Zurich Citizens News, 1959-01-14, Page 9'WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1959 ZURICH Citizens NEWS PAGE MN New Licenses (Huron Expositor) Black background plates with `white letters, are slowly making their appearance on .passenger ve- hieles in the Seaforth area. De- 892-901. The Seaforth series this year runs from 892-901 to 894-950. There axe over 2,000 passenger plates, 550 commercial plates and 450 other vehicle plates handled by the Seaforth office. At the same time the office issues about 1,500 chauffeur's and 2,100 oper- ator's licenses. spite the bad weather, over 50 passenger plates have been issued by J. A. Westcott, Seaforth is- suer of licenses. First at the door for the 1959 plates was Stanley Dorrance, whose vehicle now carries license GOSHEN NORTH WMS Meets The Woman's Missionary Soc- iety of Goshen United Church held the January meeting at the home of Mrs. Melvin Elliott with mN i • °•• •.��''•y�'��v i�:i6;�G'Kf'S':i�� :i:1 i`:j;:i.> n:-iti: �'. Cts' YOU GET MORE OUT OFL1FE WHE YOU GET THE MOST OUT OF ELECTRICITY Even though it's washday Mother has plenty of time to spend with the children, because electricity helps with the housework. The washing is done automatically.. • by electricity. While she's away the' clothes will be washed and rinsed thoroughly, apply by setting the dial on the automatic electric washer. When she comes home, the washing needs only to be transferred to the automatic electric ci1othes dryer. While she's busy preparing dinner (on her automatic electric range)., the washing will be dried sunshine -fresh, automatically, whatever the weather. Automatic electric laundry appliances are safe, clean, and modern,. They free you from wash- day drudgery forever ... yet they cost just a few cents a day to operate. You get more out of life, when you get the most out of eleetaicity, "Inatmeraramontannissamanuannuesaungestcalreurnel tau. Q129.o h.: To freshen a refrigerator which has not been used for some time, wash out with baking soda in warm I water. anamonmessmieasmistomamiessern Iive better . .. ELFCIRICALLY ikesafe eke, modern way ELECTRICITY :i OES SO MUCH.. ..SMI. COSTS SO LTTI'LB worship was taken from the Miss- ionary Monthly, with Mrs, Bruce Keys presiding. Scripture read- ings by Mrs. Floyd Armstrong, The business was conducted by Mrs. Elmer Hayter. Mrs. Clare McBride read the minutes of the December meeting. Cards were received from Mrs. A. Keys, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Erratt and Mrs. Margaret Erratt; also a letter from Miss Anne Davison concerning the use of old nylons. Two ladies of the Auxiliary, Mrs. Robert McKinley and Mrs. John Robinson were voted to be- come life memebrs. Eighteen calls to shut ins were reported. Mrs. Robinson gave the treasurer's re- port and Mrs. Elgin McKinley gave a good report on our Birthday Fund. An invitation to meet with the Varna ladies was accepted for World Da yof Prayer. Mrs. F. .Armstrong reported for the Baby Band and Mrs. Roebrt Peck for the Mission Band. Study period was as a panel discussion with Mrs. B. Keys, Mrs. J. Robinson, Mrs. William Hayter and Mrs. Arnold Keys as panelists. The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. William Hayter and the singing of: "Abide with Me", with Mrs. R. Erratt at the piano. Mrs. Bruce Keys has been sup- ply teaching this past week at the Front Road School (SS 3); Mrs. Marie Beatty has been sick since school closed at Christmas. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Robert Robinson is a pat- ient at the Queensway Nursing Horne in Hensall. She is expec- ted to be there till March. Miss Linda Joanne Armstrong, Bronson Line, spent the weekend with. Jacqueline Peck. (intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Glen Johnston and daughter, Gorrie, called on Mr. and Mrs. Bert McBride on Tues- day. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Peck and family spent New Year's in Bly- th with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ell- iott and family. Howard Armstrong spent last week at home with his father, Mr. John Armstrong. Elizabeth Fansen, Mitchell, en- joyed some holidays with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin McKinley. Clarence Parke was taken to St. Joseph Hospital, London, on Saturday. He had been in bed at home since Tuesday. He is under the care of Dr. Klahsen. Ricky Hendrick, Grand Bend, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Bob McKinley and family. 0 NEW COMMUNITY SALE (Goderich Signal -Star) Plans are under way to establish a weekly community auction sale in Goderich every Saturday. Organizer of the plan is M. Christenson, of Blyth, a contractor With contracting work slack in the winter months, Mr. Christen- sen feels he has the trucks avail- able and the time to put over community sales in Goderich of the same type which are so popu- lar in other communities. As auc- tioneer he has secured Mr. Alan McIntyre, of Lucknow. HAY & STANLEY TOWNSHIP' Federation of Agriculture JOINT ANNUAL MEETING AND HOT TURKEY BANQUET IN THE COMMUNITY CENTRE, ZURICH Thursday, Jan. 22 Guest Speaker: ROY JEWELL Dance To Follow Music by DESJARDINE ORCHESTRA TICKETS: $1.50 each 2-3-p