Zurich Herald, 1955-05-26, Page 7ZURICH HERALD Thursday, May 25th, 1955 BOY PARALYZED Fur Life, $77,213 Is Jury's Award St, Catharines, Nov. 11 - One of the largest single awards made in a Lincoln County Conrt Young 1 LcLean was injured May 27, 1953, when knocked off his motor. bike by a truck as he was about to make a„ left turn - CIA recommends third -party coverage of $100,000 for bodily injury to one person, $200,000 for (bodily injury dio two or more per- sons, and $1100,000 property damage. Bertram Klopp R.R. 3, Zurich. Phone 93r1, Zurich. Our Motto Prompt and fair Claim 'Service SEE US FOR NEW RATES! • FOR QUICK SALE + Registered Hereford iBnlls far + sale --Lloyd Etue, Zurich. 2te FOR SALE Choice Clipper seed Beans - Orv- '¢ ille Taylor; Phone 58 r 23, Hensel!. T Ont. • 2t": 4. FOR SALE A number of York Sows due to farrow in May. Apply to Stanley Saucier, Phone 94r22, Zurich 2tc DAS.f-(WOOD Mr. Aaron Oestreicher spent a few days last week visiting with his son and daughter and families: Dr. and Mrs. Donald Oestreicher of Chat- ham and Drs. John and Eunice Mc- Kishnie of London. Grant, two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Russel Hoperoft is ill with pneumonia. Holiday Visitors - Mr and Mrs. Melton Wpm: and girls of Ingersoll with Mr and Mrs. Philip Fassold. Mr and Mrs Gordon Wieberg of Waterloo with Mr and Mrs. Fred Wieberg and Mr and Mrs Victor '"Tyler. Mr. Mervyn Stelck and Patsy of Bradford with Mr and Mrs. Ed. Etelck. . Mr and Mrs Donald Restemayer, Wendy and Judy and Mr and Mrs. Martin McGrenere all 'of London, r CP a 4. • 4. 4. 4. 4. uB 't s='r"•��ua,� Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association WHERE BETTER BULLS ARE USED At the end of April, this organization composed of 45$S members. 485 of 'these joined during 1955. In the first four months of 1955 cows were inseminated by this Organization. This is an increase of 1928 cows over the same period of 1954. For Whose not using our service new, you would be helping yourself while making an even stronger fawner -owned and controlled co-operative by using our good bulls. COST OF SERVICE IS NOMINAL $5.00 FOR LIFE TIME MEMBERSHIP $5.00 PER COW FOR MEMBERS $6.00 PER COW FOR NON-MEMBERS 4 SERVICES WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE ARE GIVEN " IF NEEDED TO OBTAIN CONCEPTION, If you wish to use a desirably proven bull or a promising young bull, the Waterloo Cattle Association has the answer with the bulls in the Unit. FOR SERVICE OR INFORMATION, PHONE COLLECT CLINTON -242 7:30 A.M. to 10:00 A.M. WEEK DAYS 7:30 A.M. to 9:30 A.M. SUNDAYS & HOLIDAYS MEETING OF . HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The June Session of Huron County Council will be held in the Court House, Goderich, on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15th, 1955 at 10.00 a.m., E.D.S.T. All accounts, notices of deputations or petit- ions should be in the hands of the County Clerk -not later than noon, on Saturday, June l 1 th, 1955 A. H. Erskine, Huron County Clerk, JIM DONNED ,L.Y GODERICH • Friday, May 27 -- 6:25 . to 6:30 p.rn. Dr. E. A. McMASTER - SEAFORTH a • Monday, May 30th --- 6:25 to 6:30 p.m. 4 55 4. 4. r. s 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. a oe 4. • 41 SPEAK ON BEHALF OF 41 'y99 'uta;{ y ry „• :f OVER C K N X Inserted By Huron P.C. Association with Mr. 'Otto Restemayer. Mr and Mrs Milton Willer; and daughter and Mr and Mrs Alvin Wil- lert and fancily, all of Exeter, with Mrs. Amelia Wilert. Mr and Mrs Ray Patterson, James and Winston and IMrs. Ada Patterson at Ea -vin Rader's . Luther - Datars In a quiet dauble-ring ceremony Performed ilvc 'Rev. Louis Higenell in Zion Lutheran church, Dashwood, Saturday, May 14, 1955 Marguerite Alva, only daughter _of i1'Ir and (Mrs Amore Datars, Dashwood, was un- ited in marriage with Lorne, oldest son of Mr and Mrs IiVfanford Luther, Blue Water Highway. • The date chosen was the 25th anniversary of the groom's parents. The bride wore a light blue gray suit identical to that worn by the.. groom. She wore pink accessories and an orchid corsage. Her only at- tendant was Shirley Luther or Lon- don, siter of the groom attired in a navy suit, white iaccessortee, and a corsage of red rose buds. Earl Dat - ars, brother of the bride was •gzwoans- rnan. Following a reception held at the bride's home they left on a trip to United States, on their return they Will live near Grand Bend. E.U.B. -- WSWS The monthly meeting sof the WSWS was held with the exucitive in charge Mrs. Carl Oestreicher was in the chair and pave several short ]Easter ,poems during the service. The meet- ing was opened with devotions. Mrs. Ia. Snell gave a reading "In tine Gar- den." Mrs. Everett Hoist and spurs. Lloyd England favored with a duet. The president, Mrs. L. Taylor presid- ed for the business W. 1. Meet The annual meeting of the Dash - W. I. was held March 29 with Mrs. a 4. ar 0 4. 4. 2 a 4. 4' a 4. 6 a 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. r8 a G 09 m w SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No. 1 Weston, Ontario Reliable Grading Direct Settlement Obtain sacks and twine without charge from RUSSELL MANSON R.R. 1, ZURICH - ONTARIO or by writing to CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada Ervin Rader .presiding. 'Tule meeting was St. Patrick. The Roll Call "Sing Sav or Pay" was answered by 17 me- mbers causing much amuseanent. It was decided to have ears avail- able if necessary for the polio clinic inoculations. The president was vot- ed as a delegate to the convention at Guelph in May. -. Mrs. Mitred Werner =presided for the election of Officers with. Mrs. Arnold Kuntz Secretary. Mrs. Char- les Snell gave the reiaort of the nom- inating eonundttee. The Hollowing offi- eens were elected: President, Mrs. Ervin Rader, lst Vice, Mrs. ':Mervyn Tiernan, 2nd Vice Mrs. ,Charle,e Snell, Secy-Treas., .Mrs. Arnold hunts; As- sistant, (Mrs. Wilfred Werner:; Dist, Director, Mrs. iMilfreel Merrier: Asst. Mrs. Floyd Wean Directors, Mrs. L. Taylor, Mrs. H. Kellerman: Mrs. G. Anderson, Press Reporter, Mrs. 'Har- old Rader; Pianist, Mrs. Ken Mc- Crae; Auditors, Mrs. L. ,Sclarvek, and Mrs. R. (Miller; (Convenors of stand- ing (Committees: Agriculture and Can- adian industries, Mrs. Sid faker, (historical Research and Cure t Ev- Pioneer Seed. Corn can still furnish you with the best seed corn you eau buy - PIONEER! While there is still a supply avaiilalble, call me for the extra bushels you will need to com- plete your planting requirements this spring. J. W..MERNER Phone 13.7 - Zurich, Ont. ents, ldrs. Ken McCrae; •Citizenship and Education, Mrs, John Rader; Idioms Economies and Health, Mrs, Carl Oestreicher; Community Activ- ities and Public Relations, Mrs. Emil Becker. The retiring convenors gave their yearly report. Mrs, Gordion Bender presided for the program. Miss Helen Nadiger sang, St. Patrick's :Birthday' with Mas. McCrae at the piano; (Mrs. G. Anderson gave a reading "`Paddy's Excursion." The motto - without thought there should be no talk, was taken by Mrs. G. Bender. Mrs Letta Taylor told the story of St. Patrick. The group in charge served raisin bread and maple syrup. The meeting closed with The Queen. Seed Beans Many tests have shown. that the badly weathered beans of last fall have Very,Poor Germination WHY RISK A POOR CROP? Sow Dependable Seed See us for your Seed Requirements. We have a Complete Stock of Commercial WHITE and YELLOW EYE Seed on Hand Our Prices are Reasonable! Cook Bros. Milling Co. Ltd, PHONE 24 - HENSALL 1 1 4; 1 4 .4; .11'1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 41 1 1 1 a 1 w 1 1 .4 a 1 1 1 w perfect• circle discharge vents no clogging SAVE TIME AND LABOUR WITH By CLEMMER WELDING, Waterloo, Ont. Large 7" dia- WRONo R,ONT meier special tread wheels, „Vie, easy pushing yf \•,1' `' and grass pro- f tection. 18" Cut Rotary Power Mower. 11 LIFTING DEVICE for quick, easy height adjustment, from 1" to 4" by pulling ratchet lever: Lawn Kong Is Available With Either 2 or 4 -Cycle Motor. TIEW AN'S HARDWARE - DASHWOOD NEW "go-ahead" power More powerful 6 and V-8 engines 0:4s re, 1 '1.3%4 .a at .111. ti w Qjk�d`4 oney in the bank Millions of Canadians know the value of a bank account -the security and comfort it brings, the peace of mind it assures, the enterprise it makes possible. When you keep your money in a chartered bank you know it is safe. And you are dealing with friendly, experienced people, skilled in the management of money and anxious to share their knowledge with you. There is a type of account to suit your purpose, some designed to help you accumulate funds, others featuring the convenience of chequing. Your local branch bank provides these and many other services. It is xnu.ch more than a handy, safe place to keep money. It is a banking service -centre where you can count on prompt and courteous attention to all your banking needs. Only a chartered bank offers a full range of banking services, including: SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Keep your money safe; pay you steady interest; encour- age the habit of thrift, CURRENT ACCOUNTS For individuals and companies who pay by cheque; your can- celled cheques serve as receipts. BANKING BY MALI. Convenient, and saves time. All your routine banking can be handled in this way. JOINT ACCOUNTS Savings or Current; for two of more people, any of whotn can make deposits or withdrawals. TI3E CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY 4 1