Zurich Herald, 1945-06-07, Page 4Thursday, June 7th, 1,945
marl -
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Time Foeseseessesameorionamossostireessenesserriverse r, :s.
Members of the Armed cep
Over one half Of the Progressive Conservative
Interests of
This is
`- c" �'.�.�.�. Services:
your first chance to have a
mewettras:eseea crenae
' 6iGrLSti���c"u r" C!
and their Relatives:
Candidates are Ex -Servicemen. That assures fair play for the Boys
those who served are the first consideration of Tom Pryde.
Farmer. as Premier of Canada. John Bracken's plan will give Equality to Agriculture.
a chance. :Make the Farmer Prosperous and every body will benefit.
Thispledged to put into effect all reasonable measures for the imp rovement of the Health and Living Standards. of
P�arrt� is 1^'
all our people.
xessive Conservative Platform calls for aid to the Provinces in extending all the benefits of Education,
The Pr_ .,og
suitable to the needs of the District.
secured by setting race against race, Labour against
Tv." Only the Progressive Conservative Party is
all. Canadians.
when they return. The.
Give him
pportu its•,
National Unity is our greatest need, It cannot be
Capital, the "Little Fellow," against the '"Big Feli.o
making a True National Appeal to
,;w;, wt��: n;" t ;fi:?'.:sf�::,;x . • .5 ;;�4sR•"seess sea , -:o.4 `rr 'a
p‘Qat your.
le exp say
mire%&Ve Con=
Authorized by Huron -Perth Progress ivg Conservative Association.
„• ar .,
eeast ,: . seat ea I toe u: es....
Listen to
At 10.00 p.m.
en THOMAS PRYDE, the Dominion Cand-
idate for the riding of Huron -Perth will speak
s Authorized by the Progressive Conservative 2
e Association of Huron -Perth
r -..-r-..-.. �. rte: -.:v-a.
4 fo the Electors of Huron: 45 14s
To :hose who assisted in any way in my re- 4
ke : i,,rr. on M.Or^.aoy.. last,.. I.. extend.. my sincere
As in the past, I shall endeavour to further the
interests of Huron and the Province.
:z reamers era — Leeeee
eeteassee eemseeeeee.e.eiseseezzeseasessasesemeameeeesesseseeeesseraeseeisede.seeseeraaseesese "The Foundation of Masonry". For, presented to a full house in the town
their choir number the choir sang, hall Wed. May 30th by the Tuesday
Hobbs Taylor
ris McEwan, W.O.G. and Sgt. Rolm
ald Parker had arrived safely over-
Mrs. Alice Pfaff well known Hen-
sall resident had the misfortune to
slip and fall down the cellar steps
at her home, and was taken to Clin-
ton public hospital on Monday for
X -Rays. Mrs. Pfaff's many friends
trust she will soon be restored to
health again. She was visited over
the week -end by het• son Ray Pfaff of
St. Marys.
Mr. Grant Love of Cario, Mich,,
spent the week -end with Mr. R. Coop -
of Hibbext.
A prison of war camp. is being er-
ected on the farm of Albert Ether-
ington 114 miles east of Centralia
for German prisoners during the'su-
gar beet season, the work is being
supervised b,y the Royal Canadian
Pte. Laird E. Hudson, a former
Hensall boy arrived in London on
AUCTION SALE Percheron Gelding 5 yrs. old; 1
• dark bay mare rising 3 yearsold.
Of Household Furniture at Dashwood Cattle — White cow fresh are.
Hotel, on Saturday, June 16th, at renewed; roan cow fresh and re -
1.30 p.rn., the following, newed; white cow milking; red cow
Large bar room mirror with shelves, fresh with calf at foot; red Herford
size of mirror 4 -ft. high and 81/2 -ft. cow milking fresh, Herford cow due
wide, not a spot on mirror; size of in June; big gray cow milking with
frame 10 -ft. long and 8 -ft. high; 1 calf at foot; roan cow milking;:
leather studio couch; 5 arm chairs, spotty cow due in June, 1 farrow
Monday of this week from overseas 12 kitchen chairs, race horse starting cow; 2 baby beefs, 5 small calves,
Laird suffered the loss of his right bell; organ, large coffee grinder, 2 t 14 heifers and steers, all Herford --
leg when he stepped on a mine in hall racks, neckyokes, horse collars, rising 2 years. .
Holland. His grandparents, Mr. and antiques, large quantity of dishes, al Pigs and poultry — 1 young York
Mrs. George Hudson were in London gifantity of sealers, ear motor, 4-h.p.1 sow bred; 1 young York sow; dozen
er of Kip.pen, and also visited with on Monday to meet him. gasoline engine, pool table, sideboard, ;hens.
his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Election Results 6 tables, round'talble, McClary kit -1 Implements — M. -.H. binder; Mc-•
Following are the results of the then stove with reservoir, lace cur -,Cormick Deering mower new; spring
Mrs. J. E. McEwen• tains, 3 mirrors, electric plate, 2 ell tooth cultivator new, McCormick De
Mrs. Maude Redden, Miss H. Suth- voting for Hensall in the Ontario eetric irons, room of linoleum 12x15' ering 11 -disc fertilizer drill new; ie.
erland, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. IsicEwan, Provincial Election, Dr. Hobbs Tay
spent Sunday guests with Mr. and lois popular Dashwood physician, feet; dresser, hall mirror, single bed,' horse scuffler; 13 -disc grain drill; 3--
Prog. Conservative polled 203 votes; bed and dresser, dozen hotel ropes, drum steel roller, 10 -ft. steer Massey
James Ballantyne, Hensall, farmer, large dresser and stand, set of springs rake, large twin plow, small twin
Liberal, 152; J. E. Huckins, trucker,
Goderich, C.C.F. 2. Majority .for
Dr. Taylor 51. The vote polled on
Monday at Hensall was much larger
than the one polled at the Provincial
election in 1943. During the even -
Mrs. Ross Krueger, and Mr. H. Fahn-
or of Crediton.
Miss Lenore Normington who rec-
ently enlisted with the WAAC's and
stationed at Wolsley Barracks, Lon-
don, spent the week -end at her hone
Mr. Wm. Simpson, of Detroit, sp-
ent the week -end with his wife and ing a fleet of cars numbering 30 and
family and with his mother, Mrs, L. headed by the Dashwood band pared -
Simpson. ed Up main street to celebrate the
Members of the Masonic Lodge at- victory of Dr. Hobbs Taylor, the
tended devine services in the United successful candidate.
church Sunday evening June 3rd,' Successful Play
Rev. R. A. Brook addressed. the bre-"Here Comes Charlie" a delightful.thorn and for his theme spoke on comedy drama in three acts was
rx v
Phone: Coiled: Exeter 235, Seaforth 15
ss c•-= ria. eta
Mrs E. l•.;. Tiernan and daughter
Mary Ann is vi^itl i r .: it'. yeiatives
Mr. and -;... r' e. .:t?•oil
spent the wee' --I,,::a;• nr.;i Ml's.
Mr. and 111n4. .1o'r ' I;:•c . +r of Pig -
non, Mich.. vt, 1 -
Louis Rader a 1 e' les
Miss KatreaPedersen whoa
been to Californl:, and other places,
has returned for the summer.
Mrs. McCrae of M,'aford is spend-
ing a few days with her daughter,
Mr. •and Mrs. Currie.
Pte. Russell Tiernan end George
Wolfe of Camp. Borden • spent the
week -end with their parenaj, Mr. and.
Mrs. E. Bartliffe of Clinton, were
Sreidhty visitors with relatives here.
Banker Gos -man of the hotel is
having an auction sale of his effects
on Saturddy, June 19th.
4-1 E N S A L L
ort The many Mende of Mrs. James
)tT.rth� on 111 regne,;a learn was
taken to
public h
Monday of this week, and will have
to remain there fora few weeks in
the interests of her health.
Word reached here Monday that
Wordreached here Monday that
' L.A.,O, Robert Sangster, L A.C. Nor -
"Crown Him" and a quartette comp- Night Clubof First Presbyterian
osed of Rev. Brook, W. O, Goodwin,; church, Seaforth and sponsored by
Cr. Cowan, and H. W. Horton ren- the Arnold Circle of Carmel church
tiered a pleasing number "Only Jesus The play was exceptionally well giv
Kncws•" en to an appreciative audience and
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Willard, of many favourable comments were
Russeldale, (nee I+3dith Parkins) of heard Miss Joan McMaster sang a
Hensall, area happy to announce the number of selections in pleasing stylearrival of their son William James,
at Dr. Fletcher's Hospital, Exeter, on
Tuesday, May 2,9th.
Born. Chapman, in Hay Towlish r,p
on May 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Chapman, a eon.
The 68th anniversary of St. Penis
Anglican church will be held on Sun-
day June 10th, at 1 I a.m. The gue t
speaker will be Rev, R, C. Homes of
Bayfield, 7 p.m. speaker will be ltr'v
Gil'iert of ;Sea+'ertn. Special
err.. will be s.>•iven by the ehoir as-
sisted by outside talent.
Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Wren of Crown»
arty eelewxated their • 14th wedding
Anniversary quietly on Tuesday
June 5th at their home. Mr. and Mrs
Wren are former well known Hen -
sail residents, and Mt, Wren is clerk
Mrs. W. G. Whitney accompanist. AO£ Farm, Farm Stock arid lrnplem- timothy seed, seed beans,etc,
lunch was served to the cast by'the cuts and hou0ohold Effects on Lot Household Effects Sink, some
bed and mattress, sausage grinder,
room linoleum 8x12 ft; stance 2 8 -
day clocks, 4 stands, large rocking
chair, dresser, quantity of picture
frames, room linoleum 9x12 feet;
long strip linoleum 9x24 ft; wooden.
bed; 2 sets of springs and mattresses
6 toilet sets, room linoleum 9x12 ft;
room linoleum 6x6 ft; room linoleum
11x11 ft; large dresser, 'bed with
springs and mattress; phonograph;
room linoleum 12x14 ft; carpet swe-
eper, 4 beds and 2 stands, el sets of
springs, room linoleum 15x10 feet,
washing machine and numerous other
articles. Everything will be sold to
the highest bidder .as the proprietor
has sold his hotel.
William Gossnan, Proprietor.
Arthur Weber, Auctioneer.
Rheinold Miller, Clerk.
plow; M -H. bean scuffler with pul-
ler combined, sling ropes, clover bun-
cher, 2 iron kettles large; 2,000 -]ib -
cap. scales; Clinton fanning mill,
walking plow, 2 3 -section harrows,,
scrapper, harrow cart, root pulper,
wheel barrow, pr. bob sleighs, rub-
ber tired wagon, 16 -ft. flat sliding
rack, 3I2 -ft. extension ladder, cutter,
quantity of onion crates, turnip seed-
er, grass seeder, colony stove, Stew-
art power clipper, wagon box, steel!
tired wagon, gravel box, McCormick
Deering manure spreader new, disc
new, hay rack, 2 rolls of 40 -rod wire
new, set single harness, 2 sets heavy
harness', 5 horse collars, set collar
taps, sleigh platform, cedar posts, el-
ectric fencer new, pig erase, 75 bush
of barley, quantity of wheat, 2 gal-
vanized troughs, large barrel, forks,
shovels, spades, grain shovel, grain
bags, twine sacks, bag truck, logging
chains, whippletrees, neckyokee, on-
ion sieve, onion stuffier, 2 bushels oZ
members of the Arnold Circle,
28, Con, 7, Hay Township; 33/r miles sealers, washing machine, cook stove,
west of Hensall or 21i� mile east and antique spool bed, Daleyc ' 'n, 3-
OWL, SCARL STARLINGS linr^er coal oil move six atni. e pails,
Here's a tip for onyone who wants
to ?et rid of starlings and who may
happen to have a stuffed owl around
the premises. Harold Woolverton, a
Grimsby fruit -graver, by placing a
stuffed owl in the top of sweet cher-
ry treee believes he has found an
unbeatable way of keeping starlings
1 away from his fruit, In a raw of 15
trees, he has placed four owls this
year and he reports "there's not a
bird those • h • r
bto he seen anywhere nese
cherries." By means of a string he
u.d the owls to the end of
fastenad Poles
1 in such a way that they swing aro-
undl .in the wind, Try it next year..
11/2 mile north of Zurich, on
y of spr'ing's and new mettress, ro'rsting•
TUESDAYJUNE nth Renfrew cream separrtor, 2- beet;, set
At 1 o c och, s alp. pan, buck saw, cross eut sew !land
FARM Consists of 991/2 acres, more saw„ vaeaum svae^per, xingertubs,
or less; 37 acres of oats, 8 acres of hanging lamp, set sad irons, sausage•
barley, balance in grass. ''arm is
grinder and staffer,.ice cream freoz-
well fenced and well draincu, plenty et, ;norm cro^ars, tante�rs, letups #;as.
of hard and soft water, brick house, linin 1' -the,' �ouch, carnet swcreper,.
withkitchen attached, cellar and
tin1 ntatnerous other article,
wood shed, double garage, Targe driv- Terries of Farm — 10 p.c, . on clay
ing shed, hen house and pig stable, of sale, balance in 30 clays, sold sub -
large bank barn with water :+,.ystem
sect to a reserved bid.
inbarn; land is all black loam and Chattles—Cash ,
in good state of cultivation. A very
desirable farm, and nicely located,. Arthur Weber, Auctioneer.
:Horses --- 1 black teem, 1 bay Earl Imo,'OVeiclrr. Cie .
mare, Percheron, 4 years old; 1 ; ree Mr's. Mary Stephan, trop ^ietresa.,