Zurich Herald, 1945-11-29, Page 5ZURICH, ONTARIO BUSINESS CARDS WANTED JA.SH OR FOX HORSES—Dead animals removed. Two-hour ser- vice day or night. Phone Credi- ton 47r15, collect. PJack4-Wil- liams. Put Your Want, For:Sale Lout, Found, Etc. Ads. in this Column. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex AM IN A POSITION TO CON - tact any Auction Sale, regardlei as to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, sdo t satisfied will make no charges for Services Ren - bred. WEBER. -Dashwood ARTHUR' Phone 57 r 12 FOUND A pen .and pencil set in leather .ease: Owner can have same by identi- fying it and paying for this adv. at Thiels Transport Office, Ph. 186. VETERINAR1A.I' Dr. W. B. COXON, ;•',�` '. Sc„ VETERINARY SURGEON Owe with Residence, Main Ss -met, Opposite Drug Store Zurich Intone -96. FOR QUICK SALE Green and ivory enamelled kitchen stove,; also 2 -burner coal oil stove with . oven. Both in good condition -- Ed. Datars, Jr. ce, Ma fidlr : Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Westlake of Bayfield were in town Tuesday. The many friends of Mr. Jacob Deichert wish him a speedy recovery from his recent illness, Mr. George Volland of Detroit, visited at the home of his cousin, Miss Lizzie Volland over the week -end. The local Lions Club are sponsor- ing a public dance in the Town Hall this Fridayevening. Miss Florence Haberer of London, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Haberer. The MissesGertrude and Monies Druar of London, were week -end vis- itors with their parents, Mr. ant: Mrs Jos, Druar, west of town. :Nits. Earl Heywood and c>.augater, Patricia Ann of Exeter, ep ne .the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Wm. Thiel. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn St'lck and daughter Patsy of Bradford, are enjoying a few days in the North Bay district ;this week. FOR QUICK SALE 1 dining .table; 1 roll top desk; 3. 250 -egg incubator; 1 fanning mill; 1 double driving harness; 1 Clyde gelding.—Jos. Druar, Phone '85r7 BUTCHER' ---� Town Hall, Zurich Mr. R. H. Graham, Ontario Live NOTICE HAY TOWNSHIP FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE MEETING On WE.DNE.SDAY, DECEMBER 5th At 8 o'clock p.m., in the Irel9 PopU�i GRIM l$ ,Stock 13a'anch, Toronto, will be supply you with the ktAl lL�t 1,J� supl` very Choice of fresh and Cur- ed Meats, ',Polognas, Sausages, Ect,, always on hand. Kept Tech in Electric aslrt Prices gero oaI HighestSkins Wool, Hides and 11, Yu1gh1nt & Bon PRODUCE Silverwood D MMBIBS west speaker. EVERYBODY WELCOME Karl Haberer, President. Theo. Steinbach, Secy-Treas. AND s Rubbers FOR COLD AND WET W.ATHER LET US SUPPiLY YOU WITH YOUR NEEDS, WE CARRY A GOOD SELECTION. OF DRESS SHOES, WORK BOATS and RUBBERS for the Entire FAMILY. BUY FROM OUR EARLY SEASON SUPPLY GOOD SHOE STYLES! GOOD •SHOE VALUES? GOOD 1SHOE SERVICE - LOWEST CASH PRICES - Mdss• Alpha Meyers is spending er, few days at the home of her sister, and Mrs. Hope at Streetsville, after writing her R.N. Exams. at Lon don. Mr. Nicholas Deichert of 'Detroit, is- visiting for a few days at the home of his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Yung- blut and his brother, Mr. Jacob t Deichert, FOR SALE FARM -150 acres farm on conces- sion three, Tuckersmath, 2 1-2 .miles from Henson, one mile from school, on the farm is a bank barn and silo, 15 acres of bush and plenty of water. Apply to Henry Volland, Goderich, Ontario. STRAYED Mr. Theo. :Steinbach, Mr. William Decker and son Carl and Mr. Merrier attended the Fair at Walkerton one day last week. Mrs. Sam. E. Faust and son Har- old of Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Faust of Galt, were Sunee.y visitors at the home of Mrs. W. H. Hoffman and Mr. and Mrs. Leroy O'Brien., Unto my premises, Babylon line, Hay Township, a 2 -yr. old red steer with white face. Owner can have same by proving property and pay- ing expenses.—Arnold 'Merner. Cash Markd Io�lt'x,ain, Eggs i -lave your Eggs Graded on our GG OMATIC GgADER EGG LeRoy O'Brien, Manager Phone 101 ZURICH ittfich Cre sty EiD. J. DATARS RELIABLE FOOTWEAR And SHOE RE,PA1P.ING. TRUNKS AND SUITCkSES Thhrsdmy, November Toth, 1945 M_r -. ez- aoe.e aeeea. tea.. :re � �r ��1rl� �trll►rr+lrrrr lArlr��lr4��rrrr9y.4'41o4> • N1"� w i WE HAVE 'RECENTLY APPOINTED MR. JQHN IN.GRAM • ¢ OF HENSALL, 'AS CO-OPERATIVE SHIPPER FOR HEN - i.; s SALL AND ZURICH DISTRICT. ANYONE INTERESTED S• q IN SHIPPING CATTLE, CALVES OR SHEEP FROM THEN- 4. SAJ.L BY RAIL PLASE CALL HENSALL 83-43 AND AR- 44 t RANGE • TO HAVE A TRUCK CALL FOR IT. 4 IoA SHIPMENT OF BINDER TWINE HAS ARRIVED. • iHuron Farmers' Cao..Oper�atiVe A 0 HENSALL, Phone 115. R. J. COOPER, MANAGER A Oo,trersm�stooas000*o rsrroroo ea. . st + i EXETER GETS DOCTOR Major F.- J. Milner, who has been with the Canadian Army Med. Corps and -will shortly receive an hon. dis- charge, has decided to locate in Ex- eter. Dr. Milner is a graduate of the Western, receiving his B.A. degree in 1.93i and his M.D. in 1934. He served for the and a half years as a medical officer in Europe and was with the 'forces in England, France, Belgium, Holland and Germany. He was deputy assistant directur of medical services at No. 21 Army headquarters. At the landing on the Normandy' Beaches and at the Battle of Caen. DASHWOOD Mr. and Mrs. James Vier have moved their household effects to their new home near Mount Cermet. Their property in Zurich has been purchas- ed by Mr. Jacob Ortwein of the Bron- son line. Miss Vera Decker of Exeter gave a very interesting message on her missionary work in the Western Pro- vinces on Sunday evening in the Evangelical church, Dashwood, under the auspices of the W.M.S. PIGS FOR SALE 15 small pigs for sale. Harry Mc- Adams, phone 82 r 5, Zurich. FARM FOR SALE Grass land, Lot 25, Concession 8, Hay Township, 100 acres. Good pasture land, has some poplar. Apply to Chas: A. Robinson, R.R. 3, Mit- chell, Ont. Your Horne IVMarket for Cream Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plus a premium for delivered create' q(Je :are equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. Egg rind Poultry department ;charge of Mr. T. Meyers. A. L. Mellett - Proprietor. INSURANCE in Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fassold and family spent the week -end with his .parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Fassold. Miss Myrtle Geiser spent the we- _ ek-end with Miss Belva Truemner on the 14th con. Rev. and Mrs. Burn are attending a eonveritioe in Waterloo this week. Miss Oen. Decker of Exeter gave a very interesting address on Sun- day evening in the Evangelical church tinder the auspices of the W. M,,S. Thank Offering. On •Senday, Dec. 2nd Rev. Erd- man of Waterloo will be the guest spealcer`in the Lutheran church and in the rlvening will show pictures. A cordial :invitation is extended to all. Mr. -:Ind Mrs. Jack Soldan 'of the Parr Liffe were Sunday visitors with 1 Mr. and' Mrs. T. Harry Hoffman. Misses Marie Wein and Lois Gaiter of London spent the week -end at\ !lrpiv0araltat9e9 .sxsueclossoos ae saas tutees e9ta o®e 9seans9si16; 5 4 5 5 5 5 e Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Cowen and family of Exeter, Miss Pearl Wurtz, and Mr. Chas. Fritz were Sunday guests at the home of the teaser's son, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz in honor of Charles Co.wen's birthday. A lovely time was enjoyed. Mr and Mrs. Urban Pfile 14th con. Mrs. Hugh Love of near Exeter, had a very pleasant visit with their uncle and .aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Damroaer, in Kinda, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Wim Haugh also visited relatives and fri- e'nds in Pigeon, Mich. Over the week- end. The Womens' Institute will pack boxes for the boys overseas on Mon- day evening. Anyone who can spare a few goodies, also give ar helping eipi g hand would be much app ' d. There are about 20 of,our boys ov- erseas and how they long to be hone so help to give thein a Christmas cheer. RATIONING TO STAY WANTED Carpenters, Labourers for large building project. Also helpers Cl Planing Mill and Office Boy.— F. Kalbfleisch & Son, Zurich. • LOST Between Will Schragg's north lel Zurich and Sarepta a box containing men's and childrens' underwear. Fin- der kindly contact Mr. S. M. Peache.y Western farmers' Mutual Wether Insurance Co. FOR SALE Colony House almost new 15x20 - ft. Apply Clarence Rohner, R. R. No. 3, Bayfield. FARM FOR SALE On the Blue Water Ethway, one mile south of :St. Joseph, consisting of 94 acmes, nirrrr- or less and facing a new surveyed summer resort. This property is la goo.ad state .of cultivat- ion with 7 scree of second growth bush, and well drained, has two barns one on cement -will, good farm house of frame with foundation and cellar, with three MOMS on upper floor,alsolarge three rooms on. bottom floor, kitchen and garage. There is plenty of water at back end of farm, with a good house well and cistern. About 20 acres of fall plowing with 10 acres of fall wheat: Apply to Flied Ducharme, R.R.2, Box 63, Juch OF WO.ODSTOCK rHE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance 1atRisk on December Slat, 44 $45,4€5,636. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds. $27±;,133. E. F. KLOPP_ZURICH Agent, also Dealer in Lightn- kgRods and all kinds of Fire insurance ,Job Print. in Irntilernent e mrS We have recently received a good supply oz, Repairs for Farm Equipment, such as Plow Points, Sole Shoes, Landsides, Plow ! repairs for M -H. 7 and Verity Plows; Cul:tivatoa• Points, Etc. YOUR POULTR`:' NEEDS Soon the Poulry and Chick season will be with us again, and many supplies which may then be hard to get will be required. Put in your supply now while the supply is here. PEAT MOSS, POUL- TRY LITTER, and CHICK STARTERS are some of the items you will require, Let us supply you. ORDER YOUR COAL NOW! The Fuel Administrator advises all people to place their orders for next Winter's Fuel as early as they can, to avoid the big rush when it is actually needed Place your order now and don't be disappointed by ordering later. their homes here. Mr. and Mrs. Czar Steinhagen o£ I Chesley spent a few days with 'his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stein- hagen. Spr. Garnet Weiberg who. is stat- ioned at Woodstock spent the week- end with relatives here. A fine musical entertainment was given in the Evangelical church last Friday evening from the choir of a- bout 50 voices from the Metropolit- an church, London, under the direct- ion ion. of Mr. T. C. ,Chattoe. entertainment was sponsored by the choir of the Evangelical al ch de r There was a very good greatly and the whole . program• was n g enjoyed. At the close of the pro- gram the choir members served lunch to the • entertainers and received a hearty vote of thanks. The proceeds for the evening amounted to $80.00. L.A.C. Theodore Lurgi who has been stationed at Halifax spent a few days at his home here before i leaving- for the West where he is 1 stationed. Rev...,u e T Luft f Dashwood anti Rev. Rationing in the United States of all •meats,- canned fish and food fats and oils, including butter; was ab- andoned last Saturday. The sweep - inn action left sugar as the only food commodity, and tires the only on food item. At Ottawa Prime Min- ister King announced in the ,Comm - was the Government's intention of continuing its meat rationing pro- gram until such time as it may feel justified in adopting other measures. Mr. King said this decision had been reached in view of the perilious food situation facing Europe, to abandon these rations would necessitate a re- examination of Canada's policy. This mean, that 'Canadian meat ration will continue for some time, probably through the winter and until the European food supply situation im- proves. Hensall CouAcil Minutes The regular meeting of the Vill- age 1Council wet; held on vie eve. of Nov. 6th in the Council Chamber with all members being present. The minutes of the previous meeting we- re read and adopted. R. J. Paterson, tax collector report- ed as having collected $2767.47 in current taxes. A number of correspondence -was read and considered then Bills Bills and e.ccount Expositor printing 2.10; J. A. Pater- son sel. jurors 1.50; R. J. do J Paterson, T. Kyle salary 7880; Hydrok for hall. 111.48. Dr. r. H. tSherk appeared at the Councils request re the appointment as Medical Officer of Health, and after considerable discussion it was decided to appoint him as Medical Officer of health for the Village at a salary of $90.00 per year. Motion, that by-law 7 and R be c ;lye their second and third readings and. pally passed, Jos, A, Pater•sp), Cxeric. IF YOU REQUIRE ANY PRINTED MATTER, STATIONERY, 0 R OTHER (ORDINARY WORK, RE- Mo'.Mltp 1 TO CALL AT HE HERALD OFFICWHERE PRICES MtE ALWAYS LOW AND WORD. HURON -PERTH RIDING �W C. C. F. MEET Seventeen enthusiastic members of the Hu.ron-+Pcrth riding Association of the C. C. F. met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kernick, Exeter, R. R., Tuesday evening, Nov. 13. The president, W. C. F. Oestricker, Cred- iton, directed the business. The Sec- retarlr, Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, Exeter, read the minutes of the previous me- eting. Later there was discussion on ways and means of extending the C. C. 1?. System of policy and it was un- animously felt that education and a well informed public was the chief eolution. Rev. C.. W. Down was the guest speaker and adressed the meet - ting on "'rhe Labour Movement and the Farther." .tic stressed the need for a bettor understanding of the problems of city labourers by the rural people. Many fannershe Zurich Herald 1 on when mentioned Pollex of Sebringville exchanged pul-1 pits 'last (Sunday. Rev. Luft spbke at Sebringville, Wartburg and Strat- ford and Rev. Pollex was at Dash--; wood. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Price. of Exeter celebrated t'hear silver wedding an- niversab y . on ;Sunday at the Borne of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gacketetter, the entire family being present. Dulling the afternoon they; were presented with a number of gifts. and an address was read by their daughter Dorothy. The remain- der of the afternoon was sport in singing. . On 'Monday night the Men's Bible.' Class siirprisecl Mr. and Mrs. Price when they visited thein in their new home and presented Mr Price with a bible. e A 9 a ;<a • • s4:4- x•nF••s;s ., m;- -9s V4>1:0ra e9E rnini25c.) is all that it costs you�flr acBavvilii'8't'.�stdcr. in the x An Adv. that each week will reach and be read by several thousand readers, many of who will be in- terested in what you are advertising or are offering or Sale. If you want to buy or sell anything, there is no cheaper or more effective way than using an classified adv. in the Herald. Phone 80, or 105. THE ZURICH HERALD .Evangelical Ladies' Aid and W.M.S. The regular meeting was held on 1 . Thursday evening last with Mrs. Goo. i Link's group in charge. The meeting opened with a prelutle of music play- ed by Mrs. M. Klumpp, followed by a hymn, "0 Worship the Lord, - "rhe scripture was read responsive, some i expre.sions of faithful heart: was 1 ' read by Mrs. G. Wildfong, Mr. M. Tieman, Mrs. M, Haugh Mrs. Situp - son favoured with a solo "`['ire Str- anger of Galilee." `Hymn 398 was sung, followed by prayer by 'lis. "labourer" is thin c y _ONE CENT a Word i"> rn of the "hired man" ----overlooking the! Burn. The chapter in the study blert. ook', fact that they also belong ro the lab-, was give y for During class. He also stated that thei Gus{ ill,dfongs. ilthen ' prieded wit's the arobesso of labour and iz. fel resent. The meeting closed with a aro ag enat t e d same viz. a strug- hymn follower. by the Mizpah 13i'iie-1 n•la arsraiiist, the domination of grcai diction. linen eial corporatione. .. PLEASE bring back those EMPTIES The busy holiday season is almost here -- bringing with is additional demand. CARTONS and BOTTLES ARE SCARCE They will be urgently needed to enable us to maintain a steady flow of supplies tc' the consumer. Please return empties now. if you. can't bring thetn in 'phooe or write your nearest Brewers' Retail Store. THA YOU TRE BREWING INDUSTRY (Ontario) • 5,