Zurich Herald, 1953-08-06, Page 7qday, August 6th, 7(953 Andrew Y. McLean Liberal Candidate in Huron -- Born in Seaforth, 44 years ago. - --- Married, Father of three children. -- Member of First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth. ---- Editor and publisher of The Expositor. -- Veteran, R.C.A.F., World War IL • Member for Huron -Perth 1949-'53. — Canadian Delegate to 7th General Assem- bly of United Nations. Huron Hear his CKNX Friday Aug 7; 8:30 pmm,a AUGUST . 10th, VOTE McLEAN ..Liberal in Huron The Local Man who works for ALL sections of the Huron Electorate. Issued by Huron Liberal Assosiation Mothers! Don't Fail to bring your Child to our Store on MONDAY, AUGUST 17th. (one day only).. A trained Photographer will take 3 poses of your Child in NATURAL COLOR and give you a pic- ture in Sepia Tone, absolutely Free. THIEL'S MEN'S AND BOYS WEAR ACrENTS - MID -TOWN ':C'LFANERS ZURICH PLEASE NOTE: .. no connection work of a y.` ONTARIO This is photography by experts and has whatever with any that might have done similar nature in this town before. 44+4•+++M44+++++++++++++++.1% + + HAY COUNL Me regular monthlly aneetang of the Hay 'Township •Couzalcii was held in, the Township .Hall, Zurich, on i Monaday July 6th ;at 8 p.m. with all. 'members present. The following motions were passed . That the :minutes of the June 1st and 15th meetings be adopted as. read. TWO AGED 92 Young at 92 Clinton's Grand Old Man, Dr. Sohn W. Shaw on July 23 quietly observed his 92nd birthday with his :wife and family while his many friends drop- ped in to pay their respects. In his varied and colorful !carreer Dr Shaw one of Canada's oldest rpra.ctising physicians has been. school teacher, trustee of the collegiate institute, mayor off Clinton, health officer for 50 years, couny coroner, and C.N.R.• physician for more than 30 years. tae sides many other outstanding positi- ons in life. — Mrs. W. J. Carling, Exeter celebrated her 92nd birthday recently. With her for the occasion ilesides .her daughter, Mors. Craig, were her son, Thomas Carling and wife, her grandson, John Carling and wife and her granddaughter, Mrs. W. Jarwis,all of London. Mrs. Carling is very active and takes a keen interest in her family, her home and her gar- den. That 13y -law No 6, 1953 or the Township of Hay to regulate the fees for Inspection of plumbing and sewer installation be given third reading. That August 3rd 1953 he declared a Civic Holiday for the Township of Baty. That upon written request made by Earl Haberer to have the tiled por- tion of the :Schwann Drain repaired the Council proceed to have it re- paired. That utpon 'written request from Norman Klenfelt to have• a portion of the Aldwarth Drarin cleaned out, we secure •parmission from the Ausa- ble River Conservation Authority to proceed and if granted, we hire Chas P. ,Corbett, 0:L:S. to bring rn are-. (port. That a bylaw be drawn up auth- orizing the collection of 2-3 of a twill on the assessment of all 'Luild- ings in the 'Township, exclusive of the Villages of Daashwood and Zur- ich, for the purpose of defraying maintenance cost for fire brigades. A goodly number of Road accounts were passed as well as the following: General — Wm. A. Siebert 38.40; Thiel's Transport 7.50; If, G. Hess 36.40; Maurice Finkbeiner 1.50; Trs. 1S. Huron .Dist. H.S. 303.4.26; Con. Simon 380.12; H. W. Brokensnire 249.04; Co. of Huron 137.48; Menno 'Desch 1.501 Dr. W. B. Coxon $18; Treas. Hay Munk. Tel. System 2200.00; Pearl Wurtz 135.62. Telephone .System — H. G. Hess, $21186.63; H. W. Brokenshire $25; Claire Geiger 1115.50, Northern Elec- tric •Co. 154.43; Bell Tele. Co. 626.- 59; 26:59; Jack Keller 509.35; F. C. Kalb- fieisc'h Son Ltd. 51.85; Pye Canada Ltd. $89; Stronvberg Carlson ,Co. 69.16; E. J. Fredecick 2,12.50. The !Council adjurned to meet a- gain on Tuesday August 4th, 1953, at 8 p.m. H. W. Brokenshire, Clerk-Treas. Earl Campbell, Reeve. LOCAL NEWS Mr. John Thiel of Vancouver is visiting at the home of his sister, Mr and Mrs Peter Deichert and other relatives and friends in .Zurich and vicinity. Mr and Mrs Chris, Kain of Han- over visited at the home of their fri- end Mrs. Rose Brown last week, Mr and Mrs George Gardiner of Indianapolis, Ind., were visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs meth Am- enne last week. Mrs. Claude Cox and Mrs. Virgin - ma Gessinger of Niles, Mich., ,spent a week at the home of Mrs. Gertrude Datars. Mr. Robert Fisher has returned home from his trip to the West, a- long with this boy friend, Mr and Mrs H. Witney Broken - shire and son .Allan visited friends in Sarnia. Miss Grace Kellerman of Toronto, enjoyed part of her vacation at the home of her cousin, Miss Pearl Wurtz Mr and Mrs. Elmore Thiel are on an extended trip to the Western Pro- vinces for some weeks. "I'd like to say this to all Canadians..:" UNDER a Liberal government, Canadians have added every year to the national strength and national unity of Canada; We have had the greatest expansion of social welfare in our history; We have increased our employment, our production and our national income every year; We have had the greatest expansion of our primary and secondary industries — truly an industrial revolution; Because of the outstanding contribution of the members of our Navy, Army and Air Force, we have been able to do our full share to prevent and to stop Communist aggression; We have reduced the national debt every year, and, in the last two years, reaped the reward in lower tax rates. Do we want all that to be continued? Do you really think it's time for a change? For a change to a Parliament of regional groups — a handful of Social Crediters from the Far West, a few Socialists from ,the Prairies, a few more Conservatives from Ontario or the Maritimes and some so-called Independents from Quebec? in such a Parliament without the leadership and responsibility of a united national party, how could the government help being weak and insecure? Do we want a weak and divided government to deal with the formidable probleins of the next few years? I ask you, IS it really time for a change? We believe most Canadians want a government which encourages enterprise, promotes trade and fosters the exploration and develop- ment of our resources; and you know it as well as we do, that requires balanced budgets, paying off debts in prosperous times and a tax structure which, while fair to all, is adequate to meet these demands. r vigor run NATIONAL LIBERAL FEDERATION OF CANADA aserwmaionavoia FOR SALE 1949 Ford one -ton truck, 6x8 platform, 30, -inch rack. 23,000 act- ual miles, is in good shape. If inter- ested phone 6e, or. see Lee Johnston Grand Bend, 1-te FOR SALE 50 t bred pullets ready to lay. .. Apply to Clare Geiger, Phone 97r6, Zurek, 1t* FOR SALE PIGS — 30 starter pigs 6 to weeks old. 4 young butcher sows_ for sale. A. H. Oestrreicher, Phone 57 r 10, Dashwood. 2t'S Crop Report iffaTvesting is in full swing thro- ught the,County and weather eondit• ions have been ideal for the harvest, Reports for yields have been very favourable and on the average the fall wheat crop is very good. Some farmers however report that the wheat sample is .smaller than antrefp- ated and lacking somewhat in uni- formity. Oats and barley are now being cut very rapidly throughout the County and it is expected that next week thrashing will be the order of the day. Almost everyone has finished haying and an unusuar sup- ply of hay has been harvestea Af• termath is coming on very rapidly and although some pastures are dry- ing up pasture supply is very good for this time of iylear. Corn is shows ing excellent .growth the past weal. as we11 as soybeans and other cash crops. LET'S GET THIS STRAIGHT at Does The Bible Say? ONE MEDIATOR — For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men. The man. Christ Jesus. — I Tim. 2: 5. ONE SAVIOUR— -. Jesus saiith unto him, I ams the way, the rtinth, and the life. No man cometh unto the rather, but by ane—Jn, 14. 6. ONE WAY TO BE SAVED— Neither is there salvation in any other for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be Saved. Acts 4: 12. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.' Acts 16: 31. 1 1 • 1 • • 0 0 00 00 • • • i , • • • • W. R. DOUGALL, WEED INSPECTOR, :i • Municipality of Huron County. it 0 Chas. Fuller, Box 123 Los Angeles 53, California. ABC Network Sundays 4.00 p.m. E.S. T. Nctice - Re W eds 4. 4. 4. • 4. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to owners of subdivided por- ' tions of the Municipality of Huron that unless all nox- • ions weeds thereon are destroyed before the 8th day of 0 August, 1953, in accordance with the Weed Control Act,. • the Insperctor under authority given in rSection 3, 7, 1Q',, . and 12 of the Aot, will cause the noxious weeds or weed, , seeds to be destroyed, and the cost thereof will be placed on the collecor's roll far collecion in the sane" manner as taxes under the Assessment Act. AKE CRASS SftACE DIRECT FROM STANDING CROPS with +. R• •SINC5i..1B59 E. o-`ouNC_E'1T `•6.t`\* mower•bor attachment and own motor hay pickup and power take•off row.4rop ottarhment and power tako•off weetammovenromert Mower.bor attachment available with own motor or power take -off. • The Gehl with five-foot Mower -Bar Attach- ment has the big capacity to handle heavy yields easily, and produces the fine, clean-cut necessary for quality silage. It mows the usual low•growing crops such as Alfalfa and Broin, as well as the new tall -growing "balanced silage" mixtures such as Millet, Sudan Grasse. Soybeans, Sorghum and Cane, sowed broad- cast ... chops and drops them into wagon. The same Bask Harvester Unit, with own engine or power take -off from tractor, takes all three attach., meets ... hay pickup, mower -bar, and row -crop at- tachment for corn, cane, as. ANY OF THE 3 GEHL QUICK CHANGE -OVER UNITS MAY BE ATTACHED IN A PEW MINUTES Gehl Gives Yoe Complete Equipment front Pield to Storage. Powerful Gehl blower elevates to highest silo or mow. Gehl Self -Unloading Forage Wagon Box or Free Flans for building your own with Gehl Parts Kit. Gehl seif•unlooding Owners of GSWL Forage Har- wagon and blower. veseene Say: "h',t the best chip- per of them all"... and remember, more faraners own Gelds than the harvesters of any other independ- ent manufacturer. COME IN AND SEE THE GEHL 3MD•51I sm®eiwmneenewrnmegannemmummnenmmOroommeeeyor rrai^at°1Ow `Aed HENSALL DISTRICT CO.OPERA l R �• r Phone Hensel' 115. Zurich 220 A A .d 4 4 „I 4