Zurich Citizens News, 1959-01-14, Page 11you get more for your money with SUPER PLOW, -WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1959 T3ensal1 Kin Plan Zone Conference (By our Rensail. Correspondent) Two guests, deputy -governor Bill Mickle, Hensall, and Lloyd Stanlake, Exeter, were guests at the dinner meeting of the Hens - all Kinsmen last Thursday even- ing. Reports were presented to the club on the sale of Christmas trees and bingo cards. A discus- sion was held about the two min- or hockey teams, Bantams and Midgets, which the club is spon- soring. Preparations have started for the Zone Conference, to which the the Hensall club will play host on Sunday, April 5. An all day session will be held, and 11 other clubs will be present. ar� per fon. on Flus an aditional saving of 5% by paying Casa before March 1, 1959 There's no better way to cut fertilizer costs than to take ad- vantage of the early season dis- counts on Co-op Fertilizer. bWAr y talking delivery before Jan. 31st $1.50 per ton discount by taking delivery before M , rch 1st. Hensall, District Co-operative Inc. Hensall - ZURICH - Bruce1ield ZURICH Citizens NEWS Zurich Minor Teams Win One Game Ing Home and Home Series With Exeter Zurich Bantams and Midgets played two doubleheaders with the Exeter teams over the past weekend, Last Friday in Exeter the Bantams were trounced 8-3. and the Midgets lost out by a 6-3 score. In Zurich on Monday night the Bantams were again swamped by Exeter, this time by a 9-1 score. However the Midgets gain- ed revenge for their previous de- feat by trouncing the Kinsmen Midgets 9-3. BANTAMS—Friday Game The Exeter club scored five tim- es in the first period and added three more in the third. Earl Wagner potted all three Zurich tallies, two in the first, and the extra one in the third. Only one penalty was called in the game, that to Earl Wagner in the second period for hooking. Monday Game Again on Monday night the smooth -skating Exeter Bantams were too powerful for Zurich as they came through with a decisive 9-1 victory. Exeter scored two in the first, one in the second, and added six more in the third. Earl Wagner scored the only goal for Zurich in the second per- iod unassisted. Each team was assessed with three penalties during the game, Earl Wagner drawing two and Ro- bert Bannister one for the locals. EXETER — Goal, Howard; de- fence, Cann, Heywood; forwards, Boyle, Wells, Lamb; alternates, Cooper, Cushman, Wright, Smith, Nagel, McFalls, Lesnick, Schroed- er, Broderick. ZURICH—Goal, P. Bedard; de- fence, Klopp, Willert; forwards, Wagner, Consitt, Hoffman; alt- ernates, Block, Bannister, McAd- ams, Bedard, Prang, Laurence, Wein, Erb, Dinnin, Merner. MIDGETS Friday Game Exeter Midgets handed Zurich their second defeat of the season last Friday night in Exeter, as they downed the junior Flyers by a score of 6-3t The second line of Zurich pro- duced all the goals, with Don Johnson earning two and "Woody" Weido one. Exeter took an early lead, c or i n g four goals in the first period; three of them came from the stick of Ste- CP -1250-58 12.5 Cu. Ft. ONLY ONE LEFT .. 1958 Model Frigidaire COLDSPOT Reg. value $689.95 For only $510.00 $1O a month, no down payment required One Only - 1958 FRIGIDAIRE -122 cu,, ft. List Prue $599.95 -- -- FOR ONLY $420.00 $10 A MONTH, NO DOWN PAYMENT REQUIRED GINGERICH'S SALES & SERVICE ZURICH — Phone 34 SEAFORTH Phone 644w1 phan, their starry right-winger. Don Johnson scored both his goals in the opening session. Weido banged in his goal at the five minute mark of the sec- ond period, and Boyle -scored for Exeter. Jones scored the final goal for the winners in the third. Three penalties were handed out two to Exeter and one to Zurich. Monday Game The Zurich Midget Flyers came through with a sparkling display of hockey on Monday night to troun- ce the Exeter Kinsmen Midgets 9-3 in the return game of the weekend double -bill. Sparked by the three goal ef- fort of Gerard Overholt the loc- als banged in three goals in the first period, two more in the sec- ond, and added four in the third. Two of Exeter's goals carne in the first, and the extra one in the third period. Weido opened the scoring for the homesters early in the game, with the assist going to Don John- son. After Exeter tied it up sec- onds later Overholt scored his first goal of the game, an a play with Bob Johnston. At the 16 minute mark Overholt scored a - PAGE ELEVEN gain, with the assistgoing to Bob Johnston. With only a few seconds left in the period .Boyle scored" the second goal of the game for Exeter. Wayne Willert scored the only two goals in the second, one un- assisted, and the other from Bob Johnston., Gerard Overholt scored his third goal for the hat -trick early in the third period, on a nice pass- ing play with Bob Johnston and Earl Wagner. Then, starting at the 17 minute mark, the locals banged in three quick goals, The first was scored by Don Johnson, the next one by Weido, and the final one by Bill Wagner, Steph- an scored the last Exeter goal. 13 penalties were handed out in the game, seven to the visit- or's and six to Zurich. Four of the Zurich penalties went to Gerard Overholt, A large crowd was on hand to see the game. EXETER—Goal, Saunders; de- fence, McBride, Heywood; for- wards, Boyle, Stephan, Jones; alternates, Strong, Sims, Marri- age, Killeen, Broderick, Boyle, Cann, Turvey. ZURICH—Goal, Amacher; de- fence, L. Bedard, Willert; for- wards, Bob Johnston, Overholt, Earl Wagner; alternates, Weido, Bill Wagner, Don Johnson, Mas- se, Klopp, Denomme, P. Bedard, Deichert. ORDER NOW AND SAVE SUPER FLOW FERTILIZER , GUARANTEED NOT TO SETUP IN STORAGE SUPER FLOW is precision granulated .. always flows freely no matter how long it's stored, With SUPER FLOW you get a dust - free fertilizer that drills evenly without clogging or skipping ... results in more uni- form growth and maturity with bigger yields, better quality. Save time and work next spring with SUPER FLOW ... and right now, save money by ordering your fertilizer today. You can store it with confidence ... SUPER FLOW keeps its free-flowing qualities indefinitely. available from C L or NATIONAL fertilizer dealers: