Zurich Herald, 1945-01-18, Page 8RUtMCH ONTARIO it i, ZURICH I-IERALD (.1411IINI1tl11h111111111101111111}11.111th'ig1111millIIIIIIIIIIii1IiIIIIIJ_ R.111111111111llill l IliMijiilmittII IIilllillill[IllllllllliiltuitUlll6 heetings We have a fair supply of Sheeting to offer at pres- ent. So would advise you to get your supply for Spring and Summer now. These are quality Cottons, no filler, in the following widths: Bleeched 72 -in. at per yard 75c Bleached 77 -in Special at per yard....69c Unbleached 81 -in, at per yard 7c Unbleached 72 -in, at per yard 65c WOOL BLANKETS White all -wool, large size, each White, all -wool, colored border, pair Grey, all -wool, colored border, pair Grey Esmonds, Special each FLANNEI .FTTES 2 pieces Canton Flannels on hand. A heavy twilled cotton with fleeced back. Special at per yard .... 38c One Piece only Pyjama Cloth, at per yarn' .... 38c SPECIAL.S $7.50 13.50 11.00 3.85 kV o6a Ladies Wool Skirts, reg. 4.50 for each ' 3.75 Ladies Wool Skirts, reg 3.50 for 2'75 0 D Kiddies Parkas, at each 29c Boys' long Wool Stockings, old stock, Brown and q 0 Black to clear at pair 39c. 4 D 4. Gscho res•k),.• ZURICH 0 TELEPHONE 59 Andrew F Hess, - Zurich Local Representative - Zurich • HARDWARE -- SEEDS and . FURNITURE Your Fuel Problem 1 We all realise that the Hard Anthracite '.Coal is very scarce and hard to get at present, and many substitutes must be used instead. We are endeavouring to supply our Customers with the best of coke in different sizes, and other fuels which give fairly good satisfaction in the place of hard coal... If in need of Fuel consult us and we will try,and help you out OTl-IER. SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shdf ,Hard- ware always in stock. Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses t e ZURICH - N �. . QUALITY — PRICE. SERVICE 'ai Narke t a salsori tE"t OSIO Z 424:vda;rmcgr, •ee zciews Grocer Store WE ALWAYS CARRY A 'COMPLETE LINE OF FRESH GROCERIES ON HAND PURCHASED FROM THE LEAD- ING WHOLESALE HOUSES. OWING TO UNSETTLED CONDITIONS WE ARE NOT QUOTING ANY ,PARTICULAR PRICES BUT CAN ASSURE THE PUBLIC GOOD VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY WITH QUALITY AND PRICES AT THE VERY BEST Merano Oesch Zurich PRDUCE WANTED. Phone 165 n I Illlll f'u'll' I11111iiimli uiginiIII1111111pI1IluN IliillCl jp111111111U II illi' IIJll II�If ifIIIIB ff,11 IIII1i ID Ulll(111NI 1 I1111Iii ii1)IIEIIIi lira ITEMS OF LOW ST j LOCAL MARKETS 'Mr. E. M. Dagg of Lucan was a (Corrected) visitor in town Saturday last. Born — At the Farwell Nursing Home, Zurich on Jianuary• 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dueharme, a da- ughter (Helene). Mrs. E. Turkheim has moved her household effects into the house own- ed by Mr. E. E. Weido and which has been vacated by the Eckel family. Mr. George Deichert attended the Convention held. at Toronto on the Frosted Food Locker Association the beginning of this week. • A Red Cross Dance is being spon- sored by the local 'Society in the Town Hall, Zurich, ®n Wednesday evening, January 24th,' when good music will be ,su,pplied and the public are invited to attend. Pte. Charles Thiel who has been at the Eastern Coast for some time has now been transferred to London where he is on the mechanical staff of transports. He was a week -end visitor with his wife and daughter in town.. .. • Mr. Peter Eisenbach di. Grand Bend was in town one..day last week. Mr. Eisenbach, should have avast ex- perienee '.ot. snow plowing as he has been keeping the; road frain, Grand Bend to Goderi+ch Exeterand froni Brew- ster to _ open all winter not missing a. day that they ere not out battling with' the snow banks. Mr. and 'Mrs. Walter Eckel ` and sons have vacated the house awned by Mr. E. E. Weide, being located near the . Evangelical church, and leave moved to their f arm on "the ggshen Line, aibout five miles north (),:f, Zurich. The Villagers will miss the Eckel family and wish them ev- ery' success in their• new home and occupation. yir.. Abram Eckel, the father, accompanied them. Property Sold Mr. Christ. Gascho of the Bronson Line has purchased the property own- ed by Mr. Harold Swartzentruber. Possession will he given the first of April. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Gascho and family to our village and wish them every success. TWP. ROADS STILL I3I.OGKED Main County and iPror'.iciat high- ways in Huron are repor�ied•,in -good condition, but township roads are still blocked in most cases and prac- tically impassable, The lerouson line in Hay Township • is only partially opened, the Babylon line there has not even been a horse through we are told, farmers get their supplies by carrying them from neighbor to neighbors, as weld as their mail. In other places where there are open- ings the trails lead through fields and other remote places with many miles of extra driving to get to the -destin- ation. The clearing of the snow in many instances is being held up by breakages to trurico and plows, as in most cases the equipment is not heavy enough to cope with this win- ters unnormquantities uan.tities of snow. A real good blow at present would surely tie up traffic worse than Miner. OBITUARY Lsite Charles E. Brown Charles E. Brown, a resident of the Bronson line, Hay Township.. for the past seven years passed away at hisresidence, south of Dashwood af• car an illness of several weeks,, in his 67th year. He was born at Ancaatos end formerly resided in Toronto and a' member of the police force at -Nia- gara Falls for a number of years be- fore coming to this community. }Ie Wet, married to Jessie Carson who enrrr "w also fou'.,. ,r.• „ ns; nm,i.,+17;+,•_ el�yn' Mrs. R. Doig, (J'ktitu) frits. ,i. 1'hoinas, (Hazel) Mrs. Haire honker -' i.0. one son predeceased him two rt` ' y 11;,. 1; •1 t. ,1 '•, the rte Marry Hoffman an Funeral 'Tome in ,C..• rl't r .ri. ,v . tS r.l{r•T...,:r..t9. . r ,,.,.. 14.,.".C. 1;. r.I ',sal as seas; wave:..'? Tel ei e Smith, lasso. Bullock, Alvin Wainer, ••lr,r>.r. Rosa -moms Y, .S., rgst' r, I d, Grigg, every Wednesday Eggs 31, 29, 22 ]clutter per ib. 38 Chickens, dressed ...•..... 30 to 20 'sucks, dressed .. 25c Geese dressed 24 Wheat bushel 1.09 Oats, bushel 50e Barley, bush. ................. '73 Buckwheat, bush. 70 Flour, cwt. 2.60, 2.75 Shorts and bran, ton ..,, 3040 Middlings, ton .�32.00 Thursday, January 18, 1945 14 4M!I,+ l4.0idSiM 4 4 4 4' 4 6' 4r YOUR Hard re and Furnilure STORE NEW ENAMELWARE We are very fortunate in receiving a ?shipment of New Enamelware, such as Cooking Utensils, Etc., which seem to be of very good quality, and 'some ,attractive • color designs. To appreciate these articles one _Must see them. We invite your inspection, 4, MATTRESSES MATTRESSES 4. 4.4 4+ O- ar Our Stock of Mattresses is very good, and you have a fine range to choose from. a fine stock of Spring Filled Mattresses, also the usual Felt filled Mattresses Priced Very Reasonably BED ROOM FURNITURE IWe have some very attractive and newly designed Bed Room Suites just in, which are of the newest patterns and finishes, . Be sure and see them if 'interested in _= this line of furniture. A Full Line of all the Home Requirements Everything in Shelf and Heavy Hardware 44 Johnston et Kathfleisch 34. Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 CARD OF- THANKS Mrs. John Love and family desire to express their .sincere appreciation to the neighbours and friends fox the many expressions of kindness and sympathy extended to them during their recent bereavement. . IN MEMORIAM McBride --In loving .memtory of a dear wife and mother, Mrs. Samuel McBride who pssed away five years ago to -day, January 20th, 1940. We think of her in silence And, oft her name, recall.. There is nothing left to answer But her picture fon the wall. —Sadly missed and always rememb- ered' by the ifami+ly. The big county catarpillar'snow- plow was in town one day last week and thoroughly opened some of the more difficult streets as well as coun- ty roads in the country. They seem to have an immense amount of power packed in a small place. THE CASE OF THE: FOOL -PROOF ALIBI When flames swept the bungalow, with this victim inside, the killer was hundreds of miles away. A ,eerfect alibi, +butt a lake rose and rose and fell and brought the slayer to justice. For details, see The American Week- ly with this Sunday's (:Jan. 21) issue of, The Detroit Sunday Times. Get The Detroit Sunday Times every week. CHRISTMAS AT THE HURON COUNTY HOME Christmas 1944 was a very Happy Day for each and all of the hundred inmates of the Huron County Home at Clinton: Twenty-one 8, 9 and 10 pound chickens with all the trimm- ings graced the festive board and dis- appeared as if by magic. Gaily decor- ated trees, large and small, and all kinds of Christmas decorations were very much in evidence adding a very Christinasy and colorful appearance to the very homey Home. Santa Claus was in and out for over a week before Christmas Large and small parcels and the hundreds of cards and letters that came pouring in caused a lot 'of excitement and plainly showed tilat in spite of the war that we all pray' may soon end, friends and relatives of the riniatee do not forget them at the, Christmas season. Beautiful ,Christmas Servic- es in the morning, the young girl care] singers from St, Panl'.s Church Clinton in the afternoon and, Christman Bladio service in tape even- ing added much to the enjoyment of our Christmas Sunday. The matron, Mrs. Jacob, the manager, Mr. Ervin. Jacob and staff were in the best of spirits, and certainly 'succeeded'in making it a Christmas long to be remembered for all who are fortun- ate enough to be making their home here. Very sincere thanks are ex- tended to the Lions Club of Sea - forth ansi Clinton for their generous eamtribution of fruit and to Mr. S. Middleton for two 'bushels of alrllles also Miss Turnbull's choir srf young girl singers who came up from Sea - forth for the carol sere ccs the Sun- day l'efore Christmas. ''^'r-. '+:r 1'. •j,e.'oh and Mr. E. .T .,-,h r'`i 1' t - tha k all those who heli :l to male, the Christira:, Season ebc-'rful fo'•' the boyo and• girls at the Hawse Co- unty Home. Written: and sent in to the Cliatnn N-'ws Rome' by the laoy. and Girls of he Home. 44.4-t++.4.4.44+++••••• Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235, Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. (ESSENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY) • • s a ••• • • 1 ••••••••••••••••••seeSee•• •000011110•••••••• ••••••••• YOUR WINTER'S FUEL Colder Days will soon be here which will demand the most suitable FUEL for Your Heating Equipment: Let us fill your bin while prices are lowest. FEEDING MOLASSES It is some considerable time since this all important - product has been on the market... But we were fortunate in securing a supply. Also have Cod Liver Oil, ..Etc. for Live Stock. Get your supply Now! .. PLOW POINTS -- REPAIRS We carry a complete Line of International and other kinds of Plow Points, Sole Shoes, Landsides, Etc., for all makes of Plows. ..Let Us Serve You! L. Schilbe & Son c A ..ONE CENT a Word (mininum 25c.) is all. that it costs you for a classified adv. in the ZurIch'I-Ierald An Adv. that each week will reach and be read by several thousand readers, many of who will be in- terested in what you are advertising or are offering for Sale. If you want to buy or sell anything, there is no cheaper or more effective way than using an classified adv. in tie 1-lorvid. Phone: 30, or 105. THE ZURICH HERALD