Zurich Herald, 1957-10-10, Page 4ZURICH ONVOLIO
1. -30 Massey -Harris Tractor, in new
tractor condition. $400:00.
1 ---,Case 'Manure Spreader $200,00,
1—Case Packer 4125.00.
1•--M.-11. 4 -section Spring Tooth
with pole $$50.00.
1.---�il.••H. u -section diamond harrows
with 5 - 3 2 section poles $00.00
laalle.D. No. 02 Combine with all
;Attachments. All new canvass,
runs like a .top $475.00,
le—Mc. D. 1.3 -run grain drill with
marker., in good running order,
1—Handy Nan Jack $15.00,
Etc. — Etc,
Reason for selling - Farm is sold,
R. R. 1, Zurich 2te
ERS, at Lot 14, ConcNeeion
Stanley Township
1;1 miles wet of Brucefield, on
At. 1 p.m., Standard Time
20 Holstein Cows, fresh and due to
20 Choice Holstein Heifers, rreh,
and due to freshen in November.
10 Open Holstein Heifers.
A number of Young Calves
All Cattle are calfhood Vaccinated.
Sale will he held under cover.
Terms - Cash.
D'Arcy Rathwell, Proprietor.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer,
electric saw, large assortment car-
penter tools, onion crates, ;horse clip-
pers, 100 sap pails, bicycle, 1500
cedar rails, barb wire, milk pails,
lawn mower, sledges; pig rack;sling
ropes, •chicken shelters, pig scales;
4 oak eider barrels, .grain bags,
Etc., Etc,
Part 'Hereford and Dunham Cow,
with ealf at foot; part Iturhair and
Jersey cow, e milking; roan tareow
cow red Durham farrow cow; roan
cow. milking, carrying third calf,due
in December; red Durham cow, milk-
ing, carrying third calf due latter
part of Neventber; 2 Durham heifers,
due in December; 3 Durham heifers,
due in November. This is an extra
choice herd of cattle.
70 'bushels Genese wheat; 15n
bushels mixed grain choice quality.
Household Effects 8 -niece chesterfeld, studio eauoh;
2 large wardrobes; diningrooln eaten••
sion table; rocking chairs, centre
tables; complete bedroom suite, dres-
sers; commodes bath tub, kitchen
clock; •chest of drawers, phonograph,
gas lamp and lantern, ice-cream fre-
ezer large cabbage cutter, buurner
electric range, crocks, sealers„ kit-
chen cupboard, apple peeler; and
many ar•ticlea too numerous to men-
tion. No reserve, ae the farm is
sold. Due to extra large sale, sell-
ing will start sharp on time.
Lunch Pooth on grounds.
Terms ---Cash.
Mrs. Theresa Hartman, (Proprietress.
Glen Webb, Clerk,
Alvin Wainer, Auctioneer.
at 1.30 p.nl.
10 cowe cowwith salves at side. 2 iformed members Eire's
'Herd SerManlier.ra: ( including') C. A. Len three unliable •citizen of this neighborhood of
Manlier.lath. •bred by (Ina,<L police force at an audience he a strange phenomenon in the near
•T granted recently. Then- were all by waters of Lake Huron a short
ed a gift for the grandmother with
the most grandchildren; Mrs. Henry
Eagleson, with youngest !grandchild;
Mrs, V, Becker conducted a contest
The president, Mrs. .E, Kuntz presid-
ed for the business. $5,00 was don-
ated to the Blind. Leaders appointed
for the 4-11 •Club are, Mrs, Sid. Bak-
er and Mrs E. Devine; Mrs. 3. M.
Tiernan was appointed Delegate to
the London Area Convention. Mrs.
Chas. Snell alternative. Lunch and
The Queen closed the meeting.
Mrs, L. '1•i, Rader has returned
home after spending two weeks in
Waterloo with her two daughters,
Mr and Mrs Garnet Wildfong and Mr
and Mrs. Ivan Taylor.
Huron Temperance Notes
"Proverbially, Ireland is a land
that combines the smile and the
tear, and alas what a flood of tears
has poured through the shattered
Dyke •of Temperance." "Your Y.T.
A.A. is a valiant attempt to repair
and strengthen that indispensably
necessary dyke."
Thus spoke the pope to sexty-
e'd with the power to avoid danger,
when going through the pilgrimage
of life. In this there has been too
much we can say to (bring about a
satisfactory answer; grateful as we
pretent to be for the 'protection we
receive; many times we lack the
sense of judgment, to illustrate the
true meaning of it; let us say for
example if it is a hot and sticky day
we feel en,baressed and not at ease,
if it is a little chilly ere feel uncom-
Imoment that all protection comes
from God. It is true man as a
creature has his weaknesses and
downfalls and should not be found
responsible for all of these Untie mis-
haps. But let him not forget tient he
has been given the sence of reason,
,and in trials and danger he should
remember to render Thanks --- for
protection he receives in this land
'of tears.
fortaible and not satisfied; it we do I A Thought For To -day
not succeed in the impossible we are! 4a/Fe
ready to quit, and so we go rn our If you were +shoat
,way of life, and not thinking for a Yet you have none
$96,781, HIS ONLY A5St:;1
*Headline, Toronto Star
The unfortunate driver who must
pay is not a rich roan. He estimated
he'll be 114 years old when free of
debt. All because he didn't carry
enough -car insurance at the time of
the accident.
How about you, Have von enough
insurance for a judgment like this"
Enough, you know, costs little more •
$100,000 for death or injury to one
$200,000 for death or injury to ttivr-
or more
:.100,000 for damage to property,
Tet the full story from:
Bertram Klopr)
'1.Tt. 3, Zurich. Phone 93-1 Zuric},
Co -Operators Insurance Association
Automobile Insurance for Carefu'
Joseph & Mire Water Area
What Was This?*
It was reported of late by a re -
are), ''Jori!-, _ 1. (tel Testa members of the pioneer total
'P,nrte,re Plus, a grandson of Portage a,hstit,ence association—a bout' half
'Mixer. owned by Portee e • Fai':n,Ohio. ., million strong.
FSS to be held at the TINT, AYgov "In more than one country, in
alele t . 1 mile north, 2 mile_ ea -t, tomeeranee in drink, leading so often
of Klein or 5 miles south. or Sea,. to alcoholism, has become a hara ott-
forth, int; menace and an actual spit :i-1 isrlit seco'ds, and according to report
"Froward C. Wright, Cromarty, Or,t, tragedy with grateful atr :ion ithe ap' ai'ance was in a funnel shape
(�t-' �1, we bless those who by word and es- and getting its suction from the bot•
tom is his general belief. Had .it
appeared on land it -would have Leen
•destructive, causing loss of live and.'
erha.ps darn •e in i t z trail v(ay',r,F,
"ivliole••afufi inwlibs.e Peen' " .
whirl wind in a turnigette shape as
sometimes appear?
Tornadoes are rot .too 'common -in
this fair land of ours; but it could
have been one of those lost ones, and
in its mad rush lost its course and
landed in this immediate neighbour-
hood. What can we say for oursely-
es in that respect, are we protected
by some unseen hand„ or are we
guided to make strange, detours on
our road of life?
Do we consider ourselves the Lucky
ones, or do we think we are endow -
distance from shore. The eye wit-
ness deaeribed the whol affair a- un-
usual; he goes on to say at a steno's
throw from shore, all of a sudden in
a twiseed• fashion the water squirt-
ed up in the air beyond visibility in
.Art Finlayson, Ripper. Ont. Owner pecially example, set themselves to
W. S. O'Neil, Auctioneer, Denfield, remove the cause of the eviL"
- Ont, The P.T,A.A. in. • Eire, and Aus-
tralta, tale Lacordaire movement in
Salesman V%antecT ` Qdeib c, ilre V.TA: calnllia �. r -S11..
!United. Church in 'Canada, :all volt
MAN WANTED. Continue Rawleigh untary total abstinence movements,
Service to Consumers in Huron Co. point t:he sure way to the ultimate
Get into a profitable business of solution of this devasting social
your own. No pi evious experience evil.—Advt.
:or capital investment needed. For
information write Rawleigh's Dept,
3-458-h10, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal, John F. Alexander, Toronto, spent
Que. Saturday last with his uncle and
aunt Mr and (Mrs Albert Alexander,
Extensive Auction Sale and also with his cousins, Mr and
Mrs. Sohn Alexander and family of
r`9" VALUABLE TRACTORS, FARM:the 8rd Concession of Hay Twp.
MAteefa ERV, THRESHER, LIVE- Gerald Horton son of Mr and
STOCK GRAIN and HOUSEHOLD !Mrs. Clay Horton of Clinton, had
EFFECTS on the premises, Lot. .t, the misfortune to get his foot caught
Con. 11. Hay Township. 1,14 miles. in a combine crushing it, -but for"tun-
east of 1?:tsli;vood and 1 mile norf'T, ately no bones were broken. Gerald
or 4 ranee south of Zurich. 'is able to get around with the aid of
The. undersigned Auctioneer i- Inas-'crutches.
acted to e -'ll by public Auction on Mr end tips E. T. Rowe and Pat
spent'' the week -end in Toronto,
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23rd. Mr. Frank Mousseau and Wilfred
e`cir,ltnencir.c at 12.80 p.m. sheep:spent Sunday in Merlin.
`Praetors and Threshing Machine.- ' _Mr and Mrs Homer Campbell (nee
M.M.Il Waterloo lov 'n"tt 41e Standard ; JIarilvn Anderson) were tendered a
'lI<i ii, i', a rd two seasons, in final,- ,1
reception i• n the IIensail Community
Arena on Friday evening Oct. 4tla
ani c r,tditia,n. Alli~ i'hrlmers' and presented with a purse of money.
`CA' S t rnda-td Tractor le A-1 con- ff Norris C)rcit+ stra provided music for
ti, t: 'IL'Tk:,r.ir,, 22' 3i I'hr'. 111T;�•'
sloe f „r o:; rubs i.~ complete ,.,;t,l 1 the knee, The again was well at-
et=+ter^• t'Itt!'e:'" attachments and rr ain tended,
':lloweie. in brand new coediti,iit :; Bingo Winners -
1511 foot ru),aer drive belt; Nett* 'Line i Winner: of Legion Bingo field
cov'i iiic'.ar It ed two sea>on- e1n
!ite,r'. Saturday night Oct. 5th. :Mr=•.
ary. N('`l'''' - - Tei 'ns eau
be ar- `neem l Baird, Pete Boshart, 'Sea -,
d on n'eov e machinery at ti - forth; Mr,. Wee Veneer, :Mr's. Robt.
months' credit on approved john. i Bakee ji' (2 ) ; Harold Swartz''ntruber
Tr' les cit (;'' interest. ;Aire l'av Smale 1 ), ?Jr.,Mae Me-
Farin Machinery— ;Lellan, .MrDitto, ,Tim Smile, Torrit
:Mels. 13 -run fetitilizer drill. • 1ile. 1 fele, :klise Ferreira Harvey, Exeter: •
new; Jolni there 7 -ft. I'inrder, 1'!e`INIl I3i"ryana Bell, Mrs, Fleiseha,Ter, •
new; e : r, l•;,,':•ra:., plow oe t .0. ; Zurich; t.,'ec it Van Borne. Jack Po:
.a.':t ('l,'ril�.• a Ilii . :,n 1 1Tb
r,,el' ;r'a'il l'a and .1.Frs. I•'..I-l7t. Balzer Sr.
al, . enuli' taa•e.n :1.:'0'tic ;Door Ilia . ... ,1r Minnie! Saogstt'r.
idea a eo .iii ad hay !end .e 1,1,),
liar' . ,'';' iake: 2 eel.,: -.. etio : 1 f
rtrnrrd h:,rr•oaa: Me D• 81a -ft. sti:i, 'Deeiewood
tooth f'ttttivateir, ciripei etnei. ro-le,
'I+ i' d-ne r:,i' mowor; me!). v--;0171,;;;.::
)r,• t, ,;e.3•,. �1irh. senIfler 1.11,
.,..!ll e; r•idin'• plow; r: -sect-
'len harrow Cale; Fleury i;isssrt rub-
ber tire wagon; 2, I (i -ft. flat. racks;
oteel tires ttagrin; Mer). 10 -ft. ctunip
rake; ..et of hob sleigh:=; Met). crr-n ni
w'F'•;:(rrti,tnr: Vcrseot grain grinder, like
new; Gehl 10 -inch hammer mill, like
new: 2,000-1.1x. platform ecalcs;, f..itl-
ming Infill, clover bunehei, srrare blo-
Wer; rutting .box, turnip : wler,grairi
and pea lifter; clover roller. wont
puling', cutter; horse carriage; corn
:,,,• lt' t nee; tr'-lek, a0 tt,, endleea belt,
u'.•A nor, e, 50 -ft, c. rdicss lest, : ;t.tnn
hex, nig rack, 2 gravel iboxee: 'assn:i-
tit.,' of new lu r;1.,:;•, 'i electric fencer.
4 electric stool posts; rnsulator::,
'fogging ti'hain:., cross -cut saws; i-
'gm drum, copper kettle, electric drill
and stead; 2 electric motor's; whr:e:I,
aLnurow, vice Judi. hilt jack:, itltvit,
'I1,., Historical Research e arch group,
with Mrs. . Lennard Schenk convenor, -
was in charge of the October meet-
ing for Dashwood W. I. at which
grandmother's were special. guests.
Seventeen grandmothers were, pres-
ent, Mrs. Llo*gid Eagleson was their -
lady for the program. i:\lrs. Mervyn
'1'iemen • Ied a sing song.:Mr. , Leon-
ard Schenk discussed the motto `The
only old person is is he who no lon-
ger dr':sires to learn.' Mrs. S. Wolfe
gave n. reading on Patchwork MenT-
or'ies'. A number of ladies eeng My
Old Kitchen Apron, with actions, Mrs
It Mille,^ took the solo part with,
Vie L. ,Schenk, ;Mrs. W. Baker and
Mr. C. Snell assisting, Mrs. Wm./
Geiser. Crediton, gave a rl'rnons(.raa-
in,nTp"Modernizing Grandpa" with Mrs!'I'. Tflannptr as model. Beauty esu 1. el -
or produets were on diiplay..Wem'..t-
ers and their guests received cakes
of soap Mrs. Lucinda uMclsaae reeeiv-
Thursday, Oecoober 10th 1 t
All that you 'could
Then you have won.
If you had lived
To aid and Bless
And you were Loved,
You Know (Success,
1If you put Peace
1 Where there were strife',
Then your's has been
The :fruitful Life.
if you found
pathway rough,
still you 'f'rie'd,
did Enough.
Free! Marie Fraser's
new Cherie
Casserole Recipes.
Send today!
409 Huron Street, Toronto
e!e.3.3 . ez3; ree
o y w , 1asst ea �5
.:„r ri,i.£
'} 4;�,•+.i�xb' u4+`.\\ <..t�'v: i[H•{>T%N.\v. t�+4 hl, s�•.✓fif/.,.
EMPRESS OF ENGLAND — The Canadian Pacific's new 25,500 -ton `Empress of England' sails past olit
Quebec City with one of the ancient capital's famous landmarks, the Chateau Frontenac Hotel, in the, bac%
ground. The white -hulled liner completed her maiden voyage r'roni'"Liverpool to Montreal recently. c:
struction with its sister ship, `the Empress of Britain, at a combined cost of $35,000,000, bhc Empress
Eangiand is one of the most modern ships afloat and is completely arr-conditioned. The Empresses of Bat
ain, England, Scotland and France will make a total of 44 calls at Montreal during the season ond'prov'ile''i:.
aeeomodatnon for more than 75,000 travellers. The Empress of England, with a service speed of 21 knobn
has space for 150 firs class passenge re and 1300 tourists.
She is saving so she can continue
her music studies
st�a .::?seiee
He is saving .so he and his wife-
ifecan take en extended motor trip
a urpo
•t for savi
The difference between reaching a goal and
missing it can be the savings you put by,
now. in a bank account.
;., ... -
Such savings don't just happen. They involve
some sacrifice, definite planning. But as
your dollars mount up you feel a sense of
accomplishment, of getting somewhere, that
makes the effort more than worth while.
Your bank account provides ready cash that
can help take care of any emergency that may.
arise, or open the way to bar�y,alns or other
opportunities. Whatever objective you may have.
in mind, and whatever use your savings may
ultimately serve, you'll always be glad you saved.
Save at a bank diol
glj F.11