Zurich Citizens News, 1958-10-22, Page 3WEDNESD.AY, OCTOBER 22, 19 58 ZURICH Citizens NEWS PAGE THRIFT/ill WEDDING Van Wieren— Petrusma (By our Hensel]. Correspondent) A pretty ;autumn wedding was solemnized ait the ;Maistilart Re- formed Churelh, Exeter, on S,atitas day, October 11, • when the Rev. A. T. Vanden Poe, D.rayton, united in marriage Betty Petrusania, Ot- tawa, and William Vain Wieren, Drayton, son orf Mr. and Mrs. Dick Van Wieren, Hensall, The bride's parents ;am; Mr. end Mrs. E H. Petrusana, Heron, Groning- en Holland. The ;bride wore a floor -length gown of silver brocade princess style lily point sleeves and mat- ching heacklress. She !carried! a lboiuquet lof rust coloured 'mums and stephanotis. Matron elf honor was Mrs. W. INNINNNNOVININI4.0.4""Nr•••••••••1414."11,11,04144,04411 Reception & Dance hi Honour Of Mr. and Mrs. James Bedard (Nee Veronica Ducharme) in the Community Centre, Zurich 8.30 p..m. Saturday, Oct. 25 Music Supplied by DeSiardille Orchestra EVERYBODY WELCOME 41p Wieren, Henson, was his brother's 111 rs,Inez IlicEwen Installed As 1958 Weatheribey, Ottawa. Clarence Van 114 groomsman. The organist wa s Miss. C. :Van Dealers Zurich. The reception was held in the schwa! room ;of the Exeter Christ- ian Relformeld ;Church following the ;ceremony. Since the -groom teaches in Dray, his 36 pupils attended the wedding ;ceremony and reception. In th'e evening a family dinner was served by Mrs. Dick Van Wieren, Hensel, attend- ed by 25 guests. Fedy—Spellman Cousins of the bride, Rev. John Malley, Rochester, N.Y., and Rev. Eugene Malley, Toronto, officiated !at the marriage of Carolyn. Anne Spellman, Kitchener, and Donald Edwin Fedr, Waterloo at St. Anne's Roman Catholic Church, Kitchener, The bride is- a daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Alexis Sipellman, 154: Pandora Ave., Kitchener. The !bridegroom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Edwin Fedy, 76 John Street West, Waterloo. The altar was banked With white cheysenthensums and fern for the ceremony. Organist was Mrs. Harry Von and soloist Was Thomas Harry :Hoffman, Dash- wood, ;an uncle; orf the bride. The glee club of St. Mary's High Slchool, where the bride is a teach- er, sang under the direction of Sister M. EVangela. A peau da faine formal gown was worn by the 'bride', styled with scoop neckline bordered with beaded guipure lace., and lialypoint sleeves. Lacesafppliqued 'petals; en- hanced the pleated folds. which formed a chapel train, and her bouffant skirt wasdecorated with sidc garlands; of guipure lace. A beaded .double crown held her For The Whole Family! OUR SPECIAL! GLAZED DO -NUTS NATIONAL October 19-26 ONLY 45c DOZEN TRY SOME TO -DAY! SUGAR FRIED CAKES 40c a doz. TASTY -NU BAKERY Zurich — Phone 100 Noble Grand of Hensall. Rebekahs Mes. WillflFam Caldwell, N.G., presided at the ;meeting of Amber Rebekah. Lodge, N. 349 on Wed- nesday evening, when D.D.P. EVErs. Cbas-nbers of the Rebekah Assembly of Ontanio IOOF in- stalled the officers for the year. Prior to the !installation Mrs. Adeline Ford of the EXeter Lodge, read the !commission. The. install- ing team from Exeter led by the D.D..P.'s; Marshal, Mrs. 1-latry Beavers. The officerts; elected were Junior Mrs. William Cald- well; Noble Grand, Mrs. Inez Mc- Elwere R.S.N.G., Mrs. Leona Parke; leS.N.G. Mrs. Archie MacGregor; Vice-Geancl, Mrs. ,Gierm Bell; R.S. V.G., Mrs. Alex MacBeaith; L.S.; V.G., Mrs. Milton Lavery; Chose' lairs Mrs Hugh McEwen, Jr.; re- cording secr.etary, Miss Mayib;elle Whiteman; financial secretary, Mrs. .Clarence Volland; treasur- er, Mrs. 'Laird Jacobi; warden, Mas. E. Chlipclsase; conductor, Mrs, circular nylon tulle veil, and she carried a collo.nial cascade of ama- zon lilies, stephanotis and feather- ed :chrysanthemums. Miss Hellen Spellman, Kitchener was maid of honor for her sister and bridesmaids were Miss Mary Fedy, Kitchener, a. sister of the !bridegroom and Miss; Shirley Mc- Phee, Toronto. Rulby red velvet and satin gowns styled with taut bodices, scoop necklines and brief sleeves were selected by the attendants. The bell skirts featured metalling satin panels and large back and front bows, and they worefiesta pink satin cocktail bows and mIatching gloves. Their colonial cascades were pink chiffon roses, feathered chrysanthemums and palms chrys- anthemums. Joseph Fedy, Waterloo., was best man. for his brother and ushers were Robert Schmuck, Kitchener, and Leopold Larocque, Trenton. Recelming at the K -W Granite Club the brides mother chose a teal blue sheath of French broad - Cloth. Her velour hat was dusty rose trimmed with matching satin, and she wore dusty rose and satin accessories. A corsage oif pink ros- es ;completed her costume. A peacock green shantung frock and oatmeal beige and brown ac- cessories were selected by the bridegroom's; mother. Her brown feather hat and corsage of tawny roses enhanced her outfit. For travelling to the New Eng- land States; the bride wore a co- coa brown sheath and jacket en- semble of French brocade, a cliou.d white cloche trimmed with gold feathers, and brown ;accessories. Her corsage was beige orchids. The couple will live at 55 Dun- bar Street, Waterl;oo. The bride is a gold medallist in figure skating, and is on the staff of St, Marys High Sehool. The groom is a graduate; of Assumption College. Guests at the Fedy-Sp.ellman wedding were Mr. and Mrs. E. Laird Meade, Henson; Mr. and Mrs. john. Soldan and Masters Patrick and IVLicheel Soldan, Zu- rich; Mr. and Mrs. S. Harry Hof- fman, Miss Many Jane Hoffman and Masters Robert, William and James Hoffman., Dashwood. A. Orr; calor bearer, Mrs, H. Lemmas; pilantist, Mrs. W. Fulstsl; Inside guardian, 1VIrs. L. Eyre; outside guardian, ;Mrs. L. Fergus- on. Mrs. William Cann sang, "Bless This I -louse" and "Take Time To Be ;Holly". Junior P.N.G., Mrs, Wil- liam ;Caldwell presented the D.D.P. ;Mrs. ChiaMbers with a gift. Mals, .alsambers gave a brief address ;outlining the year's work and in- viting the ;lodge to meet With ;Clinton and Brussels lodlges at ;Clinton on November 17, when the ,Assembily President will be present. Mrs. G. Johns, Exeter; Mrs. L. Eyre, Hensel.; and Mrs. S. Black - Sewing Circle Makes Two Quilts To Ship Overseas The ladiesof the Blake Amish Mennonite ;01ssrch, Sewing ;Circle hielid their October meeting in the basiment tof the; church. The devotional, taken From Mat- thew 25: 31-40 was in change. of Miss Verde Baechler, who also led in prayer. The minutes of the last me•eting were read by the ;secretary, Miss Dorothy Etib. There were 18 ladies; present. Two quilts were made, and used clothing was donated, which will be forwarded to the MCC in Kit- chener, for shipment ov,easseas. wed, Hensalli, expressed words re appreciation. Mrs. Leona Parke thanked the D.D.P. Mrs. Chambers and members of the installation team. The financial secretary gave a repoet of the bake sale. A card of thanks was received from Mas.. Garnet Mousseau, and a birthday box will be sent ;to Mrs. Annie Logan. At the close of the meet- ing refreshments were served. ..;seessiesessissessusssossissessaril MAKE THIS YOUR FIRST STOP FOR... 12 GAUGE PUMP HIGH-POWERED RIFLE SHOT GUN SHELLS Noble Pump Guns — .22 Calibre Rifles — Every Type of Ammo, ALL AT SPECIAL PRICES Rader & Mittelholtz Hardware Zurich ZURICH — Phone 63 BAKE SALE in the Town Hall, Zurich on Saturday, Oct. 25 10.50 a.m. to 12 a.m. 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Sponsored by the C.W.L. 0, Boy Scout Apple Day ,a Success; Welcome Members (By Pat O'Brien, ASM) Last Saturday the Zurich Bay Scouts held their Apple Day, and it was a ;great success. They visit- ed Dashwood and Hensaill, and sold apples in both the towns. This past Wednes:day the troop. :held thieir regular meeting in the. Town Hat, and had as their guest Ben ;Cook, RCAF Station Cent- ralia, and three other Scoutmast- ers. These Men helped in the re- organization of the troop and also, gave some !valuable information. about Scouting.. The meeting opened with the Scouts 'being caned (into a horse- shoe iforrnatien, and the flag was raised and broken by Dennis. Am- acher. Inspection was held, and proved satisfactory, although al the ;Scouts: should be. wearing thetas uniforms; to the meetings. Mir.. Cook said, "No boy Ii a Scout unless he wear t his uniform. If you don't wear your uniform you are only a iboy off the street." After 'inspection a game of "Rooster Fight" was, played. In- structions were taken from the seconid class test Number 12, which was, "Your Bike and Safety Rules" - The dues were collected and than the Scouts dismissed. A :court of honour was held after the meeting, at which tkne it was decided to make Robert Pirang and Allan Thiel. Petrol Leaders. The titme of the meet- ings was changed to 7 o'elerk in the basement elf ;!the hall, with the group moving upstairs atter the Cubs; have had their tmeeting. At the close of the meeting it Was ;decided that every members,,i,;; should ;bring a neyif member along' to the next meeting We wll. i meet again this Wednesday night, and any boy who is 11 years of age and wishes to join the • Scouts is requested to attend. BODY and FENDER ORR COMPLETE GENERAL REPAIRS TO CARS, TRUCKS and TRACTORS ARC and ACETYLENE WELDING USED CARS Phone 38 HALLOWE'EN MASKS 10c to 49c COSTUMES SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE 59c to 2.98 1 HALLOWE'EN CANDY KCIASRSEASt4 JE Ls L BXEEADN CS ,A N D y 29c to 98c bag Tablecloths and Serviettes for Hallowe'en 25c and 35c ZURICH VARIETY STORE