Zurich Herald, 1955-05-26, Page 1Established 1900 4. 4. •T• 4. 4. 4. 1 - MONDAY - MAY - 30th. 1.0 A. M. - 8 P. M. AT THE MILT A. OESCH SHOE STORE Zurich, Ontario - Phone 82 or 130 .. NO CHARGE For Personal Consultation Phone or Call For 'Appointment AL ZURICH, ONT R ''O, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 26 1955 YOU ARE WELCOME to this ONE DAY CLINIC IT'S FOR YOU ! MIRACLE - Perfect Foot Comfort DOES THIS MEAN YOU? Mr. and Mrs. Foot Sufferer f• +a• t TO HAVE RECEPTION Mr and .Mrs Albert I3adour of Zurich are holding a reception in 'honor o their son, Theodore, and his new bride, in the Community Centre, on Saturday evening, May 28th, at 8.30. Everybody Welcome! m T:atI' i l' Phone 421, - EXETER Thursday, Friday, Saturday May 12.16, 27, 2S MA and PA KETTLE At Waikiki MVMARJORY MAIN PERRY KIr,RRJDE I.f it's laughter you're .after, this is it. These two have made comedies + before but nothing to to + this. + 4. 4. i. •4• a . 4. + +r 4. JUST TAKE ONE MINUTE f•+ And read this letter from Mr. Donkervoort, it speaks for itself: I• -•d. 253 Gray St., London, Ontario. 4. + 0' George Hardman Miracle Food Aid 't• Dear`Sirs: I suffered Y ,�, Skilled Technician a lot with very bal flat feet and had lots o£ 1. callouses on the sole of my feet. 1 could not walk without pain, not i. f ": even for -one step. It was a real hardship to stay at worn because 1 --,,,T, 'T' of ray feet. Itried lots of things to help me, but nothing worked. 1 even wondered if I would have to give up walking. Now, since walk - 1 :Mg with Miracle Food Aids, I can walk and work without' pain. 1. started with you about II months ago, so I can see the comfort I it "Tr,have will last. Thank you for your attention and help. I will tell I. . all my friends who have foot trouble to go to you. -Yours Truly, (Signed) T.. T.Donkervoort. 4. -*I.'�NAVES and ADDRESSES of ZurichDrstric# People who praise -4. MIRACLE FOOT AID are Available fi s1 London, (3shawe, g ;y-•. CLINIC4.S also at Brantford, Guelph, Hamilton,-��- St. Catharines, Kitchener, Etc. SFE Mr. HARDMAN for a Practical Demonstration on your own -1, case how Miracle can help yuo. + 4. (00.00000.400440*0000000*4,.0040ep0*0-0.000.446.e a• 0. 0.00,00.0 00.0 .3, 0 0 4 • 0A 0 4 0 I-IOFFMAN'S I Arrange Funeral Service ro To Or From ° Out -Of -Town -Points . cs p�„a� l3,Wherever funeral service is'required, to or from any place in Can- ada, the United States or other points of the globe, Hoffman's, as a e members of local and national funeral director's associations, can b 4, handle all the arrangements. You are always assured the quiet a r- a v eiency of Hoffman's service. 0 • P T. HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOMEe. 1, Funeral and Ambulance Service DASHWOOD Telephone 70-W �` "t• 24 -Hour Service 'Veld.* 1,4,0 0 .00.00 00 000,00 4)00.00111.41/246A4041,B4•o41'44+.0.4,00 r sevessaramseamscsasmumeneuseceemeeessepassernumereemseneseeeor compare Monday, Tuesday May 30-3 Young at Heart DORIS DAY FRANK SINATRA A musical comedryi that tingles t heart strings and sends you ho happy. Wednesday, Thursday PUSHOVER .� flB am. B.,p3riortore Shop at ur Store AND SEE THE MANY FINE USE1 UL AND GIFT ARTICLES WE HAVE IN CHINAWARE, ETC. WE SHALL PLEASED TO SHOW YOU T1 -HESE! BE FROZEN FOODS BIRD'S EYE FROSTED FOODS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE -- FRUITS - VEGETABLES FISH.. COLD_.. ME.ATS,.. ETC. SEE ' OUR GROCERY SPECIALS ! Visit our Large Grnce'r,, Department and take • ,•,,: c . s on Sale crom advantageofthe'� '" . - airrie. 'es and Greens, Weeklyly kresn lrru13s, LET US SERVE YOU ! .,r.;.....,....,.... ---.may.. C. H. THIEL u ich a • Phone 1 sae me LIBERALS ORGANIZE Atter an organization meeting of the Hay Township Young Liberal Association held in Zurich in the past week it was decided that a Social Ev- DO ening and Wiener Roast would be held,,at Kalbfleisch Park, on Wednes- day June :1st, beginning at e .m. All interested young men and women in the eight poll districts are extend- ed a. welcome. It is expected that the liberal. candidate for Huron, Jim -Scott, will be in attendance. Jurie 1-2 NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPi Tel. 223 Zurich FOR APPOINTKENTS NORMA STEINB.ACH Prop, N Single Copies 6 Comm Subscription in Canada, $2,0() a Tog Subscription U.S.A., Year $2.50. RAGS, RUGS and CARPETS' On a New Modern Loom, Made W Order - Seth 0. Amann, Zurkik Ont. Phone 128. FRED McM'IJRRAY KIN NOVA:K A crime melodrama that florae one tense through the whole picture. Won Jaeatre GRAND BEND Friday, It Did Rain! The much needed rain came Tues- day evening and more during the night. A real good soaker just when it was badly needed. But up the Blue Water Highway, north of Drysdale these nvas a bit too much of the good thing, as fields are some- what flooded in the lower flat places, then at the Parr Line, east of here they had just a light sprinkle, and farmers went back working on the land next morning. But here in Zur- ich we really had a good soaker and it will greatly help and stimulate all growth. A B.I;G WEEK -END The traditional Victoria Day week- end just past was again a very rbusyl one as about sixty fatalities occurred throughout Canada, 35 of these in busy Ontario. Most ofthese were the usual motor car mishaps, and in most cases caused by too much speed, as is usually the case. The exceptionally 1VIay 27-28 warns weather got out a lot of peo- Saturdaypie' and lakesides were jammed with RANDOLP'H SCOTT Rage at Dawn Technicolor Forrest Tucker Mala Powers Into a raging ambush rode the resort operators are looking forward Reno Brothers .... gun harnv des- for a bumper season the next few perodoes who terrorized the West. months ahead. 'Many people who will 3 Cartoons 3 not find time going any greater dis- t ice will..content themselves with Monday, Tuesday lV.[`a.'30-31 the resorts closer to homey ,and just CINEMASCOPE 'TECHNICOLOR •go a little oftener; and it will be the The Silver Chalice same .when the outing season will be over. But above all, when you get Virginia Mayo Pier Angell as the life on the Highway "Drive Carefully", Jack Palanee you save may be your From Thomas B. Costain's best seller this great story of truth and own. temptation. ZURICH CWL MEMBER HONORED Newsreel By Bishop Cody at Convcntron Mrs. Fred Regier of St. Boniface Parish, Zurich was named ''Woman of the Year" for the London Diocese of the Catholic Women's League the other night by His Excellency the :Most Rev. John C. Cody, D.D.,L.L,D. Bishop of London at the 35th annual convention of the diocese at the !Prince Edward Hotel, Windsor. Mrs. Regier, the former Dela Den- ommxe, is the mother of five boys and and five :girls, and has 16 grandchil- dren. In his recommendation, the 26-27 Rev. Daniel Monaghan, of .Sit. Boni- Mayface parish, said "Mrs. Regier is a gracious person and her loyalty to the CWL draws many members to work on all projects." The London diocese is the only' diocese to have this spec- ial feature and this is the sixth aw- ard, and the many Zurich friends ofSlaughter Trial (Color) Mrs. Regier join in extending con - Brian Donlevy Virginia Grey graiulations to her for this distingu- ished recognition. Tuesday, Wednesday May 81, June 1 YOUR SPECTACLES YOUR SPECTACLES NEED REPAIRING OR ADJUSTING? Why not bring them in and have them fitted comfortably. people looking for cool places to go. Especially such was the case at Grand Bend, where the crowds sur- passed anything; for May 24th. All BESIDES WE ARE 1N A POSITION to supply you with new Frames any size, shape or color; your broken Lenses replaced promptly and accur- ately. IR YOU NEED A NEW PAIR OF Spectacles.. Why not have your eyes examined at C. PASSMORE, R.O. 247% St., London. Bring in the prescription we will fill it promptly with the newest in Spectacle Ware at a price much be- low the rates charged in the larger centres. Mr. Passmore outstanding Llashmar T CLINTON - ONTARIO Next to Community Park Thursday, Friday Forever F Ginger Rogers Saturday, Monday is regarded as an Optometrist. A. G. HESS THE JEWELLER emale William Holden May 28-30 Zurich Lions Club Flight To Tangier• The Zurich Lions held their 1954 (Calor) Ladies' Nite at Monetta Menard's Joari Fontaine Jack Palanee Exeter last Wednesday eve., May 18, Cartoon and News at Each Perform- with approximately one hundred pre- ance lsent. There is always a good time •_• •--•- i in shore when there is Ladies' Nite, Zurich Mennonite Church l and this year's was up to parr when Pastor- Nbort Martin ,the usual appetising menu was served with Ontario Roasted Turkey as the meat item. Then there were other very nice things like deep apple pte with whipped cream, hot rolls, cofi'ee,etc. The program at these events is always interesting, Lion President G1 aTTNDAY CER q: n •00 a.m. - pnntlav School 11 '00 a.m. - V7,Yrshir Cvrvice q .00 p.m. - Bible Meeting WEDNS SDAY. R p.m :,waver Fells elere vOU ARE INViTED TO WORSHIP Leroy O'Brien was chairman, . rs. H. WITH igte ingr IG. Ilc�:s, pianist. International Coun- 1'ou'll Enjoy Listening• to-- „ acilaa, Vic Dinnin gave the toast to the "THE aching .-- HOUR" ladies and _introduced the heat:' table. Gospel Preaching -- Inspirational ,rhe taa.st to Internat.innal was green Sin ging. ,by past President, Ed. (,asrho, and 'tunday='---CIP.VIT'N00 k.c. -7:30 a.m, the reply by District Governor Ward -WRVA - 1140 lee.- 10.30 p m Illolt:on of St. Wary:. Tenet t:} the 'The Living Christ for a Dying,Ladies. Vice Pres. Iran ]ia 1,b1'1eisch; VG ,ilei."_____e_________-_- 'MAY, 'lir s. 1)eli,ert. tieig •r. Lion Del- lhert Geiger was master of reycrnon- S '. PETER'lies. foe the program c onsisLin • of Mlle Lands of theRoy e an l .ac itet- vangelac;l Lutheran Chnrchitilherustt:tyi t ye na.<a of end {1oducea Robert Allan of ltrn clield; . LRIrIt - (INTARTOe" pression of Appreciatio't yBobr a,': elegy The Paul Brothers Triom-. 0 a . -1Ste � ervire?. d 1 the entertaining. Presentation of 1.15 a.m.-Sunday School. . Paa:tor4 `t'ill be supplied W tla'a,la cky gifts and other date re;titu r :)n- Lutheran• ; ,.,,," `nry et W•atF1hee test, were held The evening was ,eee rie b o T<eht to as happy ending with the 1i *•. seyteely W0ozoo t a<1 s:gr"vices TaafUtional E?' (',an.ulfl 4', INVITES YOU . TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS LOE.NE Se U !LER LOCKER SERVICE, -- ROE FEEDS WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL Phony 10 - HENSALL, ON1 aims Ottettee et WOGS 80 ®43.14 t ; tatt Licensed Embalmer and Fera/ erect Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Service Telephone: Res. 89 - or 122, Zurich • 0000000. ®Net 4343 1 ore. We a lie ever at your service with the best linea obtainable of FRESH CROCE All Fresh Canned ers Fraite and Vegetables on hand aa� Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US 'A CALL I Mono 1, eseh PRODUCE WANTED,, est rich Phone 165 Arrive MEN'S AND BOYS' SHOES Just Arrived. -- New Shipment, at Very Prices Also some Lines at Spe,al Prices to Clear Men's Summer Shirts, Underwear, Good Supply 4.)t Fresh Sel a'vstt'a.enteu ce res always on Low AVIA A '0 fi