Zurich Citizens News, 1958-09-17, Page 2PAGE TWO ZURICH Citizens NEWS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1958 ZURICH > NEWS Published every Wednesday Morning at Zurich, Ontario, for the Police Village of Zurich, Hay Township, and the Southern part of Stanley Township, in Huron County. Printed by Clinton News -Record, Clinton, Ontario Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa A. L. COLQUHOUN HERB. M. ,TURKHEIM Publisher Business Manager Subscription Rates: $2.50 per year in advance, in Canada; $3.50 in United States and Foreign; single copies, 5 cents. Subscriptions payable to Business Manager, Zurich Citizens News, Box 149, Zurich, Ontario, or to district correspondents. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1958 ZURICH FAIRPROOFFERS RAM EXCEPTIONAL DIRECTORS OF THE Zurich Fall Fair, which opens in Zurich on Saturday, expect, if the weatherman gives them a break, to shatter all attendance records. They should do so, considering the excellent program arranged for public viewing and enjoyment. Like all expanding organizations the Fair has added new features, and the quality of its displays and entertainment pro- grams is the proof of its claim that the fair will be "Bigger and Better Than Ever." For the farmer there will be a good display of livestock, machinery. dairy products, and of course the big Horse Show. For the wrestling fans there is a top-notch card of professional entertainment, and for the children there is the big midway, featuring a ferris-wheel, merry-go-round, etc. And for the ladies there is the large display of exhibits in the Community Centre, and the Baby Show. There will be so much to see and do during this big affair that a person will not want to miss one minute of it. The official opening will take place on Monday after the parade, and Charles S. McNaughton, MPP for Huron, will be present to do the honours. ICE SULJ: an y ji BL (By W. (Bill) B. T. Smiley) Twelve years ago tonight, I was a brand new bridegroom. Yep, it's our twelfth anniversary. Seems like only yesterday. As Methuse- lah said when they asked hint how it felt the first time he had his beard trimmed. r.. * x It's a lung time to live with a strange woman. Especially when she gets stranger every year. Well, not stranger, exactly, hut more peculiar. Well, not exactly more peculiar. but, you know, uh, more sort of odd. Not really odd, of course, in the real sense of the word, but, uh, more kind of, ule unexpected. * That's what gets' me about it. Twelve years ago, I married this dark -eyed, serene, little girl, just out of her teens. She thought I was some shakes. I was a big operator, ex -flight -lieutenant just out of the air force, been around, seen the world. She thought ev- erythl.ng I said wasgospel. She hung, literally hung,, on my every word. My opinions. were Mosaic in their majesty. "Boy," I thought, "this is for me. This kid is just what I'm look- ing for. So nuwvy of my friends have married those opinionated, overbearing women who are al- ways telling then what to do. None of that for me. This kid knows quality when she sees it. She knows you don't get guys like me out of grab -bags. .And she's so quiet. And undemanding. She's happy just to be with me." * * * Well, she's still got the dark eyes, But did you ever pay much attention to the colour of eyes your sergeant -major was sporting, when you were in the army? * * * Know what she sacd the first thing this morning, before. break- fast? On aur anniversary? She said: "If you think I'm going to take the garbage out again this week, you're crazy!" Imagine that. On our anniversary. And I hadn't even asked her yet. * * Of course, she didn't know it was aur anniversary. Nor did I, until noon, when I brought home a card from her sister in the city, which carolled: "Happy Anniver- sary". She didn't burst into tears, as ,any normal wide would do. She just looked at me, in the dispas- sionate manner in which most people look at a spider they are 'about to stomp an. * :k The kids helped things along, as usual. "Well, they yodelled, "it's your anniversary, eh Mom? What did you bring her, Dad? How long have you been married? What's this, the silver anniver- sary? Wliat did you bring for a present, Dad?" And the horrible realization dawned on me that it was Wednesday afternoon, the stores were chased, and I couldn't even get a belated token to throw to her, as the Russians used to throw their cloaks, or was it their eh+ildren, to the pursuing wolves. "Oh, I don't expect a present", she said to the kids in that tone that makes your toenails curl. "Your father is much too busy with important things, like for- getting to order the coal, and for- getting to get the storm windows on, and forgetting to pay the hy- dro brill ,to remember a silly old anniversary." a: :1' Five hours later, when I got home from work, to which I had fled with the alacrity of a rabbit released from a snare, and from which I had returned with the speed .of a. turtle with a sprainned. ankle, she resumed, the iron sttrnk- in:g deeper. ', " * "Isn't this much nicer on aur (Continued on Page Five) SATURDAY, SEPT, 20 AND Ni I`NDAY, SEPT. 22 SATURDAY NIGHT 9 p.m. — IN THE ZURICH ARENA r..' SLIN NDAY — M ONSTEI PARADE FOLLOWED BY 4-H CALF CLUB, MIDWAY, CATTLE SHOW, EXHIBITS "Something of interest f +!'r the Entire Family" MONDAY NIGHT 3 Pit — IN THE ZURICH ARENA Horse Show With "Tory" Gregg as baster ofrCeremonies DANCE T'I FOLIO sic by Desjard ne Orchestra Space Contributed in the Service of the Community by John Labatt Limited LABATT`S CRYSTAL LAGER BREWERY LIMITED eleeleele 8049 "P11 neer as long r drive again s 11iv,P. ! That's the vow Fred Smith took when he learned the youngster he had run over had died as a result of the injuries. Fred's conscience was tortured by the feeling that a child had died as a result of his actions. He tore up his driver's license, and has never been behind the wheel of a car since. There's only one way to avoid Fred Smith's night- marish situation. That's always to watch for children on the road. Your Ontario Department of Transport urges you to support the current Child Safety campaign. Business and Professional Directory AUCTIONEERS INSURANCE ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service that Satisfies" Phone 119 Dashwood LEGAL BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q.C. C. V. LAUGHTON, L.L.B. Zurich Office Tuesday Aftemoon EXETER Phone 4 DOCTORS G. A. WEBB, D.C.* *Doctor of Chiropractic 438 MAIN STREET, EXETER X -Ray and Laboratory Facilities Open Each Weekday Except Wednesday Tues. and Thurs. Evenings, 7-9 For Appointmet -- Phone 606 FUNERAL DIRECTORS ESTLAKE, Funeral Home AMBULANCE and PORTABLE OXYGEN SERVICE Phone 89J or 89W ZURICH 1,1 HOFFMAN'S Funeral & Ambulance Service OXYGEN EQUIPPED Ambulances located at Dashwood Phone 70w Grand Bend—Phone 20w Attendants Holders of St. John's Ambulance Certificates �.: r Safety EVERY FARMER NEEDS Liability Insurance For Information About Ali Insurances --Col I BERT KLOPP Phone 930 or 220 Zurich Representing CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Ontario Automobile Association For Particulars See Your Authorized Representative Ted Mittelholtz Phone 198 -- Zurich DENTISTS DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON L.A.S., D.D.S. Main Street Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoon Phone Exeter 36 DR. J. W. CORBETT L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON 814 Main Street South Phone 273 -- Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons HURON and ERIE DEBENTURES CANADA TRUST CERTIFICATES 1 or 2 YEARS — 33/4% 3, 4 and 5 YEARS -- 4% J. W. HABERER Authorized Representative Phone 161 — Zurich'