Zurich Herald, 1957-08-15, Page 5ZURICH ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD ZURICH HERALD .70ohorized as s'econd class mail, LOCAL NEWS Mr and Mrs. Vincent Jeffrey of De- troit spent their vacation in this vic- inity, 11/Ir and Mrs Harry Siemon of Lon- don spent the week -end with relativ- es and friends in Zurich. The !Misses Kline of Mildmay were .Sunday guests at the home or Rev, and .Mrs .Amacher Miss Beth McDougale of Essex is apending a week at the home of her friend, Miss Mary Hgan. Mr and Mrs Sam Gingerich spent a few days with relatives and friends at Ailsa Craig last week. Mr. and M. Wm. O'Brien or Lon- don spent the week -end with the formerparente here. • Miss Beth .Murray of London, •wee a Visitor with her sister, Mrs. Elroy Desjardine. Mrs. Anne Sauve is holidaying with her relatives in Toronto -and Wasaga Beach, One., for a few weeks. Mr and Mrs William Nickle of :London, called at the home of their cousin, Miss Pearl Wurtz one ,Clay last week. Mr and Mrs. Edw. Stelck of Dash- wood called on friends in Zurich on 'Thursday last. Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Brisson and family enjoyed the past week with the former's sister and other relatives in Detroit. Miss Nancy Thiel and 'brother, Larry of London, are visiting with relatives in Zurich. Mr and Mrs John Aubin and fam- ily of •Seaforth visited in Detroit with her sieter, Mr and Mee. Edgar Masse. Mr and MrS John Albreeht are spending some time at the hcme of their daughter, Mr and Mrs Chas. Scotchanere, iBayfield. Mr and Mrs Menno Oesch, Mr. and Mrs. Vladimir Hrovat had a lovely motor trip to Cleveland, Ohio and other places in the U.S.A. for their vacation. Mn. Ney and davehter and Mrs. Amacher have returned to their home after spending some time at the latter's son, Rev. and Mrs. Amacher of town. Mr and Mrs Walter Barrie and Mrs. Enuna Racey of London Were week-enci visitors at the home of the latter's sister, Mrs. Mary Brenner, Mrs. Racey is remaining in Zurich for a few weeks with Mrs. Brenner. Mr and Mrs Alf. Melick have ..re- • twared home after visiting ,at the home of their daughter, Mt and Mrs Edgar Geiger, at Pigeon, Mich, for a few days over the week-en.d Mr. Daniel Amenns of Washing- ton, Ind; and son-in-law, Bernard Smith and son of Detroit, spent the week -end at the home of the form- er's brother, Mr and Mrs Seth Am- enn P. Miss Shirley Haugh of the lith, has taken a position .,witri nr. Reg. Black ef town and will be assisting in the Fire 'Insurance, and Hay Mun- icipal Telephone work, The recent vacancy of Mr. Grant Male at the Bank of Montreal., in Zurich is being -filled by Mr. Jame Wild, who comes from .Aylener, and whose home is in Ingersoll. Michael Traher, who has spent two week's holidays with Mr. 1arc.il Corriveau has returned home to Lon- don to take up his position for his paper route. Also his music easeonel Mr add James Haclzett of St. Catharines spent the week-ena it ' the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ted. Steinbach and other relatives. Their daughter Linda, who had been visiting with her grand- parents for two weeks, returned home with them. • Mr and Mrs Gerald Feeney and family are visiting at Mrs, M. Cor- riveaa's for a few .days. Prof. Alvin and Mrs. Sumas and the latter's• mother of Toronto, were visitors at the Surerus home in town the past week, Mr and Mrs Clare Hoffman of Galt and son Robert of McLellan, Alb., and Miss Patricia Harris visited in town Wednesday last. Mr and Mrs. J. Bannister and family are away on holidays in Bee - tern Ontario, During Mr. Bannid- er's absence, his plate is being taken by Mr. J. Cantelon, a retired ,Bank Manager now residing at Lu -can. Bishop iVienassah Hallman of Petersburg, Ont., Mr and Mrs. El- verna 'Hallman and family of Kitch- ener, 'were Friday VW -tors at the home of their sister. Also attended the "Open House" of Mr and Mrs, Gerald Gingerith's new :dere, Mas- ter Garry Gingerich rettrrned with them for his vacation. .Attei,d Evangelical 'Camp Miss Norma Geiger, Catharine Rader, Robert Johnston and Paul Amacher attended the Intermediate Camp at Goderich. -Miss Mary Gei- ger and Miss Margaret Schade at- tended the Senior Camp at the Niter Camp. Rev. Kenneth Krueger cif -Shebeyagain, Wis., was the Evang- elist. DASHWOOD Master Sherry Wein of Exeter, vacationed with Misses Marie and Pearl Kraft last week. Mr and Mrs. Mervyn 'Tiernan and Lynda; Mr and Mrs Robert .Stormes of St. Thomas and (Mary Jane Hoff- man spent a few days at Montreal last week. Miss Connie Spellman Of Kitchen- 4?1' returned home Monday, after vac- ationing with Mary Jane Hoffman. The latter is vacationing With Con - me at Kitchener, -Miss Therese Zimmer is vacation- ing with her mother Mrs. Harry Zimrner this week. Mr and Mrs. Ernest Davison Port Huron spent a few days with 'Mrs. M. IPiefer, Miss Thelma Weber of London, spent the week -end with Mrs, Dan Weber. Miss Carol Webb of London, spent the -week-end with .111/11- and Mrs. Milton Webb. Mrs. Nelda Routledge of London spent the weak -end with Mr and Mrs Philip Fassold. Bible 541tool Exercises. The first Vacation Bible School held at Zion Lutheran Church came to a close last Friday with even house held in the evening when par- ents and friends heard the songs and exercises learned by the pupils.lbe theme throughout being 'Our Beau- tiful Saviour. Later they viewed all the projects on ,display. ,St. Joseph & Blue Water Area Mr and Mrs Weising ancr two daughters of Sarnia were Sunday visitors with Mr and .Mrs. Victor Du - charm of the Blue Water north.. Mr. Andrew Denomme of Windsor accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Annie Denernme and Mr. William Ducharme, Jr. motored to Hamilton on Saturday last visitors with Mr and Mrs. Guston Denomme .of that (qty. Miss Alice Anne Duchaeme of the B.W.Highway south, left on Sunday with her girl friend, Miss Reid, to spend the week -end in London. Weather Turns Cool— At timeof writing this Tueedae morning the weather is not summer- like, for the month of August we have been greeted with as ninny cool days as hot ones, it is far too early to think of cold fall days, but as the days are beginning to shorten, there is nothing much we ,can do or say about it, only to adjust our- selves to it, as we did in the years gone by. Seasons come and go, and with it joy and sorrow is ler t m its trailway. Mr and Mrs- Blaise Duchavne, their daughter Denise and son An- thony .all of Windsor, have returned to their home after spending two .weeks with the formr's parents, Mr and Mrs Fred Ducharrne, Miss Therese Corriveau of Blake, will spend a few weeks with her ,grandparents, Mr and Mrs. Leon 13e- dard. Of late Mrs. Bedard has not been feeling too well, and a rest is Inecessary for her to regain her health again. We wish her a speedy rec- overy. Mrs. Peter l'apineau and Mrs. Omar llolanger and son Leo raul of Windsor, spent a few days in this neighbourhood, visiting relatives and, friends, have returned to their homes with Mr. Nelson Papineau... Mrs. Fred .Siemon of St. Joseph, after spending a week visiting per :son in Tecumseh and other relatives in Windsor returned to her home on Saturday last. Mrs. Ainiand Beneteau, accompan- ied by Mrs. ;femme Beneteau and children o±' Canard Blvd, and her daughter Charriotte of .Lasalle, spent ia week's vacation in the foarrier's summer home. Little Marie Ann Wildsor the. 15th Concession spent Partata her school holidays with her grandparentS, Mr and Mrs. Ed. Corriveau of this B.W. Highway. Mr. Nelson Bedard was a Sunday afternoon visitor with the Heal fam- ily in -their cottage at Ducharme's Grove. • See what's on his tray today! Returns From Hospital Mr. Milne Rader returned from South Huron Hospital, Exetef, and is convalescing at their cottage at the 'Grand Bend. We wish him a speedy recovery. At the Hay Mutual Fire Insurance meeting held on Saturday permanent agents were appointed to fill the vac - alley by the illness of Mr. Reuben Goets, The acting Directors, Clar- ence Parke and Wm. H. Haugh re- ceiving the ,appointments • N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Z4;1 a in Street — Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday ' BELL & LAUGHTON • BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER 1). BELL, Q.C. EXETER. PHONE 4 C. V. LAUGHTON, L.L.B. Tuesday, 2 to .6 p.m. at Zurich, At Township Clerk's Office For Appointment, Dashwood 27 r 13 J. NORMAN COWAN Bookkeeping said Income Tax Service rSeireplee' fay P. 0. Yn A • Tb.urAday, Aug* 1,5th, 1967 R AD On the table 'aeeeeeeeiiea.ea' ''.':,•••• • • :.,- : • the meal is ready! Be Your Menu Maker! YOUR BAKER not only suppnee delicious wholesome bread for your table—bread for your recipes. Out of his fragrant ovens come all man- ner of mouth-watering goodies to crown the menu of every meal t Frag- rant Coffee Cake and Cinnamon Bunt for beeakfast.. luscious fruit -filled treats for luncheon. .piping hot Par ker House Rolls for dinner. Brea#/ in variety, too, for snacks any time of day or night. So don't get wrink. les worrying about variety in meals— let your baker be your menu maker, A number of pure bred German , 2 --Nn Bakery FOR SALE ' 11'4'1 — •-• Shepherd Pups. Apply to Clarenee ' Schade, R.P. a, Zurich. 21;* PHONE 100 — ZURICH F Would you like to have more time each day to devote to your children, to recreation, to gardening, or some other summertime pursuit? Labour saving electrical appliances can give you this extra time; at the flick of a switch they -whittle down to minutes time-consuming chores. t. 4. .4r DO IT WITH NYO LY A FEIN CENTS A AY For one cent you can use an electric ironer for 53 minutes. For one cent you con use an electric floor polisher for 21/2 hours. For one cent you can use an electric vacuum cleaner for11/4 hours. Figures based on the average cost per kilowatt- hour to domestic customers in Hydro municipalities. ernes° Jot) 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 04 0 8 0 0 0 0 SHURG FEE We Offer a Complete Line of Shur -Gain Farm Proven Feeds and Concentrates for Poultry, Hogs and Cattle Try Our.. New.. 22c.. Chick.. Starter.. Medicated. Inquire About The Low.. Grain Prices in Truck Load Lots. M. DEITZ & Son Zurich Cts021EIMMEMOM=....1.T.;5=13:-.1,- 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 • a 4 4 0 4 1•0 4 4 1. 0 0 INEWSOMME0REamNferSEEMEMSSM0IMA2zitzmallakorpmszamIuggwzgawszvam 'Tee' ,e rat t -er .0,Jk1 V fi,; 0 0 20, 0 0 .gEt*-" 4MIZIMEIC 4 4 4 4 4 4, 4. 4 , -41 WE are NOT SELLING OUT — BUT W 1 L L Be here to Service what we sell! PRICES SLASHED — For•the Month of August On al new and used Power Lawn Mowem 011 Space Heaters, Electric Ranges, Refrigerators, Freezers, Washers and Dryers. 4 We do — Heating - Plumbing Tinsmithing a 4 4 Hardware Phone Zurich 63. and Spray Painting For Service that Satisfies Call - agiarzzotauaszcitomEmuzcar4emEammeetemvszsam-aufamsotzazhinneman or, atzt,,-tr 0 0 0 a 00 3 0 3 4 0 40 0 00 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 ; 3 HOW ABOUT YOUR FALL FERTILIZER NEEDS —CURTOM SEED CLEANING FEEDS FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS— Hogs 'Trucked Tuesday and Thursday on Saturday GIVE US A CALL -- WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU! Cattle a 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -, Hensall Di trict CoCl.p 1/4, 4 h : Phone Hensall 1 15. — Zurich 220 7 V ".. ' ,77.,e-i-.07nr.•.z..z?„E,• —...,0, Fto