Zurich Citizens News, 1958-11-05, Page 6?MZ SDI
Mrs. Lang Foster, Goderieh, was
a Sunday visitor with Mr. and Mrs.
Ted Mittelholtz.
Miss Meda Surerus and Miss
aean McICaig, Toronto, were week-
end visitors in Zurich,
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rawlings
visited with friends in Hamilton
and Toronto last week.
Mr. and Mrs, William Hess,
Woodstock, enjoyed the weekend
at the home of the former's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hess.
Mr. and Mrs. Clare Melick, Ko-
moka, were weekend visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Smith and
also Mrs. Pearl Melick.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ortwein and
Ricky, Galt, were weekend visit-
ors with Mr. and Mrs. Clare Geig-
Mrs, W. A. Siebert spent the
weekend at Toronto with her sis-
ter Miss Grace Paisley, who re-
cently underwent a serious opera-
Calvary Evangelical
U.B. Church
Wed., Nov. 12
Commencing at 5 o'clock
Adults $1.50
Children under 12 years, 75c
Supper served in the church
Sponsored by the men of
the church.
Brother Robert Mittelholtz, al-
ong with five other Brothers from
the Jesuit Order in Guelph, visit-
ed with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mittel-
holtz and family last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McLean
and family, London, were Sunday
visitors in Zurich with Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd O'Brien and other
members of the family.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Zehr and
family, and Mr, and Mrs, Mose
Erb were Sunday visitors at
Brantford with Jerry Schultz and
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas O'Brien
and Derek enjoyed a few days last
week visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Bedard and fam-
ily in Detroit,
Weekend visitors with Mrs.
Pearl Melick were: Mr, and Mrs.
Clare Melick, London; Mr. and
Mrs. Lennis Calfas, Kitchener; Mr.
and Mrs. GIadwin Melick, Gode-
rich; Mr. and Mrs. Morris Neil,
Detroit, "hnd Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Geiger, Pigeon, Michigan.
Recent visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Mose Erb were: Mrs.
Katie Stiels, Mrs. Samanda Lynd-
ecker and Mrs. Joseph Roggie, all
of New York, and Mrs. Chris Sch-
wartzentruber, Blake.
Mrs. Mary Brenner, who has
been staying in Kitchener since
her accident last winter, has mov-
ed to the home of her daughter
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Hendrick, on the Bluewater High-
way south. Mrs. Brenner is feel-
ing quite well again.
Girl Guide News
(By Ruth Ciausius)
The meeting of the Girl Guides
lass: week was held in the form
of a Hallowe'en party, Mrs. Hub-
ert Schilbe, a former Guide capt-
ain, was present for the occasion,
as were the children of the pres-
ent Guide captain, Mrs. Morris
Mary Ellen Thiel, Carol Fischer,
and Elizabeth Johnston judged the
costumes, with Mrs. Schilbe win-
ning first prize and Janet Webb
second. A fortune telling booth
was also held.
Man shall not live by
bread alone, but by,
every word that pro-
ceedeth ouf of the
mouth of God.
Matthew 4:4
Bread, and all of the food of this earth, nourishes the body. But
the soul grows by the strength it receives from the Word of God.
On bread, man lives until he dies. On the Word of God, he grows
by faith to receive God's offer of eternal life through Christ Jesus.
The Lutheran Church preaches Jesus Christ as the Bread of Life.
Through human instruments God speaks his enlivening Word to
dying men, In the Holy Sacraments, God makes the Word local
to the human heart.
The Lutheran Church invites you to feed your soul on the Word in
scripture, sermon and Sacrament.
CHURCH -- Zurich
REV. O. WINTER, Pastor
MRS. J. TURKHEIM, Organist
10.00 a.m.—Worship Service
11.15 a.m.—Bible Class & Sunday School
Mrs. M. Oesch
Zurich and district lost one of
their most highly respected citiz-
ens last Friday, when Mrs. Men -
no Oesch, the former Jessie Chris-
tina MacDonald, passed away in
Clinton Public Hospital after sev-
eral months illness.
Mrs. Oesch was born in Huron
Township, Bruce County, on May
7, 1900, and was a daughter of
Mrs. Christina MacDonald and the
late Peter MacDonald, of Luck -
now, for many years she had been
a prominent school teacher in this
area, having taught at Crediton,
Blake, the 14th Concession, Zu-
rich School and at the Bronson
Line school.
The deceased was very active in
church work, community service,
and school activities. She has
held various positions in church
groups; for many years was sec-
retary of the Women's Institute,
and has acted as both president
and secretary of the Huron County
Teachers' Federation.
Surviving besides her husband
are: her mother, Mrs. Christina
MacDonald, Lucknow; one broth-
er, Murdock MacDonald, Huron
Township; three sisters, Mrs. Wil-
liam (Grace) Reid, Arborg, Mani-
toba; Mrs. Eldon (Mamie) Hen-
derson, Lucknow; and Mrs, Don-
ald (EIlen) Cardis, Lucknow.
The remains rested at the West-
lake funeral home, Zurich, until
1 p.m. on Monday, when removal
was made to the Evangelical U.B.
Church, Zurich, where public fun-
eral service was held at 2 p.m.
Interment was in the Evangelical
U.B. Church Cemetery, on the
Bronson Line. Rev. A. M. Amach-
er, Zurich, and Rev. Paul Erb,
New Hamburg, officiated. ,
84th Anniversary
At Evangelical
Church in Zurich
84th Anniversary Services were
held at Emmanuel Evangelical
United Brethren Church on Sun-
day, November 2. Rev. L. A.
Dorsch, Milverton, director of
Christian Education of the Canada
Conference was the guest speaker.
Special numbers by the choir in
the morning were "Holy, Holy,
Holy" and "Praise to the Lord",
with Mrs. Beatrice Hess as soloist.
The male chorus sang the number
"Sail On".
At the evening service, the
choir rendered the number, "Stand
up for Jesus", with Mrs. Kenneth
Breakey as soloist, and also the
number "Even Song". Lorne Ama-
cher and Mrs. Kenneth Breakey
sang the duet, "Down at the Cross,
Where My Saviour Died".
Mrs, Milton Oesch and Miss
Edith Steckle presided at the or-
gan and piano respectively, for the
services of the day.
Beautiful floral tributes were
placed in memory of the late Mr.
Alfred Melick and the late Mrs.
Menno Oesch.
These services were well attend-
ed with a large number of visitors
present. Laird Jacobi, Ed Gascho,
LeRoy O'Brien and E. E. Wuerth
served in the capacity of ushers.
Messrs Ivan Yungblut, Earl
Yungblut, Ferd Haberer and Jake
Haberer left this past Sunday
morning for Peterboro, where they
will spend a week hunting deer.
OPEN HOUSE was held at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. William Hay in Zurich last Wednesday; on the
occasion of their 40th wedding anniversary. The
daughters served tea to the many guests who visited
the couple during the day. •Mr. and Mrs. Hay were
married 40 years ago in Varna. (Citizens News Photo)
Huron Ministers
Meet In Zurich
The South Huron Ministerial
Association met at Emmanuel. E.
U.B. Church on Tuesday, Novemb-
er 4, with 11 ministers present.
Rev. A. G. Van Eck, pastor of
the Christian Reformed Church,
Exeter, conducted the devotions,
using as his subject, "Ezekiel, a
watchman of God".
Rev. 0, Winter, pastor of St.
Peter's Lutheran Church, gave an
excellent paper on, "The Christian
Ministry". Both of these ministers
stressed the sacred calling of the
minister, with the primary purpose
of exalting Christ in the eyes of
their people.
Rev. Kerr, the president, took
charge of the business, with Rev.
G. R. Strome as secretary. The
December meeting will be held
at the Blake Mennonite Church.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Mitchell
Shearing announce the en-
gagement of their daughter,
Olive Gail, to Mr. James Will-
iam Wild, Zurich, son of Mr.
H. P. Wild, London and the
late Mrs. Wild. The marriage
will take place on Saturday,
November 29, 1958, at Wesley -
Willis United Church, Clon,
at 2.30 p.m.
Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist
Thursday, Nov. 6-
8.00 p.m.—Ladies' Aid and
W.S.W.S. Meeting.
Friday, Nov, 7-
8.00 p.m.—Young People's
Sunday, Nov. 9-
10.00 a.m.—Remembrance Day
11.00 a.m.—Sunday School.
7.30 p.m.—Evening Service.
Sentence Sermon: "Sacrifice alone
points to love. Let us remem-
ber those who gave their lives
for us in two wars."
"We extend a cordial invitation to
all to attend"
Wednesday, Nov. 5-
8.00 p.m.—Prayer Fellowship
at the home of Mrs.
Rudolph Oesch
Friday, Nov. 7-
8.00 p.m.—Missionary Speakers
Rev. and Mrs. Tilman
Martin, missionaries to
Quebec. Special singing.
Sunday, Nov. 9-
10.00 a.m.—Sunday School.
11.00 am.—Worship Service.
8,00 p.m.—Bible Meeting
(at Blake Church).
We Welcome You To These
A Question - Without An Answer
"How shall we (1) escape,
if we (I) neglect so great salvation?"
Heb. 2: 3.
What Are Your 1'l =: ns, For Avoiding
Eternal Judgment?
Jesus saith, 1 am the way, the truth, and the life,
No man cometh to the Father, but by me. Jno. 14: 6.
• •
Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is
none other name under heaven given among men,
whereby we (I) must be saved. Acts. 4: 12.
Zurich Mennonite Evangelism Committee