint, HIGHEST PRICES PAID For all kinds of dressed pouttrg', (let our prices before you sell, Write, phone er Wire JOHN C. COOPER 2304 DLOO.R ST', 11'., TORONTO PI -TONE I PI-TONU. 0189 9lTV'55k MR. T13iTv PO\VLM' W,fl;It: al EN AND W(11\4EN TO take ot•ders for chicks. You can make money in your Spal'e tints soiling your friends and neigh - hours chicks for one of Canada!s oldeestablished atftes. Government full details. Ciox No, 51, 71 Adelaide W., Tot•otito.