Zurich Herald, 1954-12-23, Page 4a:.:. 1' plc" . t1*iT ARIO ZURIC HERALD • + t +44,+++++*4,44++4,44+4+4.4, TO OUR MANY friends and Patrons Wishing You All a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS Health, Happiness and Prosperity for the NEW YEAR Pearson Motor Sales Zurich - Ont. Phone 78 PONTIAC,. BUICK SALES AND SERVICE Boxing Day Monday, Dec. 27th. 1-las'been Proclaimed a Public Holiday in the VILLAGE OF ZURICH And -all pllaces of Business are asked .to nerve this Day as a Holiday By. Order.: The Zurich Trustee Board NEW! CALVES USE Preventrex T-.. TS ABLE Give at Birth STOPS Scours, Etc. ;MASTITIS Get GARGETEX and 'Keep the Cows MILKING! Mtddleton's Drug Store Hensall, Ont. Ph. 20 -GIVE A -SUBSCRIPTION 'TO THE ZURICH HERALD -For A CHRISTMAS GIFT OR . A NEW YEAR'S GIFT Season's Greetings As Minister of the l::vangeUUcal United Brethren Church, Zurich, the undersigned takes this means .to cpn• vey the Greetings of the Season to every one who reads these lines. .Or. more particularly to every fellow, citizen of this village and- country side. May the glad tidings of .the Herald Angels bring you peace, poy and contentment during this Christ- mas Season.. May the dawn of the. New Year be but the beginning of those "glad days" when . each year will be more happy and blessed than all the rest. To our village and other civic officials; to our school tea- chers and preachers; Doctors and nurses; business and professional men; farmers and labourers; mech anics and builders; fathers and gnoth- ers in their daily rounds of home and family responsibility and to all the children and youth at school or at play; God bless them all. The sidle and shut-ins; the sorrowing, aged or lonely and all others who may be burdened with cares are especially %ought of in this word of srncere good wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. . (Rev.) H. 'E. ROP1'EL. yours, and those who are affiliated with you 'in diferent'ways, we offer our Christmas 'Greetings, and Best Wishes for the 'New Year. During this time of merriment and ,galty, let us be Mindful of :warnings given us, let us not ndrilge with beverages that could cause 'the most innocent ons to fall in error, and -cause your • Yuletide :ho'Iidays to be gloomy ones, and leave in 'its ':pathway grief and perhaps lbereave''d families. DASI-1WOOD A avuanlber -of ladies from Dash. - wood W. L were guests of the Grand Bend W.I. art Tihureday Dec. 16. On Tuesday Dec. S8, the Dashwood W.I. are presenting a program to the amen and 'ladies at the County Home, Clinton. Christmas Parties. Mrs. Katherine 'Becker's school, S. S. No. 8, Hay, presented their con- cert to a capadityi audience on Tues- day Dec. 14. Miss Margaret 'Becker's school at Blake presented 'their •eoncert on Friday evening Dec. 'I'l. The .Stitoh and Chatter Club held its Christmas. party at he home of Mrs. 'Maurice 'Xlurpp. Games and contests were bellowed by bridge at which high prize was won by Mrs. Arnold Kuntz, second 'high by Mrs. • :Mervyn 'Tiernan and consolation, Mrs. Sid Baker. 'The Club has made Christmas contributions to care Woodsn children's 'War Memorial and C.N.I.B. After an exchange of gifts the hostess served a delicious cnicken dinner. $t. Joseph & Blue Water Area Mr. (Publisher, once again we are nearing - eletide, and again we are spared to extend our Christmas gre- eting and 'best wishes for the New Year that • we are. about to embark. It is a time when:faml'ies unite to- gether and recall the many little in- cidents that accompanied them dur- ing the passing year. It is a time of peace, a time. when past grevienees should be forgotten and start anew; it is a time of amendment, a time when all human beings should bow in reverence to their Creator, for Some this, Christmas will bring aid - Inge of joy. of croncord and :of ,son- .rolation, While for others cheap- pointment and trials will be their lot. Let its not forget that we are living in a fast moving world ,and What the Neil Year -has in •store for us, we are not permitted to know! We trend along from hay to day Week to week, and month: atter 4aaonth until we have reached -an other veer, and as time waits on no tone we find ourselves one year older and nearing the end of our lire jour- net. This Christmas, that we are a-1 bout to celebrate, ate, will he tilffereaet , from the past one;. Some relative Mends n d and loved ones,ti who 4n the rcast year :hared with t us the joys to of +" au astma have today l,assect on to he creat 'e-oetl, and who of u:s can or i:.. 1 i t,atr.>:rr that awaits • '1'n u my, 1'nb1isher, {Ilid Had Christmas '('array G. N. 0. Club (held their Christ- mas party on Thursday, Dec. 16, at the .home of Mrs. Ross Guenther, af- ter bridge gifts were exchanged and the hostess served a 'turkey dinner. Winners et bridge were Mrs. James Hayter and Mrs. Harry 'T[,ayter•. Had Christmas Party The Walther League of 'Zion. La- theran Church held their Christmas party on Thursday evening, Dec. 16. The evening was spent in sing -song, and airplane Bunco. Winners were: Pauline Becker and Gerald Maier; Consolation, Douglas Hamather. Gifts were exchanged and Rev. 'H'i genell was presented with a gift. Ail en- joyed lunch. Miss Vera Wieberg of Waterloo, spent the week -end with her 'parents, .Mr and Mrs -Fred Wieberg. 11I:iss Anna Messner of London, :gyp e rt the week -end with her parents, Mr told Mrs. Fred Messner. I+ Mr and Mrs. Wendell Gamble and J nary f London spent the week -end iwith Mr :and Mrs L.. H. Rader. Miss Baty Gaiser of London spent the week-et4 with her mother Mrs. !Cora Geiser. Miss Anne "Taylor and Miss Nancy Tiernan, students of U.W.O., are va- cationing with their parents here. ,E.U.13. Christmas Trac On Sunday evening, Dec.7ec. in tr the i✓.t;,l;, S.rndaay' School Presented their Ctltclea9nelw lwogram consistn n• •.a.. .'10:e.':•.,'t a:, 't on. � ria :,l R,] rl• pad alt n x� 1 tr t1.,. ATTENTION READ CAREFULLY Da you want a business of your own? Serve consumers with large Rawleigh line of Home necessities in locality consisting of Townships Hay, Stephen, and McGillivray. Pleasant and permanent •occupation. good profit. Real opportunity for a good man. Write, Dept. L-458-217 - Raw- leigh's., Montreal P.Q. John IIcAsh is at present under the Doctor's .pare. His friends wish him a speedy recovery. Miss Rena. Stephenson and Mr. Herbert Stephenson of Kippen atten- ded the funeral of their uncle, Mr. Alton in Lucknow, Mr. Russell Moore of Hensall and Robt. Thompson, Kippen spent a few days recently with the batter's aangh- ter Mr and Mrs David Moyer in aTarry Sound. Miss Isabella Isabella ;Caldwell has return- ed to 'her (home in Kippen after being a patient in Victoria Hospital, Lon- don. Varna'L,O.L. held their annual meeting when officers were elected 'as follows: (WM., Wilfred Chuter; Lloyd Keys; -Chaplain, Murray Roh- ner, Rec. See., Chas. Reid;• T+'tn. sec. Louis Taylor; Treas. Jno Addington, Marshall, Grant Webster; 1st Lect., Gordan Coleman; 2nd Leet., Frank •McClinuhey; lot Com., Geo. Reid, In- side -Tyler, J. Scott; Outside 'Tyler, Kenneth 'Stephenson. The Orange- men decided to operate the skating rink again this winter in the United Church shed. Eva Gertrude Reid Passes. On Dec. 5th, Mrs. Eva Gertrude Reid passed away in her 77th year, at the home of her' daughter, Mrs. Lawrence Jamieson of Bayfield. Mrs. Reid was born -in Stanley, daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Thos. 'Wiley, pioneer residents of Stanley. She was married in 1904 to William 'Reid, who predeceased her. in 1942. • ,She was a faithful member .of Varna United -Church and as long as her health permitted, tookactive inter- est in its organizations. She was or- ganist for some years. Surviving besides her daughter are two grand- sons, William and Reid Janizeson. The funeral services Ion Wednes- day-last ednes-day last at the Ball and Mutch fun- eral borne was conducted by titer pas- HENSALL and child ^'e . �-Be 11 n children, Mrs. Stewiaxt• n visited reeently with IMr and Mrs Guy Bedard and 'Rickey at Centralia RCA F. The Christmas meeting of .the W. L which was held in the Legrvn ll�all was largely attended by merneers and geests. Mrs. Amelia Schroeder ..returned home after spending a 'week with re- latives in Stratford. Skater Holds Classes. Miss Nancy McKenzie, of London who is the professional at the St. Thomas skating 'club, has been eng- aged by', the iiensall Community Ski ting Club and has 'commenced her duties on Saturday from 4 to 6pan.` Lucky Winners. Harry Watkins, Clinton, was the, lucky winnner of the .beautiful hostess chair in a draw Friday 'evening, spun- sored b'y the Legion Ladies Auxiliary* withe proceeds Ter the artificial ice. Leonard Hunter rof Clinton soul the winning %%Olen Winners of the :five twenty poriid turkeys in ;a draw in 'the town . •hall, Saturday night 18th were: Eldon Jarrott, .Hleri.,a1FI; 'William Green, Ex- eter; Mrs. Fred Brock, Kippen; Mrs. Mike Quinlan, Hensall; Bill •Miekle, Hensall. 'This 'project -was sponsored by Sansa11 Knsan Club with pro- ceedsceeds for service -work. President, Dr. Doug. NicKelide drew the winn- ing tickets. 63rd Anniversary.. MMr and Mrs John 'T. 'Mitchell, well known residents of FlensaIl will qui- etly observe their Sixterathird wedding anniversary over the (Christmas 1ao1i days. They vividly recall their Wed- ding day' of 614. years ago, Decent er 1213rd. While driving to Dublin to :take, the train to Toronto and Montreal, for their wedding trip, they recall that it was a lovely Mild day and the farmers were all out plow:ea the land. ars'. `Mitchell who is 83, and Mr Mitchell 87 have been of the Village for 27 years taking tee resid- ence here from Tuckersmic,:a where` they had lived foihs'wim'g trietr marri- age, and where Mr Mitchell farmed successfully. Although Mrs: Mitchell' is not enjoying the fiery best of health, she is able to he up and a- round to perform. her household dut- ies. Mr. Mitchell goes up town every day to do the family buying and get the -mail. Their family 'include, one son -Stanley, Tuckersamitle; three dau- ghters, -Mrs. Melville 1 as uair, Mrs. Jarvis Horton, Mrs. 'Carl Stoneman,; all of Hensall and district. ' STANLEY TOWNSHIP :Miss Margaret McC1vnorit of Tor- onto is holidaying at her home in Varna. CAVALL'S CABRIOLETE Jean Cavall climbs into his horse - driven. cab every Friday evening on the CBC Dominion network and tak- es listeners on a trip through a mythical cit; he visits Might clubs, music halls, the odd concert, and meets Street reitrg'ers and other Calaar- acters. He also does some singing 'iuttself, and, all in all, it't an enter. 'ninin w 1ri through thew nc exlttad s1 nl h7, life' in i larl;'c, retropol]-, 4 Thursday, Dec her t218rd, 19'54. Yuletide -Greetings AGAIN WE APPROACH THE SEA- + SON, IN WHICH- WE CELEBRATE THE BIRTH OF "HIM", WHOM T. WE KNOW AS THE PRINCE OF + .. PEACE, MAY GOD GIVE US PEACEFUL MINDS, SO THAT AS INDIVID- UALS AND NATIONS, FOLLOW- ING THE WORDS OF OUR MASTER, WE MAY LIVE IN UN- DERSTANDING AND HARMONY. —.HERALD PUBLISHERS tor, Rev. T, =J. Pitt, of Varna United Church, Interment was in Baird's 'Cemetery. Friends attending prom a distance: Miss ,Roxie Palmer, Jas. iM. Reid, Ken Reid, Will Meter, and Mrs Gertrude Gorril from Toronto; Mr and Mrs Paul Pahn and Mrs. Verna Greenbury from Flint; Mrs. Cecil 'Wiley and daughter Carol Wil- ey from Detroit; and Mr and Mrs. Cecil Murray of Exeter. GRAND BEND Mrs. Ellen. Desjardine had the 'mis- fortune be fall and has been confined to her bed for some time. Mr and Mrs James Grigg, G. B., announce the engagement of their daughter, Kathleen, to Robert Bruce ;MacDonald, son of Mrs Isabella Mac- Donald. The marriage to take place in Calgary, Alb., at the end of De- texnber. The G. B. branch of the Legion is li 1 ia Bolding a Christmas party* or a the children of the district, on Dec. 28rd at 2 p.m. A 'filen will be shown with treats and presents for the kide dies. Killed on Bermuda Isle. OSS Ronald Colin Green was killed when he accidently fell from the tope off a cliff .at nearby Ireland Island, Bermuda. He was born in G. B.,ann joined the Navy in Jan. Prior to his enlistment he worked for a time he Stratford.:He was serving on HMCS Buckingham, which is one or several Canadian ships taking part xn' naval,. exercises off Bermunda. The funeral services were held at the Royal Nave al Cemetery, Ireland Islana. A firing party was tat the graveside. A private funeral service was held at stirs home in G. B. Sunday! last. .Surviving are his another, Mrs Leslie Hutchinson* of G. B., three sisters and three bre. thers. His father, the late Ivaai Green, predeceased him some years ago. 1955 DE SOTO Ff fEFL TE POWERED Y 200 H.P. V .r• ��•',•its.��?'"-}�,f..r,•..,+.:>•:;•rx.• f-`2• i • ..•.:.6`u.. aaaeeeeaeaaiaeeeaee 4 • Introduced today for the first time to the Cana- dian public is the 1955 De Soto FireFlite Sports- man Hardtop, new in every detail and powered by the new FireFlite 200 -horsepower hemi- spherical combustion chamber V-8, the most powerful De Soto engine ever built. Exterior design and interior styling are entirely new and include colour, fabric, and trim in fashion - matched combinations. The Sportsman is lower, lq ansa , ; ;tor Salcs - longer, roomier and offers such De Soto exclu- sives as PowerFlite automatic transmission (standard on all models), Full -Time Coaxial Power Steering, Power Brakes, electric window lifts and electric four-way seat adjustment. The FireFlite line also includes a four -door sedan and a convertible coupe. The companion FireDome line for 1955 includes a four -door sedan, a hardtop, and a station wagon. THOMAS COATS, Proprietor LEN. McNIGHT, Sales Representative COFFEE SHOP ON The C.P.R. answer wanting snacks mid etre Meals ontt st t isc WHEELS for travellers low er-rir aced r ser tion r1t rlr a tioir „ 1 coaches: now going into.service on transcontenentai trains. Steps at 'centre e relit lead to secure dome sec- tion Where cinch travellers can on - Joy all•,rn'rnri view .n; Ill �:,,;" se:a'•n- er,v A third section of these neW Budd stainless steel streamlined etas contains 26 coach seeats equipp IF. , with full-length leg rests and recli9*a ing backs for long distance travelledla