Zurich Herald, 1956-10-11, Page 4W191M64. ONTARIO
Thursday, •October 11th, 1950
Complete Dispersal
SALE of Registered Herefords
One o'clock, p.m.
Lot 3, Concession 10, Stanley Township, 3 miles
North of Zurich
The Herd of Clarence Parke & Son, consisting of:
4 Bulls, one year old.
10, one-year old Heifers.
2, 2 -year old Heifers, sells open.
8 Cows with Calves by side.
1 0 Cows, due to Calve.
Terms — Cash
Clarence Parke and Son, Proprietors.
W. S. O'Neil, Auctioneer.
Waterloo Cattle
"Where Better Bulls Are Used"
During 'the very trying harvest season farmers
have just experienced, there was not time to think
about the livestock and breeding program. How-
ever with fall here, plans for the fall breeding pro-
gram must be made.
When making your fall breeding plans, consider
the advantages of artifically breeding your cows to
the sires in service in our unit.
For service or more information, write or phone
collect to:
Clinton - HU. 2-3441.
Between 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. on week days
7:30 and 9:30 a.m. on Sundays and holidays.
The excellent A. B. Caya cow, Brittany Rag
Apple Lorene- a daughter of Aladdin, a former
"Unit bull - sold at the Brubecher Anniversary Sale
for $2,225.00.
4, •
DASHW 00t.
Holiday Quests
'twin Latta, Mr and Mrs..
Gordon W+eibextg of Waterloo with
Alt teed !Mrs. Fred Weisberg,
Miss Nancy Tieet an„ and 11Ir. Robt
iSlbormes of St. Thomas with Mr and
Mrs Mervynn. Tiernan.
Miss Anna Messner of London,with
Mr and VIrs Fred Messner.
Moss Barbara Becker of Kitchener•;arrant and living quarters, known as Effects., on the premises Lot 112,Con.
with Mr glad Mrs V. L. Becker. . ,Supertest Station. Living quarters 13, Hay Tvep, 3 miles north of December; H!oLtein -ow Milking, care
Ma. •lZialbert Wein of Sudbury with consist of large living room, 3 led Dashwood, or 134 miles west of Zur-rying third �ca)f due in' Feb; paDti
Herb Wein. Ilogsltein and Jex:sr�v co'w, milking,
Mr and ,Mrs. Elgin Keller of Lon- 11oioms' utility room., bathroom and d+c+h and 2 angles south.
modern gcitcllen; Lot 200x7.00 ft., • The undersigned Auctioneer is ine- 'ryin'g third .rel f. dee •in (1VTay;
d+on with (Mr gild CMTs, u Keller. building 50x45. This is a +brand now structed to sell by pu!blie,Auction, on , Hereford cow, nngl'.cin'g, due ra Ant
Ma and Mrs Ross Gumoann structure with ;all modern facil4tmes WEDNESDAY OCT073>EIt 1214th part Holstein a,Jr'i ey .eau, nue Ari .
and Eugene with !Mr and Mrs. Wen, Structure
nicely located. An ideal l�usin- !Commencing at 1'2.30 •pan.Dec; Durham 1 v ^' fer, due in Jan;
Eaglessoax in Detroit. ,ess investment. Terms of real estate Tractors Track and Thresher part Durham aryl Tiolctein Ixeafrex, diue
Mr. Herb ,Gatiser of Dearboen,Mich to be announce_ on day of
+with his brother, Chester G:aiser. Restaurant EquiR�ment and Grocer -
Mrs. Lou Eagleson at Then des — New Pap cooler witch 5 -yr• gu-
Sound wither son Gordon.Gordorn. and fans- arantee; large assorham•ent offdishes
dry. , and silverware, store shelves, display
Mrs. James Hayter, CMary Annie counter, large variety of :groceries
and Jimmy ,spent the week -end in and canned goods.
Brantford Nviitli Mr and Mrs. AIlan
HENSALI, , John Pasamore, when his family held
At the conclusion of choir lame_ a surprise party for him at Ai'anstr-
tee at HensonUnited Church, on
'.Thursday 4th, a reorganization was
'held with president Mrs. H. W. Hor-
the Secy -treasurer, Miss Gwen Sp-
eexse . •
Board Meeting—
At a meeting of the Boardof Dir-
ectors of South Huron 'Agricultural of baptism in a eerfionmed'
by her uncle, Rev. R. 7a::+smore of
Olwen Sound.
Mr and Mrs. Wayne Banns and
Danny of Egnbr'.o spent the week -end
with the latter's parents, Mr and Mrs
Rudy P.etzke.
Bob Baker, Jr., has' taken over
din Hensall because owing to lack of the White Rose Gas Station on high -
interest it was at first thought it way 4.
would be necessary to disbanct, but Mr and Mrs Murray McCreery and
the Society decided to carry on for girls have returned after spending
071e present time. Mr. Robert M'cGre- a week holidays in Listowel!.
gior chanre l the -meeting, A. W. Ker - Don Mellick of Goderich nes re-
1ak seeret•nry. turned home after visitingwith his
Itad Surprise Party— cousin Jerry 1\fcClinchey for a week.
Mender. Oct, 2th proved Thanks- Mr, Wim. Kerr of Barrie, ep•entthe
giving in more ways than one for Mr week -end at hie home here.
preeniiees, Nowt Half Lot 7, Stephen
'Beep, Highway 21, 1% miles north
of Grand Bend.
The undersigned Auctioneer is in-
structed to sell by public Auction, on
Con inencing at 1 Dem,
Real Estate — Consists of North
Half Lot W7 Stephen Twp., ion which
is situated a new garage with Rest -
Terms — Cas
hNo reserve, ,everything will 'be Sold.
011aee Desjardine, Pnolprietor.
Glen Webb, Cleric.
Alvin W Alper, Auctioneer.
Extensive Auction Sale
OfTractors, Threshing Machine,
Truck, Livestock, Poultry, Farm Im-
plements,Flay, Grain and Household
house 1112x19;, quantity cedar posts e.
quantity of lumber; +Ciintoln Fanning.mill; Cyclone seeder; electric'£eri'oex i~
black and 'tac'kle, chains, foram oche,
other anise, items,
Cattle — Holstein scow, milking,;
carrying third calf, due in May; Darr.
ham cow, carrying second .calf, do
*in January; Durhean caw, !lengt ng,.
carrying third calf, due in 1Vilauy; jar$
Durham and Holstein cow," fresbj
singe Aug. with +calf at .Soot;; parkDurham and H •ls'.e•in, cow, 'due in
ong's Restaurant, Exeter, in honor
of his 78th birthday. A turkey din-
ner was served with all the trimm-
ings. A large number attended the
e's,event. In the evening at Mr.
Passmore's h!onne, Janet Marie, infant
daughter of Mr and Mrs. Ken. Pass_
more of Ay,eree . ' ' ri' fire rites
•Sale. M.M. Waterloo "Z" on rubber, cons- in Fab; 3 Holstein heifers, rising 20:
pletely •equipped in guaranteed
Vacs. old; part Durham and J'exse
dition; Allis Chalmers "B" on rubber heifer, rising 2 Yrs.old;12. Durham;
newly ov+enhanled; Waterloo thresh- ',and Holstein heifers, rising '2 yrs. old,
er 22x36, equipped with Eberssol , 8 Durham Hereford yearlings. °Crowe.
shredder on steel in , A-1 ,condition; ' ail choice milk strain.
1937 C+hev. stake truck with 12x6 1 Hogs — 4 pigs averaging '175-1bs4..
grain +box complete with tarp, in igood ea^h; part-Tamand York Sow, ear.Household Effects and Misc. Items conditiron, eying s!econcl litter, due Dec. 217th.
-General Electric Refrigerator, 4-
Farm Implements — lieeDe•errn:x 7',ultry — 80 New Harp. and Same
burner Gurney electric. stove, 2 -burn- Ace 'bott6in 2 -furrow tractor plow, se`' n.ullets+0 months old, laying 50%;
er electric rangette, propane gas on rubber like new; sM-H binder 6 -ft. ;This is a choice -flock oat pullets.
heater, coffee stove, 3 -piece cluestex- ,cut; M -H. 1.3 -run. fertilizer- drill like 1 Hay and 'Grain — 260 bales of.
field •suite Like new; walnut coffee neva; Mc:Deering'. No. 200' tractor 'second cut +ehoi�ce red clover, 18 taxa ;
table, nest of walnut tables, 2 trilight spreader, like new; M -B. manure ,mixed hay best of quality, 300 bush.,.
lamps, 17 -inch Adhniral blond 'Telev-
spreader � on steel; 32 -plate tractor mixed grain, bushel xn red grass seeds
isdion set complete with aerial; snag disc; Mic!Deering 3 -section sprdnigtoo+h�3 ares cob 'corn. rack, raontinental singe! bed; harrow. +Cockshutt 2 -furrow tractor I Household Effects — 3 -piece din -
ingrown suite,. 6 dining room chairs,!,
glass cabinet, kitchen range, Qutabede
•combination heater, Roger tartarvet
•ell+ectric Radio, kitchen sink, kitchen
ette, etc., etc.
Clare Masse, Pareprietor. '
R. F. Stade & Son, 'Cler'ks,
Alvin 'Wolper, Auctioneer.
Mas. Bertha Hayter spent the we-
ek -end in Brantford with. Mr and
Mrs. John Snyder and attended 'the
Walsh -Webb wedding in Hamilton.
Mr and Mrs Ernest 'Davidson of
Post Huron with Mrs M. P1etfer
Several faioan here attended the
Ontario Quebec +Chaptea of the Can-
adian BandJMasters Association fest-
ival at the London Arena on Sunday
Of Cattle and Hogs, on the premises
South I•Ialf !orf Lot 14, Con. 7, Steph-
en T+vvrp., 1 anile north of Crediton.
The undersigned Auctioneer is in -
strudel' to sell by gnu ilc Auction, on
,convbieration door, variety of dishes, ,plow; 4 -sec. diamond harrows; De
dresser, 2s,stands, assox-etc., of clo-'Laval 650 carp. e1�ectrie cream separ-
thing, baby bed, buffet, ,etc., eve atm, used lone month; rubber tired
Garage Equirpment — '2 wheel tra- wagon with rack; 16,ft. flat rack;
iler, brand new; trailer frame, large1M-11. cream •separator; M -H. 3 -horse
jack, all Jack; !bumper jack, large cultivator; MH. droll; !MeDeering
,emery, grinding stand, 200 -gal oil mower, 5 -+ft. ,cut; M -H. binder, 6 -ft.
tank, quantity 20-rft. length steel; 'scut; Flury root pulper like. new;
heavy nuty vice; air ipower grease Renfrew- 2,000-1b. scales; Maple Leaf
gun, quantity of oil, etc., etc. 110 -in.. grinder; 2 -raw scuffler, colony
•At1.80pm. •
Cattle — Part Hereford and Hol-
stein 'Cow,. axnilkinrg, •carrying ' tihird 1
calf, due April 12th; Blue Roan Cow
milking, earryiegig third calf, due in
June; blue Heifer, carrying se -ond
calf, due in July; red .Durham •Cow,
milking, due April 15th: white Cow
retrying third calf, milking, due
June let •Dunham Cow, carrying sec-
ond calf, milking, clue June 12; part
Hereford and Holstein Cow, carrying
second calf, due in June; Holstein
Cow, fresh three weeks with calf at .s
foot; Durham cow fresh two months
with .calf at foot; Reg. Durham steer
riising, 2 yrs: old; Holstein steer ris-
ing 2 yrs. old; 4 Hereford yearlings
9 Herefio'rd spring calves. ,
Society Mr. Earl Dick let .Cromarty
.was appointed president for remain-
der of year to fill the place of Mr
E2mee• Webster, who passed away
recently. Decision on the future of
the Hensall Suring Show and the
Hensall Feeder Calf Club was made
at this meeting held Saturday night
Here are tyro football announcers who don't just talk. -about
the game but are willing tr .go rig'h. out on the gridiron and
got the feel of things. Bing Whittekor makes like he's going
to catch a three -yard forward made .by Steve Douglas, The
two CBC announcers who handle.haif the Big Four football
telecasters calm to the ,conclusion, after the praetieo we lever,
that it's n ea'ft Le er:ii u'; ilawe jii clic, ui1n!,''a 4'+''.. ';;myth; tbe;r
.;,e -ear nae vee eottowe<i lay' iwtotteir,A3'a .having to lige'
..Arco bottles et iina lent, and pouglaz, half a bottle,
Hogs — 8 Yorksbir.e chunks; York-
shire Sow.
No reserve, •everything will be sold
as owner is selling due to ill health.
Texans — Cash
Edward Fanner, Proprietor.
Garnet Hicks, Clerk.
Alvin Walper, Auctioneer.
Of valuable Real Estate, Garage
and Restaurant Equipment; Grocer..
ies, and Household Effects. On the
on D b thres
and Gdaranteed
Trust Cevilficates.
... for 3, 4,
and 5 years
33/4% for one and two years
Head Office — London, Ont.
District Representative - J. W. Haberer, Zurich
Jim's cheque is one of
two million
It's pay day—and in one quick trip to the bank Jim
will have His cheque cashed, a deposit made,
his bank book written up. He likes. this safe,
convenient way of handling honey.
Jim's cheque is only one of two million
written every.day'by Canadians, paying each
other for goods and services. They represent
T pit 1M
NY +b RF 06
90 per cent of all transactions involving
money, and speedy, skilled handling of
cheques by the chartered banks is essential
to the smooth functioning of the economy.
For customers who write cheques frequently,
there is a current account; for, ;op1e whose
main purpose is to save, a savings account.
'Your local branch provides these and
other banking services of value to everyone.
grnuAl qn yOuP CQM I)MITY