Zurich Herald, 1951-02-01, Page 4ON7i AP.10 ORDER YOLI1 Canadian Approved Chicks NOW ! POUR PURE BREEDS FOUR CROSSES All breeaing Stock banded and tested for puilorum by Inspectors of the Ontario Department of Agric- ulture. • • • 1 eicei Denontmne ut Dashwood. Mr. Gezard Geoffrey of bhhs Imigh- loouring burg left on fihea lay last for Indiana., where he will, ' xterinzto the C'apuclhin, Monestarye where he intends to become a Brother in that Society. "Gerard, who has had some years of College training, we believe, will be tz great asset to the Order, and if successful to meet with all the necessary obligations of that re- ligious order, it mill be a few years before he will he privileged to visit his borne land again. This commun- ity joins in wishing him well; and • that t'h•e new life that he is about to to enter, may be an example to his fel- low friends. We also wish hint con- tentment of mind, peace and hap- 'i'ness; we well know that his relig- ions vows though rigid, will bring to him. enjoyment. Is it not true for what fever walk of life we are des - belied to follow, it is from that we putt all all our ambition, and it is from that, that we give our entire service. So we congratulate Gerard tor that sacred part of life that he has chosen. The Hatchery is visited regularly by Inspectors of the Dominion Department of Agriculture. McKINLEY FARMS & HATCHERY Zurich Ontario +%mr:i vt % n'v-_-.R...�+,li �-',M1»aw,:: !I :.+np; . '•;i: 'J. Phone Hensall 697 r 11 •450.19)a-6M%.rw \"'mW'/^�..:.=aiS9itrrl � ��•L\".3n.".s... DRi 0 44gkSi11666466,64 Buy Beatty! You can't go wrong when you buy a well known Reliable Beatty Washing Machine We carry a full line of the Genuine Beatty Washers at three popular prices: $119.50 149.50 159.50 Also the New Beatty Electric Ranges. Come in and see them - they'll speak for themselves Always a good supply of Shelf and Heavy Hard- ware on hand. Scarfe's Endurable Paints, Enamels and Varnishes. Almatex Plastic Paints, Kem-Glo, Etc. Our Aim—To Serve and Satisfy! rs O'B rien Phone 213 Main St. Hardware Store 1Vfassey IF[arris HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF MASSEY- HARRIS REPAIRS. ORDER YOURS EARLYI AM TAKING ORDERS NOW FOR ANY MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS YOU MAY REQUIRE, INCLUDING TRACT- ORS, THRESHING MACHINES, COMBINES, ETC. "The Service Arm for Canadian Farm" Shop 49 Oscar Klopp R . ,07 EVER AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FARM NEEDS! ALL THREE — THE BIG THREE WESTERN HEROES! Rip-roarin', blazin', excitement are 1- ,urs when you follow Hopalong Cassidy, Roy Rokers and The Lone Tenger, daily and Sunday in The Detroit Times Comic Pages — On Sunday Hoppy, Raf and The Lone ,Ranger appear in color—See the• .Cstroit Times seven days a week for ALL THREE—THE BIG THREE — WESTERN HEROES! DASHWOOo Corp. and Mrs. S. Dove and fam- i; left for Trenton on Tuesday, •,There evir. Dove has .been stationed. Mr. Chas. Snell is in St. Joseph's iespi+tal, London, where he uniier- wet:rt an operation. 'Mrs. Alvin Kellerman who under- went an operation in Victoria Hosp- eta.l, :;London, returned home Ia;•:t eek. The Evangelical church shed Was ten flpoded for skating and the children ,are now having a skating rink. Mr and Mrs Ivan Taylor have re- ta•nc{d from their honeymoon and left for Waterloo on Saturday, where they .will .reside. Mn. Garnet •Wildfong who had her hip fractured recently, returned from the .Hospital on Saturday. Mr and lira, Milton Miller of . Waliacetown spent the week -end txri,th 11Irs. Cora Geiser and i'nniily. Late Albert Riese! 1Ir. Albert Moser, well known far - r:• -r of the South Boundary Stephen Township - p' sp'l away suddenly at ben lane residence Wednesday Jana - 24th. He was in his 77th year. ltrp,lrt•l .lead hien 0. +,umber • of year:, ago. Surviving are pee "a tighter, M,,,. Mandelencr' ilhinl, ream of Detroit; One •a John, .;t ! i Weenie, .dirt ,»t>«; sister, alt,, kT;3rtrl.tl< r, HENS ALL The Misses Eleanor Cook, Patsy Mitchell, Velma Ferguson, nurses in training recelived their caps at the Exercises held recently ,in the aud- itorium of the nurses' residence, Vic- toria Hospital, London.' . Their par- ents and a few friends were present for the occasion. Mise Velma ,Fer- guson is spending a week of her snid- wintter, vexation visiting friends in IMiss a ippi, Mr. Ed. Fink is spending this week in Nova Scotia. The anetion Sald of Mrs. C. Devlin, held Saturday last was very successful. Good prices were realized and over $900. taken in. Ed Corbett was the Auctioneer. Miss Jean Elliott of Galt, ancI Miss Eleanor Cook of Hensall are spend- ing a few days in Detroit. Mr. acid Mrs.,_ Harold Bonithron; Bryan end Beyin, were in Toronto recently+atttending the furniture Show Mr and .Mrs David Ryekman,. rot Pollick, S.D., who have been spending the past month with Mr and Mns. R. Parsond, and Mr. Ryekman, left Saturday for their homier they were accompanied by Miss Velma Fergus- on and Mrs. Roy Fer u 3 gso n, who will stop over at Mississippi to visit fri- ends. • Miss Amy Laminie le in Toronto, taking a three months speci!ai course in her work. Mr..Cecil Johnston has disposed of his welding :bu-siness to Mr. Mof- fat of London. Mr. Johnston who has been in ill health for the past few months is able to :be out again. Mrs. C. Devlin left Sunday to re- side with her son and daughter-in- iaw, Mr and, Mrs. William •Gook of London. Mr and Mrs. Wm. Cook, London, visited recently with the 1ormer's mother, Mrs.Catharine Devlin. Mrs. Ray Patterson of 'Toronto, spent a week -end here with her hus- band, Mr. Ray Paterson and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Patterson. Mrs, Harry Hoy returned home after a pleasant visit with relatives in .Kitchener. Mr. IPercf Gram of Lansing, Mich. visited recently with his parents, Mrt and Mrs :Geo Grain. HENSAL.E. COM. PARK BOARD •MEET _ The first meeting of the 1951 Community; Park Board, Hensall held in the Clerk's Office with the members being present, Minutes of the previous meeting read and ad- opted. R. H. Middleton was appoint- ed chairman for the year 1951, and Jas. A. Paterson as Secy., Trees for thevera+r. Motion that the Rink com- mittee be composed of R. H. Mid- dleton, W. Parke and L. Luker for the year. After reading of .cerresp- ondfynce the secy-treas. presented a financeai statement from the starting of making ice to Jan. 22 and stated there was a deficit of about $10.00. at present but that from now on we could look for better results. Bilis and aeeounty totaling •$3212.18 were presented. for paytndnt and ordered :pal.d. Motion: That we charge the .cur- lers Sc,5.a :piece' for curling af- ternoons and 35c for.evenings same to be coIlectedd by themselves and turned in to the Treasurer, also that they have the privilege of shutting the doors to keep the children .out when they are curldng. Motion: That all Hockey •teams other than the Public School teams when not playing in an :organizea league be charged $3.00 per hour for use of the rink, ---J, A. Paterson, Sec. ene Reichert of Detroit, •• rid one brother, John Moser of Kitchener. The body rested at his late home until Saturday morning when Re- quiem Mass was sung in the Church of Our Lady, 1Mt. Carmel at 10:80 a.m. Interment in Mt. Carmel Cem- etery. The pall .bearers were: John Ryan, Vern Sharp, J'inimy. O'Rourke, Henry Hodgins, Thos. Ryan and Lorne Dietrich. ST. JOSEPH AND BEAVERTOWN Mr and Mrs Pet Geoffrey and Mrs. Joseph Cantin were Sunday visitors in B'eavertown with Mrs. Remie Geo- ffrey. • Mx and Mzis. Fred Ducharzne were Sunday afternoon visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Avila Ducharme of the B, W. south. Mr and Mr:: Leonard Geoffrey and Mr and Mrs Clair Bedard, all of God - q ich were Sunday visitors with Mrs Josephine Ducharme, Mrs. Fred Simon of St. Joseph, was visiting et the home of Mr. and Mrs, Armand Denomme of the B. W. north. Mr. Thos. Brock of London, cal- led on friends on Sunday last. in the neighbourhood of the new summer ielsort and where -the bas a few sum- mer cottages. Mies Georgina Corriveau who tee been with her parent, on this B. W. Highway, has left for London, where she Will reeunte her work. Mr and Mrs. Len Sararas motored to London ora day last week on • a bu,iness trip. Mr. Pierre Carotin and ;oils:; Valera Canr•t.in ref Detroit were visitors with heir parents in St. Joseph. Mr and Mrs Fred Turnbull of ,n't,f+tri an•I air and 41re J7inl( Thee, ef St, .l :crib, were last SUtt- ] ev , ad t.e and line ilIe; Federation of Agriculture Last year Huron County contrib- uted $1,645.00 to the Ontario Feder- ation. This year their bullet has been indreased by 50 p,e. and Huron Co- unty's contribution for 1051 will be $2,400.00 if we are to meet our ob- 'ligation to the Ontario organization. This will mean an increase of 5c. pet farm in the County, it is shalt vhen considered by the individual 'inn but when added up makes a largo sum. Cyn Wednesday evening J: n. 17th, rev. Twp, l l+f,,l.•r:tti••>tt held their an- .ZURICH HERALD Waal meeting and banquet inthe to farmbut are unable to do so be- rpacious Comanunuity Centre in Zinn cause they cannot shoulder the fin- ancial burden that goes :with the purchase of a fatten at tht soot time, he said. .A meeting will be held ufn Clin- ton ,on Friday afternoon, Feb. 2nd at 2 p.m. under the sponsorship of Huron County Federation of Agric- ulture, Attending the ,rneettng will be the executives of all the Dairy groups organized in Huron County loh, with a large attendance, larger than the County, Federation banquet in Seaforth Vast November. Mr Robt. rMCCub'bin, Parliamentary as- sistant to Atgu•. Minister Gardiner, was the guest speaker. In his remarks he mentioned how quickly the Fede- ration moved to head off and Gover- nment change of policy that was not favourable to Canadian Farmers. He was however a little 'critical of the Fed, for -their failure to •commaend the government when it passed legis- lation favourable to oar farm pop- ulation, "We are not entirely free to pass out bouquets to any particular neov- ernment. If we did adopt such a pol- icy we would be accused of political bias by people who are not friendly to that particular party. Mr. McCubbin predicts an =flux bf settlers from the United States into Western Ontario. If such a move takes place they will have to bring their bank accounts with them for • we have many young men here in Western Ontario who would prefer e a r 0 1 1 1 a 1 a Thursday, February lett 1951 ' as well as representatives from other farm +organisations. The purpose of the meeting its to co-ordinate efllorta of all farm organizations in HurCO County in backing up the Provin Dairy organizations in their ca t;wigs to protect our industry from beim destroyed or driven into bankruptcy by substitutes made from!! hnportesd oils. !Please note this is a nieetang of your representatives and not a mass meeting. ATTENTION FARMERS! FEEDING MOLASES ARE GOING UP IN. PRICE EVERY DAY. OUR STOCK GOES AT THE OLD PRICE, SO ACT NOW.. We have a limited Supply of No. 1 5x Siungles at Price. Now is the time to Worm those Pullets. We have cr good supply of Worm Par on hand at all times., We carry a good supply of Concentrates for every. need. Se come in and try a good Co -OP, Mix! ALWAYS THE BEST FOR LESS HerisaHH Dist. Co Operati•v HENSALL and ZURICH i 9N f)eit'S 0411 a I IT'S THE ja J•j'Y 3A.N:iju^Lw. nui,T Fit"' uv4.''{,.cry.^ W;ty:..'k: ax••: i•:.i.r:.:�1r,Or��.•'";:1,`:���]'''^:N..a.F.n'�;lz��yzr"„'��,•�*;:d�+c�;��t<,�''`li',f�. nt i. 9s f ' $ Kr7,ytu t r" �F E c +KlfYyy. NOT TH • T 0,4 • THAT COUNTS WHAT PEO-PLE ARE SAYING ABOUT Pet/Swat Pi ann. The B of M featured Personal Planning in a test area recently. Here are a few of the comments volunteered by Personal Planners there: "... a very workable budget. Your service is much appreciated." great prospects for low -income - bracket fam:lies." up-to-date and practical for pres- ettt living conditions," "... have budgeted for years, but found Personal Planning interesting and different." Thank you so much kr showing us the way to make a budget work. Have tried for a year with no success, but now 1 think we can really live and save with Personal Planning." ... a wonderful guide." . appreciate commonsense method of handling money." • "Very helpful in planning a budget..." "It's not how much your income is ... it's how you use it," That is one of the chief points :Wade in the B of M's bright Little booklet on Personal Planning. No matter what you earn —$25 a week or $10,000 a year this new, practical approach to money management can help you get 100 -cents' worth of value for every dollar you earn. There's no money magic to it — it can't make $2,000 go as far as $3,000 — but it can give you complete mastery over your own money .. and put the facilities of a great savings institution at your service in attaining it. Personal Planning is •a completely personal thing. You will be the architect—with an assist from the Bank of Montreal. You'll tailor your plan to fit your income„ your hopes, your dreams. The outcome will be strictly up to you. Decide right now to nod out how . Personal Planning can be your blueprint for a brighter, more assured future. Ask for the introductory booklet "Personal Planning for Successful Home -makers" at your nearest branch of "MY BANK."' There's no obligation . - . except to yourself. ASIS FOR YOUR COPY TODAY AT YOUR NEAREST 8 of M BRANCH! BANK Or MONTREAL a Veued Zurich lJranch : -C. C. McEACHERN, Manager Hensall Branch: JOHN IRVIN, Manager Crediton Branch: CHARLES PARKINSON, Manager (Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) Dashwood (Sub -Agency) : Open Mon„ "Wed. & Fri. WORKING Willi CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE Form a.'erm' W,IWfORY4Firmo4.:✓ L p ogfmv 4,:p Y, `�'ymw», rn,r .r :i,,,-,., .••_»...n..,..,,wo..n,.ono>n,rv,,.r.:a+,..w•wwnwn,rsuw{i»mehuwaw�..+w.�.•,nm+.,xvoae�w.:rvnn.�.,w, i'h�4p'&w7:,@f1ti • r. 181T P•3 }