Zurich Citizens News, 1959-01-14, Page 5WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1959 ZURICH (litizens NEWS F. OF A. BANQUET, FRIDAY On Friday night, January 16, a joint meeting of the Hay and Stanley Federations of Agricul- ture will be held in the Town Hall to finalize the plans for their big banquet and annual meeting which will be held on Thursday, January 22. According to secretary of the Hay group, Clifford Pepper, an exciting group of entertainers has been secured for the program at the banquet. Roy Jewell, of CFPL- TV will be the guest speaker. A dance will follow the evening pro- gram, with the music being sup- plied by Desjardine Orchestra. The Ladies Aid of the Luther- an Church will cater for the din- ner, which is to consist of hot turkey. W:.:.;::��;;: ,..:. PIES, CAKES, and FANCY PASTRIES with that home-made flavour TASTY -NU BAKERY Phone 100 — Zurich always eat "TASTY -NU" BREAD Don't shiver and shake, or let plumbing freeze because you've run short of fuel! Make sure you have an ample fuel supply for the chilly days yet ahead. Or- der your supply today! Now Is The Time To Have That New Eathrom hist lied — OR — A NEW HEATING SYSTEM See us for Best Possible Prices ERVICE Weido Hardware PHONE 92 — ZURICH How Can I? Q. How can I prevent the ink from spreading, when marking linen? A. Use a lead pencil for draw- ing the letters, then trace exactly over these lines with ink. Q. How can I tighten the blades of the scissors that have become too loose? A. Try pressing a hot poker, or similar- instrument, on each side of the rivet that holds the two blades. The rivet will expand and fit the hole, thus tightening the blades. Q. How can I prevent lumps from forming in brown sugar? A. By keeping the sugar covered with a damp cloth, and in a cool place. Q. How can I remove grease spots from the painted wall a- bove the gas range? A. Wipe the wall with a cloth moistened in kerosene. Dry with a clean cloth. Q How can I make an emer- gency candle? A. Heat a cake of paraffin un- PAGE FIVE irl Guide News (By Ruth Clausius) The Girl Guides held their reg- ular weekly meeting last Thurs- day evening in. the Town Hall. They started with the Horseshoe Formation, followed by the Queen, the Lord's Prayer, and the Guide's Promise. At their patrol corners they studied knots and their whistle signals. The meeting closed with Taps. After the meeting a Court of Honour was held. til it is pliable, then wrap it a- round a heavy cord, and your candle is ready to use. Q. How can I disinfect the car- pet in a room. after a person has been ill? A. Tear some newspapers into small pieces and soak them in a solution of formaldehyde and wat- er. Wring out the paper and scat- ter over the carpet. Then sweep them off with a broom. Electricity Is Now Economically Used In Early Spring Horticulture Planting A flick of a switch is all that is needed today to grow vege- tables and bedding -out plants for spring transplanting. Electricity has taken over the job of heating hotbeds, replac- ing decomposing manure, which, while used successfully for many years, caused occasional failures due to overheating and under - heating. Big Savings Gardeners requiring large num- bers of plants can realize sub- stantial savings by growing the plants themselves, says Horticul- turalist W. E. Torfason of the Lethbridge, Alta., Experimental Farm. The f e d e r al horticulturalist points out that there are three basic requirements for making an electrically -heated hotbed: (1) A suitable frame, complete with glass or plastic sash; (2) Soil heating cable; and (3) A temp- erature regulating thermostat. Heater Cable Needed The frame can be of two-inch planking and ordinary storm sash or specially -constructed two - layer plastic sash may be used. Heating cable can be purchased in length of 60 or 120 feet, with the shorter length being used on a 110 -volt power supply and the longer length on a 220 -volt power supply. Each 60 -foot length of cable will heat 36 square feet of frame \`,, A ,i1A .-11te coa/9 \AT W FOR DEPENDABLE HEAT All Winter Long Call LORNE E. HAY Locker Service—Roe Feeds Phone 10 (Collect) Hensall of GUNS and AMMUNITION OUR ENTIRE STOCK AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES SEE BEFORE YOU BUY ! ! Rader & Mitteiholtz Hardware - Zurich .ZURICH•, ®-- Phone 63 space. This is sufficient to start 1,000 to 1,200 plants. Multiple arrangements of cables may be used where more space is requir- ed. A reliable water -proof therm- ostat will maintain the hotbed temperature at any desired level. Flats Preferred Plants may be grown in a bed of soil covering the heating cable, or in flats that can be set on a framework above the cable. Use of flats is preferred because of the ease of handling and greater heating efficiency, particularly in cold weather. Gardeners are warned to pur- chase cable that is sheathed in lead. - BLAKE (MES. AMOS GINGERICII, Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Oesch and little David Carl, have returned to their home after spending a few days with Mrs. Leon Jeffrey and boys. Mrs. Blanche Mason, Windsor, is staying with her mother, Mrs. Leon Jeffrey for some time. Mr. and Mrs. William Steckle, accompanied by the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Ging- erich, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Gingerich and fam- ily, Nairn. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Steckle spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ging- erich and Melvin. Archie Mustard, London, spent the weekend with his wife and boys. Ephriam Gingerich left for Wellesley, to assist in Bible School Teaching. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Oesch and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Gingerich and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Westbrooke and family, Goderich, spent Sun- day with the latter's father, Mr. Gustav Bohn. EVENTIDE A N D ROCK of AGES MEMORIALS I'NQUIRI'ES ARE INVITED T. PRYDE and SON EXETER Phone 41 Clinton HU 2-6606 Seaforth 573 THIEL'S SERVI NG YOU BETTER SAVING YOU MORE Agents for Mid -Town Cleaners—Mon., Thurs., Sat. Phone 140 — C. H. THIEL — Zurich MONARCH TEA BISK Lge. Pkg. 43c QUICK QUAKER OATS 3 Lb. Box 38c SALADA TEA BAGS 60's 73c CARNATION MILK 2 tins 29c St. William's Assorted Jams 45c MEATS MAPLE LEAF BOLOGNA Ib. 33c PORK SPARE RIBS Ib. 45c CHICKEN FRYERS 3 Lb. Average . lb 35c Notice of Grand Opening January 22 to January 27 FREE GIFTS GALORE WATCH NEXT WEEK'S PAPER FOR OUR ADV.