Zurich Herald, 1952-11-20, Page 4ZURICH - ONTARIIQ 1111811 I um IIIIIIIIIUI 1 wIII.IUIIIUIIII IIII 1818111881111 II iwuIIIIIlI111111llflI 18111181111 IIIII Ilillllllll 1111111111111181111111 ?1 7,72 7 SI 1111111 IIIlhIII 111111 111111111 II I Inone 9 II 4,d1 min Pan lauo 11 1111 IiM�illlll II I II uric TEA ROOM WILL. BE OPEN FROM 3 TO 7 P. M. COUNTRY `STORE FISH 'POND -FANCY WORK AND CANDY BOOTHS Evening' -Entertainment Begins BINGO - WHEELS At 7.45 PRIZES FUN FOR ALL! DANCING 11 P.- M. till? WITH THE SYNCOPATORS ADMISSION TO DANCE - 5`0 CENTS SPONSORED BY ST. BONIFACE PAR1SFI 188111 18118811911111111111 11111111111 1111111111 446444e,44ttte)toe • 4 • • • #• 4. • 1• • • INVITED .:GAMES 1 ZURICI ThuxsdaY�. l�,a�rember 120th, 19G'.�� !HERALD .'D. L. Oesttii er, Mrs Oe,,treicher and Elizabeth Ann. `e Mr .and Mrs :D�u iel Weberhave returned .iter spending two weeks with Rev. and Mrs. 3, K. Ehlers in Hanover, Pa. 1 Mr ata Mrs E. Hutcheson of Blair spent 'the week -end here. Mrs. L. Rinker returned with them where she intends spending the winter. Diamond Anniversary Mr and Mrs. Jacob Messner form- er residents of Dashwood, who are' Ispending the winter months at the home "o' their daughter, Mr and Mrs iEd Stephan, Willow Grove, Mitchell, ''celebrated their diamond wedding on Sunday last. The bride of 60 years is the !former Elizabeth Platzer and she1 , was `'born in Wilmot Township. Mr. !Messner is enjoying the hest of Ihealth while Mrs. Messner is not just so. well. EL - C 0 for chassis. Tools look and Equipment — Large air compressor fully equiped portable air compressor, power drill., large and small emery wheels, all above mentioned articles equipped with 00 cycle motors; 2 complete large and small tap and die ,sets; II l 1 LII III 11111 11111 1111 1 1 111111 l l II 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111! L111ll1Ldll11! 1 t. Atrd:a RISJt<i1 I:�U?' 4a • • 4 'rt ,e, eepair• mg And F. rrn Machu ery 'AGENTS -FOR --- NEW IDEA FARM EQUIPMEr, I 'HAVE 'RENTED -THE -WORK SHOP AT THE REAR OP 'WARD'FRITZ "MOTORS,- LTD., FOR TRACTOR REPAIRING. 'MINOR 'REPAIRS 'OR 'COMPLETE OVERHAUL ON ALL MAKES 'OF' TRACTORS. TRACTOR,' TIRES 'SOLD AND REPAIRED. cGWAit ;NTEED'WOR3KMANSHIP — QUICK SERVICE 'EMBRt ENCY CALLS TAKEN CARE OF •GIVE • ME •A CALL! ELROY DESJAR IN ;Pi ne 78 ZURICH, ONT. The Annual Meting Chia cO• ,INTY -FERE . ATION OF AG- RICULTURE will 'be ',1-reU in the CLI ` , .N TOWN 14.1AILL sit 1.50 p.m. on WEDNESDAY, -NOVEMBER 26th, 1952 Huron County Farmers are urged to :amend and take an active part fl ;discussions on pxe,sent day farm problems, Fourth Annual Sale Of Scotc Short'( :oras 5 BULLS and 28 FEMALES Community Park Fair Barns CLINTON - ONTARIO TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2nd. At 1:00 p.m. Sharp. Sponsored by the following Huron County Shorthorn Breeders: ROBERT M. PECK & SONS McKINLEY'S FARMS and HATCHERY CLIFFORD H. KI'YES & SONS ... . . ...........VARNA JOHN OSTROM . VAItNA ROY F. PEPPER &SON ....... .. , ....... SEAPORTH For Catalogue$, write any of the above KIPPEN ZURICH e • • • r • • • • 0 • • • p ALE various complete sets of flat and socket wrenches; large and small vices; large hydraulic jack; Chore! Boy jack; large chain hoist brake reliner, blow torch, spark plug cleaner and tester, grease guns, shafting, bearings, bolts, washers, magneto:?, drills auto parts and ac- cessories, scrap iron, and many articles too numerous to mention. Also a quantity of Household effects No Reserve everything will be sold. HENSALL -Mrs. -iMrs. W. A. Kerr, Miss Betty Kerr, Carole Lynn Kerr, of Montville, are spending some weeks with the for- mer's sister, Mrs. Maude Hedden. 1Mr. Kerr who visited with his moiher Mrs. J. L. Kerr Seaforth, returned to Northern Ontario, Tuesday. Mr and Mrs Stewart Tell, and Pauline, Mrs. Gertrude Keen, spent 1 Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Wm. Stan - bury, of Brussels. Mr and Mrs Jack Heal of Wing - ham are getting nicely settled in their apts. in the Fink Block. At Carmel Presbyterian Church, Sunday morning last, Mrs. J. W. Bonthron rendered a pleasing solo. Mr and Mrs George Hess attended the Royal Winter Fair, Toronto,iast week. "Late Abraham L. Case Ab. L. Case, who had been C.N.R. station agent in Hensall for 40 years, when he retired in 1949_ died at his home Sunday 16th following a brief illness. Mr Case, a very prominent resident who lived in this section all of his life, was Dorn south of Hensall Highway 4, son of the late Mr and Mrs George Case. He was vestry clerk and" a member of. the Board of Managers of St. Paul's Anglican Church, a member of Hur- on Masonic Lodge 224, member of the 'Cham:ber of .Commerce, and presi- dent of Hensel] Bowling club. Surv- iving are his widow, formerly Pearl Reid of London. Private funeral services were held Tuesday 18th, from the Bonthron Funeral Home, with Rev. C. L. Langford in charge. Interment in Exeter cemetery. WANTED Scrap iron At $1.00 Cwt. Exeter Salvage Co.. - Exeter, Ont. Phone 423 Also a quantity of 120 and 30 Whitt Rose motor oil. Terms—Cash The Estate of the late William Neeb Robert Adams, Administrator. { Frank Donnelly, Solicitor. Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. tainsemalmsasmnezateamesmizzawiszEa • • • • 8 • 8 • Ic • Hensall Dist. Co -Operative HENSALL and ZURICH '8'0 ';Sussex'Pullets, -starting ',:to Tay; 4 'bean 'cookers, Hy'dro approved in A-1 condition, ••auto. 'shut -'of) ;• steel ,pig'troughs; 'beam scale 250=ib. cap; set of chain falls-Stodker,pigs..Apply to Phone 87 -r 21, 'Zurich. t;t° 'GRAND BEND 'Robert 'Pollock Passes , ARE YOUR BEST BUY ! Only Re -Cleaned Grain Used in Ow Feeds AVAILABLE AT • 1 ottsm atm am emus az aim m sem re esemses mz um to an stmennonsm.E8inCi Win ell II II el • Farmers Look! What is Your Philosophy- Of Life?-. ...en, 3', + • Men today have many different ideas of life and its purpose. As a ,h,, man thinketh in his heart, so is he. In forming out attitudes. of, lite,, . -k- + it is wise to consider the words of Jesus Christ in the parable of the ,'se,,_' 'i' Good Samaritan. Luke 110:30-37; Within this parable we have three 4. + distinct social attitudes, one of which in all probability represents + yours and mine. We have the philosophy- of the. robbers, "Whits, s:• yours is mine, I'll take it." This is an attitude which is all to ire *quent to -day. It springs from the sin of covettousness which .,hriet • said is idolatry, and will keep a man from entering the kindom W2 t 44 of God. We have the �phi.losophy of the Priest and Levite, 4.• mine is nine Pll keep it." This speaks of selfishness and unconcern * + which is contrary to christian principles of the New Testament. The . t third attitude of life found in this parable is that of the Good Sam- �! ÷ aritan. `Whats mine is also yours, we'll share it". Such a philosophy' - 4. springs only from the heart of one who has personally experienced es the love of Christ and its constraining power. This makes life worth40, living. PREVENTEX VITAMIN MINERAL For Pregnant Cows and Sows • 'Serdiees for "Robert Tollock, -88, A complete Vitamin and Mineral former well 'knownr.Stephen 'Town- ;euppl ment combined -with those • ship farmer'many years, who flied' ential :chemicals Pot Iiodide and es- te in London 'were 'conducted at Dash- • � O. wood on 'Nov. 3rd by the Rev.''4V.C.� Cobalt.. For Cows just use a tablespoonful • Tununer, `Grand .'.Bend 'in the Yioffmae1With chop for 30 days before ca;v- 1 feral home, -and 'interment rad,ring. You can save yourself trouble • in Grand Bent] 'cemetery. His •wtfie, Come i.by careful feeding. Coe and get the former Isabel Patterson, Bled in this mineral at Middleton s Drug 1933. Mr. 7?cillodk farmed north of Store, Hensall. Phone 2-0. 3tc Grand 'Bend until retiring "several years ago and -gfiing to live 'wi'th'itis son, Floyd Fondon. lie was en active member of Grand Bend 'United Church for many years, and had ser- ved on the board. ,Surviving besides his son, are three daughters. 4 • • • • • ••• • • • • DASHWOOD Mr and Mrs Hovvard Klumpp spent the week -end in Toronto. Mrs. Herb Wein is spending sa. few_ weeks with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Whittier -at Chalk River. Mrs. A. E. Oestreioher spent's. Last week in Chatham visiting her son Dr Clearing Auction Sale yr 4. Of Autos, Tractors, Valuable Tools and Misc. Items, on the Premise', Babylon Line, Hay Township; 1 / miles east of Zurich and 1 mile south The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public -auction on .SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22. Commencing at 1.30 p.m. sharp . ,,Autos — 111937 1Plymouth 4 -door Sedan in good condition. 1930 Essex Sedan, recently overhauled. Tractors -- Hart Parr tractor on steel; M. H. Tractor, truck and trac- 4144144416. w .' 1 • • 0 1 t • • i •• isi • w • • •• • • • • • •w • e • • 0 • • i No Reasonable Offer Or Deal Refused We have to offer 20 Inspected Cars ranging from '33 to '51 Models, priced to suit your pocket book. i IT PAYS TO SHOP! See these Cars, drive them and prce them LOCATED The Heart of Hensall, next to C.N.R. Tracks e • 0 • • • • • • • • Phone 178, Hensall for ,a demonstration • • • • Bob Cook Motor Sales • • • • • 1 • • Mercury YOUR - Lincoln - Meteor SALES & SERVICE We Sell the Miles that Be Ahead! • • • • • GOLDEN RULE GOSPEL MESSENGERS Box 50 — Zurich, 'Ontario Heat and ventilate your home with revolutionary new 4, 44 �yy Central Heating System Gas and Oil Models) • Above, the furnace is Focated in the utility room with heat tube: list the attic. With basement fnstafation, heat tubes are" beneath. fta l' THE MODERN MIRACLE OF LOW-COST HEATING This new marvel of home heating is revolutionary• in. hili•; performance. It conditions the home for health as welt;: as comfort. Blends room air with freshly heated furnace air — recireulates it — keeps warmth even !rein floor toy; ceiling. Pre-engineered, factory -made to keep cost 10w,• new 31/2 -INCE! HEAT TUBES that fit any cone. struction, whether old or new. new MAGIC BLENDER in each room. It, sucks in room air, it with hot, air from the furnace, then REcirculates yw a Ila` BLEND -AIR FURNACE that forces wars: air int*, ■IP Cf® individual heat tubes leading to each room. Asps, efficient fuel -saver you'll always be glad to have. 131.°;y D -,fie i g is delivered in a package complete, ready tta in ,fail. Colne in and let us demonstrate—we'll show yo': why "Comfort costs so little with R Coleman." For outstanding achievement Coleman has received the l award mads In the wenn sir heating Industry, 1st •as Models approved by AM. s', •M 4.wfl p 1444040 listed under label service by Underwriters' HESS — ELECTRIC ---- ZURICH ZURICH - Telephone 107 DEALERS IN GENERAL MOTORS AND COLEMAN AUTO.. MATIC'HEATING AND MR CONDITIONING