Zurich Citizens News, 1959-03-18, Page 9WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 1959 No Word from Hydro on Compensation Federation Protests Work at Auburn (By J. CARL HEMINGWAY) the cleanings from grain sold to the dealer. Grey Township presented resolu- tions which were approved. First that the Federation continue to press for compensation for live- stock lost from rabies and second that more assistance be given by the O.F.A. in providing speakers for county and township meetings. Huron County r'ederatiOn of - Agriculture directors met March 10 in Clinton. In reporting on compensation for Hydro line from Seaforth to Clinton the secretary stated that as yet Hydro had not replied to the request of the farm- ers concerned to have a represen- tative of Hydro, who had authority to make definite offers, to meet ' with them, Resolutions were brought in by 'the committee protesting the ex- penditure for straightening the 'curve east of Auburn and a second requesting legislation by which anyone selling grain to a dealer `would have the right to demand Bob McGregor reported that the bus tour to Fulton County by the beef producers was now complet- ely arranged and that all seats on the bus were taken. Mrs. Alex McGregor and Mrs. Frank Yeo reported on the Lead- ership Training Course they at- tended at Vineland. As alt of this course a three-day course ill be held at Hanover next January. Mrs. Yeo, who was representing the Farm Forums said the Farm Forum TV experiment at CKNX was creating a demand for greater use of the TV for the Forums across Canada. Warden Bill Jewitt brought greetings from the Huron County Council. Alf Warner, Hog Producer Dir- ector to the County Federation, urged as many as possible to at- tend the annual meeting to be held jlensall Sale Prices (By our Hensall correspondent) !, Butcher steers, up to $24,60; butcher heifers, up to $21.80; baby beefs, $25.30; butcher cows, up to $19.90; springer, cows, up to $262; Holstein calves, $10.50 to $21; Durham calves, $35 to $68; wean- ling pigs, $8 to $11; chunks. $12.70 to $15.10; feeders, $19 to $26; sows, $50 to $70 200 cattle, ol65 calves and 425 pigsd. NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that 1 will sell by public auction at my premises iin Zurich, Ontario, a 1952 Chevro- 'let Coach, on' Saturday, the 21st ,day of March, 1959, at 2 p.m., for a lien on the said car for towing 'and storage owing by Benoit Gig - f '•to cmehe e andethatred owner the said salewill be conducted by Alvin Walper, auctioneer. ELROY DESJARDINE, LIEN HOLDER. 10-11-b TU CD'►CI Board Sets Salary Schedule For 1959-60 Term Last Wednesday night the Board of Clinton District Collegiate In- stitute endorsed a change to the category system for teacherssal- ary schedule, with the understand- ing that the 17 teachers all find it satisfactory. Minimums and maximums are as follows: for type B teachers, $4,500 to $7,500; for endorsed type B, $4,700 to $7,700; for specialists, $5,000 to ,$8,000. Teachers as yet do not know what their own cate- gory will be, but this is based upon qualifications. This schedule is the same as at the South Huron District High School at Exeter. The increases brought about by the change will mean $18,000 on the total wage cost at Clinton. Three additional teachers will be needed in September for the three extra classes. Also positions of three teachers hired on probation will have to be advertised. March 16 and 17 in Toronto. In discussion of the Safe Driv- ing Campaign that is being spon- sored by the Department of Trans- port it was agreed that the CIA insurance committee look after the arrangements for a county rally. Don Middleton, OFA fieldman stated that at a rally in Middlesex County where a written question- aire was given out only two passed the test. Perhaps we had better get out to one of these meetings and learn the rules of the road before we lose too many points. The Flavour and Colour of Butter is Nature's Secret! ONTAM lPRODUCERS/ ARK ETING OARD REPRESENTING 50,000 CREAM PRODUCERS S IS IT!! WE'RE CIIOPPINt PRICER / WE MUST CLEAN OUT OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF C. V. PAINTS House Paint White Undercoat QUARTS — Reg. $2.25 For $1.38 GALLONS — Reg. $7.10 For $5.13 Porch & Floor Enamel QUARTS — Reg. $2.50 For $L59 GALLONS — Reg. $8.25 For $6.18 QUARTS — Reg. $2.45 For $1.82 GALLONS — Reg. $7.95 For $6.02 Enamel QUARTS — Reg. $2.70 For $1.68 GALLONS — Reg. $9.15 For $6.82 I Primer -Sealer QUARTS -- Reg. $2.25 For $1.38 GALLONS — Reg.. , $6.95 For $4.5 Super White Enamel, Reg. 3.00 qt., for $2,00 Canvassers Are Named. To Collect Red Cross Fund. (By our Hensall Correspondent) Plans were outlined and canvas- sers appointed for the Red Cross canvass this month at the March meeting of the Hensall Legion Ladies' Auxiliary Tuesday even- ing. Appointed canvassers for this project were Mrs. Harry Horton, Mrs. W. J. Cameron, Mrs. Robert McKenzie, Mrs, Cecil Kipfer, Mrs. Mary Taylor, Mrs. William Brown, Mrs. William Smale, Mrs. Howard Smale, Mrs. Leona Parke, Mrs. Lawrence Baynham, Mrs. Garnet Mousseau, Mrs. Harold Bonthron, Mrs. Wes. Venner and Mrs. Leon- ard Noakes. As the meeting closed there was some rather heated discussion on the advisability of farmers public- izing the exceptionally low feed costs per lb. of gain on livestock. It was pointed out that while farmers realize that these figures generally fail to allow for labour, capital investment or depreciation the consumer is more likely to protest the seeming high cost of food. Varnish Stain QUARTS — Reg. $2.40 For $L48 HALF PINTS — Reg. 80c For 57c o -- Two applications for member- ship were received, Mrs. Haven and Mrs. R. Vanstone. Mrs. E. Shaddick won the mystery prize. Mrs. Gordon Munn, first vice- president, chaired the meeting. Following a recreation period, luncheon was served. le 93 Percent Favour Brucellosis Plan Results coming in on the survey currently being taken with regard to the test -and -slaughter program for brucellosis control indicate that there will be little opposition to the proposed plan. So far, three of the 16 town- ships in Huron have reported to the office of the Department of Agriculture, and 93 percent of the producers have indicated they were in favour. The three town- ships wnships reporting are Stanley, Col- borne and Grey. Varna Officers For fled. Cross 1959 Funds Drive The annual meeting of Varna branch of the Red Cross Society was held Monday evening of last week. Plans were completed for the annual canvass of the com- munity to take place later this month. The society have on hand a hospital bed and a wheel chair for the use of anyone in the com- munity. John Aldngton was elected presi- dent to succeed John McAsh who has filled the office for the past two years. Ernest Pollock was ap- pointed secretary -treasurer. The executive committee is Rev. T. J. Pitt, Elmer Hayter, Elgin McKin- ley, Harvey Coleman, JohnMc and George Reid, Fred McClym Lloyd Keys. Q LOSS — IS YOUR GAIN!! Rader & Mittelholtz Hardware ZURICH — Phone 63 "Where Your Buying Dollar Goes Farther" Employ St. Thomas Man At Hensall As Arena Manager (By our Hensall Correspondent) A St. Thomas man was appoint- ed arena manager and recreation- al director of the Hensall Mem- orial Arena at a special meeting of the Park Board. J. R. Hume, St. Thomas, was cos n fillo this field of ten app position. Mr. Hume is assistant arena manager and assistant recreation- al director in St. Thomas at the present time. He is very active in sports. Mr. Hume is married and has a family of four children. In all, ten applications were re- ceived and considered, from Strat- ford, ford, Galt, Strathroy, RCAF and St. Thomas. i A 31.4 e1/40.e COar N\ iro : .c FOR DEPENDABLE HEAT All Winter Long Call LORNE Eo HAY Locker Service --lie Feeds Phone 10 (Collect) Hensalli COMPLETE GENERAL REPAIRS TO CARS, TRUCKS and TRACTORS ARC and ACETYLENE WELDING USED CARS DESJARDINE AUTO SUPPLY Phone 38 Zurich NOW IS THE TIME TO MAKE PLANS FOR THAT EXTRA SPACE YOU WILL NEED SOON! Drop Into Our Office — We Will Gladly Give You IDEAS and ESTIMATES O'Brieni s Plumbing Heating and Tinsraithing Phone 156 Zurich FRED C. DERICH 30