Zurich Herald, 1956-08-30, Page 5ZURICH ONTARIO (Ma and Mrs Bryce Mack are on vacation at Port Arthur avir .and aVIrs Ted Haberer spent SatOrday a.London. • Mr Ross Johnston.motored to Lon - den on Friday. M. Ronald Heimrich spent a few day/ith hills parents at Brantford. Miss Margaret Delethert or Kitch- ener rSAMS e, week -end visitor here. A number of ladies from tills area attended the Mary Hastings picnic at Springlearik park on' Satarday. • Mr e Werner ;Winter who spentthe summer let Fore Erie is vacationing at the Lutheran Parsonage, • Mrs. menno Oesoh has returned hone after a pleasant visit with her Mother and other relatives at Luck - now. Mr and Mrs P. -3'. Cuneingham and, Helen 'Clare or Kurt Credit spent Saturday and Sunday with their par - ens, Mr and Mrs. 0, L. Smith, Mrs. Chiiistine MeDonald and Miss Janet McDonald la Lucknow and Miss 'Louise MeDenald of ,Toronto and Miss Marken .•Parrip. .or. Edinburgh, Scotland, spent •Saturdiey at the bome of the fi onner's .deugliter, Mr. and Mrs Menno .Oesch. Mr and Mrs Chaeles • -Thiel and 4aughter Mary Ellen, .Mr Bund Mrs. George J. Thiel, ell of town were iSunday visitows '4. Kitchener, Ont. Me and ;Mrs WT1iamMerner of Lon- don. were week -end guests here ;with Mr and Mrs A, Merrier and Mr. Bedard. Forty tours Devotions— Eorty 'Hours Devotion ,begins .. Sunday, September 2nd at St. Boni-. face R. C. Church. The Masses on eunday. 8.80 — 11.00 a,m. Even- injg Devotions 8 e'clock. Recent guests with „Mrs. E. Hey were Mrs. 1VIargeret Hooper, London; Mr. johern;y Hey, Detrolt; Misses Heddy Sefert and Terry McMaster, Toronto; Dr and Mrs. Wesley Schellog of Longwood, Florida. Me William O'Brien, Mr and Mrs. Lloyd O'Brien motored to P ,rt Hur- on, 1Vlich., over th.e week -end to vis- it with relatives. Miss Olive 0'.Brien returned to her home with them af- ter spendhig her vacation in that .eity. Mr. and Mrs. Sol Gingerich; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bowman and eon. Marlowe Dean attended a wedding of ;a relative at .Carthage, N.Y., go- ing by way .of Niagara Falls and rat/timing by the 'Thousand Islands. A most interesting trip was enjoyed by all. N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street — Exeter Opcn Every Week Day Except Wednesday BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q.C. EXETER, PHONE 4 C. V. LAUGHTON, L.L.B. Wednesday, 2 to 5 'p.m. at Zurich At Township Clerk's Office ZURICH'S POPULAR MEAT VA-RE:ET LET US SUPPLY YOU WITH THE VERY cm= OF FRESH AND — ttifttli MEATS, BOLOGNAS, SAUSAGES, ETC. ALWAYS ON HAND. KEPT FRESH IN MODERN ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION YUNGBLITT BROS. 0'13rien's Produce ,••• 1-lighest Cash Prices Paid for CREAM- EGGS - and POULTRY LeRoy O'Brien, Proprietor PHONE 101 — ZURICH Zurich Creamery LOCAL NEWS Mrs. Manford aVicKinley of Toron- to was a visitor with friends and relatives here the past week. Mr and Mrs. Wesley Hughill and Mr and Mrs Leroy Thiel and famil- ies- wore Sunday vNtors at London. Mr and Mrs E. D. Brown and family of Hamilton were vi tors at the home of their parents, Mr., and Mrs. Tho. Meyers of town. ;Mr 'and Mrs. Win. S. Johnston and Mr and Mrs Lorne Rader spent sev- eral days over the week -end with Mrs Johnston's brother„ and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trueinner ot Tor- onto. IVIr and Mrs Asa Williams of Fill- more, Seek. visited for the past week at the home of Mrs. Garnet ;Jacob° and family. The former is an uncle to the late Garnet jtecobe and lived ha this viebilly prior to moving West in 1903. . :Messrs. BO Forrester and Bob Pick up Thurs.; back on Monday, Fisher or the PetaWa Training Camp (Local Agent) EARL OESCH are spending several days at their parents', Mr and Mrs. Wm. Forrester Barber Shop - Zurich and Mr and Mrs Ray Fisher. • Mr and. Mrs Leroy O'Brien of town, accompanied by Mr and Mrs Clarence Hoffman of Gait, motored to Niagara Falls, Ont., on Sunday, where they enjoyedthe day with the former's son, William ,01Brien, who is on the staff ,of the Bank of Montreal of that city and will be moved short- y A lovely time was spent together Dr. Wesley. Scholleg of Florida gave ue a .brief but welcome .ean last Wedeesday afternoon. Dr. selbellog who le a .Zurileh old boy was for many years a Dentist in Detroit be - 'ore he went south, but says he likes Florida very, much, having gone into retirement. We were indeed pleased to have him ,cell and see him !voicing so well. ZURICH HERALD G. A. WEBI3, DC. *Doctor of Chiropractic 438 MAIN ,STREET, EXETER X,Rey and Laboratory Facilities Open Each Weekday Except Wed, • Tues, & Thurs. Evenings 7-9 FM, Appointments 606 I WILL PAY 75 Cents per 100 -lbs. for Scrap Iron Earl Zimmer, Zurich. tf 5-4-7 WANTED Scrap Metals of all kinds, Top prices. As high as $25,00 per ton for steel. Apply Glel'en's Auto Wrec' ker's, phone 4'18 Exeter. 2tc Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd. - Exeter Complete Sanitone Cleaning Laundry and Storage Service Pick up Mon., back on Thurs. Has Left for Europe— Mr. Walter Irwin, nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Chester L. smith and Mr. will 'be proclaimed a National Holt- andiVIrs. Clayton 0. Smith and whose fandly is vacationing at one of the latter's ,cottages at Lake Huron, has left for London, Eng., and Germany where he will be interested in the progress of the Canada Metal Com- pany of Canada, and who supply most of the printieg trade with type metals, includiln'g the Zurich Herald.' Mr. Irwin who gales by planeeevill be away for about three weeks. - Our Next Holiday— Monday, September 3rd wf11 be GUT next holiday, Labor Day, when it • Property for Sale Six-year-eld House, large living MOM, dining room and one bedroom with 'closet and hardwood floors each room; 3 -piece bath and modern large kitchen with double sinks on main floor; two large ,bedrooms stirs with lots of eloset .space. Com- plete basement with ;hob and cold water; fruit room and coal room. Breezeway and adjoining garage,with nice lawai and garden,. Apply only on Saturday and Sunday to Donald Hartman. Telephone 79 Zurich. FOR SALE A Bell Piano. Apply to Mrs. Charles Regier, RR 3, Dasnwood; Phone Dashwood 163 r 7. 2te day. It will mean the last of the us- ual ,summer holiday season. People with school age children and who are out in cottages, etc. will scamper off to their 'homes in preparation of school opening the following day. The Department .of Highways warns all motorists to use every precaution in safe driving, a little bit more time and .courtesy and all will land safely .at their destination. Let the other fellow, the speedster go, but you go easy and arrive safely at your des- tination, is a good slogan. Thursd4y, August 80th, 1.05o READ on t4..q'_(able „. the meal is ready ! Be Your Menu Maker! YOUR BAKER not only supplies delicious wholesome bread for your table—bread for your recipes. Out of his fragrant ovens come all man- ner of mouth-watering goodies to crown the menu of every mean Frag- rant Coffee Cake and Cinnamon Bum for beea.kfast.. luscious fruit -filled treats for luncheon—piping hot Par ideer House Rolle for dinner. Bread in variety, too, for snacks any time of day or night. So don't get wrink, les worrying about variety in meals -- let your baker be your menu maker, See whaVe on his tray today! Tasty -Nu Bakery PHONE 100 — ZUR/CH "ilvdy's" Lunch -------,--- & CHIPS and LJGHT LUNCHES T1, Delicious York Ice Cream for Picnics `` and Parties, in Bricks, Half Gallons and 21/5 Gallons C. ANDERSEN B.A. Station - Dashwood OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 11111111111M111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111lIIIIMM11111111111l11111111111111111111M1111111411111111111111)1111111111 Your Home Market for . Cream, Eggs and Poultry HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID PLUS A PREMIUM FOR DELIVEED CREAM. WE ARE EQUIPPED TO GIVE EFFICIENT ACCURATE SERVICE. EGG AND POULTRY DEPT. IN CHARGE OF THOS. MEYERS ,Chas. Minshall, Proprietor —.6.66.6,66466 Western Firmers' Weather Insurance CAL OF WOODSTOCK LfrazdvsT Int SEWS BAL- ANCO OF ANY CANADIAN MUT. NAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS in OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO RATES ON APPLICATION E. F. KLQPP ZURICH A G E -ALSO DEALER IN LIGHTNING tODS AND ALL KINDS OF Fla F INSURANCE • Wes -a .12.1.1•611•611MONVAKIX#1.16#4#461. FOR QUICK SALE Girls' Gym Suit and shoes, Grade 9, High School Books.' Phone 81 r 7, Zurich 2tc FOR SALE A four wheel Trailer with hard wood rack •comelete. — Leonard Merner. Ph. 85r 17, Zurich. illaN 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 HM11111111111 For 9 A1ks 230 Ys to Se --- nevaelaammesaacimalatai,.......er.* melmaia.ms nly ist Chrome ,uites 7 Large Tables 36x72," Extended to 84" 20% OFF Chairs egular $10.00 Reduced to - $7e00 1 Only 30x60 Table and 4 Chairs 1 Reg. 105.00, S LE $69.00 Many ther Suites to choose from rkh Ph 111111 1111111411111111 I II -111110. gg EE :7= Es SE Ve3 ES 11iU1IIllllllhhI]ll1llIllhl1Hll!lllllllilllllllllli • Your Hardware Store t WE HAVE THE MOST MODERN IN: Bathroom Fixtures Electrical Appliances 04 Automatic Heating Air Conditioning : • Beatty and Pedlar Products Glidden, Spread Satin and C. V. Paints Super Kern Tone and Kent Glo 4 4, 4, WE DO SPRAY PAINTING— * 4 • See Us For Your. Hardware Needs: l' 4 Plumbing - Heating - Tinsmithing : SALES & SERVICE 4 . # 4 ittlekiht iim r PI . Rader . . 4 41.-f2alimairaairaitagErnimr=i2M"eraM2MIMMIEMISPatiMnawarmantmaiim Phone Zurich - 63. 4' 8 8 a in der 'wine re, 6 THE TWINE SEASON IS HERE AGAIN SEE US FOR BALER AND BINDER 0 0 8 8 a 0 =4 f:44 8 009 44, TWINE SEE US FOR GRAIN IN TRUCK LOTS TRY OUR CHICK STARTER! Hogs Shipped Tuesday and Thursday Cattle on Saturday Hensall DistrictCo-0 Phone Hensall 115. Zurich 220 losapattatermenemeastaanasassmnroartr=suEgrozzalagameanasamatam. 8 .44 a 0 a 55 a 8 As most of the SUMMER FOOTWEAR Cannot be replaced for this season, We suggest you get yours as soon as possible. As we can still supply you with various Lines: MEN'S Canvass Oxfords, Scampers, Etc., prices from $3.45 to $7.95 Wms. White and Panama, and other colors in Sandal at 2.95 to $4.95 We also have seconds in sizes from 7 to 2. "A Good Buy!" Oesch Shoe Stote Phone, Res. 130. Store 82 6 4 4# ' sivammionast--010-->mi=cezagsw- 0 PAINT WITH THIX SCARF'S 8 8 0 8 0 8 088 04) 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 JELLIED ALKYD PAINT. It Doesen't Drip It Doesen't Run Never Needs Stirring To be used on Wood, Old and New Plaster and 'Cement. In a choice of many beautiful Colors Comes in Flat, Semi Gloss and Primer Sealer You can do your painting job in half the time with THIX. It needs no thinning or stirring. Try THIX for your next paint job. THIX goes farther easier. Available at OUR AIM—To Serve and Satisfy. fAt41 (aC. 9 11711 t ten Main St, Hardware Store Phone 213 .6g00M;200=100170swasmumvArAn?em54. 8 15 0