Zurich Herald, 1955-12-01, Page 4INT*IC-11 A.R110 SALESMEN WANTED \St. Joseph & Blue Water Area This Tuesday morning weather was FULL TIME much like winter, the ground being ,covered with snow reminder that.win- FOR THIS DISTRICT i ter is around the Icorner again to greet us. 1'0 enroll applicants in top Canadian Those who have cottages along the 'Eotor Club. The men we want must Lake are trying to get all they can have direct selling experience and be out of them, for the past week -end determined to work hard for the resorters were seen, travelling toward not profitable and satisfying job the Lake banks. A goodly number from this parish they have known, Must have a car. attended the annual Bazaar Held in Personal interviews given to applie- Zurich Arena on Friday last. There ants with complete resumes only. were games of chances for all, but Please include phone number. unfortunately only the few were Box B - 274 Ontario Automobile Ass'n LONDON - CNT, • • 4 • • • • ••F 0 winners. This coming Thursday a .card •party will be held in Forties's Hall at St. Joseph. Come along and bring your friends for an outing. imusuguntemaimagsmouggiummentsammisiimas... 4. ifts 4.47, ee'e •;, , ' t AT REDUCED PRICES General Electric Vacuum 'Cleaner e .. Reg. 99.95 now General Electric Floor Polishers " 54:50 new General Electrical Food Mixers Reg. 2,4.95 General Electric Steam Irons Reg. 19.95 General Electric Featherweight IronsReg. 12.75 General Electric Kettles • Reg. 13.50 General Electric Frypans Reg. 21.95 General Electric Automatic Toasters ..Reg. 27.50 West. Roaster Ovens Reg 49.95 West. Elec. Blankets, Reg 49.00 'Sunbeam Ele.c. Frypans Reg. 38.90 •Dorrneyer Deep Fryers Reg. 29.95 Refrig. Aut. Defrost Switches Reg. 13.50 $89.50 $47.25 now $21.95 now $17.50 now $10.95 now $11.50 now $19.95 now $23.9-5 now $45.00 now $45.00 now ;31.90 now $06.95 now $12.50 Drop In And See Our Selection of Table Lamps And Floor Lamps HESS -ELECTRIC - ZURICH te.e. sealee ZURICH HERALD OUR SINCERE THANKS Lo all our Friends and v» bud, who helped to make quantity of alfalfa and timothy seed 2 -wheel trailer; etonebout, logging date; Anchovy Clalrion artd, born 1949, with calf at foot; Lavine Rose- rehoins, forks, Shovels, barrels and articles too numerous to men - bud, born 1948, bred June 20; Helen m,a.n7 our Annual Parish Bazaar a Lard"' Parrecho Floia, o 1952, with calf at foot; Parrecho Calrossie jilt, born horn 1952, iwatb. lealf at foot; ergweit seed oats; 200 bushels mixed tion. II and Grain - 300 bushels Ab- d born 1952 loose mixed hay; quantity of ensilage, co-operation and G.00cl 1952 with 'calf at foot; re -bred Au?. vain; 50 bales afialfa hay.; 10 tons ver successful event. Your enabled us to do even better an a year. WINNERS ON THE DRA.WING: foot; Parrecho Anchovy, born. 195,, a THE FOLLOWING WERE. THE 1st. -Mrs. Robert Rooney, St. IVIarYs• besrrecet aArePyillilligl6thte" serAvlileer olAabnecirfheelldry- 2nd.-Gilbert Plante, Goderich. • orchid A very outstanding Sire. 9 3rd. -J. Stinnissen Zurish. 4th. -Martin •Sanith of Windsor. 5th. --Mrs. Claude Knoblauch, Hes- eon. 6th. -De. Julius Galszycesy, Brant- ford. 7th. -J. A. Judge, London. 8th. -Lizzie Volland, Zurich. OTHER PRIZES: Christmas Cake - Wm. Watson, Zur- Bazaar Doll - Mrs. •Ciao:once XL-. ffrey, Zurich. Door Prize - Marion Fleischauer, Zurich (Also a word of special thanks to the 4.+ 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 15th; Parrecho Rosebu , with calf at foot, rebred July Marigold Ann, born 1952, with calf at foot, re -bred June 27; StrawberryE' re 1 m 521 born 31952 with calf at t 14. lackstone's Christ as SALE COMMENCING SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3rd Yes Folks we are 1r • For 71-• santa Game e really mean it People, our store can you the way to save on your Xmas. buying. The /31%es during this sale on our large stock of Bed Roo/ suit s and Chesterfield suites will definitely arc e ur interest. Shop early at ut our low down lay -away pla-n 1 • 3 tcky Tickets - Fl.I.E DRAW Turkeys will be given away FREE Xmas. Eve. Make Sure you get a Ticket! BLACKSTONE S FURNITURE Phone 240 - Goderich, Ont. yearling heifers; 10 steers, rising e, 6 yrs old. This is an extra fine herd of cattle. Top quality and blood t go ' lines. Tractor and Farm Implements --- 1a5,0 Ford Tractor fully equipped in' A-1 .00ndition, extra 'equipment includ Mg 2 -furrow plow, cultivator, manure loader, dirt bucket, ecrapete, etc ;1111-1.I. binder 7 -ft. out; Cockshutt 18 -run hie fertilizer drill; 30 -plate tractor a: disc; 2 sets of •3 -section harrows; 3- t sectiloln lever harrows; McDeering power take -off mower, 7 -ft cut like new; ;Cookshutt drop head hay loader, I like new; horse drawn Coekshutt .a spreader on rubber; rubber tired Lions iClub Of &rich for the loan of w an16-ft hay rack, MeD. side equipment.) . rake; •cultipacker; bean puller; oat • -Father Monaghan and Bazaar roller; set of sleighs, root_puLper, Committee:. 2,0904b. •eap. scales; aluminum wheel baraiow;• dump rake; quantity of tile ;1 SPIRITUAL DAY quantity of posts, steel and cedar; 2 1 0• sections of roofing 10x10; circular , saw' colony house, pig crate, shelters, There will be a day of spiritual brooder stove; Vega ,cream separator; 4 4. 4 4. i 4. 4. 4. 4 4. +4. 4, e• Nov'. .ase e8t1i, 1955. iiittotinesserstessorsnmessennamsemongsmastssmnstmasork, NOMINATION TOWNSHIP OF HAY PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that in compliance with By -Law No. 15, passed October 26th, 1955 under authority of Chapter 266 Section 74 of the Municipal Act, a meeting of the Electors of the Township of Hay will be held in the TOWNSHIP HALL, ZURICH, ONTARIO On MONDAY, DECEMBER 12th, 1955 The Clerk will be in the Township Hall, Zurich, from 1 to 2 p.m. to receive Nominations for one Councillor for the Year 1956. When a proposed Candidate is not present, his nomination paper shall not be valid unless there is attached thereto evidence satisfactory to the &turning Officer that he consents to be so nominated. A meeting of the Electors will be held in the Towriship Hall, Zurich, at 2 p.m., on MONDAY, DECEMBER 12th, 1985 To hear proposed Candidates, and in case • more than the required inumber of candidates to fill the office are nominated, and a vote demanded, A Poll will be held on MONDAY, DECEMBER 19th, 1955 From 9.00 a.m. until 5.00 p.m., at the following places: Poll Polling Place 1. School House No. 2 2. School House N. 14 B. Zurich Town Hall 4. Zurich Town Han Sehool House No. 12 6. Earl Guenther Block 7. School House No. 3 8. Jas. Masse Residence Dated at Zurich, Ont, D.R.O. Percy Campbell Hugh MeEwen Leroy O'Brien Albert Hess Truemner Reinhold Miller Jas. A. McAllister Fred Ducharrne H. Poll Clerk Lorne (../kapmart Ed. McBride Gordon Surerus Lorne Xlopp Cliff. Pepper Sidney Baker Glen Weido Ed, Corriveau W. BROKENSIIIRE, Returning Officer 2 4. 4. * 4. recollection for the women of St. Boniface Parish on next • Sunday, December 4th. It will be preached by a member of The Holy Ghost Order from Woodstock, Ont. This group of Missionary Fathers were recently established in the Diocese of London. Coming from Ireland at the invitation of most Revenend Bishop 3. C. Cody. Christmas Trees FOR SALE KINSMEN CHRISTIvfl,S. TREL7S GOOD QUAIT'D-- Aelply to -ie.. Clemens " atatioa - stigh- aims:inert by Hen - NV' eere' • 4, 4. 4. + Ip 1 • 4 4 4 4 Clearing Auction Sale. Of Livesteek, Implements, flay and Grain, on the premises, Lot 25, South Boundry, Townline, Stanley Thep. second farm west of Blake, 2 miles. east of Drysdale, Highway 21 or 8' miles east of Kippen, an FRIDAY, DEOEM.BER 2nd At 1 p.m. sharp. Durham .00W, carrying second calf', due in April; Durham cow, anilking, with calf at foot, fresh 2 weeks; Dur- ham cow, carrying fifth calf, due be- fore sale date; part Hereford and Durham cow, carrying third oalf,due latter part lof December; part Here- ford and Durham cow, milking, with calf at foot, fresh two weelte; Dur- ham farrow tow; 'Durham coy with calf at foot, milking fresh three Nveeks Durham tow, milking with calf'at foot; Durham cow, milking witt ealf at foot; 2 Durharn heifers with calv- es at foot, fresh one month; part . Hereford and Durham cow, milking, with calf at foot; 14 Hereford and Durham baby beefs, averaging from 650 to 750 lbs each, ready for mark- et. This is an extra good herd of cattle. Implements and Misc. Items -- M. H. Tractor manure spreader fir new condition; Letz No. 220X grinder, like new; 70 -ft. endless rubber belt,. like new; electric cattle ,clipper. Hay and Grain - f400 bushels of Cartierseed !oats; 300 bushels mixed grain; 150 ibales nixed hay; (i ton loose hay. All choice quality. 5 loads bean straw; quantity of cob corn. Terms - Cash Ne Reserve, everything will be sold. Louis Den omme, Prtprietor. Ross Love, Clerk. " Alvin Wolper, Auctioneer. Extensive Auction Sale Of valuable Real Estate, Reg. Short- horns, tractor, farm implements, hay, grain. and misc. items en the prem- ises Lot 19, Con. '7, Parr Line, Hay Twp., 2 miles east of Zurich or 31.1 miles west of Hensall and 1-4 mile south. The undersigned auctioneer is instructed to sell by public auction TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1955 Commencing at 12.30 p.m. Real Estate - Consisting of Lot 1.9 Con. 7, Hay Township, 100 acres of choke clay loam on which is situated a well built 8 -room frame dwelling, with all modern conveniences, con- sisting of new kitchen with built-in cupboards; large living room and den; has full basement and new fur- nace; pressure system throughout; large drive shed and arage; large barn and straw shed. All buildings in good state of re,pair. Farm is well drained with ample water supply. Inspection invited before day of sale. Terms of Real Estate - 10% on •day tof sale, balance in 30 days. Offered for Sale subject to a reasonable re- served bid. Registered Shorthorns - Crimson Lady, horn 1947, with calf at fobt; Mora Ann, born 1947, bred :Tina 22, Anchovy 'Clarion, born 1946, bred Feb. 22, due !before sale clatel.Straw- aeery T31, s o rt: 491h, born 1947, with r.alf at foot. Clarion Flora, born 1946 lead Ancil 8th; Strawberry Blossom r,Oth, bred , e • 7. svtom. littssact 01006,1(4, Thursday, December let, 19515 Household Effects - White enarn0j, sink, eupboard, tables, chairs, etteslx* 'field suite; small wardrobe, ,etc., etc. Due, to large sale, selling will eta* sharp on thne. No Reserve. Terms - Cash Mrs. Ross Dick, Proprietress. Ross Love, Clerk. Alvin Wolper, Auctioneer. Rollie Sports & Cycle GRAND BEND We Can Supply You OF ALL YOUR HUNTING NEEDS. LICENSES, RIFLES, SHOT GUNS, AMMUNITION OF ALL KINDS; CLAY BIRDS, HAND TRAPS, DUCK DECOYS, DUCK CALLS, COMPASES, CLEANING RODS, and PATCHES; GUN BLUING; HUNTING KNIVES, BOOTS, HIP OR LACE KNEE BOOTS, WADERS, HUNTING JACKETS and CAPS; BOWS and ARROWS, FISHING TACKI.17.. A LARGE SELECTION FOR SPORTSMEN. GIVE US A CALL at the Facts behind the Figures No doubt about it, we Canadians have, on the whole, had a good year in 1955. And, although you may not think of it, the facts show that you personally played a useful role in helping Canada reach its great height of prosperity during the past year. ' For it is your money, together with the savings of millions of other Canadians across the country, that helps turn the wheels of our industries and our commerce. The B of M puts your savings to work, in the form of loans and investments, so that Canadian enterprise can have the day-to-day financing it needs to build, to employ, and to produce. Only with such financial assistance are Canadians able to enjoy the benefits of a high standard of living. Clearly, the facts behind the figures in the B of M's 1955 annual report show that the dollars you save work hard and long to secure not only your own future, but also the future of our nation... THE MONEY YOU DEPOSIT: At the end of the Bank's year, October 31, 1955, over two million Canadians had on deposit at the B of M the sum of $2,591,326,311 -the highest year-end total on record. Although much of this money belongs to institu- dens and business firms, more than half of these deposits represent the personal savings of Canadians in every walk of life. . savings that are bringing bene- fits to you and to Canada. THE MONEY WE LEND: The money you save at the B of M is helping to ensure our country's expansion and progress - in the form of Aloans to Canadian farmers, to4v airs miners, fishermen, oil men, lumbermen and ranchers; to industrial and business enterprises; to Provincial and Munici- pal Governments; and to salaried people My bank has just completed its 138th year with resources amounting to $2,796,174,064 - the highest figure in its history. The 13 ofM's growth is part of the growth of this community and of all Canada, and I am MY HANK' proud of the part my customers have in • 072111110M CAIIADIANS this story of progress. 00,4Cite# CARL SCOTT, Manager Zurich Branch, Bank x.)f Montreal in all walks of life. As of October 31, B of M loans to. tailed $1,057,444,001- the highest in the Bank's his- tory. In untold ways, these dollars are contributing dynamically to the maintenance 'and improvement of our standard of living. THE MONEY WE INVEST: At the close of the year, the B of M bad $975,361,319 invested in high-grade government bonds and other public securities which have a • ready market. This money Is helping to finance gov- ernment projects for ,the betterment of the country and the welfare of Cana- dians at large. Other securities held by the Bank - which include a diversified list of high-quality short-term indus- trial issues - bring total investments to $1,214,559,875. '