Zurich Herald, 1945-06-14, Page 2OF BUSY For deals-in-a-htigry at any time of day—breakfast, lunch, between -meal snacks— clever clever housewives rely on Rellodo's ready -to -eat cereals. They're ready to serve in 30 seconds ... need no mixing or cooking. Easy to digest. Economical, too'. VES IEl VOICE OF THE PRESS HE "KNEADED" IT 5 e m Cha vat". robbed a 'area_ tvagan. Probably ai ,ll -bred loafer ',Fit:: no do:t, , but a lot of crust. — Ottawa Citizen. WHERE TO FIND 'EM ?::Sts resembling pinheads are now being used o some mac saes. Many of them na..a, be seen behind .Esteerinz wheels. — Peterborough Examiner. PEACE OR PIECES Note to the San. Francisco secu- rity conference: This is the world's last chance — it must come to peace or go to pieces. — Kitchener Record. THERE IS STILL HCPE• Perhaps if the right tmeasures are taken now we can win World War iII beore we leave Germany. — Brandon Sun. GOING DOWN Against all natural precedents, the Rising Sun is now going down in the East. Return Of Canucks Depends On Shipping Availability of shipping is the de- termining factor in movement of Canadian troops home, according to 1st Canadian Army Headquart- ers. i,Vh:e it is hoped the present pian to move about 15,000 home in June and 25,000 in each of the subsequent months can be carried out, there are so many considera- tions influencing the present chip- ping priorities, that no firm. official guarantees can be given that these numbers will be transported over tite Atlantic month by month. Economy Keeps Great Britain Dim Decorative and display in Britain, permitted during VE- Day EDay ceiebratio ns, must Cease ..ow- ing to the urgent need for contin- ued fuel economy," the Fuel and Power 1f=- 4:ry has announced. You Will Enjoy Staying At The ST, REGIS HOTEL TORONTO Every Routh with Oath, Show- er And relepbone. 5laglc, $2.5.0 up— Oonbie, 53.50 up, te Good Food. 'Dining and Danc- ing anning Nightly. Sherbourne at Carlton TeL RA. 4135 Nothing is rnoredepres• sing than headaches... "Why suffer.?-..Larbly's will give instant relief: tambty's isgood for ear-` ache,roothache, pains in back, stomach. bowels. iigaat HEADACHE POWDERS_ 1 Here's a SENSIBLE way to relieve MONTHLY E TANKS FOR THE BOAT RIDE When Sgt. Donald E. Hudson, 21, left, of DelCa1b;'Ill., was given access to a salvage dump in Italy, he combined discarded air- plane gas tanks with an air compressor motor and a propeller fashioned from scrap metal to make the tricky little catamaran pictured above. His companion is Pic Eric H. Staples, 32, of San- ford, Maine. Both are ordnance workers in the 15th Air Force. Princess Elizabeth Wins Driving Class King C,:alae and Queen Eliza- beth saw Princess Elizabeth, driv- ing her pony. Gipsy.. in a black phaeton built for Queen Victoria, win the private driving class for the best single turnout at the Ro- yal Windsor Horse Show. Princess 't•rgaret. dressed like her iter in a tweed coat and skirt and area:inn a colored scarf' over Lyd,aa PinkhanesVegetableC:ompound not only helps relieve monthly pain but also accompanying nervous, tired, high- strung ighstnutg feelings—when due to functional. periodic disturbances. It's one of the most efiectivemediicines for this purpose. Pinkham's Compound helps nature! Follow label diirrjectiottns. Try d""10q7( COMPOUND Naturally we will build all the f4 .:i es to : - which manpower and materIacls are 34'a113::e. But there are not going to be enough CLARE- HECLA Furnaces. to go around . , , and the most urgent needs must be met first. Any owner will tell you a CLARE-HECLA is well worth waiting for . . it is racked by 90 year_' exper- ience and progress in effic- ient home heating. If you really need <t new furnace t.1is fall better see ~.'our Clare dealer AGENTS W.ANTED' REPRESENTATIVES RELIABLE wanted to sell Plastic Coatings, especially suited for Brick and 3I.tal surfaces. also ter Roofs. Finest qz e prothIcte. Good c?tam: Bos 2T. 73 Adelaide W., 'I'er rata. BuI3F CHICKS STARTED PULLETS, BARRED Ronks 'and \Finite Leg torn% weeks cid 2„e Goddard Chick Hatcheries, Britannia. Heights. Ontaria. ROCK X LEGHORNS 511.55, ALS• - tra Whites 512.50. Shipped C.O.D. m anywhere by: „iilowdale Chick- ery, Newtor.brook. Ont. STARTED CHICKS -2 TO 4 WEEKS OLD 'We can supply fairly limited num- ber of started chicks 2-4 weeks old, if you act quickly. WEEKLY SPECIAL LIST STARTED CHICKS Send for weekly spe i.-1 list of started chick:. FREE RANGE PULLETS 3 S MONTHS OLIN Raised under ideal range conditions LAI VIEW POULTRY FA DAA A Breeding Farm of 5000 Layers. WEIN BROS., Exeter,Ont. REDUCED PRICES FOR CHICKS BARRED RUCKS. 12e, LEGHORN Pullets 22c, Barred Rock Pullets 2('e, Leghorr,s are _Barron strain. stock: are U.B.S. Breeding., and all breeders are btoud-testes, B. R. Cockerels to six weeks old also Leghorn Pullets exult weeks old, fully feathered and roosting. Hybrid Broilers four weeks and over. One dollar books your order ;vow. Johnson Hatchery, Fergus, Ont. her hair sat as Princess` Elizabeth's passenger with a top -hatted groom i" the hack seat. The Duke of Beaufort presented Princess Elizabeth with an oil painting by Gwyn Jones of herself driving her Norwegiai. pony, with which she won at the show last year. Netherlands East Indies have a population of 70,000,000, of whom 45.n00.000 live .on Java. DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHIVGr1te to • Dns dyeing or cleaning. tee' information. We are glad to answer, your questions* Depart- mente Works led 791ar1'onge Street, To- ronto. ELECTRIC WATER BEA.TERSI IMMERSION TYPE, COPPER CON- struetion, 6t;u-watts. Just drop it in a pan of water and almost in- stantly the water is hot. Handy in the kitchen, wonderful for shaving etc. Postpaid $3.00. The Radio Hospital, Tracadie, N.B. DON'T JUT TAKE 01.-R WORD fer it. Ask the poultrymen who i asaistentiy order Tweddle chicks ,ear after year they'll tell you the Feaanr, Thea seorY in every l tell you our chicks anti way because all Tweddle chicks are Government Approved from bleadtested breeders. Buy Tweddle 'hicks for Bigger profits. Our h=gh glare -17.y and low prices will please you. Prompt.delivery on day old. 2 week . --0 week and week ells in ail popular breeds. • Also free range pu , -tQ . eight Svc_• , c and oder. Send for reduc ed P ce:1st for June and July. Ttredd,Y+ Chick hatcheries Lim- ited. Fergus. Ontario. ATTENTION— P()ULTRYKEEPERS —•sur Ju '-n:ks should 1)8 or - ,a:: e3 v. For prompt delivery e have mast breeds. pullet.. eh:eke. crecIteeele. Pray Hat, eery. J tel .. Hr_ niit.•ra Ont. FARM 31ACBIN ER7i FOR SALE THE NEW IMPROVED HAY DIVIDER CAN BE FITTED TO SWATH bhelp dusually any neededoWill forkreplace hay behind mower in heavy crops. Also save time, as there is no clogging of knife or knife guard. d. Guaranteed satisfaction. $7.50 f.o.b. Bristol, Que. Sole Mfgr. and istributor for Canada and U.S. LOCAL SPARE TIME AGENTS . WANTED.. A. ., BBIC, BRISTOL„ YOU PAY NO MORE FOR let a T,:' Na -•:h Chi ks. '• here pay a hialter priee f3 quality. T, -p '-sort check., are wei kr r. by poultrymen r.- ••.f Y de ritheir tu-beelth ..r 1 £ r a ur:r ;,ro- tu of tfetr breeds Ju 7th Non - . X White afterI,Q t ' -. I1� t£•d ▪ alc ara al'e e„ Reeks. New aloree -. '. r: I~ m*, I" X 5. d L zht '"Dreeds ".45: teeert- • ..Ie" Pa=le'-: White1..- , _ .' i •Int . X 's4 bite I.z Valet fettee •.25 Pa-- . y &: New I.",,r'p:aa re X r l s 1r, Nev Itletrip- shtees Asearrel La ntaceo•a d t. • 3-C + i C. keWhile Legheree Drrel Reeke, • 1-i aY 17..tr e X 'Reread Talicks h « ,ss- li1 in9 w\' to Leg - i,. `ti 1 7 kis 4.40. -week . •r d C,+, ? 4:t e 3 add 1 4 rt k ell. ._d3 /rje. Send far weeIt , � @ ,:t .o' pulletst. ^ Top terles. Guelph. •O' t. - " s s Tella HV'3CS 2. 3 and 4 r ke all in roll populer ,;pure l end 9hybrids • r a , In reen-sexeci..rialle.ts arid er« kerels. Prrantelleto elivery,Ahab .lis Sera fee reit:earl. pees far June and July. Tetetitte rh?, ateleh- s sag L:r .. FerausooOrat. VICTORY CHICK SALE l�YY' .$U:''l'i ANT, JULY. EA7t1 EI) Reek It it a e- lre Barred leek Pullets leca;v ' a berelmen Mixed White L.:tighten PIonlefe 2+.c. Ir„e1 Maned.15e.r lirr,Ird I liF r- Pu ts 4e. ("Melt elt )33 : aeries L_0T,, r:. , «^rile Ilearrhfail. SPECIAL PULLET SALE •sT IZTror •l t'1,7 I TS.. G es t:69Ii oil L':c. t o rka r d f, ee•r tire • nS''•a1:3 to d£'Y'lr;r: f r. ries, polls ;' O. ery, d:r.tann.a Fieiglits, i FOR SALE x55,000—STORE AND ed DWELLING, I lot, metal side, d cement basement, 60 x 25, all conveniences. Separate sale, jew- eler's safe and fixtures. Phone Arthur 62J. hrillinger, Arthur, Ont. SIX ROOM BRICK i3OIJSE—HY- dro, garage. Bargain for cash. htnmer, Shedden -Ontario. Bans ten YOUNGfs and cows. cs. N. )3a ten- hehinter & Son, Shedden, Ont. SPECIAL OFFER, 4 DUAL PUR- pose short horn bulls. All dark red. Ready for service. They are accredited bred by Parfaite Royal Sensation whose grand dam made the breed's largest butter fat record in Canada in 1936 pro- ducing 673 lbs. fat from 14099 lbs. of. 4.3' • milk. Three of them are from dame sired by Prince Marquis. Present herd sire at Northland Farms. Write or phone Edgar Bagshaw, 427 Avenue Road, Toronto. Farm at Beaver- ton. Phone MI. 5847. The ti"1bPf111'i.n4,1,AAM 7rai.er i>l.od rower Allele 1111 M1;V li'irht iNlortgage alitl Collateral 'frost 310 /0 /0 .Siniking hind Itt,r►clra 1)i)t' January 1, 19711 Price: 1.00 mid accrued irittsrest I)uscriptive vire utar gladly 1IIrIIihlsf;ti upon ropiest, 36 King Strom fresr Wood.,dp>ZIttl y & Com ran�r Toronto 1 q,lrnid'e•ti w« Telephone: H 'ir! 4321 Ca.thtedral Intact Despite many air attacks the ca• thedral of Aachen. Germany, dating back to the Jth century, is virtually intact, the War Office annotinccd recently. Damage,.was "extensive but superficial" and the structure remains sound, the. statement added. Long, Hard Years Mr. Churchill betray= ;Otnething of the Hard strain lie has been un- der, as Great Britain's leader, when lie reviews the long train of turbm lent events since the fall of the Low Countries. and France in 1940, and says: "rears have passedein e then; indeed -every year to me almost a decade." ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; belts. pule leys, brushes. Allen Electric Com• pany Ltd... 2326 Dufrerin St.. To- ronto. FARMS FOR SALE 160 ACRES, TWP. OF NOTTAWAS- aga, large bank barn, frame house, two good wells—$5,000 cash. Write E. L. Taylor, Streets- ville, owner or see A. E. Culham, Stayner, Ont„ Agent, CHOICE 100 ACRES CLAY LOAM, tile - drained, 5 miles to London. Modern brick house, gas furnace. Good hank barn, water bowls, hydro, drilled well. Hog pen, poul- try house, machine sheds. $10,000. W. B. Bradshaw, Wilton Grove, Ont. ON 40 acres, clay new house, large barn, on wall, straw shed,implement shed, •garage, well. windmill, 20 acres timber, 100 acres pasture. Write tor par- ticulars. B. MacDonald, Business Broker, Auctioneer, Box 65, Ridgetown, Ontario. CLYDESDALE STALLION, QUIET in harness, enrolled B Premium 1:45-194$-19.47. Sell cheap or ex- change for young mare. A. Mar- shall. 'Pars, Ont. BEAUTIFUL REGISTERED DO- bc•rman Pinscher. 14 months old. Bos 73, Hornepayne, Ont. MASSEY HARRIS 101 super twin p, ser traeter c,n rubber, prat - le new.or Model C Case. on s� At atentlition. Alvin Gruer, r'.sa-..wn Station. Que. LAL XDIIY ANIS DRY CLEANING Plent i , \Fe erre .Ontario. Doing over 824e824ee weekly business with et...eel:eat poet war opportunities fer exp . n _t n. Good money maker, law overhead: real estate con- y _ t.f brick buildings includ- ed. Fully eecuipped and capably s eff d Pe'lu res a capital of rash Reason for selling ill health. Apply Box 31. 70 Ade- laide SV. Toronto. A ao BBS) MATERNITY HOSPITAL. f r sale. tong concern. good lt,:nes_. on:et Hospital in town. Any Ontario Registered Nurse • could operate this business. (iwn- er will etay an and will help for t e month from the date of sale. Reese:: for selling is poor health. All «< `e t +'gran pment. 'Hospital r, been runnier for 6 years. For further it form: tion and inspec- t , apply iso writing to Post Office. Bea i'. Delhi, Ontario, C neda. ---- l• __I PIAVE TEN GOOD FARMS FOR sale.ranging in price from three to twelve thou=and dollars, ]"er rDonohue, D_nhue Gar.ao. Jas. nfrewOnt, FOE. SALE, 'ST: CCESS Fti LL CfltLU,t- F a and dairy business in pro- gressive Ottawa Valley Town, owner retiring on account of ill- - health, price right. For further particulars apply to Boy 3s, 73 Ade:aide W.. Toronto. ALL MlNt''«I TANK'S, , $5-t4AtL..,O:�l i -a oaty, weight only 1S 71)5.1o - al..w7y built for airplaheS. lvtalli' use's in farms. gardens, cottages. bola ts. '1 .;,i each, Levy Auto Parts Co. Ltd., 735 Queen St. W., T,er>nie. Circulars on request, HAIRDRESSING LEARN >HAIRDRESSjNG, THE Robertson method. Inllpprmation on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- . erne*, 137 Avenue Load, Toronto. BUSINESS FOR S\LE. FARM MA- reline y, other articles and mach• ir,ery. large let • and buildings with hi'eh moving beam and hemi:' for wrecking and loading. S a :abl nta(liinery for. repairing. Twp rninteep-w elk to large stores, henks and pnsteffice, Particuldfs # ,cr•n. 1.. r, Rutledge, Nea•nnarket. Ont. THIS Is NEW HAND PLANTER fertilizer ze Tin CORN one operation. Places fertilizer at plow depth and spaced from seed, Quantities adjustable. A boy can operate. Price Fifteen Dollars. Enquire—Gravity Planter Co., Roblin, Ontario. MEDICAL STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of ill -health in. humans, all ages. No one im- mune! Why not find out if this is your trouble? Interesting par- ilemedies,, Specialists, Torontoey3. WANTED—EVERT SUFFERER OF Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis to try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. BALCMEERA FOOT BALM DE- stroys offensive odor _instantly. 45c bottle, Ottawa agent, Denman Drug ;tore. Ottawa. CHIROPRACTOR • 17. S. SIMONSON, CIHIROPRACTOR, 23 "Moor Street East, Toronto. Hours 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. FRUIT JUICES; THIS PRINCIPAL ingredients 111 .111xon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains, Neuritis. said only Munro's DrugStores, 333 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. 01.Poicr1.1NPr1175 PO II 1s'4)31l\ CANADA'S LARGEST STUDIO STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Don't risk losing y'lur pictures. SnapSends your can't be film takenrolover s to Canada's largest ancl finest studio. Get better pictures at lower cost. PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Any Size Re11-6 or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25c "I get best results from Star Snap- shot Service" writes a customer in Nova Scotia, who adds that she has tried many places. SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style Album With Prints sizes 16-20-127 if 29e (4c extra) is sent with film roll. ENLARGEMENTS— COLORED AND FRAMED Enlargements 4 x . 6" in beautiful easel mounts, 3 for 25c. Framed, on ivory tinted mats, 7.x 9" in Gold, ' Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, 59c each. If enlargement colored, 79c each. OLD PICTURES RESTORED We can restore any old photograP or snapshot , . and make any, number of prints or enlargements desired. The process requires the work of skilled artists, but th* cost is reasonable. Send us your . picture and tell uswhat you want done and we will tell you the Dost before doing the work. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICZ Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toront* Print Name anndrAAdsr.ess Plainly os BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL-' Great Opportunity, Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good hales, thousands successful Marvel am, illustratees. dicnte+ tOloguest firs- ree Write or cell MARVEL. HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 353 CLOOR W., ;Tt TORONTO Branches: 44 Ring & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. Dit'SIOAL IN:I'l1LSIF\'1'S FRE D A. BODE INC,TUN 131JYS, sells, exchanges musical instru- ments, 111 Church. Toronto 2, PATI TS PL]TILE'l1STONHA141171 d 'COWAN Patent Solicitors. Established 13110; 14 Ring West, Toronto. 130011let of Information on re. Pilo mill es WAS 2137)• 'TO IIL«v . AVEHAVE B'l1YI RS WAITING FUR chicken farms, market gardens, town' f the l I'r vinee, Send full daartiuularS in confidence at once —we make no, charge tailless we sell, Powell and Company, 5 St, Clair , East, Toronto. • PAIO'1'Oeat.%)'H TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films pro:pent developed and painted 6 O17 3 E':C ltf ):-trill, 11UL1,9 250 LIf+:PRIN'T'S 8 r sr 280 FINEST ENLAh'GIN,I Sb;l41'It9: Wan( this not r et all butt' YOO earle lmgetyall the 0ua11ty and service you desira by ::ending your films to 7311'f tttoi' 44)' Toronto t'r 4 STAMPS S STAMP COLLECTORS, APPROVV als for medium collections at reasonable prices. Free prem - turns. James O. Smith, P.O. Boit "56, Edmonton, Alberta. TEACHERS WANTED i O F6 PROTESTANT, S.S. l ase ostate' salary and ndraquali- fications. uaIi- R.R. No. 1, Belwood, U Fletcher. REDDITT REQUIRES TWO FIRST Class Teachers about 50 pupils in the School. Principal grades 6 to le inclusive. Salary $1,600 a year. MALE PREFERRED. Junior Room Grades 1 to 5 in- clusive, Salary $1,20 a year. Ad- dress COTT,a I1EDDITT tOn . E \\'EST - \\'ANTED — TWO QUALIFIED teachers for Mayo Township School At;ea. Ontario -Hastings catlnty. No: 2 MvArthur's Mills and No. 5 Hartsmere. Good mod- ern rural schools. Term. 1945-46, Protestant, salary 61,100. State 1« -Iter no01tti nt. A. W. Ramsbottom, TEACHER WANTED FOR. S.S. NO. 4, Town hip of Enniskillen. Lamb - ton County. State experience, sal- ary and phone number to John W. Piggott, Secretary. Oil Springs Cent. 3TOX-LiUt.11F; QUALIFIED TEAC ETON -111 ,111Y — Q U ACI 1 a Y tcaelter Inc I7.5.5. No. 1, 31)00.011. Apply to C`. A. Mattson, Ser, i•;ton l:ngby On«:. I•'1.RST CLASS TEACHER WANT - td fur S.108 September12 sr4,1945, Uties to renintence Apply suiting eatery and expel'- tenet to 1. R. C'tunpbell, Secy.- trensur.J 1 itzrt�y` Ealtbour, Ont e0 AN. 1.ISD '1'\\'7;NTC 11\ Il TCt tWwNLohundred EUN- dred art es t'ithin miles Toronto. Must be situated on Lake or River. Buildings Im- material, Box 34, 73 Adelaide 11'., Toronto. STORE, -5'tc.Cl1ort otheCCO, r Cine chnnON- d e that 4) catlple ran handle, with eomfol'tahle living quarters. Will MY Nigh, principals only. Box 36, 73 .edelaidt We Toronto. P0T;\T0 tlR\ll17Ii WANTED TO 'btty-. e'c ril O'.cilly, IS60 Oneida. Comet. \\ indstln, Ont. 1 \t 1]1i1L,Nt'lrlll l' \1'L 17 arAN-AC4l;It desires posel Sharthorn pret- mence, ltesidenee essential. f- Ft`rilrf;• tl S5. L i'alliiltntt. 11511 F;i nl, tines-}•erville, Qtie. WE RUY hundreds or fit ti•c aunts. malts, Iterrles. veneer, I nlvrs rtr. PRICES HIGHER NOW tt'rltr for hill bat t.roAA anto11 A Y.b.ri per`L%te LL: 1e,.nu Dior s 14211 is fatwee nee 10!' t., Ylentrctd1 HARDWOOD WANTED WE ARM IN 'r7fl TLf#1ItKt6T FOR AL1. RINDS til'" HARDWOOD MINI1110., WilOTA CUTS PR» nitTign ONTARIO HARDWOOD PRODUCTS LTD. 45 Ernest Avis., Toronto - L.L. 0011