Zurich Herald, 1957-06-13, Page 4r
Ham and Strawberry Supper
Supper 5.30 to 8.30
Admission; Adults $1.25; Children tinder 10, 50c
Daswood Band in Attendance
11111:11•11.1 111111:161101"11
• es
(Mors o Huror
To all those who assisted me in my campagn and
supported me at the Polls — I convey my sincere
In Canada there is one passenger
automobile for every 5.3 persons.
The output of cigars in :Canada
increased from 169 million. to 275
million between :1451 and 1955.
More than 90 digerent metals and
minerals are now produced by the
Canadian mining' industry.
flowers were discussed.
Herne assignments, to prepare and
serve early vegetables, bring records
up-to-date; also record books, gard-
en care, thinning and transplanting
and tidy up home surroundings. :Me
girls decided to cover their bels
with black and decorate. The sneete
ing ,eloaed with The Queen, 'Carol ser-
ved sandwiches and punch.
Mr and Mrs. Robert Favere. and
family of Chatham spent the week-
end with Mr and Mrs . Leonard
Miss Anna Messner of London,
spent the week -end with Mr 'and Mrs
Fred Messner.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wieberg of
Waterloo and Miss Kay Webber of
Kitchener spent the week -end with
Mr and Mrs Fred Wieberg,
Mr and Mrs. Louis +Smith and
Tommy and Mrs. Georgina sWitt
Buffalo, N,y., spent a few days with
Mr and :Mrs. Elgin Rader and other
The Scout's Corner
By Troop Leader Louis Willett
I will continue to Represent Camping trip in Pinery. Chap, iff,
April 28, 1957.
(Continued from last week)
Chapter V.. Camping Trip in the
e Pinery, April 28, 1957.
same When we left the old London
44, Camp we followed a trail . which
• t wound its way through the bush. Af-
a ter going a few miles we stopped
es •
anyone in Huron Constttu-
ency in the future the
as I have in the past.
Clearing Auction Sale
Of valuable Real Estate, Heueeheld
Effects, and Misc. Items, on the pre-
mises, Village of Zurich, Con, .10,
W.P. South half Lot 22. The und-
ersigned Auctioneer i instructed to
sell by public auction on
SATURDAY, JUNE 1Sth, at 1 p.in,
Real Estate consists of c7on. 10.
W. P. South Half 22, Village of
,Zurich on which is situated a well
eenstructed two storey brick dwell-
4ses!„ mos floor ;;;.:..000p*re,; of living
id:Aining':"rdoni;',"hedrotmt: kitchen
and- utility room; Second floor ha 3
bedrooms, large baszement, coal end
-wood furnace. esnele lasen and :ger&
en, also small barn and garag•e. This,
le a very desirable dwelling, very
nicely situated and in first class
state of repairs. Inspection invited
before day of sale. Terms--10%on
day of sale, balance in 30 da.ys.Sold
sulsiees to reasonable reserve bid.
Dining room table, 5 dining room
chairs, various oak centre tables, 2
leather 'rockers, 3 oak rockers, arm
their, drop leaf table; buffet; smok-
ing sta.nd; tapestry rug 9x10; New
Williams sewing machine; electric
lamps, kitchen table and chaire;
Westinghouse electric stove; Sun-
light electric washing machine; con-
goleum rug 10x12, writing degkt
:counter scales, 2 trunks, )2: cellar
tables, large assortment of bedding,
blankets, quilts, comforters, sancy
dishes, silverware, glassware, S com-
plete 'bedroom suites, toilet sets,
'chest of drawers, clothes basket, as-
sortment of carpenter and garden
tools, 8 single cords of dry hard
Gordon Rau, Harper Woods, Mich:,
Executor for the estate of the late
j. P. Rau.
Alvin Walper, Auctioneer.
Mr and Mrs Gordon Weiherg, Mr.
and Mrs. Ervin Latta and Mr and
Mrs. Garnet Weiberg and family of
Wterldo were Sunday visitors with
Mr and Mrs Fred Weiberg.
Mr and Mrs. Wendell ,Geanible and
family -of London Were 'Sunday vis-
itors with Mr and Mrs. Ervin Rader
and family.
Mr end Mrs Clarence Kimpel and
Susan of Kitchener anent the week-
end with Mrs. Mary Beckees
Mr and Mrs Wendell Gamble and
family and Mr and Mrs. Garnet Wei -
berg and family were Sunday even-
ing guests with Mr and ONIrs L. H.
Mr and Mrs Robert :Stormes of St.
Thomas spent Sunday with IVIr and
Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan.
(Last week's Items croiwded out)
Dashwood Dist. Members Meet—
The second meeting of the garden
club was held Monday evening, May
27th, at the home of Carol •Becker.
The meeting opened with the 4-11
ilerge. The president, .Catharine
Rader presided. R.U. call was my
favourite flower and why I like it,
which proved interecting. Roll call
for next meeting will be "One veget-
able in my garden which I have thin-
ned. Mrs. Ervin Rader assisted by
Mrs. Ervin Devine 'discussed fertil-
izers, thinning and transplanting
were 'explained. The ,plantmg of.the:
and.Setatiter Hess told Scout Dennis
Amacher to go look over the ridge
:and see what he'conld :see. He came
back and reported that the lake was
just over the ridge. Then the ,Scouts
walked Up and over the ridge to the
lake and found that we were only
half a mile from -Grand Bend. We
started walking back down the beach
past the old London 'Comp so the
ePost where we drat reached the lake,
and we walked !back On this sandy
road to the highway. We ,climbed
into the truck and went hack to camp
Just as we were entering on camp-
ing site,all the :Scotts startecr
Otlr.Boy Scout Song. When we
reaehedseamp the Girl Guides were
still there and the ,Scouts were hop-
ing that they wouldn't be there, he -
cause they were invited to stay for
:supper. It was four ,o'clack sten we
got back to :camp, The Scouts jump-
ed' off the truck and got Into the
Horseshoe formation around the flag
pole and were then dis.missed,
The Owl Patrol started to get sup-
per ready now because we had no
dinner. :While supper was being cook-
ed the Girl Guides looked on, Petal:-
w4hout Anything, on. Just as he was'
coming out, he :vetted a lady watch -
log him ifrom across the river, rfe
yelled at her, telling her to turn her,
head the other way; when she turn -
tad her read, Paul :came out of the
river and put on his jeans as quick
as he could, Everyone came out ,of
the water because supper was almost
When we reached tesenp the Girl
Guides were told that they couldn't,
stay for suptper,,becanse there wasn't,
enough food for them and us to-
gether, Siorne of the 'Guides were
very disappointed because they could- I.
,n't stay, so they all left. :Shortly after
:they had left Mr and Mrs Earl Thiel
drove in with one of their tracks to ,
take us home. They thought wo would
be waiting for them, but instead we
were just starting to eat supper.
After supper all the tents were taken.
down and everything !packed Into
Thiel's truck. We left the camp site
just the way we found its We left
,c:arntp at 6.20 p.m., and arrived in
Zurich. at 7 pen,—THE END.
(Continued next week)
o.es, ,neas, and sausage were being!
cooked for Runner.
During that 'brie four of the
Scouts went swimming in the river to
pass one of their Scout Tests, They
were Scout Bob Johnston, Scout Den-
nis Arnacher, Scout Paul Weido and
Scout Paul Yanghlut. Bob and Den-
nis ,swarn acro the river and back
again, but Paul Weido didn't because
he was cold.
'The best part of all was with
Scout Paul Yungblut, he was wear-
ing his pyjama shorts (bottoms) end
when he dived into the river they
slipped off on him and were lost in
the river, so he had to come out
g in ie i i oseose i .
any of the elder :baseball uniforms
please return same to Thos. Raw-
,lings, Zurich,
Store or Office Snare for Rent.
Apply to Reg. G. Black, Manager
Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire
Insurance Company, Teoricis tfn
Good hardwood Slabs $3.00 per
cord — Fred. C. Kalrbfleisch & Son
Ltd. tfc
Thursday, June 13th, 1957
&ABE orvtAlt.10'
is out
mie set ma bra Psi es a I se es a• Pt ire
737 Parliament Wags. TarOralbit,
Send r Er;. iiterature to
Post office
11.1.111 flIf101flIfl MIMI IN
Ontario Department of Travel & reblietti
Hon. Bryan L. Cathcart, Ministee
The skin-diver is saving regularly 40,7
to buy a new boat
The man next door is saving to,
,gow...„. enlarge his summer cottage
MMM Sers.`\
ss MEW Wan
:" •
• •
s :::•.SeeSS •
' .
s, •
ofh havA a
bank account,- and
a purpose for saving
You probably have your own equally good
reasons for saving. There are thousands.
One way to be sure you will have the money
you want when you want it is to make regular
deposits in your bank account.
It takes will -power. Sometimes it means doing
without things you are tempted to buy.
But as you advance steadily toward your
chosen objective, you know the satisfying
feeling that comes with getting ahead financially.
You realize that you are creating a reserve of
ready cash that can be a gateway to future
opportunity, or serve as a bulwark in time of
need. You can always count on a bank account.
Save at a bank — millions dol
, • .
7 • , ••• ;;:.T.• • • •
A Public Hearing will be held at the following time and place
For the purpose of considering and discussing a proposal by the
Ontario Beef Producers' Association to levy a license fee at the rate
of 10 cents per head on all cattle and 5 cents per head on calves for
each head slaughtered for the purpose of defraying the expenses of
the Association in carrying out its objects of stimulating, increasing,
and improving the marketing of Ontario cattle for slaughter through
advertising, education and research or other means.
The meeting will be chaired by an officer of the Ontario Farm
G. F. Perkin, Chairman.
Products Marketing Board. A representative of the Ontario Beef
Psoducers' Association will be presentto outline the plan.
Before the Farm Products Marketing Board may approve the
proposed plan by order, it must be satisfied that 60 per cent of the
producers are in favor of the proposal.
All cattle producers are urged to attend and express their -views
on the proposed plan.
P. K. B. Stewart, Sectetaty:
, ,.,4i=irviztrtstrz=a,:mt.000rzonrrmItt0010.er0A00.7., samtrztaltrry$7-3
• • „ ,
n. • • 4 •
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