Zurich Herald, 1956-09-20, Page 4ltIRICH ONTARIO ZIJRIC'1 HE.'RALD :?r 4 4 4 .4. 4. • Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Make more money for yourself by having your calf pens filled with offspring from the bulls we have in service be they Dairy or Beef. Attention has been given to weight for age as well as quality in our Beef Bull selection. One of our Polled shorthorn bulls, Lanedale Fascination, is a son of the famous International Grand Champion, Carona Fascination who is also the sire of the 1954 International Grand Champion as well as the sire of both the first prize Senior and Junior Get of Sire Classes at the 1955 Internation- al Chicago show. Lanedale Fascination was bred by Ellis Shafer in Indiana who used Carona Fascination for a few years before he went to Lynwood Farm in Indiana. Both herds have many outstanding brothers and sisters to Lanedale Fascinntion who was shown at the 1955 Royal to win 6th. in ordinary conditions and Horned company. For service or more information, call collect to - CLINTON Hu 2-3441 Between 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. COWS' noticed in heat later in the day should be bred the following day. OR SEND COUPON TO THE ABOVE OFFICE: Please call at my farrn to give further information on your Artificial Insemination service NAME ADDRESS Concession Lot No. + 4 :+ 3 + 4 4 1 S ED (Community Chests and Municipal Grants will provide 543,500) to train, rehr.LLitate and house the 475 BLIND in i•. this district HURON - MIDDLESEX - PERTH (Excluding London and Strolford) Send Your Donation Today o J.E. Bannister, CNIB Campaign Chairman, Zurich, Ontario LOCAL NEWS Mrs. Emily Bedard has returned from a visit in Detroit, Mr and Mrs, William Forrester were weekend vliseil ors iii Toronto: Mr and Mrs. Clarence •Geiotlirey spent the week -end in Detroit. Mr and Mrs. J. W. Haberee and Mr and Mrs Edw. Datara 1m tored to Detroit on Sunday. Miss Kethleen Hess, R.N. of Lon- don spent a day at her home here last week. Miss Betty Gingerich of Blake,. is lake,- is spendini • a few weeks in the Vine- land area. Miss Arlene Haberer enter ed the Victoria Hospital Nurses' Training .Sohooi at London, on Monday. Mrs. A. C Meidinger 'olf Hensall, was a visitor at the home of her niece, IAfr and Mrs. Wan. Thiel, Mr. Albert Deichert has returned after being a patient an Clinton Hospital in the interests of his health. • Mrs. Kathyron Barber and . Miss Mary Zilnmerm•an of Tavistock were Saturday visitors at the home of their relative, Miss Anna Hess: Pastor and Mrs. Albert Martin and family were week -end guests at the Imre of Mr and Mrs Alvin Ginger- ich, Babylon line. Mr and Mrs. Nelson Weber and family of !Conestoga ', ere Sunday guests at the biome of their ester, Mr and •Mrs Alvin Ginigerilch. Mr and Mrs Roy Knoll and 1n- fant baby of Pt. Colbourne, were visitors the past week at the home ,nf Mrs. Knoll's parents, Mr and Mrs. • Thos. Meyers on their cottages for the season The past week wa+e a favorable one for the faasnrs Ito put Away Their bean ,crop. •But there (still remains a largo acreage to be harvested.. The (bean sample is 'only fair, and the yield about half of a ,crop. It is hoped the price will recompense the farmers for their summer 'woak. Reception AND DANCE For Mr. and hiss. Bob Bell, Hensall, (nee Marlene Richardson)' in the HENSALL TOWN HALL Patented Exhaustive tests have proven that the new Magic Action Faucet will not drip or leak. Yet this EMCO-fashioned tap costs no mare than old- fashioned taps. * no more drip -stained basios and baths * no more hot water waste * no more washers to replace * Easy To Turn *Easy To Clean * Easy To Look At Buy Matched sets fox Basin, Bath and Shower Conte in and see aur full line of EMCO Plumbing Equipment eswc„pYtneeeeeeeeeeee.ae, ' *.,.>weeespe STADE i&WEIDO Zurich - Ontario mearamoeliw0 '0 1:0 mx. da, xN ua .40 `vetpalrgia EC-S5•L•kw. 5111 On BORN --- To 1Vir and :Mrs. Avila DueharJne, at the South Huron hos- pital, Exeter,. a' son. Felicitations, and congratulations, DASHWOOD Zion Ladies Aid Meet— The fust meeting for the fall sea -1 son was held Wed. ,Sept. 12, being a missionary 'meeting. Following scripture reading and prayer (Marie and Ruth Salmon fee_ oared with hymns on their 'clarinet and ,ciolrnet. (Mrs. Jacob Schroeder gave a reading. Rev. Zorn led in discussing the topic "To give Al'1 Nations Peace." The Litany was as ,closing prayer. Mrs. Merner, president, presided for the business. Pere is to be a fowl supper for members 'and their husb- ands in October. Arrangements were made to attend the final lMdssi'onary League .conven- tion inStratford on Saturday'•Group four served luneh, Miss Barbara Becker of Kitchener spent the week -end iwith Mr and Mrs V. L.Becker. 1VIiss Anna Messner of London, spent the week -end with Mr and Mrs Freed Messner. Miss Anne Taylor of London spent dihe weekend witlh. (Miss. Hiobebs Tay - FRIDAY ;::.VE. SEPT. 21st. ... Desjlardine Orchestra — Everyblody Welcome. — Ladies please provide Luncheon. NOTICE Lox. Mr and Mus Clarence Kimpel and Susan of Kitchener spent the week - Gild with !Mrs. Mary Becker. Mr and Mrs Ward Kraft and fam- ily and Mrs. Douglas Keyes of ;hon - don, spent iSunday with Mr and Mrs Ernest Koehler, Miss Barbara Koeh- ler returned to London With them. Huron Crop Report .SEPT. 15, 1956 Further progress was made with harvest operations during the week, IIhowever, cool nights with heavy fog and 'occasional showers again slow- ed down the Iprogran Approximat- ely 50 to, 60 per ,cent of the splen;;' grain harvested is now ,completed in the County. Because of harvest in- terference, attendance at the three County 'School Fairs, Belgrave, -Me- KIilllop and Hensall was reduced con - COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF HAY 1957 ASSESSMENT ROLL Notice is hereby given that a roust of Revision on the 1957 As- sessment Roll be held on Thurs- day, October 4th, 1956 at 8.00 p.m. in the Hay Township (Hall, Zurich, Ontario, flor the purpose of hearing any .Appeals against the assessments. Appeals' to be dealt with will be those received ,Gni or before Angust 26th, 1956, H. W. Brokenshire, Clerk, Treasurer, Hay Twp. V. L. Becker, Reeve. 2tc COMPLETE HOLSTEIN DISPERSAL SALE On the premises, Hay Toweehitp, Con 9, Blind Line, Half n -e •e - east of Zurich and 2 miles nee e The unde.rsigne'i Auctioneer is in- structed to sell by Public Auction,on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3rd. Commencing at 1.30 p.m. Choice Holsteins — Cow milking, due in Mav; Heifer, milking, car- rying :crone calf, due in Feib nary; Heifer, milking, fresh three weeks; Heifer, fresh two weeks, ,with heifer calf at hoot; Two Cows milking, due in April; Cow, milking, fresh one month; Heifer, milking, fresh one week; Cow, carrying second calf, due. in December; Two Cows milking, due in April: Cow, .mil'king, due in March : Cow milking, due in May; 7 yearling Heifers; 121 Holstein Heifers, due in Dec. and Jan.; 4 Heifer Calves. This is an extra good herd of cattle with high production and best of bleed lines. Convince yourself by inspecting tkds iserd before day of sale. HOGS — Clhoiee Yorkshire Sow, carrying first litter, due first week in December. OTHER ITEMS — Surge two -unit Mililoinn+g Machine, .completely •equip-• ped in A-1 condition; 10 milk cans; ,l\ cD'eering Harreeer Mill in good 'Condition; Wolsely Clip Vac ,Clipper )tike new. 'Terms — Cash No (Reserve, everything 'Will be sold, as proipriet"r has other Inter- ests. • Stanley Saudel', Prorprietor• R. F. Stade, Clerk, Alvin Wailper, Auctioneer. + + 4, + 4. Hours -7 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. 4.30 p.m. To 1:30 a.R1 + + • sommummisimmmiossosaim Thursday, San 2O: h, 1930 ti Help Wanted MALE OR FEMALE '*4. For Shift Work in Poultry Eviscere. alai' Plant Apply in CANADA Clinton Person to PACKERS Ontario • sidienably as were the numbers 'of er-- hlibits shown. With all fairs in the Qoltinty schedule for the next two weeks, Fair Officials have already expressed concern about decre se<l 'attendance at the Fairs, this eye. because of farm work being so ra:• behind. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mr and Mrs. Walter McBride and Mary Margaret of Centralia were guests with Mr and Mrs Roy :iVic- Brid'e. Mr and Mrs Orval Rapson, of Hensall, and Miss Lois Rapstoni of London were Sunday guests with Mr and Mrs. Clare McBride. Visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs. Alan Armstrong were Mr and Mrs. Elmore J. McBride and family of Ereter. Had Anniversary Services— Goshen United Church was filled to capacity on Sunday, Sept. 9th, for both morning and evening annivers- ary services. Rev. S. Davidson, of lBruoefield was guest speaker for both services with Rev T. J. Pitt assisting, in the evening. In the'anorning serv- ice a quartette 'was sung by Mrs. El- more Keyes, Mrs. Elmer Hayter, Richard Robinson and Roy McBride, in the evening the Junilor choir sang and a duet was, rendered by Mrs. Robert Peck and Mrs. Elmer Hay- ter and a trumpet and saxap'tione duet by .Mrs. C. McBride and Mrs. W Taylor. The anthem was "Abide With St. • Joseph & Blue Water Ares Mr and Mrs Melvin Bedard of De- troit spent the week -end in this nei- giivborlvolovi visiting; the home of tvTr and Mas Leon Bedard and his mother Mr and Mos ,Bob 1Vlernridge of De- troit spent a few days wih the Tater's. another and other members of the family. M'r. Gerard CIen rio of Walkerton paid :, ineiness trip in this vi.einity ,over tine week -end. Mr and yrs IM, Quigley of Detroit spent a few days in their cottage of the B. W. South. Many other retorters were tri their summer cottages over the week -end even tiro fhor weather was not ton fn'1-1ir0)1A• It inane; a change (ruin their cit. ;items. Others took tele- antage to pout the fintThiee toncl:r•', • HOW 000D ARE w :f Me,,. Mrs. Bruce Keyes was von, ist. Huron Temperance Notes Goal Sports "It might Ibe that Canadian women - try to be good sports ant! thatch. drinks with their men." Dr. Gordon Bell, special lecturer on altiohlisra at the University of• bee reason why there are more wo. Toronto, suggests the above Doss'.. men drinkers in Canada than xn. the. United States. Dr. Bell has been, associated svtth the statment of about 3,000 alcholics and problem drinkers.•, His 'wlord should carry (weight. The Alcohol -Research Foundation. of Ontario, with which. Dr. Bell hale worked, reports that 64 per cent of - Canadian women take a drink, conn. Oared to 46 pee cent in the United' States. In addition to this startling - statistics there is the sobering fact that between. 1944 and 111953, the numl'b^r of women .aloohlics in 'Cane ada 4 -,creased by 60 per cent. If srny of our ,Canadian women'. are erring to match drinks with that men. Trr. Bell has a serious warning - fur them. They are actuallp irk: amich more danger of becolming &Ia coholics than their husband's. hundred -pound woman would sate* iust a er- iust twice the harm from alcohol the her two -hundred pound: hus"hana wlou'ld, for the effects are direeti proportional to body weilght. . tills 1F YOLPRE A SPEW®IE Speeders don't really "get away with it". They just use up borrowed time. Accident facts prove that excessive speed always catches up with you eventually. AiI speeders are potential killers YOUR DRIVING HABITS? DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS - ONTARIO WEEKLY B;DTTOItSTWhen a group ''+ntprress of Britian from Montreal r they were t'. fir' Which iDn'1'.1 '•Lig` 1,... ,-.. t,a _- .;', t:.. editor.- a' n•'., nr e .of mare than 60 of Canada's weekly newspaper editors sailed, on Itet eceniitiy for a tour of the United Kingdom, they found that, even at sea :lion. Sonia of the editors are shown above examining the ship's pr'nt ,l . '.(�,vt., eel t --en , n'1' the many other printing jobs, Thea i c,:' Ceti a, and .. eiij-e'e. • P.•,tn,